
Sounds 1970–

Souter, David
        General view of the agriculture of the county of Banff 1812

South, Richard
        The butterflies of the British Isles 1906
        The moths of the British Isles 2 ser. 1907–8

South, Robert
        Sermons preached upon several occasions 1679, 1692, 1697–98, a 1716 (1715, 1737–44, 1823, 1842)

South Africa. Senate
        Debates 1911–

South African Philosophical Society
        Transactions 1877–1909

South Carolina Gazette (Charleston, S. Carolina) 1732–?1775 (title varies)

South Carolina Historical Society
        Collections 5 vols. 1857–97

South China Morning Post (Hong Kong) 1904–

South-English legendary or lives of saints, The early c 1290 (E.E.T.S. 1887)

South Kensington Museum. Handbook to the special loan collection of scientific apparatus 1876 (1877)

South Wales Echo (Cardiff) 1884–

Southall, James Powell Cocke
ed. & tr. H. L. F. von Helmholtz et al. Treatise on physiological optics 3 vols. 1924

Southall, John
        A treatise of buggs 1730 (1793)

Southampton, New York
        Records 6 vols. 1874–1915

Southerly: the magazine of the Australian English Association 1940–

Southern Evening Echo (Southampton) 1958–

Southern folklore quarterly 1937–

Southern literary messenger 1834–64

Southerne, Edmund
        A treatise concerning the right use and ordering of bees 1593

Southerne, Thomas
        Works 1721
Plays a 1746 (1774)
        The fate of Capua 1700
        The loyal brother or the Persian prince, a tragedy 1682
        The maid’s last prayer, a comedy 1693
        Oroonoko, or the royal slave, a tragedy 1696
        Sir Anthony Love, or the rambling lady, a comedy 1691

Southey, Mrs. Caroline Anne
        Poetical works a 1854 (1867)
        Chapters on churchyards (anon.) 1829
        Ellen Fitzarthur, a metrical tale (anon.) 1820

Southey, Robert
        Poetical works (1837–38, 1853)
        All for love and the pilgrim to Compostella 1829
        The book of the church 1824 (1841)
        Chronicle of the Cid, from the Spanish 1808
        Common-place book a 1843 (1849–51)
        The correspondence with Caroline Bowles a 1843 (1881)
        The curse of Kehama 1809 (1810, 1853)
        The doctor 1834–43 (1848, 1862)
        English eclogues 1799
        Essays, moral and political 1810–28 (1832)
        The expedition of Orsua and the crimes of Aguirre 1821
        History of the Peninsular war 1823–32
        Joan of Arc; an epic poem 1795 (1837)
        Juvenile and minor poems a 1800
        Letters a 1843 (1856)
        Letters from England; by don Manuel Alvarez Espriella 1807 (1814)
        Letters written during a short residence in Spain and Portugal 1796 (1799)
        Life and correspondence a 1843 (ed. C. C. Southey 1849–50)
        The life of the rev. Andrew Bell a 1843 (1844)
        The life of Nelson 1813 (1854)
        The life of Wesley 1820 (1846)
        Lives of the British admirals 1833–40
        Madoc (Madoc in Wales, Madoc in Aztlan) 1805
        Metrical tales and other poems 1805 (1853)
        Minor poems 1793–1805 (1815)
Oliver Newman, a New England tale
1829 (1845)
        Omniana or horæ otiosiores 1812
        The poet’s pilgrimage to Waterloo 1816
        Roderick, the last of the Goths 1814 (1815)
        Selections from his letters a 1843 (1856)
        Sir Thomas More, or colloquies on the progress and prospects of society 1829 (1831)
        A tale of Paraguay 1825
        Thalaba the destroyer 1801 (1853)
        Vindiciæ ecclesiæ Anglicanæ, letters to Charles Butler 1826
        A vision of judgment 1821
        Wat Tyler, a dramatic poem 1794 (1817)

Southward, John
        Dictionary of typography 1875
        Modern printing: a handbook of the principles and practice of typography and the auxiliary arts 4 vols. 1898–1900 (and several later editions used)
        Practical printing 1882 (1892)

Southwell, Robert
        The poetical works a 1595 (Turnbull 1856)
The complete poems (Grosart 1872)
Prose works (1828)
        A hundred meditations on the love of God a 1595 (1877)
        Marie Magdalens funerall teares, by S. W. 1591 (1594, 1602, 1823)
        Saint Peters complaynt 1595
S. Peters complaint and Saint Mary Magdalens funerall teares, with sundry other selected and devout poems, by R. S. (1616)
        The triumphs over death, by R. S. 1591 (1596; Archaica 1815)

Southwell minster, Visitations and memorials of v.d. (Camden Soc. 1891)

Southwestern historical quarterly 1912–

Southwood, Thomas Richard Edmund & Leston, Dennis
        Land and water bugs of the British Isles 1959

Southworth, Louis
        Felon in disguise 1966

Soviet physics: Doklady
See Academy of Sciences of the U.S.S.R.

Sowdone of Babylone, The romaunce of the c 1400 (E.E.T.S. 1881)

Sowerby, George B.
        A conchological manual 1839
        Popular British conchology 1854

Sowerby, James
        English botany; or coloured figures of British plants (text from vol. IV by Sir J. E. Smith) 1790–1814 (1832–46)

Soyer, Alexis
        The gastronomic regenerator: system of cookery 1846
        The pantropheon: or history of food and its preparation 1853

Soyinka, Wole (Akinwande Oluwole Soyinka)
        Kongi’s harvest 1967
        The lion and the jewel 1963
        The road 1965

Spaceflight 1956–

Spackman, William Mode
        An armful of warm girl 1978

Spaewife, The 1823
        See Galt, J.

Spalding, John
        The history of the troubles and memorable transactions in Scotland from 1624 to 1645 a 1670 (1792)
Memorialls of the trubles in Scotland and in England 1624–45 (Spalding Club 1850)

Spalding, Thomas A.
        Elizabethan demonology 1880

Spalding, William
        Italy and the Italian islands 1841

Spalding Club
        Publications (1841–71)
        Miscellany (1841–52)

Spallanzani’s (L.) Dissertations relative to the natural history of animals and vegetables tr. 1784
Travels in the two Sicilies tr. 1798

Spanish history, The: or a relation of the differences that happened in the court of Spain between Don John of Austria and Cardinal Nitard; with other transactions of that kingdom (Running-title—Transactions of the court of Spain) tr. 1678

Spanish rivals, The; a musical farce, by M. Lonsdale 1784 (1785)

Spanner, Edward Frank
        The naviators 1926

Spare rib 1972–

Spark, Muriel Sarah
        The bachelors 1960
        The ballad of Peckham Rye 1960
        The comforters 1957
        The Mandelbaum gate 1965
        The prime of Miss Jean Brodie 1961

Sparke, Edward
        Scintillula altaris, or a pious reflection on primitive devotion 1652 (1663)

Sparke, Michael
ed. Truth brought to light..or a discourse..of the first fourteen yeares of king James reigne 1651

Sparke, Thomas
        A brotherly perswasion to unitie and uniformitie in judgment and practise 1607

Sparkes, John J.
        Transistor switching and sequential circuits 1969

Sparks, Bruce Wilfred
        Geomorphology 1960

Sparks, Jared
ed. Correspondence of the American revolution 1853
        The library of American biography 1834–38
—(Second series) 1844–47
        Life of Gouverneur Morris, with selections from his correspondence and miscellaneous papers 1832

Sparrman’s (A.) Voyage to the Cape of Good Hope tr. G. Forster 1785 (1786)

Sparrow, Bp. Anthony
        A collection of articles, injunctions, canons etc. of the church of England v.d. (1684)
        A rationale upon the Book of common prayer 1657 (1661)

Sparrow, John
        Behmen’s (J.) Mysterium magnum tr. 1654 Several treatises of J. Behme tr. 1661
        The remainder of books written by J. Behme tr. 1662

Sparrow, John
        Le Dran’s (H. F.) Observations in surgery tr. J. S. 1758 (1771)

Sparrow, William
        Select discourses 1877

Sparry, Francis
        Cattan’s (C. de) Geomancie tr. 1591

Spartanburg Herald (Spartanburg, S. Carolina) 1890–

Speaker, The; a review of politics etc. 1890–97

Spearman, James Morton
        The British gunner 1828 (ed. 2)

Specimens of the British poets ed. T. Campbell (1819)

Specimens of lyric poetry a 1310 (Percy Soc. 1842)

Spectator, The (by J. Addison, Sir R. Steele, and others) 1711–14 (1868, 1891)

Spectator, The; a weekly review of politics etc. 1828–

Spectator, The new; with the sage opinions of John Bull 1784–86

Speculum Gy de Warewyke, an English poem c 1330 (E.E.T.S. 1898)

Spedding, James
        Reviews and discussions,..not relating to Bacon 1836–77 (1879)

——et al.
ed. Bacon’s (F.) Works 1857–74

Speech for Mr. D—ss (Dundas) of Arnistoun, A (by D. De Foe) 1711

Speeches of the five jesuits (T. White, W. Harcourt, etc.) that were executed at Tyburn, 20th June 1679, The 1679

Speed, Adolphus
        Adam out of Eden, or an abstract of divers excellent experiments touching the advancement of husbandry c 1650 (1659)

Speed, John
        The history of Great Britaine 1611 (1623, 1632)
        The theatre of the empire of Great Britaine 1611
England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland described and abridged c 1620 (1627)

Speed, Robert
        The counter scuffle by R. S. 1623 (1628)

Speedy, Thomas
        Sport in the highlands and lowlands of Scotland with rod and gun 1884

Speid, Mrs. John B.
        Our last years in India 1862

Speke, John Hanning
        Journal of the discovery of the source of the Nile 1863

Spelman, Sir Henry
        The English works a 1641 (1723)
        Archæologus. In modum glossarii ad rem antiquam posteriorem etc. 1626
Glossarium archaiologicum (1664)
        De non temerandis ecclesiis, a tracte of the rights and respect due to churches 1613 (1646)
        De sepultura (in English) 1630 (1641)
        The history and fate of sacrilege, discover’d by examples a 1641 (1698)

——et al.
        Tithes too hot to be touched. Certain treatises wherein is shewen that tithes are due a 1641 (1646)

Spelman, Sir John
        Case of our affairs 1643
        The life of Ælfred the great a 1643 (1678, 1709)
        Psalterium Davidis latino-saxonicum vetus (1640)
        A view of a printed book (of Hen. Parker’s) intituled Observations upon his Majesties late answers and expresses (anon.) 1642

Spence, Charles
        From the braes of the Carse, poems and songs a 1869 (1898)

Spence, Ferrand
        St. Euvremont’s (Marguetel de St. Denis, C.) Miscellanea tr. 1686
        Varillas’ (A.) Secret history of the House of Medicis tr. 1686

Spence, John
        Shetland folk-lore 1899

Spence, Joseph
        Anecdotes, observations and characters of books and men a 1768 (1820)
        An essay on Pope’s Odyssey 1726

Spencer, Benjamin
        See Spenser

Spencer, Douglas Arthur
        The Focal dictionary of photographic technologies 1973

Spencer, Herbert
        Ceremonial institutions (part of Principles of sociology) 1879
        The data of ethics 1879
        Education 1861 (1879)
        Essays: scientific, political and speculative 1852–73 (1858, 1863, 1874)
        First principles (a system of philosophy) 1862 (1875)
        Illustrations of universal progress 1864
        The man versus the state 1884
        Political institutions (part of Principles of sociology) 1882
        The principles of biology 1864–67
        The principles of psychology 1855 (1870–72)
        The principles of sociology 1876–82
        Social statics 1851 (1854)
        The study of sociology 1873

Spencer, John
        A discourse concerning prodigies 1663
—Second ed. To which is added a short treatise concerning vulgar prophecies 1665
        The righteous ruler, a sermon 1660

Spencer, John
ed. The English language in West Africa 1971

Spencer, Thomas
        The art of logick 1628

Spencer, (Walter) Baldwin
        Horn scientific expedition. Through Larapinta Land 1896

Spencer, William Robert
        Poems 1811

Spender, Stephen Harold
        Collected poems, 1928–1953 1955
        The edge of being 1949
        European witness: impressions of Germany in 1945 1946
        Learning laughter 1952
        The making of a poem 1955
tr. E. H. Toller’s Pastor Hall 1939
        Poems of dedication 1947
        Ruins and visions 1942
        The still centre 1939
        World within world: autobiography 1951

—— & Gili, J. L.
tr. F. García Lorca’s Poems 1939

Spenser or Spencer, Benjamin
        Vox civitatis, or London’s complaint against her children in the country 1625 (Phenix 1732)

Spenser, Edmund
        Works a 1599 (Globe)
        Amoretti 1594
        Astrophel, a pastorall elegie upon the death of..Sir Philip Sidney 1596 (in Arber, Eng. Garner I)
        Colin Clouts come home again 1591–95
        Complaints, containing sundrie small poemes of the worlds vanitie 1591
        Daphnaïda, an elegie 1591
        Epithalamion 1595
        The faerie queene 1590–96
        Fowre hymnes (in honour of love, in honour of beautie, of heavenly love, of heavenly beautie) 1596
        Muiopotmos: or the fate of the butterflie 1590
        Prosopopoia: or Mother Hubberds tale 1591
        The shepheardes calender 1579
        Three proper and wittie familiar letters, lately passed betwene two universitie men (E. Spenser and G. Harvey) 1580
Two other letters 1579 (1580)
        A view of the present state of Ireland 1596 (1633; Globe)
        Virgils gnat 1591
        The visions of Bellay 1591
        Brittains Ida See Fletcher, G. (the younger)

Sphere, The 1900–64

‘Spillane, Mickey’ (Frank Morrison Spillane)
        The big kill 1951

Spilling, James
        Giles’s trip to London (anon.) 1872
        Molly Migg’s trip to the seaside (anon.) 1873

Spingarn, J. E.
ed. Critical essays of the seventeenth century 1908–09

Spinks, John William Tranter
tr. G. Herzberg’s Atomic spectra and atomic structure 1937

Spinster, The; a defence of the woollen manufacture. Publ. J. Roberts 1719

Spirit of the metropolitan conservative press 1839 (1840)

Spirit of the nation, The; ballads and songs by the writers ofThe Nation’ (Dubl.) 1845

Spirit of popery speaking out of the mouths of phanatical protestants, The (by G. Hickes) 1680

Spirit of the public journals, The 1797–1814, 1823–25 (1798–1826)

Spirit of the times: a chronicle of the turf, agriculture, field sports, literature and the stage 1831–61

Spirituall counsayle, very necessarye for every persone to have c 1530

Spitzer, Leo
        Linguistics and literary history 1948

Splendid follies, a novel 1810

Spock, Benjamin McLane
        Decent and indecent: our personal and political behavior 1970

Spofford, Mrs. Harriet E. P.
        The amber gods, and other stories 1863
        Sir Rohan’s ghost, a romance (anon.) 1859 (1863)

Spon, Ernest
        Spon’s Encyclopædia of the industrial arts, manufactures and commercial products 1879–82
        Workshop receipts 1873
—(Second series, by R. Haldane 1883; third, fourth series by C. G. W. Lock 1884–85)

Spon’s (E. & F. N.) Household manual 1887

Spons’ Mechanics’ own book: a manual for handicraftsmen and amateurs 1885

Spooner, William C.
        Veterinary art: a practical treatise on the diseases of the horse 1845 (1851)

Sport (title varies) 1946–?57

Sporting magazine, The 1793–1870

Sports. A new book of sports, reprinted from theSaturday review’1885

Sportsman’s gazetteer and general guide, The (by C. Hallock) 1877 (also 1883)

Spottiswood, Abp. John
        The history of the church of Scotland a 1639 (1677; Spottiswoode Soc. 1847–51)

Spottiswoode, William
        Polarisation of light 1874 (1879)

Spottiswoode Society
        Publications (1844–51)

Sprat, Bp. Thomas
        A discourse to the clergy of his diocese 1695 (1696)
        The history of the Royal-society of London 1667
        Poems a 1713 (1790; Chalmers 1810)

Sprigge, Joshua
        Anglia rediviva; Englands recovery 1647 (1854)

Sprigge, Samuel S.
        The life and times of Thomas Wakley 1897

Spring, Robert Howard
        These lovers fled away 1955

Spring Rice, Margaret Lois
        Working-class wives: their health and conditions 1939

Spring and summer in Lapland, A (by H. W. Wheelwright) 1863 (1864)

Springer, Clifford Harry, Herlihy, R. E., & Beggs, R. L.
        Advanced methods and models 1965

Springfield Republican (Springfield, Massachusetts) (weekly ed.) 1824–

Sprott, Walter John Herbert
        Social psychology 1952

Sproule, John
        An essay on the growth and management of flax in Ireland 1844 (1846)

Spruce, Richard
        Notes of a botanist on the Amazon and Andes..1849–64 ed. A. R. Wallace 2 vols. 1908

Spry, William J. J.
        The cruise of Her majesty’s shipChallenger’ 1876

Spurdens, William T.
        A supplementary volume to R. Forby’s Vocabulary of East Anglia 1840 (1858)
See also Longinus, D. C.

Spurgeon, Charles Haddon
        John Ploughman’s pictures 1880
        The treasury of David; containing an original exposition of the Book of psalms 1870–86

Spurstowe, William
        The spiritual chymist 1666 (1668)
        The wels of salvation opened 1655

Squier, Ephraim G.
        Notes on Central America 1855
        Peru: incidents of travel and exploration in the land of the Incas 1877

Squire, Amos Osborne
        Sing Sing doctor 1935

Squire, Jane
        A proposal for discovering our longitude 1742

Squyr of lowe degre, The a 1400 (Ritson, Metrical romances III, 1802)

Srb, Adrian Morris & Owen, Roy D.
        General genetics 1952
—(ed. 2, by A. M. Srb et al.) 1965

Stables, W. Gordon
        The cruise of the land yachtWanderer’ 1886
        Our friend the dog 1884

Stacions of Rome, The (verse) a 1400 (E.E.T.S. 1867; prologue only, Minor poems of the Vernon MS., E.E.T.S. 1901)
c 1440 (Polit., relig. and love poems, E.E.T.S. 1903)
—(prose) c 1460–70 (E.E.T.S. 1867)

Stackhouse, Thomas
        A new history of the holy Bible 1737 (1767)

Staehlin Storcksburg’s (J. von) Account of the new Northern archipelago tr. 1774

Stafford, Anthony
        The femall glory, or the life and death of our blessed lady, the holy virgin Mary 1635 (1869)
        Staffords heavenly dogge: or the life and death of..Diogenes 1615
        Staffords Niobe: or his age of teares 1611

Stafford, Sir Thomas
        Pacata Hibernia. Ireland appeased and reduced 1633 (1821)

Stafford, William 1581
        See S., W.

Stage year book, The 1908–28; 1949–

Stagg, John
        The minstrel of the north, or Cumbrian legends 1810 (1817)
        Miscellaneous poems 1790 (1805)
—another selection 1807 (1808)

Stainer, Sir John
        Composition 1880
        The music of the Bible 1879
        The organ 1878
        A theory of harmony 1871

—— & Barrett, W. A.
        A dictionary of musical terms 1876
—new and revised ed. (1898)

Stainton, Henry T.
        British butterflies and moths 1867
        A manual of British butterflies and moths 1857–59

Stair, Sir James Dalrymple, 1st Viscount
        The institutions of the law of Scotland 1681 (also 1693)

Stalker, John
        See Parker, George

Stallybrass, James S.
        Grimm’s (J. L. C.) Teutonic mythology tr. 1880–88

Stamp, Laurence Dudley
        Britain’s structure and scenery 1946
—(ed. 5) 1960
ed. A glossary of geographical terms 1961
        An introduction to stratigraphy: British Isles 1923

Stamp collector’s magazine, The 1863–74

Stanbridge, John
        Vocabula 1510 (1525)
        Vulgaria Stanbrigi 1510

Standard, The 1827–1916

Standard dictionary of the English language, A 1893–95 (Funk and Wagnalls)

Standard encyclopaedia of southern Africa 12 vols. 1970–6

Standard natural history, The
See Kingsley, J. S.

Standard of equalitie in subsidiary taxes and payments, The; or a just and strong preserver of publique liberty 1647 (Harl. Misc.)

Standon (——)
        A poem on the death of..J. Weekes 1699

Standish, Frank Hall
        The maid of Jaen 1830 (Poems 1838)

Stanford, Charles
        Symbols of Christ 1865 (1878)

Stanford, Charles Villiers & Forsyth, Cecil
        A history of music 1916

Stanford or Staunford, Sir William
        An exposicion of the kinges prerogative, collected out of the great abridgement of Justice Fitzherbert a 1558 (1568)
        Les plees del coron 1557 (1567)

Stanford dictionary of anglicised words and phrases, The ed. C. A. M. Fennell 1892

Stanhope, George
        The christian’s pattern, or a treatise of the imitation of Jesus Christ 1696 (1698)
        A paraphrase and comment upon the epistles and gospels 1705–09
        Pious breathings, being the meditations of St. Augustine made English 1701 (1704)

Stanhope, Lady Hester L.
        Memoirs, as related by herself in conversations with her physician a 1839 (1845)

Stanhope, Philip Dormer, 4th Earl of Chesterfield
        See Chesterfield

Stanhope, Philip H. Stanhope, 5th Earl History of England, comprising the reign of Queen Anne until the peace of Utrecht 1701–13 1870

Stanley, Arthur Penrhyn
        Historical memorials of Westminster abbey 1867 (1868)
        Lectures on the history of the Eastern church 1861 (1869)
        Lectures on the history of the Jewish church 1863–65 (1877)
        The life and correspondence of Dr. Arnold 1844 (1858)
        Sinai and Palestine in connection with their history 1856 (1858)

Stanley, Henry Morton
        The Congo and the founding of its free state 1885
        In darkest Africa 1890
        Through the dark continent 1878

Stanley, Rupert
        Text-book on wireless telegraphy 1914
—(new ed.) 2 vols. 1919

Stanley, Thomas
        The history of philosophy 1655–61 (1687, 1701)
        The history of the Chaldaick philosophy 1662 (1701)
        Poems 1651

Stannard, Mrs. Arthur
        See ‘Winter, J. S.’

Stannaries of Cornwall, The. The case of the stannaries stated c 1650
        The laws of the stannaries of Cornwall (1808)

Stans puer ad mensam c 1430 (Babees book, E.E.T.S. 1868)
c 1460 (ibid.)

Stanton, Isabel Alice
        A dictionary for medical secretaries 1960

Stanwell-Fletcher, Theodora Morris
        Driftwood Valley 1946

Stanyhurst, Richard
        Thee first foure bookes of Virgil his Æneis translated,..wyth oother poetical diuises 1582 (1836; Arber)
        The historie of Irelande..continued 1577 (in Holinshed; also 1587)
        A treatise contayning a playne and perfect description of Irelande 1577 (in Holinshed; also 1587)

Staples, Frank Alston
        Water-color painting is fun 1948 (UK ed. 1951 with title Water-colour painting)

Stapleton, Mrs. Bryan
        Three Oxfordshire parishes 1893 (O.H.S.)

Stapleton or Stapylton, Sir Robert
        Juvenal’s sixteen satyrs tr. 1647
        The slighted maid, a comedy 1663
        Strada’s (F.) De bello belgico, the history of the Low-countrey warres tr. 1650

Stapleton, Thomas
        Beda’s History of the church of England tr. 1565
        A fortresse of the faith 1565
        A returne of untruthes vpon M. Jewelles replie 1566

Stapylton, C. B.
        Herodian his imperiall history tr. 1652

Stapylton, Sir R.
        See Stapleton

Star 1888–

Star, The (Sheffield) 1938–P

Star-chamber. Decree of the lords in the starre chambere touching printers, stationers, etc. 1584 (in J. P. Collier, Illustrations E.E. popular literature 1863)
        A decree of Starre-chamber, concerning printing 1637 (Arber, Milton’s Areopagitica)
        Reports of cases in the courts of Star chamber and High commission 1631–32 (Camden Soc. 1886)
        Select pleas of the court of Star chamber (Selden Soc. 1902–10)

Stark, Arthur Cowell & Sclater, William Lutley
        The birds of South Africa 4 vols. (I–III by Stark, IV by Sclater) 1900–6

Stark, Freya Madeline
        Baghdad sketches 1937
        Letters ed. L. Moorehead 1974–
        Letters from Syria 1942
        Riding to the Tigris 1959
        The southern gates of Arabia: a journey in the Hadhramaut 1936
        The valleys of the Assassins, and other Persian travels 1934

Stark, John
        Elements of natural history 1828

Stark, Werner
        The sociology of knowledge 1958

Starkey, George
        Natures explication and Helmont’s vindication 1657
        Pyrotechny asserted and illustrated 1658

Starkey, Thomas
        England in the reign of Henry the eighth, a dialogue between Cardinal Pole and Thomas Lupset 1538 (E.E.T.S. 1878)
        Life and letters a 1538 (ibid.)

State (Columbia, S. Carolina) 1891–

State (= statement of legal case), Leslie of Powis etc. 1805 (cited by Jamieson)

State of the Philadelphian society or the grounds of their proceedings considered, The 1697

State papers
See also Calendar

State papers (during the reign of) Henry the eighth (1830–52)

State papers relating to Friends, Extracts from 1654–69 (1910–12)

State poems. Poems on affairs of state 1697–1707

State songs. A collection of state songs, poems &c. that have been published since the Rebellion (1716)

State trials. A complete collection of state trials (1730, 1776–81)
Cobbett’s complete collection of state trials, with notes by T. B. Howell (1809–14; continued by T. J. Howell 1817–26)
new series, 1820– (1888–)

Statistical account of Scotland 1791–99
        See Sinclair, Sir John
        The new statistical account of Scotland, by the ministers of the respective parishes 1845

Statistical Society
        Journal 1839–

Staton, James T.
        Rays fro’ th’ loominary, a selection of comic Lancashire tales c 1860 (1866)

Statutes of the realm 1235–1713 (Record Commission 1810–28)
The statutes, revised ed. 1235–1878 (1870–85)
        The statutes at large from Magna carta to..1800 (ed. O. Ruffhead, D. Pickering, et al.)
        The statutes of the United Kingdom 1801–69
        The public general statutes 1870–87
        The public general acts 1888–
        The statutes (in English) made and established from..Henry III unto the fyrste yere of Henry VIII (Berthelet 1543; continued 1551–57)
        A collection of all the statutes (ed. W. Rastell 1557, 1579)
        A collection in English of the statutes now in force (1611)
        A collection of all the statutes made in the reigns of Charles I and Charles II 1625–67 (ed. T. Manby 1667)
        A collection of acts and ordinances..made in parliament 1640–56 (ed. H. Scobell 1658)
        Actis made 24 (etc.) yere Henry VIII 1532 (etc.)
        The public general acts of 1 and 2 Vict. etc. 1837–67
        A collection of public local and personal acts 1798– (1799–)
        The private acts 1702–
        The statutes of Ireland (ed. Sir R. Bolton 1621)
        A collection of all the statutes now in use in the kingdom of Ireland (1678)
        The statutes at large, passed in the parliaments held in Ireland 1310–1761 (1765)
—another ed. 1310–1800 (1786–1801)

Statutes and ordynances for the warre 1544

Staunford, Sir William
        See Stanford

Staunton, Sir George L.
        An authentic account of an the emperor of China 1797

Staunton, Howard
        The chess player’s handbook 1847

Staveley, E. F.
        British insects 1871

Staveley, Thomas
        The Romish horseleech 1674 (1769)

Staynred, Philip
        A compendium of fortification 1669 (with Sturmy’s Mariners magazine)

Stead, Christian Karlson
ed. New Zealand short stories (2nd ser.) 1966
For 1st ser. see Davin, Daniel Marcus

Stead, Christina Ellen
        The man who loved children 1940

Stearns, Marshall Winslow
        The story of jazz 1956 (UK 1957)

Stebbing, Thomas R. R.
        A history of crustacea 1893

Stedman, Edmund C.
        Poets of America 1885
        The prince’s ball 1860
        Victorian poets 1876

Stedman, John G.
        Narrative of a five years’ expedition against the revolted negroes of Surinam,..elucidating the history of that country etc. 1796 (1813)

Stedman, Thomas Lathrop
        A practical medical dictionary 1911 (and many later editions used)

Steedman, Andrew
        Wanderings and adventures in the interior of southern Africa 1835

Steel, Allan G. & Lyttelton, R. H.
        Cricket (Badminton library) 1888 (1893)

Steele, John
        Papers ed. H. M. Wagstaff 2 vols. 1924

Steele, Richard
        The husbandmans calling, shewing the excellencies,..duties etc. of the christian husbandman 1668 (1672)

Steele, Sir Richard
        Dramatic works 1723, a 1729 (1777)
        The christian hero 1701 (1711)
        The conscious lovers, a comedy 1722 (1723, 1755)
        The Englishman 1713–14
        The funeral, of grief a-la-mode, a comedy 1701 (1702, 1734)
        The guardian 1713: see Guardian
        The lover 1714
        The lying lover 1703 (1704, 1723)
        The spectator: see Spectator
        The tatler: see Tatler
        The tender husband, or the accomplish’d fools, a comedy 1703 (1723)

Steele, William E.
        A hand book of field botany 1847

Steen, Marguerite
        Phoenix rising 1952
        The tower 1959

Steer, John
        Gulielm. Fabricius Hidanus his experiments in chyrurgerie concerning combustions or burnings tr. 1643

Steffens, Joseph Lincoln
        Autobiography 2 vols. 1931

Steggall, John H.
        A real history of a Suffolk man..narrated by himself. ed. by the author of ‘Mary Catchpole’ (R. Cobbold) 1857 (1859)

Stegmann’s (J.) Brevis disquisitio: or, a brief enquiry touching a better way then is commonly made use of, to refute Papists, and reduce Protestants to certainty and unity in religion (sometimes erron. ascribed to J. Hales) tr. 1653 (in Phenix 1708)

Stegner, Wallace Earle
        Wolf Willow 1962

Stein, Gertrude
        The autobiography of Alice B. Toklas 1933

Steinbeck, John Ernst
        Cannery Row 1945
        East of Eden 1952
        The grapes of wrath 1939
        In dubious battle 1936
        The long valley 1938
        Of mice and men 1937
        The pearl 1947 (UK 1948)
        A Russian journal 1948
        Sweet Thursday 1954
        Tortilla flat 1935
        The wayward bus 1947

Steiner, George
        In Bluebeard’s castle: some notes towards the re-definition of culture 1971
        Language and silence: essays 1958–1966 1967

Step, Edward
        Bees, wasps, ants and allied insects of the British Isles 1932
        Shell life: an introduction to the British Mollusca 1901

Stephen, Sir George
        Adventures of a gentleman in search of a horse, by Caveat emptor 1835 (1841)

Stephen, Henry John
        New commentaries on the laws of England 1841–45 (1874)

Stephen, Sir James
        Essays in ecclesiastical biography 1849 (1850)
        Lectures on the history of France 1851

Stephen, Sir James Fitzjames
        Defence of the rev. Rowland Williams 1862
        Essays by a barrister (anon.) 1862

Stephen, John
        The utterances of the cxix psalm 1861

Stephen, Sir Leslie
        Alexander Pope (English men of letters) 1880
        Essays on freethinking and plainspeaking 1873
        History of English thought in the eighteenth century 1876
        Hours in a library 1874, –76, –79 (1892)
        The playground of Europe 1871 (1894)
        Studies of a biographer 1898–1902
        Swift (English men of letters) 1882

Stephens, George
        The old-northern runic monuments of Scandinavia and England 1866–68

Stephens, Henry
        The book of the farm 1844
—(another ed.) 1851 (1855)

—— & Burn, R. S.
        The book of farm-buildings 1861

Stephens, Henry Morse
        Albuquerque (Rulers of India) 1892
        A history of the French revolution 1886–91

Stephens, James Brunton
        Miscellaneous poems 1880

Stephens, James F.
        Continuation of Shaw’s (G.) General zoology 1815–26

Stephens, John
        Satyrical essays, characters and others 1615
New essayes and characters 1631

Stephens, John
        An historicall discourse briefly, setting forth the nature of procurations,..also of synodals and pentecostals 1661

Stephens, John Lloyd
        Incidents of travel in Central America etc. 1841 (1854)
        Incidents of travel in Greece, Turkey, Russia and Poland 1838

Stephens, William R. W.
        The life and letters of E. A. Freeman 1895

Stepney, George
        Poems a 1707 (Chalmers 1810)

‘Stepniak, Sergius’ (S. M. Kravchinskii)
        Underground Russia 1885

Sterling, George E. & Kruse, R. S.
        The radio manual 1928

Sterling, John
        Essays and tales a 1844 (1848)

Sterling, Thomas L.
        The evil of the day 1955

Stern, Nils Gustav
        Meaning and change of meaning, with special reference to the English language 1931

Sternberg, George M.
        Magnin’s (A.) The bacteria tr. 1881 (1883)

Sternberg, Thomas
        The dialect and folk-lore of Northamptonshire 1851

Sterne, Laurence
        Works a 1768 (1779)
        The beauties of Sterne (1782, 1809)
        Letters to his..friends, with a fragment in the manner of Rabelais etc. a 1768 (1775)
        The life and opinions of Tristram Shandy 1759–67
        A sentimental journey through France and Italy 1768 (1778)
        The sermons of Mr. Yorick c 1760 (1760–69, 1773)

Sternhold, Thomas
        Certayne psalmes..drawen into Englishe metre 1547
        Al such psalmes of David as T. Sternhold did in his lyfe time drawe into English meter 1549

——Hopkins, J., et al.
        The whole boke of psalmes (1562, 1564, 1638)

Sterry, Joseph Ashby-
        See Ashby-Sterry, J.

Sterry, Peter
        A discourse of the freedom of the will a 1672 (1675)
        Englands deliverance from the northern presbytery 1652
        The rise, race and royalty of the kingdom of God in the soul of man a 1672 (1683)

Steuart, Sir Henry
        The planter’s guide; or, a practical essay on the best method of giving immediate effect to wood, by the removal of larger trees etc. 1827 (1828)

Steuart, Sir James, afterwards Denham, Sir J. S.
        An inquiry into the principles of political economy 1767

Steuart, Walter
        Collections and observations methodiz’d, concerning the worship, discipline and government of the church of Scotland 1709

Stevens, Abel
        The history of methodism 1860–65

Stevens, George Alexander
        The adventures of a speculist, or a journey through London a 1784 (1788)
        Songs, comic and satyrical 1772

Stevens, John
        Cieza’s (Peter de) Seventeen years travel through Peru tr. 1709
ed. A new collection of voyages and travels 1711
        Quevedo’s (F. de) Comical works tr. 1707 (1709)
ed. Two additional volumes to Sir W. Dugdale’s Monasticon Anglicanum 1722–23

Stevens, Stanley Smith
ed. Handbook of experimental psychology 1951

Stevens, Wallace
        Collected poems 1954
        Letters ed. H. Stevens 1967

Stevenson, Henry
        The birds of Norfolk 1866

Stevenson, John Hall-
        Works a 1785 (1795)
        Crazy tales 1762

Stevenson, Matthew
        The twelve moneths; or a pleasant..discourse of every action..proper to each particular moneth 1661

Stevenson, Robert Louis
        Works a 1894
        Across the plains 1880–88 (1892)
        The black arrow: a tale of the two Roses 1883 (1888)
        Catriona: a sequel toKidnapped’ 1893
        Familiar studies of men and books 1874–81 (1882)
        In the south seas 1891 (1896)
        An inland voyage 1878
        Kidnapped: being memoirs of the adventures of David Balfour in 1751 1886
        The master of Ballantrae, a winter’s tale 1889
        Memories and portraits 1871–87 (1887)
        The merry men and other tales and fables 1878–85 (1887)
        The misadventures of John Nicholson 1887 (1888)
        New Arabian nights 1877–80 (1882)
        Prince Otto, a romance 1885
        St. Ives, being the adventures of a French prisoner in England a 1894 (1897, 1899)
        The Silverado squatters 1883
        Strange case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde 1886
        Travels with a donkey in the Cévennes 1879
        Treasure Island 1883
        Vailima letters 1890–94 (1895)
        Virginibus puerisque and other papers 1874–81 (1881)
        Weir of Hermiston, an unfinished romance a 1894 (1896)

—— & Osbourne, L.
        The ebb-tide: a trio and a quartette 1894

—— ——
        The wrecker 1892

—— ——
        The wrong box 1889

—— & Stevenson, Fanny Van de G.
        More New Arabian nights, The dynamiter 1885

Stevenson, Thomas
        Lighthouse illumination 1859

Stevenson, W. Grant
        Puddin’: an Edinburgh story 1894

Stevenson, William
        An hymn to the deity 1782

Stevenson, William
        General view of the agriculture of the county of Dorset 1812
of Surrey 1809

Stevenson-Hamilton, James
        Wild life in South Africa 1947

Steward, Julian Haynes
ed. Handbook of South American Indians 7 vols. 1946–59

Stewart, Alexander
        ‘Twixt Ben Nevis and Glencoe: the natural history, legends and folk-lore of the west Highlands 1885

Stewart, Balfour
        The conservation of energy 1873
        An elementary treatise on heat 1866 (1871)

—— & Tait, P. G.
        The unseen universe (anon.) 1875 (1876)

Stewart, Dugald
        Works a 1828 (1854–58)
        Dissertation exhibiting a general view of the progress of..philosophy 1816–21 (Encycl. Brit. Suppl.; 1858)
        Elements of the philosophy of the human mind 1792–1827
        Philosophical essays 1810
        The philosophy of the active and moral powers of man 1828 (1854–58)

Stewart, George
        Shetland fireside tales 1877 (1892)

Stewart, Ian Nicholas
        Concepts of modern mathematics 1975

Stewart, James, The trial of, for the murder of Colin Campbell of Glenure 1753

Stewart, John
        The tocsin of Britannia 1794
        The tocsin of social life 1803

Stewart, John Innes Mackintosh
        Eight modern writers 1963
        The gaudy 1974
        The guardians 1955
        The Madonna of the astrolabe 1977
        The man who won the pools 1961
        A memorial service 1976
        A use of riches 1957
        Young Pattullo 1975
See also Innes, Michael

Stewart, Mary
        Madam, will you talk? 1954
        My brother Michael 1960
        Nine coaches waiting 1958

Stewart, W. C.
        The practical angler: or the art of trout-fishing 1857

Stewart, William
        The buik of the croniclis of Scotland; or a metrical version of the history of Hector Boece tr. 1535 (Rolls series 1858)
