June 2004 update

10 June 2004 saw the publication of the range of entries olm-orature in the New Edition. In addition to revised versions of Second Edition entries, this range contains the entries listed below. We have also added a further list of new words from across the alphabet.

List of new words

  • Olmeca, n.
  • -ological, comb. form
  • -ologist, suffix
  • olona, n.
  • -olum, suffix
  • -olus, suffix
  • Olympian Games, n.
  • oma, n.
  • omakase, n.
  • Oman, a.
  • omasal, a.
  • omasus, n.
  • o-matsu, n.
  • ombrophilous, a.2
  • ombrophobic, a.
  • ombudsperson, n.
  • omega-3, a. and n.
  • omega-6, a. and n.
  • Omega Workshop, n.
  • omeprazole, n.
  • ometer, n.
  • -ometry, comb. form
  • omi, n.2
  • omiai, n.
  • omigawd, int.
  • omigod, int.
  • omigosh, int.
  • ommastrephid, a. and n.
  • omnes, n.
  • omnicide, n.
  • omnisexual, a.
  • omnisexuality, n.
  • omnivory, n.
  • omo-, comb. form
  • omohyoideus, n.
  • omomyine, a. and n.
  • OMON, n.
  • omophagean, a.
  • omophagy, n.
  • Omotic, n. and a.
  • omphacitic, a.
  • Omphalodes, n.
  • o-muraji, n.
  • -on, suffix3
  • Ona, n. and a.
  • on-again off-again, a.
  • Onam, n.
  • onanistically, adv.
  • on-base, a.
  • on-beat, a. and n.
  • on call, adv. and a.
  • oncomouse, n.
  • oncoprotein, n.
  • ondansetron, n.
  • onding, v.
  • ondinging, n.
  • ondinging, a.
  • one-dayer, n.
  • one-drop, n.
  • one-drop, a.
  • one-finger, a.
  • one-fingered, a.
  • one-gallus, a.
  • one-gallused, a.
  • Oneida Community, n.
  • O’Neillism, n.
  • O’Neillite, n. (and a.)
  • one-one, adv. and a.1
  • onesie, n. (and int.)
  • one-touch, a.
  • one-worldism, n.
  • ongaonga, n.
  • Oni, v.
  • oniomania, n.
  • onion, n.2
  • onioned, a.
  • onion weed, n.
  • onkus, a.
  • onlap, v.
  • on-licensed, a.
  • on message, adv. and a.
  • ono, n.
  • onocrotalus, n.
  • onomastically, adv.
  • onomatopoetical, a.
  • onomatopoietically, adv.
  • Onopordon, n.
  • Onopordum, n.
  • on-ramp, n.
  • onsides, adv. and a.
  • -ont, comb. form
  • ontocycle, n.
  • ontogenically, adv.
  • on-trade, n. and a.
  • on-wait, v.
  • onward, a.1
  • onwhelm, v.1
  • onychinus, n.
  • onycho-, comb. form
  • onychopathy, n.
  • -onym, comb. form
  • -onymic, comb. form
  • -onymy, comb. form
  • ooaa, n.
  • ooff, v.
  • oogoniol, n.
  • Ookpik, n.
  • oolithic, a.
  • o-omi, n.
  • oomphy, a.
  • oophoron, n.
  • Oorlam, n. and a.
  • ooyah, int.
  • oozooid, n.
  • op, n.6
  • opa, n.
  • Opabinia, n.
  • opakapaka, n.
  • opalinid, n. and a.
  • op-amp, n.
  • opanka, n.
  • opaqued, a.
  • opcode, n.
  • Opelousa, n. and a.
  • open-aired, a.
  • open and shet, n.
  • opencast, v.
  • open dating, n.
  • open daylight, n.
  • open flame, n.
  • open mike, n.
  • operate, a.
  • operatist, n.2
  • operatized, a.
  • opeway, n.
  • opgaaf, n.
  • Oph, n.
  • Ophiopogon, n.
  • ophites, n.
  • Ophiura, n.
  • ophthalmia neonatorum, n.
  • ophthalmopathy, n.
  • opi, n.
  • -opic, comb. form
  • opie, n.2
  • opilionid, n. and a.
  • opiniastre, a. and n.
  • opiniastrety, n.
  • opiniastry, n.
  • opinionatedly, adv.
  • opisthorchiasis, n.
  • opisthosoma, n.
  • opisthosomal, a.
  • oppidum, n.
  • oppositionality, n.
  • -ops, comb. form
  • op shop, n.
  • -opsia, comb. form
  • -opsis, comb. form
  • opsit, n.
  • opsitting, n.
  • opsoniferous, a.
  • opsonoid, a.
  • -opsy, comb. form
  • opt, n.
  • opted, a.
  • opticality, n.
  • optimizer, n.
  • optioned, a.
  • optioning, n.
  • optoisolated, a.
  • optoisolator, n.
  • optomechanical, a.
  • optronics, n.
  • -opy, comb. form
  • OR, v.
  • Oranda, n.
  • Orang Asli, n.
  • orange-bellied, a.
  • Orange Lodge, n.
  • Orangeman, n.2
  • orange pill, n.
  • Orangizing, n.
  • Orang Laut, n.
  • Orang Ulu, n.
  • Oranian, n. (and a.)
  • ora pro nobis, int. (and n.)
  • orature, n.

In addition to these new entries, a number of new subordinate entries were added to existing entries. These included:

  • (Under Olympia, n.)
    • Olympia pan roast
  • (Under Olympic, n. and a.1)
    • Olympic-level
    • Olympic lift
    • Olympic village
  • (Under ombudsman, n.)
    • ombudsmanry
  • (Under ominous, a.)
    • ominous-looking
  • (Under omission, n.)
    • sin of omission
  • (Under omni-, comb. form)
    • omnicipient
  • (Under omnibus, v.)
    • omnibussing
  • (Under on-, prefix)
    • on-disc
    • on-field
    • on-hook
    • on-ice
    • on-job
    • on-market
    • on-pack
    • on-peak
    • on-road
    • on-set
    • on-target earnings
    • on-the-field
  • (Under once, adv., conj., a., and n.)
    • once-for-all
    • once-in-a-lifetime
  • (Under one, a., n., and pron.)
    • one-back
    • one-click
    • one club
    • one-coat
    • one-eighty
    • one-girl
    • one-hander
    • one-hitter
    • one-hit wonder
    • one-holer
    • one-hopper
    • one-note
    • one per cent
    • one-pot
    • one-pub
    • one-teacher school
    • one-trick pony (also horse)
    • one-two-three-four
    • one-wive
  • (Under one-armed, a.)
    • one-armed paper-hanger
  • (Under one-eyed, a.)
    • one-eyed cat
    • one-eyed monster
  • (Under one-finger, a.)
    • one-finger salute
  • (Under one-fingered, a.)
    • one-fingered salute
  • (Under oneiric, a.)
    • oneirically
  • (Under ongoing, a.)
    • ongoingly
  • (Under onion, n.1)
    • onion bag
    • onion hoe
    • onion orchid
  • (Under oont, n.)
    • oont-surwar
  • (Under opal, n. and a.)
    • opaleye
  • (Under open, n.)
    • open of the head
  • (Under open, a.)
    • open-angle
    • open architecture
    • open bar
    • open cluster
    • open college
    • open communion
    • open-concept
    • open gaited
    • open jaw
    • open-label
    • open-legged
    • open-meated
    • open pollinated
    • open pollination
    • open reading frame
    • open scale
    • open sea
    • open sight
    • open source
    • open stance
    • open year
  • (Under opening, n.)
    • opening of the head
    • opening hours
  • (Under opening, a.)
    • opening gambit
    • opening line
    • opening medicine
  • (Under opera, n.1)
    • opera queen
    • opera window
  • (Under operant, a. and n.)
    • cause operant
  • (Under operation, n.)
    • operations room
  • (Under operational, a.)
    • operational area
    • operational research
  • (Under ophthalmic, a. and n.)
    • ophthalmic optician
  • (Under opinion, n.)
    • opinion column
    • opinion piece
  • (Under opium, n.)
    • opium alkaloid
  • (Under opopanax, n.)
    • opopanax-wort
  • (Under opossum, n.)
    • opossum wood
  • (Under opportune, v.)
    • opportuning
  • (Under opportunity, n.)
    • opportunity shop
  • (Under opposite, n., a., adv., and prep.)
    • opposite field
    • opposite prompt
  • (Under optic, a. and n.)
    • optic fibre
    • optic tectum
  • (Under optical, a. and n.)
    • optical amplifier
    • optical bistability
    • optical cavity
    • optical dating
    • optical drive
    • optical lattice
    • optical microscope
    • optical molasses
    • optical mouse
    • optical rotatory dispersion
    • optical switch
    • optical transistor
    • optical trap
  • (Under optically, adv.)
    • optically active
  • (Under option, n.)
    • option card
    • option paralysis
    • option year
  • (Under optive, a.)
    • tutor optive
  • (Under OR, v.)
    • ORing
  • (Under oracle, n.)
    • oracle oak
  • (Under oral, a. and n.)
    • oral erotic
    • oral eroticism
    • oral erotism
    • oral erotogenic
    • oral surgeon
    • oral surgery
  • (Under orange, n.1 and a.1)
    • orange hawkweed
    • orange milkweed
    • orange horseshoe bat
    • orange roughy
    • Orange Badge
    • Orange People
    • orange sunshine
  • (Under Orange, n.2 and a.2)
    • Orange Day
    • Orange parade
    • Orange procession
  • (Under Orangeman, n.1)
    • Orangeman’s Day
  • (Under orange peel, n.)
    • orange-peel skin
  • (Under orb, n.1)
    • orb spider
    • orb-web spider

Out-of-sequence new entries

10 June 2004 also saw the publication of the the following new entries from across the alphabet:

  • 101, a.
  • 1471, n.
  • after-party, n.
  • alt, a.1 and n.3
  • alt, a.2
  • amlah, n.
  • archaeal, a.
  • Bajau, n. and a.
  • ball and chain, n.
  • ball-by-ball, adv. and a.
  • boom-boom, int.
  • breakbeat, n.
  • chondriome, n.
  • clean sheet, n.
  • cyberpet, n.
  • datacom, n.
  • data set, n.
  • dualling, n.
  • eatertainment, n.
  • Ediacara, n.
  • Ediacaran, a. and n.
  • Ediacarian, a. and n.
  • eek, int.
  • eppie, n.
  • euro-creep, n.
  • Glasgow kiss, n.
  • grey area, n.
  • gut-wrenching, a.
  • hanger steak, n.
  • hefted, a.
  • hot hatch, n.
  • hot-key, v.
  • hot key, n.
  • Ibero-Maurusian, a. and n.
  • immobilizer, n.
  • info-dump, n.
  • jobbie, n.
  • John Lennon, n.
  • kiteboard, n.
  • kiteboard, v.
  • kiteboarder, n.
  • kiteboarding, n.
  • kitesurfer, n.
  • kitesurfing, n.
  • Lennon, n.
  • limerence, n.
  • limerent, n. and a.
  • phytoestrogen, n.
  • phytonutrient, n.
  • Pilates, n.
  • post-punk, a. and n.
  • rapid-reaction, a.
  • Ruby, n.2
  • Ruby Murray, n.
  • soap-dodger, n.
  • stolen generation, n.
  • studly, a.
  • television land, n.
  • try-hard, n. and a.
  • TV land, n.
  • URL, n.
  • Viognier, n.
  • wazz, n.
  • wazz, v.
  • wazzed, a.
  • Xenical, n.
  • yeek, int.

In addition to these new entries, the following out-of-sequence subordinate entries were added:

  • (Under A)
    • aet
  • (Under alternative, a. and n.)
    • alternative country
    • alternative music
    • alternative rock
  • (Under amber, n.1 and a.)
    • amber fluid
    • amber liquid
    • amber nectar
  • (Under Arab, n.1 and a.1)
    • Arab street
  • (Under ask, v.)
    • don’t (even) ask
  • (Under away, adv.)
    • away goal
    • away-goals rule
  • (Under B)
    • BOE
  • (Under back-)
    • back catalogue
    • back story
  • (Under ball, n.1)
    • to have (got) by the balls
    • to grab (also take) by the balls
    • that’s the way (also how) the ball bounces
    • to carry the ball
    • to run with the ball
    • ball of muscle
    • ball girl
    • ball-winner
  • (Under bat, n.1)
    • old bat
  • (Under bicycle, n.)
    • bicycle bell
    • bicycle racing
    • bicycle rider
    • bicycle tour
    • bicycle helmet
    • bicycle kick
    • bicycle lane
    • bicycle path
    • bicycle shorts
  • (Under bike, n.2)
    • bike lane
    • bike path
  • (Under bollock, n.)
    • to drop a bollock
  • (Under boo, int. (and n.1))
    • boo bird
    • boo-boy
  • (Under bowling, vbl. n.)
    • bowling bag
  • (Under break, n.1)
    • break of serve (also service)
  • (Under Chinese, a. and n.)
    • Chinese parsley
  • (Under clutch, n.1)
    • clutch bag
  • (Under cryogenic, a.)
    • cryogenically
  • (Under cycle, n.)
    • cycle helmet
    • cycle lane
    • cycle path
    • cycle shorts
  • (Under cycling, vbl. n. and ppl. a.)
    • cycling shorts
  • (Under dark, a.)
    • dark energy
  • (Under datum, n.)
    • data analysis
    • data security
    • data acquisition
    • data communication
    • data dump
    • data smog
    • data stream
    • DataSuit
    • data warehouse
    • data warehousing
  • (Under dual, a. (n.))
    • dual-band
  • (Under early, a. and n.)
    • early bloomer
  • (Under eat, v.)
    • to eat like a bird
  • (Under extension, n.)
    • extension cord
    • extension lead
  • (Under frame, n.)
    • frame drum
    • frame narrative
    • frame narrator
    • frame-tale
  • (Under gateway, n.1)
    • gateway drug
  • (Under get, v.)
    • to get it up
  • (Under give, v.)
    • to give a hundred (also hundred and ten, etc.) per cent
  • (Under go, v.)
    • what goes around, comes around
  • (Under horizontal, a. (n.))
    • horizontal jogging
    • horizontal refreshments
  • (Under Horlick, n.)
    • to make a Horlicks of
  • (Under hot, a. (n.2))
    • hot hatchback
  • (Under independent, a. and n.)
    • independent contractor
  • (Under job, n.2)
    • to do a job
  • (Under late, a.1 (n.2))
    • late bloomer
  • (Under Liverpool, n.)
    • Liverpool kiss
  • (Under pink, n.4 and a.2)
    • pink lemonade
  • (Under plasma, n.)
    • plasma display
    • plasma screen
  • (Under power, n.1)
    • power chord
  • (Under rapid, a., (adv.), and n.)
    • rapid-response
  • (Under roll, v.2)
    • to roll over
    • to roll up one’s sleeves
  • (Under S)
    • SAT
  • (Under service, n.1)
    • service break
  • (Under square, a.)
    • square ball
  • (Under standard, n. (a.))
    • standard assessment task
    • standard assessment test
  • (Under stick, n.1)
    • sticks and stones may break my bones but names will never hurt me
    • sticks and stones
  • (Under story, n.1)
    • what’s the story?
  • (Under substitution, n.)
    • substitution frame
  • (Under suicide, n.2)
    • suicide bomber
  • (Under super-, prefix)
    • superstation
  • (Under tear, n.1)
    • to tears
    • to move (a person) to tears
    • to bore (a person) to tears
  • (Under thing, n.1)
    • to have another thing coming
  • (Under tight, a. (adv.))
    • (as) tight as a drum
  • (Under totty, n. (a.1))
    • a bit of totty
  • (Under town, n.)
    • town bike
  • (Under V)
    • V-brake
  • (Under walk, v.1)
    • to walk the dog
    • walking the dog
  • (Under web, n.)
    • web crawler
  • (Under woman, n.)
    • women and children first

Finally, new meanings were added to the following entries:

  • advanced, ppl. a.
  • bike, n.2
  • bloomer, n.1
  • blue, n.
  • blue, a.
  • broadsheet, n.
  • clone, v.
  • closed, ppl. a.
  • compulsory, a. and n.
  • concealer, n.
  • corrupt, ppl. a.
  • corrupt, v.
  • corruption, n.
  • crawler, n.
  • dual, v.
  • feedback, n.
  • frame, n.
  • frame, v.
  • framing, vbl. n.
  • green, a. and n.
  • grey, a. and n.
  • land, n.1
  • receiver, n.1
  • red, a. and n.
  • releasee, n.
  • skim, v.
  • skimming, vbl. n.
  • spider, n.
  • spin, v.
  • text, v.
  • triangulate, v.
  • triangulation, n.
  • yah, adv. (int.3, n.)