June 2008 update

On 12 June 2008 the alphabetical range quittal-ramvert was added to the New Edition: every word in this range has been thoroughly revised and updated. Below are listed all the new words in the range. We have also added a further list of new words from across the alphabet.

List of new words

  • Rodentia, n.
  • Rodinia, n.
  • rodizio, n.
  • Roentgen, v.
  • roentgenium, n.
  • Roentgen-ray, v.
  • Roentgen-rayed, adj.
  • Roentgen-raying, n.
  • Rogaine, n.
  • Rogerian, adj. and n.2
  • Rohingya, n. and adj.
  • rohu, n.
  • roko, n.
  • role modelling | role modeling, n.
  • role-playing, n.
  • rollerball, n.
  • rollercoastering, n.
  • Rolle’s theorem, n.
  • rolliche, n.
  • rollie, n.
  • rolling calf, n.
  • Rolodex, n.
  • romal, n.
  • Roman cementing, n.
  • roman feuilleton, n.
  • Romanianized, adj.
  • Roman Republic, n.
  • Rome beauty, n.
  • romesco, n.
  • Romneya, n.
  • rompering, n.2
  • Rondinella, n.
  • Ronga, n. and adj.
  • roofie, n.
  • rook, n.3
  • roomly, adj.1
  • roost, n.3
  • roost, v.2
  • rooster-tail, v.
  • rootsiness, n.
  • rootsy, adj.
  • ropa vieja, n.
  • rope’s length, n.
  • rorting, n.
  • rosado, n. and adj.
  • rose bengal, n.
  • Rosehill, n.
  • roseness, n.
  • rosettling, n.
  • Roshambo, n. (and int.)
  • Rosh Yeshiva, n.
  • Rosie, n.2
  • Rosie the Riveter, n.
  • rosining, n.
  • Ross River, n.
  • rosticceria, n.
  • rostrad, adv.
  • rostration, n.
  • rotaliid, adj. and n.
  • rotaliine, adj. and n.
  • rotaspreader, n.
  • rotating, n.
  • Rotatoria, n.
  • rotatorial, adj.
  • rotatorian, n. and adj.
  • rotavated, adj.
  • rotelle, n.
  • rot-goose, n.
  • Rothian, adj.
  • roti canai, n.
  • rotini, n.
  • roti prata, n.

In addition to these new entries, a number of new subordinate entries were added to existing entries. These included:

  • (Under rod, n.1)
    • rod pod
    • rod rest
    • rod white
    • rod fibre
  • (Under rogation, n.)
    • Rogationtide
  • (Under rogue, n. and adj.)
    • rogue nation
    • rogue trader
    • rogue wave
    • rogue agent
    • rogue cop
    • rogue operation
    • rogue operator
    • rogue soldier
  • (Under roke, n.1)
    • roke penny
  • (Under role, n.)
    • role behaviour
  • (Under role, v.)
    • roled
  • (Under roll, n.1)
    • roll of honour
    • Rolls House
    • roll cloud
    • roll scale
  • (Under roll, v.2)
    • to roll along
    • to roll around
    • to roll away
    • to roll back
    • to roll by
    • to roll in
    • to roll out
    • to roll over
    • to roll up
    • roll up, roll up!
    • to roll in ——
    • to roll into ——
    • to roll off ——
  • (Under rolled, adj.)
    • rolled-out
  • (Under roller, n.1)
    • roller bit
    • roller boot
    • roller cloth
    • roller coating
    • roller coating machine
    • roller drier
    • roller furling
    • roller pump
    • roller rink
    • roller shop
    • roller top
  • (Under rollercoaster, n.)
    • rollercoaster ride
  • (Under rolling, adj. and adv.)
    • rolling grass
    • spring rolling grass
    • spiny rolling grass
    • rolling maul
    • rolling start
  • (Under rolling, n.1)
    • rolling paper
    • rolling over
  • (Under rollover, n.)
    • rollover contract
  • (Under roly-poly, n., adv., and adj.)
    • roly-poly bug
  • (Under Roman, n.1 and adj.1)
    • Roman arch
    • Roman bath
    • Roman blind
    • Roman brick
    • Roman chair
    • Roman mole
    • Roman Question
    • Roman road
    • Roman shade
    • Roman Wall
  • (Under romancize, v.)
    • romancized
  • (Under romantic, adj. and n.)
    • romantic comedy
  • (Under romper, n.)
    • romper room
    • romper suit
  • (Under roof, n.)
    • roofball
    • roof ladder
    • roof prism
    • roof scraper
    • roof tax
    • roof work
    • roof area
    • roof shingle
  • (Under roofed, adj.)
    • roofed terrapin
    • roofed turtle
  • (Under roofing, n.)
    • roofing bone
    • roofing nail
    • roofing tin
  • (Under roofless, adj.)
    • roofless tenement
  • (Under room, adj. (and n.2))
    • room-heart
    • room land
  • (Under room, n.1 and int.)
    • roomset
    • room-size
    • room-sized
    • room tone
    • room heater
    • room key
  • (Under rooster, n.)
    • roosterfish
  • (Under root and branch, adv. and n.)
    • root and brancher
  • (Under root, n.1)
    • root collar
    • root crown
    • root divergence
    • root excretion
    • root-feeding
    • root-fill
    • root-filled
    • root fly
    • root ginger
    • rootkit
    • root sign
    • root tuber
    • roots music
  • (Under rope, n.1)
    • rope swing
    • rope fender
    • rope mat
    • rope factory
    • rope shop
  • (Under rose, n.1 and adj.1)
    • rose of May
    • rose berry
    • rose lift
    • rose lichen
    • rose oak
    • rose aphid
    • rose gall wasp
    • rose slug
    • rose slug sawfly
    • rose-ringed parakeet
    • rose robin
    • rose arch
  • (Under rose-breasted, adj.)
    • rose-breasted robin
  • (Under rose-coloured | rose-colored, adj.)
    • rose-coloured cockatoo
  • (Under Rosehill, n.)
    • Rosehill parakeet
  • (Under rosemary, n.)
    • rosemary pine
  • (Under Ross, n.2)
    • Ross seal
  • (Under Ross River, n.)
    • Ross River virus
  • (Under roster, v.)
    • rostering
  • (Under rostrate, adj.)
    • rostrate bone
  • (Under rosy, adj. and n.)
    • rosy barb
    • rosy boa
    • rosy feather star
    • rosy pastor
  • (Under rotary, adj. and n.)
    • rotary drill
    • rotary hoe
    • rotary kiln
    • rotary power
    • rotary quern
    • rotary switch
    • rotary tiller
    • rotary-winged
  • (Under rotational, adj.)
    • rotational latency
    • rotational quantum number
    • rotational symmetry
  • (Under rotation, n.)
    • rotation crop
    • rotation curve
    • rotation rate
  • (Under rotator, n.)
    • rotator cuff
  • (Under rotatory, adj. and n.)
    • rotatory power
    • optical rotatory power
  • (Under rotisserie, n.)
    • rotisserie oven

Out-of-sequence new entries

16 September 2010 also saw the publication of the the following new entries from across the alphabet:

  • ampelographer, n.
  • Apus, n.
  • arenosol, n.
  • boonies, n.
  • borek, n.
  • borlotti, n.
  • care package, n.
  • choy sum, n.
  • Ciliata, n.
  • dubstep, n.
  • eggcorn, n.
  • fening, n.
  • free runner, n.
  • free running, n.
  • futsal, n.
  • goal post, n.
  • goji, n.
  • Herceptin, n.
  • hikikomori, n.
  • Holyrood, n.2
  • iPod, n.
  • kawaii, adj. and n.
  • keirin, n.
  • keitai, n.
  • khimar, n.
  • machinima, n.
  • marka, n.
  • non-affective, adj.
  • ogonek, n.
  • parkour, n.
  • saprotroph, n.
  • saprotrophic, adj.
  • saprotrophy, n.
  • sheeple, n.
  • Songkran, n.
  • text box, n.
  • tool tip, n.
  • trastuzumab, n.
  • wide-roomed, adj.
  • wuxia, n.
  • Yngling, n.

In addition to these new entries, the following out-of-sequence subordinate entries were added:

  • (Under acute, adj. and n.)
    • acute mountain sickness
  • (Under alpha, n.)
    • alpha-hydroxy acid
  • (Under ataxy, n.)
    • ataxia telangiectasia
  • (Under backward, adv., adj., and n.2)
    • backward caste
    • backward class
    • other backward classes
    • backward compatibility
    • backward-compatible
    • backward difference
    • backward integration
    • backward masking
    • backward roll
  • (Under backwardly, adv.)
    • backwardly compatible
  • (Under backwards, adv. and adj.)
    • backwards compatibility
    • backwards-compatible
  • (Under B, n.)
    • BOD
    • B chromosome
    • B-mode
    • B-scan
    • B-scanning
  • (Under birthing, n.)
    • birthing pool
  • (Under cape, n.3)
    • Cape plane
  • (Under central, adj.)
    • central difference
  • (Under compound, adj.)
    • compound body
  • (Under co-ordinate, adj. and n.)
    • coordinate geometry
  • (Under crown, n.)
    • crown pea
  • (Under Darwin, n.)
    • Darwin’s finch
  • (Under D, n.)
    • DHTML
  • (Under dynamic, adj. and n.)
    • dynamic HTML
  • (Under F, n.)
    • FET
  • (Under fire, n.)
    • fire-penny
  • (Under flash, n.2)
    • flash drive
    • flash memory
  • (Under forward, adj., adv., and n.)
    • forward difference
    • forward integration
    • forward roll
  • (Under gust, n.1)
    • gust front
  • (Under heel, n.1)
    • heel flip
  • (Under scientific, adj. and n.)
    • scientific romance
  • (Under sheep, n.)
    • sheep roddin
  • (Under siege, n.)
    • siege engine
  • (Under simple, adj. and n.)
    • simple body
  • (Under slant, adv. and adj.)
    • slant distance
  • (Under toxic, adj. and n.)
    • toxic waste
  • (Under two, adj., n., and adv.)
    • two-step
  • (Under Viennese, n. and adj.)
    • Viennese Actionism
    • Viennese Actionist

Finally, new meanings were added to the following entries:

  • antlia, n.
  • assemblage, n.
  • barb, n.1
  • bulge, n.
  • consensus, n.
  • delay, n.
  • dispersive, adj.
  • dynamic, adj. and n.
  • feed, n.
  • grime, n.
  • header, n.
  • help, v.
  • Henley, n.
  • inactive, adj.
  • integration, n.
  • like, adj., adv., prep., conj., and n.2
  • slide, n.
  • static, adj. and n.
  • toxic, adj. and n.
  • well-laboured, adj.
  • wheeler, n.
  • zodiac, n. and adj.