New words list March 2014

List of new word entries

In addition to revised versions of Second Edition entries, these ranges contain the following new entries:

New words
New sub-entries
New senses

New words

  • beatboxer, n.
  • bestie, n.
  • Blu-Tack, n.
  • Blu-Tack, v.
  • bookaholic, n.
  • book-building, n.
  • bookend, v.
  • bookwoman, n.
  • chugger, n.2
  • chugging, n.2
  • Coney dog, n.2
  • Coney Island, n.
  • coney, n.3
  • crap shoot, n.
  • cunnilingue, n.
  • cunted, adj.
  • cunting, adj.
  • cuntish, adj.
  • cunty, adj.
  • de Moivre, n.
  • death spiral, n.
  • Dem, n.1 and adj.
  • demo, n.3
  • demo, n.4
  • demo, v.
  • demobilized, adj. and n.
  • demodulated, adj.
  • demodulating, adj.
  • Demogorgonian, adj.
  • demonizing, n.
  • demonstre, v.
  • demosponge, n.
  • Demosthenical, adj.
  • demotivated, adj.
  • dichloromethane, n.
  • dichoreus, n.
  • dichotic, adj.
  • didact, n.
  • diotic, adj.
  • D-lock, n.
  • do-over, n.
  • down-ballot, adj.
  • E ticket, n.1
  • emics, n.
  • empath, n.
  • Empedoclean, adj.
  • empodium, n.
  • empowered, adj.
  • empowering, n.
  • empyemic, adj.
  • epistlar, adj.
  • epistropheus, n.
  • epistylium, n.
  • ere-done, adj.
  • ese, n.
  • etherizing, n.
  • Ethical Society, n.
  • Ethiopical, adj.
  • ethnobiology, n.
  • ethnobotanic, adj.
  • ethnohistoric, adj.
  • ethnomathematics, n.
  • ethnomedical, adj.
  • ethnomycology, n.
  • ethnonationalism, n.
  • ethnonationalist, adj. and n.
  • ethnopharmacologic, adj.
  • ethnopharmacological, adj.
  • ethnopoetics, n.
  • ethnopolitical, adj.
  • ethno-religious, adj.
  • ethnos, n.
  • ethnozoology, n.
  • ethoxide, n.
  • ethoxylate, n.
  • ethoxylated, adj.
  • ethoxylation, n.
  • etics, n.
  • Etnean, adj.
  • exfoliator, n.
  • hegemonial, adj.
  • hegemonicon, n.
  • hegemonism, n.
  • hegemonistic, adj.
  • hegemonize, v.
  • Herod, n.
  • herogram, n.
  • heroine-worship, v.
  • heronite, n.
  • hero-worshipping, adj.
  • hero-worshipping, n.
  • Hon’ble, adj.
  • hondle, v.
  • honest-like, adj. and adv.
  • honey bush, n.
  • honey trap, n.
  • Hong Kongese, n. and adj.
  • Hongkonger, n.
  • honing, n.2
  • honk, n.2
  • honk, v.2
  • Honkers, n.
  • honking, adj.2
  • honky-tonker, n.
  • honour code | honor code, n.
  • honouree | honoree, n.
  • Hons., n.
  • imperial purple, n. and adj.
  • imperialine, n.
  • impervium, n.
  • Miaphysite, adj. and n.
  • mitsuba, n.
  • monotic, adj.
  • Naqada, adj. and n.
  • Old Etonian, n. and adj.
  • over-under, n. and adj.
  • quadrupla, n. and adj.
  • Right Hon., adj. and n.
  • Rt. Hon., adj.
  • science fantasy, n.
  • sciency, adj.
  • scientific socialism, n.
  • scientific socialist, n. and adj.
  • scientifical method, n.
  • scientificality, n.
  • scientificness, n.
  • Scientological, adj.
  • scientometrics, n.
  • scillin, n.
  • scintilla juris, n.
  • scintiscan, v.
  • Sciotic, adj.
  • scissored, adj.
  • scissoring, adj.
  • scissor-kick, v.
  • sciurid, n. and adj.
  • semaphore signal, n.
  • shvitz, n.
  • shvitz, v.
  • sword and sorcery, n.
  • synesis, n.
  • syntactico-, comb._form
  • syntagmatics, n.
  • toilet-paper, v.
  • TP, n.
  • TP, v.
  • tropacocaine, n.
  • Tropicalia, n.
  • tropicalismo, n.
  • tropically, adv.2
  • tropilla, n.
  • vato, n.
  • wackadoo, adj. and n.
  • wackadoodle, n. and adj.

New subentries

  • aperture stop
  • assisted living
  • bathroom break
  • bee orchid
  • birth control pill
  • birth pill
  • boiled sweet
  • book bag
  • book clasp
  • book cloth
  • book collection
  • book contract
  • book corner
  • book critic
  • book designer
  • book editor
  • book fest
  • book festival
  • book group
  • book launch
  • Book of Hours
  • book of rules
  • book pocket
  • book publisher
  • book publishing
  • book reader
  • book report
  • book smarts
  • book squaring
  • book thief
  • book value
  • book voucher
  • book-build
  • booked out
  • booked up
  • booking agency
  • booking agent
  • booking fee
  • booking form
  • booking hall
  • book-loving
  • book-smart
  • book-to-bill ratio
  • brake light
  • butterfly cake
  • Cape honeysuckle
  • centre chief
  • centre chief point
  • cinder toffee
  • Columbian mammoth
  • Columbian mammoth white
  • constructive empiricism
  • constructive empiricist
  • cunt lapper
  • cunt-bitten
  • cunt-sucker
  • dead white European male
  • dead white European man
  • dead white male
  • dead white man
  • death angle
  • death assemblage
  • death benefit
  • death cell
  • death certificate
  • death cloth
  • death drive
  • death glare
  • death grip
  • death instinct
  • death notice
  • death penny
  • death stare
  • death sweat
  • death tax
  • death toll
  • death-bringer
  • death-feigning
  • death-fetch
  • death-giver
  • declarative memory
  • deep discount
  • democracy deficit
  • Democracy Wall
  • Democracy Wall Movement
  • democratic deficit
  • demographic transition
  • demon possession
  • demonic possession
  • demonstration disc
  • demonstration model
  • demonstrative adjective
  • demonstrative adverb
  • demonstrative determiner
  • demoware
  • dichoptically
  • dichroic fog
  • DIYer
  • DWF
  • DWM
  • DWM
  • emperor angelfish
  • emperor bream
  • emperor butterfly
  • emperor dragonfly
  • emperor of Japan
  • emperor tamarin
  • emperor-god
  • emphaticness
  • emphysemic
  • empire biscuit
  • Empire Games
  • Empire Marketing Board
  • Empire of the Rising Sun
  • empire of the sun
  • empirical philosopher
  • emplaced
  • employment counsellor
  • employment equity
  • employment figure
  • employment law
  • employment lawyer
  • employment legislation
  • employment office
  • employment protection
  • employment rate
  • employment rights
  • employment statistics
  • employment tribunal
  • employment visa
  • employment-related
  • empowerer
  • empty chair
  • empty net
  • empty promise
  • empty-eyed
  • empty-headedness
  • empty-netter
  • entrance pupil
  • episodic memory
  • epistomal
  • ethene oxide
  • ether drift
  • ether extract
  • etherified
  • etherifying
  • ethical dilemma
  • ethnobotanically
  • ethnocentrically
  • ethnomycological
  • ethnomycologist
  • ethyl fluid
  • ethyl nitrate
  • ethylene dibromide
  • ethylene dichloride
  • ethylic alcohol
  • ethylic ether
  • Eton fives
  • etymological dictionary
  • exotic fruit
  • explicit memory
  • file sharer
  • file sharing
  • formal language
  • guest of honour
  • HBCU
  • hero myth
  • hero’s welcome
  • Heroes’ Day
  • heroic fantasy
  • hondling
  • Honduras rubber
  • Honduras rubber tree
  • honey barge
  • honey bunny
  • honey crop
  • honey eucalypt
  • honey gum
  • honey jar
  • honey mustard
  • honey myrtle
  • honey parrot
  • honey pie
  • honey sac
  • honey sugar
  • honey tree
  • honey-blonde
  • honeycomb quartz
  • honeycomb rock
  • honeycomb-like
  • honey-covered
  • honeyfuggling
  • honey-glazed
  • honey-golden
  • honeymoon cystitis
  • honey-roast
  • honey-roasted
  • honey-scented
  • honey-skinned
  • honey-sweetened
  • honey-voiced
  • Hong Kong Chinese
  • honked off
  • honorary contract
  • honorary white
  • honour bound
  • honour guard
  • honour society
  • honourable ordinary
  • Honoured Society
  • honours system
  • honour-seeking
  • Hons. degree
  • imperial Amazon parrot
  • imperial blue
  • imperial eagle
  • imperial parrot
  • imperial roll
  • Imperial Tokay
  • Imperial Tokay wine
  • Imperial Wizard
  • implicit memory
  • left-click
  • lexical semantics
  • liminally
  • limit bag
  • limit case
  • limit order
  • limitation of liability
  • limited audit
  • limited-access
  • limited-stop
  • not to know what to do with oneself
  • one can do without
  • one cannot be doing with
  • one could do with
  • science experiment
  • science fair
  • science journal
  • science lab
  • science laboratory
  • science museum
  • science park
  • science professor
  • science-fictiony
  • science-led
  • science-oriented
  • science-related
  • scientific calculator
  • scientific creationism
  • scientific creationist
  • scientific journal
  • scientific Latin
  • scientific name
  • scientific racism
  • scientometric
  • scientometrical
  • sci-fier
  • scimitar oryx
  • scimitar-bill
  • scimitar-billed babbler
  • scimitar-horned oryx
  • scintillation cocktail
  • scirrhous cord
  • scissor-tailed flycatcher
  • semantic bleaching
  • semantic borrowing
  • semantic consequence
  • semantic field
  • semantic loan
  • semantic memory
  • semantic net
  • semantic network
  • semantic primitive
  • semantic web
  • speed limiter
  • sponge candy
  • syntactic consequence
  • syntactic-grammatical
  • syntactic-morphologic
  • syntactic-morphological
  • syntactic-phonologic
  • syntactic-phonological
  • syntactic-pragmatic
  • syntax error
  • TBH
  • to book in
  • to book out
  • to book up
  • to do off
  • to do over
  • to do with —
  • to do without —
  • to honk off
  • toilet accessory
  • toilet attendant
  • toilet bag
  • toilet chair
  • toilet cleaner
  • toilet cubicle
  • toilet facility
  • toilet furniture
  • toilet joke
  • toilet mirror
  • toilet mouth
  • toilet-papering
  • TPing
  • transcendental ego
  • transcendental self
  • trophic chain
  • trophic pyramid
  • tropical cyclone
  • tropical depression
  • tropical forest
  • tropical fruit
  • tropical island
  • tropical medicine
  • tropical rain
  • tropical rainforest
  • tropical storm
  • wild columbine
  • wood avens

New senses

  • breach, n.
  • button, n.
  • draw, v.
  • element, n.
  • emic, adj.
  • ferret, n.1
  • filter, n.
  • filter, v.
  • search, v.
  • shot-gun | shotgun, n.
  • sweet, adj. and adv.
  • tick-tock, n.
  • tone, v.