New words list March 2016

List of new word entries

In addition to revised versions of Second Edition entries, these ranges contain the following new entries:

New words 
New sub-entries
New senses

New word entries

  • épicerie, n.
  • ang moh, n.
  • ant bed, n.
  • Antaeus-like, adj. (and adv.)
  • Antares, n.
  • Antarian, adj.
  • ante Christum natum, adv.
  • ante Christum, adv.
  • ante, adv.
  • antechinus, n.
  • antechoir, n.
  • antedation, n.
  • antegrade, adj.
  • ante-Nicene, adj. and n.
  • antennaed, adj.
  • anthemis, n.
  • anthericum, n.
  • anthias, n.
  • anthocodia, n.
  • anthocorid, n. and adj.
  • anthocyanoside, n.
  • anthode, n.
  • anthoinite, n.
  • anthomedusa, n.
  • Anthomedusae, n.
  • anthonyite, n.
  • anthophile, n.
  • anthostele, n.
  • anthotaxis, n.
  • anthotype, n.
  • anthozoon, n.
  • anthracenide, n.
  • Anthracolithic, adj. (and n.)
  • anthracosaur, n.
  • Anthracosaurus, n.
  • anthracosilicosis, n.
  • anthracosis, n.1
  • anthraxolite, n.
  • anthro, n.
  • anthropism, n.
  • anthropochorous, adj.
  • anthropogenesis, n.
  • anthropogonic, adj.
  • anthropomorphistic, adj.
  • anthropopathetically, adv.
  • anthropopathical, adj.
  • anthropophilic, adj.
  • anthroposophic, adj.
  • anthrozoology, n.
  • anti-Mosaic, adj.
  • antlerite, n.
  • antlet, n.
  • antling, adj.
  • antode, n.
  • antojito, n.
  • antoninianus, n.
  • antonomasy, n.
  • antonymic, adj.
  • antonymous, adj.
  • antonymy, n.
  • antrin, adj.
  • Anuak, n. and adj.
  • anucleolate, adj.
  • anudatta, n.
  • Anusara, n.
  • anxiolytic, adj. and n.
  • any mo, pron., n., and adj.
  • Anyang, n.
  • Anya-Nya, n.
  • anyfink, pron. and n.
  • anyhows, adv.
  • anyroads, adv.
  • anythink, pron. and n.
  • anytime, adv., adj., and int.
  • Anytown, n.
  • anywheres, adv.
  • arm wrestle, n.
  • Armagnac, n.1
  • armangite, n.
  • armatole, n.
  • armbar, n.
  • armchaired, adj.
  • arme blanche, n.
  • armed response, n.
  • armenite, n.1
  • armenite, n.2
  • Armeria, n.
  • Armillaria, n.
  • armstand, n.
  • Armstrong, n.1
  • Armstrong, n.2
  • Armstrong, n.3
  • arm-waving, adj.
  • arm-waving, n.
  • army green, n. and adj.
  • army intelligence, n.
  • Aromani, n.
  • Aromanian, n.
  • around the clock, adv. and adj.
  • around-the-world, adj. and n.
  • askarel, n.
  • askos, n.
  • ate, n.2
  • begat, n.
  • begot, adj.
  • bruh, n.
  • bruv, n.
  • Buh, n.
  • calle, n.
  • calleting, n.
  • callicarpa, n.
  • callid, adj.1
  • call-in, n.
  • calliphorid, adj. and n.
  • Callisto, n.
  • callitrichid, n. and adj.
  • callitris, n.
  • callose, n.
  • caw, v.2
  • Celebes, n.
  • cellar spider, n.
  • char siu, n.
  • Dad and Dave, n. and adj.
  • dada, n.2
  • Daddy Warbucks, n.
  • dadi, n.
  • dad-in-law, n.
  • Dad’s Army, n. and adj.
  • dai pai dong, n.
  • daughterhead, n.
  • diff, n.2
  • diff, n.3
  • diffeomorphic, adj.
  • differentiatedness, n.
  • Diffie—Hellman, n.
  • diffusant, n.
  • disulfiram, n.
  • enjo kosai, n.
  • epicatechin, n.
  • epichoric, adj.
  • epicondylitis, n.
  • eskebach, n.
  • fatheren, adj.
  • fatherkin, n.2
  • foot festel, n.
  • footballing, n.
  • footedness, n.
  • footer, v.1
  • footery, adj.
  • footfast, n.
  • foot-long, adj. and n.
  • footprinting, n.
  • guanxi, n.
  • how’s your father, int. and n.
  • kaifong, n.
  • kilig, adj. and n.
  • leg-breaker, n.1
  • leg-breaking, adj.
  • leg-breaking, n.
  • legendarium, n.
  • legendizing, adj.
  • legendizing, n.
  • leggo, n. and adj.
  • leggy, n.
  • legicide, n.1
  • legitimatization, n.
  • legumen, n.2
  • leguminoid, adj. and n.
  • lepak, n.
  • lepak, v.
  • lepaking, n.
  • redshirting, n.1
  • sabo, n.
  • sabo, v.
  • shiok, int. and adj.
  • side dress, n.
  • side dressing, n.
  • side group, n.
  • side plane, n.1
  • side tiller, n.2
  • side, adv.2
  • sidearm, v.
  • side-dress, v.
  • sidelock, n.2
  • side-necked, adj.1
  • sidepod, n.
  • sidereous, adj.1
  • sideshowman, n.
  • sideswiping, adj.
  • side-tiller, n.1
  • sidetracking, adj.
  • sidewinding, adj.1
  • sidewipe, v.
  • sidewiping, adj.
  • siu mei, n.
  • sotong, n.
  • status ante bellum, n.
  • teh tarik, n.
  • teleserye, n.
  • videographic, adj.
  • VJing, n.
  • vlog, n.
  • vlog, v.
  • vlogger, n.
  • vlogging, n.
  • wah, int.
  • yum cha, n.

New sub-entries

  • anteally
  • ante-Columbian
  • ante-Darwinian
  • ante-Mosaic
  • antenna-like
  • anterior commissure
  • anterolaterally
  • anteromedial
  • anteromedially
  • antero-septal
  • anterosuperior
  • anteroventral
  • anteroventrally
  • anthelic
  • anthocodial
  • anthologizable
  • anthologization
  • anthologizer
  • anthrax bacillus
  • anthrax spore
  • anthropomorphized
  • anthropomorphizing
  • anthroposophically
  • antler-like
  • antsiness
  • anvil chorus
  • anvil stock
  • anxiety attack
  • anxiety disorder
  • anxiety-causing
  • anxiety-inducing
  • anxiety-provoking
  • anxiety-related
  • anxious-eyed
  • anxious-faced
  • anxious-looking
  • anxious-making
  • anxious-sounding
  • apex predator
  • apex right
  • arm brace
  • arm cuff
  • arm signal
  • arm swing
  • arm tackle
  • armchair general
  • armchair strategist
  • armed bullhead
  • armed conflict
  • armed escort
  • armed forces
  • armed militia
  • armed police
  • armed raid
  • armed robber
  • armed robbery
  • armed services
  • armed struggle
  • armed tapeworm
  • Armenian cucumber
  • arm-length
  • arm-load
  • armour penetration
  • armoured catfish
  • armoured concrete
  • armoured personnel carrier
  • armoured scale
  • armoured scale bug
  • armoured scale insect
  • armoured vehicle
  • armour-making
  • arms bazaar
  • arms bearer
  • arms deal
  • arms embargo
  • arms export
  • arms manufacturer
  • arms sale
  • arms smuggling
  • arms supplier
  • arms supply
  • arms talks
  • arms trade
  • arms treaty
  • arms-racing
  • army barracks
  • army boot
  • army checkpoint
  • army cutworm
  • army disposal
  • army disposal store
  • army fatigues
  • army jacket
  • army personnel
  • army ranger
  • army reserve
  • army reservist
  • army uniform
  • army unit
  • around-the-table
  • around-the-year
  • attractive nuisance
  • attractive-looking
  • bingo caller
  • breast man
  • bro hug
  • brother-and-sister
  • brother—sister
  • buddy boy
  • buddy list
  • buddy-buddy film
  • by (also with) force of arms
  • by force and arms
  • by force of arms
  • call handler
  • call handling
  • call history
  • call meeting
  • call option
  • call stack
  • call to arms
  • called strike
  • calling bell
  • calliper gauge
  • call-out charge
  • call-out fee
  • callusing
  • Celebes rainbow
  • Celebes sailfish
  • celebrity chef
  • celebrity culture
  • celebrity endorsement
  • celebrity gossip
  • celebrity guest
  • celebrity magazine
  • celebrity status
  • celebritydom
  • celebrityhood
  • celebrity-obsessed
  • celebrity-studded
  • chilli crab
  • Chinese helicopter
  • Christian Brothers
  • City of Brotherly Love
  • compensated dating
  • Congregation of Christian Brothers
  • dad joke
  • Dadaesque
  • daddy’s boy
  • daddy’s girl
  • dado rail
  • daughter card
  • daughter daughter
  • daughter of joy
  • daughter son
  • daughter species
  • deer of antler
  • diff lock
  • diffeomorphically
  • differential amplifier
  • differential gene expression
  • differential geometry
  • differential GPS
  • differential lock
  • differential psychology
  • differential scanning calorimeter
  • differential scanning calorimetry
  • diffraction limit
  • dumb luck
  • epic fail
  • epicanthal
  • epicanthal fold
  • epicentral distance
  • epicondylar
  • Father of the House
  • feet binding
  • foot adze
  • foot army
  • foot fetish
  • foot fetishism
  • foot fetishist
  • foot fetter
  • foot fungus
  • foot injury
  • foot massage
  • foot odour
  • foot overbridge
  • foot pain
  • foot patrol
  • foot pedal
  • foot peg
  • foot plant
  • foot power
  • foot pump
  • foot regiment
  • foot rim
  • foot rub
  • foot spa
  • foot spade
  • foot spoor
  • foot surgery
  • foot switch
  • foot traffic
  • foot-and-mouth
  • football association
  • football boot
  • football coach
  • football fan
  • football helmet
  • football jersey
  • football kit
  • football manager
  • football pad
  • football practice
  • football season
  • football shirt
  • football squad
  • football stadium
  • football strip
  • football supporter
  • football team
  • football tournament
  • football uniform
  • football-crazy
  • football-loving
  • football-mad
  • footbed
  • foot-binding
  • foot-cock
  • foot-dragger
  • footmarked
  • foot-powered
  • foot-propelled
  • foot-sure
  • footwale
  • force and arms
  • force of arms
  • frat boy
  • get in there
  • get out of it
  • get-acquainted
  • get-out clause
  • get-rich-quickishness
  • getting on for
  • getting-out clause
  • hawker centre
  • HDB
  • in side profile
  • killer litter
  • leg ache
  • leg amputation
  • leg amputee
  • leg boundary
  • leg brace
  • leg chair
  • leg cramp
  • leg curl
  • leg garment
  • leg hair
  • leg injury
  • leg knife
  • leg length
  • leg lift
  • leg meat
  • leg muscle
  • leg pain
  • leg problem
  • leg raise
  • leg snare
  • leg ulcer
  • leg vein
  • leg wax
  • leg waxing
  • leg wound
  • legal action
  • legal attaché
  • legal fee
  • legal firm
  • legal guardian
  • legal high
  • legal holiday
  • legal immigrant
  • legal immigration
  • legal incapacity
  • legal proceeding
  • legal representation
  • legal residence
  • legal resident
  • legal separation
  • legal-sized
  • legend status
  • legend-laden
  • legend-making
  • Legendre symbol
  • Legendre’s differential equation
  • legend-shrouded
  • legend-teller
  • legend-wrapped
  • legislative assembly
  • legislative council
  • legislative history
  • legislative session
  • legless lizard
  • leg-of-mutton shell
  • luckenbooth brooch
  • lucky bean
  • lucky charm
  • lucky money
  • lucky nut
  • lucky shamrock
  • of antler
  • one for luck
  • sandwich class
  • Scorpion’s heart
  • seven years’ bad luck
  • side bearing
  • side bend
  • side benefit
  • side boob
  • side file
  • side guard
  • side harrow
  • side lighting
  • side member
  • side netting
  • side order
  • side pot
  • side product
  • side profile
  • side project
  • side skidding
  • side slit
  • side swimming
  • side tube
  • side vegetable
  • side wire
  • sidearmer
  • sidebar comment
  • sidebar conference
  • sidebar conversation
  • sidebar discussion
  • side-blotched lizard
  • side-hung
  • sidelining
  • side-neck turtle
  • side-parted
  • sidereal period
  • side-row
  • side-scroller
  • side-scrolling
  • side-skid
  • side-valved
  • side-view mirror
  • sidewalk chalk
  • sidewalk chalk artist
  • sidewalk sale
  • side-wheeled
  • side-whiskered
  • siding dimension
  • sitting-out area
  • soccer club
  • soccer hooligan
  • soccer hooliganism
  • soccer player
  • soccer team
  • to ask along
  • to ask around
  • to ask away
  • to ask back
  • to be getting on for
  • to be getting on for (to, towards)
  • to be getting on to
  • to be getting on towards
  • to call for ——
  • to call for trumps
  • to call in
  • to call in sick
  • to call off
  • to call off ——
  • to call off sick
  • to call on
  • to call on ——
  • to call out
  • to call out sick
  • to call over
  • to call over the House
  • to call up
  • to call upon ——
  • to get (a person’s) back up
  • to get back
  • to get back at
  • to get back at (also now less commonly on)
  • to get back on
  • to get back to
  • to get down
  • to get down on
  • to get down to it
  • to get in
  • to get in bad
  • to get in bad (or wrong)
  • to get in first
  • to get in good
  • to get in on
  • to get in with
  • to get in wrong
  • to get into ——
  • to get it on
  • to get it over with
  • to get it together
  • to get it up
  • to get off
  • to get off by heart
  • to get off from
  • to get off of
  • to get off to sleep
  • to get off with
  • to get on
  • to get on ——
  • to get on in life
  • to get on in years
  • to get on in years or life
  • to get on one’s feet
  • to get on or get out
  • to get on to ——
  • to get on with it
  • to get one over
  • to get one over on
  • to get one’s back up
  • to get one’s own back
  • to get oneself out
  • to get out
  • to get out of ——
  • to get out of bed
  • to get out of control
  • to get out of one’s depth
  • to get out of reach
  • to get out of sight
  • to get out the vote
  • to get out what one puts in
  • to get over
  • to get over ——
  • to get over oneself
  • to get over the footlights
  • to get the best out of
  • to get the most (also best) out of
  • to get the most out of
  • to get through
  • to get through ——
  • to get through the court
  • to get through with
  • to get together
  • to get up
  • to get up again
  • to get up and go
  • to get up early
  • to get up early (in the morning)
  • to get up early in the morning
  • to get up steam
  • to get up to
  • to have got on
  • to tell (someone) where he or she gets off
  • to tell (someone) where to get off
  • tod and lambs
  • toddler-friendly
  • turn of the bilge
  • video blog
  • video calling
  • video capture
  • video card
  • video chat
  • video compression
  • video dial tone
  • video frame grabber
  • video gaming
  • video grab
  • video grab
  • video grabber
  • video installation
  • video journalism
  • video journalist
  • video jukebox
  • video link
  • video monitor
  • video playback
  • video RAM
  • video rental
  • video screen
  • video store
  • video streaming
  • video surveillance
  • video teleconference
  • video teleconferencing
  • video telephony
  • video wall
  • videocam
  • video-chat
  • wet market
  • where does —— get off doing (also to do)?
  • where does —— get off doing?
  • where does —— get off to do?
  • where does —— get off?
  • with (also by) force and arms
  • with force and arms
  • with force of arms

New senses

  • blur, n.
  • duty, n.
  • err, v.
  • shroff, n.