
Tibbits, Edward T.
        Medical fashions in the nineteenth century 1884

Tickell, Richard
        The camp, a musical entertainment 1778 (1795)

Tickell, Thomas
        Poetical works a 1740 (1807)
        Poems a 1740 (1790)
        An account of the life and writings of Joseph Addison 1721 (Addison’s Works 1721; Arber, Eng. Garner VI)

‘Ticklefoot, Tom’
        Some observations upon the late tryals of Sir George Wakeman, etc. 1679

Ticknor, George
        History of Spanish literature 1849
        Life of William Hickling Prescott 1864
        Life, letters, and journals a 1871 (ed. G. S. Hillard 1876)

Tidball, John C.
        Manual of heavy artillery service prepared for the use of the army and militia of the United States 1880

Tidyman, Ernest
        Dummy 1974

Tiele’s History of religion tr. 1877
        See Carpenter, J. E.

Tiemann, Hugh Philip
        Iron and steel: a pocket encyclopedia, including allied industries and sciences 1910
—(ed. 2) 1919

Tilden, Josephine Elizabeth
        Algae and their life relations: fundamentals of phycology 1935

Tillotson, Abp. John
        Works a 1694 (1714–17, 1728)
        The Protestant religion vindicated from the charge of singularity and novelty 1680

Tillyard, Robert John
        The insects of Australia and New Zealand 1926

Tilman, Harold William
        The ascent of Nanda Devi 1937
        Nepal Himalaya 1952

Tilney, Edmund
        A brief and pleasaunt discourse of duties in mariage (running title ‘The flower of friendship’) 1568

Timber trades journal 1873–

Timberlake, Henry
        Memoirs 1765

Timbs, John
        Club life of London 1866 (1872)

Time: the weekly newsmagazine 1923– (several eds. used)

Time and tide 1920–

Time out 1968–

Times, The 1788–
—weekly edition 1877–

Times educational supplement, The 1910–

Times literary supplement, The 1902–

Times of India, The 1838–

Times review of industry, The 1947–

Times storehouse
See Milles, T.

Time’s telescope for 1814; or a complete guide to the almanack 1814

Times’ whistle 1616
        See C., R.

Times-Picayune (New Orleans) 1914–

Timme, Thomas
        Commentarie of Iohn Caluine vpon Genesis tr. 1578
        Du Chesne’s (J.; Quersitanus) Practise of chymicall and hermeticall physicke tr. 1605
        A plaine discouerie of ten English lepers 1592

Timon, a play c 1600 (Shaks. Soc. 1842)

Timperley, C. H.
        A dictionary of printers and printing 1839

Tinbergen, Nikolaas
        The herring gull’s world 1953

Tindal, Matthew
        The rights of the Christian Church asserted 1706
A defence 1709

Tindal, Nicholas
        Rapin de Thoyras’ History of England tr. 1725–31
Continued to the accession of King George II 1732–47
Continued to the present times 1757–63

Tindal, William
        The history and antiquities of the abbey and borough of Evesham 1794

Tindale, Norman Bartlett & Lindsay, Harold Arthur
        Rangatira, the high-born: a Polynesian saga 1959

Tindale, William
        Works a 1536 (1573; Parker Soc. 1848–50)
An answere vnto Sir Thomas Mores dialoge
        Erasmus’s Enchiridion tr. 1533
        An exposicion vpon the v. vi. vii. chapters of Mathew ? 1530
        The exposition of the fyrste epistle of seynt Ihon 1531 (1537)
        The exposition of the epistles of St. Ihon 1538
        The fyrst (seconde-fifth) boke of Moses called Genesis, etc. tr. 1530 (1884)
        The New Testament tr. 1526, 1534
        The obedience of a christen man 1528
        The parable of the wicked mammon 1528
        A pathway to the holy scripture (anon.) 1533
        The practyse of prelates (anon.) 1530
        The prophete Jonas with an introduccion before teachinge to vnderstonde him ? 1531
        The souper of the Lorde (anon.) 1533

—— & Frith, John
        The testament of master William Tracie esquier 1535

Tinker of Turvey, The 1630
See Cobler

Tinsley’s Magazine; conducted by Edmund Yates 1868–92

Tint quey 1796
See Twa cuckolds

Tiptoft, John, Earl of Worcester
        Iulius Cesars commentaryes tr. a 1470 (1530)
        Tulle of olde age. Tullius de amicicia (also, two orations of Publius Cornelius and Gaius Flaminius, tr. from B. Magnomontanus (= Bonaccorso)) tr. a 1470 (Caxton 1481)

Tirwhyt, William
        The letters of Monsieur de Balzac tr. 1634

Titan. A monthly magazine 1856–59

Tit-bits 1881–

Titchener, Edward B.
        Experimental psychology 1901–05
tr. W. M. Wundt’s Principles of physiological psychology 1904
See also Wundt, W.

Titford, William Jowit
        Sketches towards a Hortus Botanicus Americanus 1811

Tithes into stipends, A brief discourse of changing ministers 1654

Titus, Harold ‘Timber’ 1922

Titus, Silius
        Killing noe murder, by William Allen (i.e. Silas or Silius Titus & Edward Sexby) 1657

Tizard, William L.
        The theory and practice of brewing illustrated 1843 (1846)

Tobin, John
        The honey moon: a comedy 1805

Tod, James
        Annals and antiquities of Rajast’han, or the central and western Rajpoot states of India 1829–32

To-day 1893–1905; 1916–23

Todd, Henry J.
        A dictionary of the English language by Samuel Johnson. With numerous corrections and addition(s) by H. J. Todd 1818

Todd, James G.
        Strila; or, the palace of strife. With other poems and songs 1823

Todd, Robert B.
ed. The cyclopædia of anatomy and physiology 1835–59

—— & Bowman, William
        The physiological anatomy and physiology of man 1845–56

Todhunter, Isaac
        The elements of Euclid, with notes, an appendix, and exercises 1862
        A history of the progress of the calculus of variations during the nineteenth century 1861
        William Whewell, D.D.: an account of his writings, with selections from his..correspondence 1876

Toffler, Alvin
        Future shock 1970
—(Bantam ed.) 1971

Tofte, Robert
        Alba. The months minde of a melancholy louer 1598 (1880)
        Laura. The toyes of a traueller. Or, the feast of fancie 1597 (in Arber, Eng. Garner VIII)
        Montreux’s (N. de) Honours academie, or the famous pastorall of the faire shepheardesse Julietta tr. 1610

Toland, John
        Clito, a poem on the force of eloquence 1700
        A critical history of the Celtic religion and learning, containing an account of the Druids a 1722 (1726)
—a new ed. by R. Huddleston (1814)
        Reflections on Mr. Sacheverell’s sermon preached at St. Pauls Nov. 5, 1709 1710
        Toland’s Pantheisticon tr. 1751

Toldervy, William
        The history of two orphans 1756

Toleration not to be abused 1672
        See Fullwood, F.

Tolkien, John Ronald Reuel
        The fellowship of the ring (The lord of the rings, part 1) 1954
        The hobbit; or, There and back again 1937
        The return of the king (The lord of the rings, part 3) 1955
        The Silmarillion ed. C. Tolkien 1977
        The two towers (The lord of the rings, part 2) 1954

Toller, Sir Samuel
        A treatise on the law of tithes 1808 (1816)

Toller, T. Northcote
        See Bosworth, J.

Tolstoy, George
        The first forty years of intercourse between England and Russia, 1553–93; documents (in Russian and English) collected, copied, and edited by G. Tolstoy 1875

Tom Thumbe, his life and death 1630

Tom Thumb’s folio; or, a new penny play-thing for little giants 1768 (1786)

Tom Tyler and his wife; an excellent old play 1598 (1661)

Tombes, John
        Anthropolatria; or the sinne of glorying in men 1645
        Fermentum Pharisæorum; or the leaven of Pharisaicall wil-worship: declared in a sermon 1641 (1643)

Tomes, Sir John
        A system of dental surgery 1859
—ed. 2, revised and enlarged by C. S. Tomes 1873

Tomes, Robert
        The Americans in Japan 1857

Tomkis, Thomas
        Albumazar (anon.) 1615 (Dodsley)
        Lingua: or the combat of the tongue and the fiue senses for superiority (anon.) 1607 (Dodsley)

Tomlin, Jacob
        Missionary journals and letters 1844

Tomlins, Sir Thomas E.
        Jacob’s (G.) Law-dictionary greatly enlarged and improved 1797 (1820)

Tomlinson, Alfred Charles
        The shaft 1978

Tomlinson, Charles
        Cyclopædia of useful arts 1852–54 (1866)
        The useful arts and manufactures of Great Britain 1860

Tomlinson, John
        The level of Hatfield Chace, and parts adjacent 1882

Tomlinson, Matthew
        The Protestant’s birth-right 1746

Tomlinson, Richard
        Renodæus’ (J.) Medicinal dispensatory tr. 1657

Tomlinson, William
        An epistle to the flock, by W. T. 1674

Tomson, Laurence
        Calvin’s Sermons on the Epistles to Timothie and Titus tr. 1579

Tonson, Jacob
        Poetical miscellanies 1709

Tonstall or Tunstall, Bp. Cuthbert
        A sermon made vpon Palme sondaye 1539 (1823)

Toogood, Mrs.
        Specimens of the Yorkshire dialect 1863 (MS.)

Tooke, George
        Annæ-dicata, or, a miscelaine of some different cansonets 1652 (1654)
        The Belides, or eulogie and elegie of Lord Harrington 1647 (1659)

Tooke, John Horne
        The diversions of Purley 1786–1805 (1829, 1840)

Tooke, Thomas
        Considerations on the state of the currency 1826
        Thoughts and details on the high and low prices of the last thirty years 1823 (1824)

Tooke, William
        Castera’s Life of Catherine II tr. 1797
        Lucian tr. 1820
        Russia, or, a compleat historical account of all the nations which compose that empire 1780–83
        View of the Russian empire during the reign of Catherine II 1799

Tooker, William
        Of the fabrique of the church and churchmens liuings 1604

Topeka Daily Capital (Topeka, Kansas) 1879–

Topham, Edward
        Letters from Edinburgh (anon.) 1774–75 (1776)

Topham, George
        Rome’s tradition, the law and gospel’s destruction 1682

Topinard’s (P.) Anthropology tr. by R. T. H. Bartley 1878

Topley, William Whiteman C. & Wilson, Graham Selby
        The principles of bacteriology and immunity 2 vols. 1929

Topsell, Edward
        The historie of foure-footed beastes 1607
        The historie of serpents 1608
The history of four-footed beasts and serpents..revised..and inlarged by J. R(owland) (1658)
        Times lamentation: or an exposition on the prophet Ioel 1599

Topsfield, Massachusetts
        Town records 2 vols. 1917–20

Torkington, Sir Richard
        Ye oldest diarie of Englysshe travell: being the hitherto unpublished narrative of the pilgrimage of Sir R. Torkington to Jerusalem 1517 (1884)

Torments of hell 1658
        See Richardson, S.

Toronto Daily Star 1892–

Torquemada’s (A. de) Spanish Mandeuile of miracles (Prefatory epistles signed F. Walker, who attributes the translation to Lewes Lewkenor) 1600

‘Torr, Dominic’ (John B. S. Pedler)
        The treason line 1968

Torrance, John
        Missions of the United Free Church of Scotland. Story of our Madras missions 1902

Torrens, Henry D’Oyley
        Travels in Ladak, Tartary, and Kashmir 1862

Torrens, Henry W.
        Remarks on the scope and uses of military literature and history 1846

Torrent of Portugal c 1435 (Halliwell 1842; E.E.T.S. 1887)

Torrey, Bradford
        The foot-path way 1892

Torrey, Joseph
        Neander’s (J. A. W.) General history of the Christian religion and Church tr. 1847–55

Torriano, Giovanni
        A dictionary Italian and English, formerly compiled by John Florio, now diligently revised 1659

Torriano, N.
        An historical dissertation on a particular species of gangrenous sore throat 1753
        A tract on the formation of the foetus, and the practice of midwifry 1753
        Treatise on the nature of non-naturals 1753

Torshell, Samuel
        A designe about disposing the Bible into an harmony 1647 (Phenix 1707)
        A helpe to Christian fellowship 1644

Total rout, or a brief discovery of a pack of knaves and drabs 1653

Tottel’s miscellany (Songes and sonettes, written by the ryght honorable Lorde Henry Haward late Earle of Surrey, and other) 1557 (Arber 1870)

Totten, Benjamin J.
        Naval text-book 1841 (1862, 1864)

Tottle, Charles Ronald
        The science of engineering materials 1966

Touchstone, Timothy
        The trifler; a new periodical miscellany 1788

Tour of German Prince tr. 1832
        See Austin, Sarah

Tourgée, Albion W.
        Button’s Inn 1887
        A fools’ errand (anon.) 1879
See also ‘Churton, Henry’

Tournament. The turnament of Totenham a 1450 (ed. T. Wright 1836; in Hazlitt, Early pop. poetry III)

Tournefort, J. Pitton de
        Institutiones rei herbariæ 1700
        Tournefort’s Voyage into the Levant tr. 1718

Tourneur, Cyril
        Plays and poems a 1626 (1878)
        The atheist’s tragedie 1611
        The revengers tragædie (anon.) 1607
        Three elegies on the most lamented death of Prince Henrie by C. Tourneur, J. Webster, & T. Heywood 1613
        The transformed metamorphosis 1600

Tout, Thomas F.
        History of England from William and Mary to the present time 1890

Towers, Joseph
        Memoirs of the life and reign of Frederick the third, King of Prussia 1788

Towerson, Gabriel
        An explication of the decalogue 1676
        Of the sacrament of baptism 1687

Towler, John
        The silver sunbeam: a text-book on sun drawing and photographic printing 1864 (ed. 3)

Town and country magazine 1769–91

Towneley mysteries, The c 1460 (Surtees Soc. 1836)
The Towneley plays (E.E.T.S. 1897)

Townsend, Albert Alan
        The structure of turbulent shear flow 1956

Townsend, George F.
        English hand-book of Malta 1869

Townsend, Joseph
        A journey through Spain in 1786–87 1791

Townsend, Richard
        Chapters on the modern geometry of the point, line, and circle 1863–65

Townsend, Thomas
        Solis’s (A. de) History of the conquest of Mexico tr. 1724

Townshend, Chauncy H.
        Facts in mesmerism, with reasons for a dispassionate inquiry into it 1840

Townshend, Dorothea
        Life and letters of Mr. Endymion Porter 1897

Towster, Julian
        Political power in the U.S.S.R., 1917–47: the theory and structure of government in the Soviet state 1948

Toynbee, Arnold Joseph
        Civilization on trial 1948
        East to west: a journey round the world 1958
        An historian’s approach to religion 1956
        A study of history 10 vols. 1934–54

Tozer, Henry F.
        Researches into the highlands of Turkey 1869

Tracts for the times. By members of the University of Oxford 1833–41

Trade marks journal (Patent Office) 1876–

Trades increase, The (Epistle to the reader signed, I. R.) 1615 (in Harl. Misc.)

‘Trafford, F. G.’
        See Riddell, Mrs. J. H.

Tragedy of Hoffman
See Chettle, H.

Tragedy of King Richard the second c 1590 (1870)

Tragedy of Nero
See Nero

Trager, George Leonard & Smith, Henry Lee
        An outline of English structure 1951

Tragi-comicall history 1627
        See D., W.

Traherne, Thomas
        Christian ethicks; or divine morality a 1674 (1675)
        Poetical works a 1674 (1903)

Traheron, Bartholomew
        An exposition of a parte of S. Iohannes Gospel 1557
        The most excellent workes of chirurgerye made by J. Vigon tr. 1543 (1550, 1586)
        A warning to England to repente 1558

Traill, Catherine Parr
        The backwoods of Canada 1836

Traill, Henry Duff
ed. Social England 1893–97

Traill, Sinclair
ed. Concerning jazz 1957
ed. Play that music: a guide to playing jazz 1956

Train, Joseph
        An historical and statistical account of the Isle of man 1845
        Poetical reveries 1806
        Strains of the mountain muse 1814

Traits of American humour, by native authors (ed. T. C. Haliburton) 1852 (1866)

Trans-action: social science and the community (Washington Univ.) 1963–

Transactioner, The 1700
        See King, William

Transactions at the court of Spain 1678
See Spanish history

Transactions See under the names of particular institutions

Transatlantic review 1959–77

Translations and paraphrases of several passages of sacred scripture, collected and prepared by a committee appointed by the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland 1745 (1781, 1786, 1793)

Trapham, Thomas
        A discourse of the state of health in the island of Jamaica 1679

Trapp, John
        Annotations upon the Old and New Testament 1646–62 (1654–62, 1867–68)
Vol. I. A commentary or exposition upon the five books of Moses 1650; together with the books of Joshua, Judges, Ruth, first and second of Samuel, first and second of Kings, and first and second of Chronicles 1656 (1662)
Vol. II. Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther, Job, and Psalms 1656 (1657)
Vol. III. Proverbs of Solomon, Ecclesiastes, the Song of Songs 1650; Isaiah, Jeremiah, Lamentations, Ezekiel and Daniel 1656 (1660)
Vol. IV. Twelve minor prophets (Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Jonah, Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zachariah, Malachy) 1654
Vol. V. New Testament 1646–47 (1656)
        Mellificium theologicum, or the marrow of many good authors 1647 (1655, 1868)

Trapp, Joseph
        Abra-Mulé; or, love and empire 1704
        Popery truly stated, and briefly confuted 1726
        The Æneis of Virgil tr. 1718–20
        The works of Virgil tr. 1731

Trappe, John
        Theologia theologiæ, the true treasure 1641

Travels of certain Englishmen 1609 (1612)
        See Biddulph, W.

Travers, Ben
        Mischief 1925

Travestin (——)
        An account of the imperial proceedings against the Turks, with an exact diary of the siege of Newheusel 1685

Treadgold, Mary
        We couldn’t leave Dinah 1941

Treadwell, Bill
ed. Big book of swing 1946

Treasury of ancient and modern times
See Milles, T.

Treasury of botany
See Lindley, J.

Treasury of hidden secrets 1573
        See Partridge, John

Treatise concerning the manner of fallowing of ground (by Rich. Bradley) 1724

Treatise of humane reason 1675
        See Clifford, M.

Treatise of monarchy
See Hunton, P.

Treatise of scolding 1731

Treatise on domestic pigeons 1765

Treatise (Short) on harmony; containing the chief rules for composing in two, three, or four parts 1730

Treatyse of a galaunt
See Gallant

‘Treddlehoyle, Tom’ (Charles Rodgers)
        The Bairnsla foak’s annual (various years) 1838–83

Tredgold, Thomas
        Elementary principles of carpentry 1820
        A practical essay on the strength of cast iron 1822 (1824)
        A practical treatise on rail-roads and carriages 1825

Tregellas, John T.
        Cornish tales, in prose and verse a 1863 (1868)

Tregelles, Samuel P.
        Remarks on the prophetic visions in the Book of Daniel 1847 (1864)

Tregonning, Kennedy Gordon Phillip
        A history of modern Malaya 1964

Trelawny, Edward J.
        Adventures of a younger son 1831 (1890)

Trench, Melesina
        Remains, being selections from her journals, letters, and other papers a 1827 (ed. R. C. Trench 1862)

Trench, Abp. Richard Chenevix
        Christ the desire of all nations 1846
        Commentary on the epistles to the seven churches in Asia 1861
        English, past and present 1855
        Exposition of the sermon on the mount, drawn from the writings of St. Augustine 1844
        The fitness of Holy Scripture for unfolding the spiritual life of men. Hulsean lectures 1845 1845
        The Hulsean lectures for 1845 and 1846 1859 (ed. 4 revised)
        Notes on the miracles of Our Lord 1846 (1856, 1862)
        Notes on the parables of Our Lord 1841 (1844, 1855)
        On some deficiencies in our English dictionaries 1857
—ed. 2, revised and enlarged 1860
        On the lesson in Proverbs 1853
        On the study of words 1851 (1861)
        Poems from Eastern sources 1842 (1851)
        A select glossary of English words 1859 (1865)
        Sermons preached in Westminster Abbey 1860
        The story of Justin Martyr, and other poems 1835
        Synonyms of the New Testament 1854

Trenchard, John
        Letter from a souldier to the Commons of England (anon.) 1702
        The natural history of superstition (anon.) 1709

—— & Gordon, Thomas
        The independent Whig 1720

        The Loo sanction 1973 (UK 1974)
        The main 1976 (UK 1977)

Trevelyan, Sir George O.
        Cawnpore 1865
        The competition Wallah 1864 (1866)
        The ladies in parliament, and other pieces 1869
        The life and letters of Lord Macaulay 1876

Treves, Sir Frederick
        Highways and byways of Dorset 1906
        The other side of the lantern 1905

Trevisa, John de
        Bartholomeus (de Glanvilla) De proprietatibus rerum tr. 1398 (Tollemache MS.; Add. MS. (B.M.) 27944; MS. e Museo (Bodl.) 16; W. de Worde 1495; 1535)
Batman vppon Bartholome (1582)
        Polychronicon Ranulphi Higden tr. 1387 (Rolls series 1865–86)

‘Trevor, Edward’
        See Lytton, E. R. Bulwer-

‘Trevor, Elleston’ (Trevor Dudley-Smith)
        A place for the wicked 1968

‘Trevor, Glen’ (James Hilton)
        Murder at school 1931

‘Trevor, William’ (William Trevor Cox)
        The boarding-house 1965
        The children of Dynmouth 1976

Trevor-Roper, Hugh Redwald (Baron Dacre of Glanton)
        The last days of Hitler 1947

Trevor-Roper, Patrick Dacre
        Ophthalmology 1955

Trévoux. Dictionnaire universel français et latin, vulgairement appellé Dictionnaire de Trévoux 1704, 1721, 1732, 1752, 1771

Trewin, John Courtenay
ed. Plays of the year See under title

Trial. The proceedings and trial of the bishops in the Court of king’s Bench, A.D. 1688 1689
        The trial of Edward Coleman, for conspiring the death of the king 1678
        The trials of Rob. Green, Henry Bury, and Lawrence Hill for the murder of Sir E. Godfrey 1679
        The trials of W. Ireland, Tho. Pickering and John Grove, for conspiring to murder the king 1678
        The trial of Richard Langhorn for conspiring the death of the king 1679
        Trial of maha rajah Nundocomar, Bahader, for forgery 1776
        An exact account of the trial between Sir W. Pritchard and Tho. Papillon Esq., in an action upon the case 6 Nov., 1684 1689
        Trial of the regicides (An exact and most impartial accompt of the indictment, arraignment, trial, and judgment of twenty nine regicides, the murtherers of his late sacred majesty) 1660
        The trials of Sir G. Wakeman, W. Marshall, W. Rumley and James Corker for high treason 1679
        The trials and condemnations of Tho. White, alias Whitebread, W. Harcourt, John Fenwick, (and other) Jesuits and priests, for high treason 1679

Triall of cheualry, The historie of the (? by W. Wager) 1605 (in Bullen, Old plays III, 1884)

Triall of treasure, A new and mery enterlude, called the 1567 (Percy Soc. 1850; in Hazl., Dodsley)

See Tryamoure

Tribes on my frontier 1881
        See ‘Eha’

Tribune 1937–

Tricks of the town laid open 1747 (ed. 3)

Trifler, The 1788
        See Touchstone, Timothy

Trimen, Henry & Thiselton-Dyer, Sir William T.
        Flora of Middlesex 1869

Trimmer, Eric J., et al.
        The visual dictionary of sex 1977 (UK 1978)

Trimmer, Joseph
        Practical geology and mineralogy 1841

Trimmer, Sarah
        The two farmers, an exemplary tale 1787

Trinity College homilies (Old English homilies of the twelfth century. From the MS. in the library of Trinity College, Cambridge. Second series) c 1200 (E.E.T.S. 1873)

Trinket, The 1774

‘Tripe, Andrew’ 1714
        See Wagstaffe, William

Tripp, Miles Barton
        Faith is a windsock 1952
        Five minutes with a stranger 1971
        One is one 1968

Tristram, Henry B.
        The Great Sahara 1860
        The land of Israel 1865
        The land of Moab 1873

Tristrem, Sir
See Sir Tristrem

Tritton, Harold Percy
        Time means tucker 1959

Triumphs of fortitude, The; a novel, in a series of letters 1789

        See Schiller, F. C. S.

Troil’s (Uno von) Letters on Iceland tr. 1780

Trojan war
See (Scottish) Trojan war

Trollope, Anthony
        The American senator 3 vols. 1877 [1876–77 in Temple Bar]         Australia and New Zealand 2 vols. 1873
        An autobiography 2 vols. a 1882 (1883)
        Ayala’s angel 3 vols. 1881
        Barchester Towers 3 vols. 1857
        The Belton estate 3 vols. 1866 [1865–66 in Fortnightly review]         The Bertrams 3 vols. 1859
        Can you forgive her? 2 vols. 1864–65
        Castle Richmond 3 vols. 1860
        The Claverings 2 vols. 1867 [1866–67 in Cornhill magazine]         Doctor Thorne 3 vols. 1858
        Doctor Wortle’s school 2 vols. 1881 [1880 in Blackwood’s magazine]         The Duke’s children 3 vols. 1880 [1879–80 in All the year round]         The Eustace diamonds 1873 [1871–73 in Fortnightly review, US 1872]         Framley Parsonage 3 vols. 1861 [1860–61 in Cornhill magazine]         He knew he was right 2 vols. 1869 [1868–69 in parts]         Is he Popenjoy? 3 vols. 1878 [1877–78 in All the year round]         John Caldigate 3 vols. 1879 [1878–79 in Blackwood’s magazine]         The Kellys and the O’Kellys 3 vols. 1848
        Lady Anna 2 vols. 1873 (1874)
        The last chronicle of Barset 2 vols. 1867 [1866–67 in parts]         Letters ed. B. A. Booth 1951
        Linda Tressel 2 vols. 1868 [1867–68 in Blackwood’s magazine]         The Macdermots of Ballycloran 3 vols. 1847
        Miss Mackenzie 1865
        North America 1862
        Orley Farm 2 vols. 1862 [1861–62 in parts]         Phineas Finn, the Irish Member 2 vols. 1869 [1867–69 in St. Paul’s magazine]         Phineas Redux 2 vols. 1874 [1873–74 in Graphic]         The Prime Minister 4 vols. 1876 [1875–76 in parts]         Rachel Ray 2 vols. 1863
        The small house at Allington 2 vols. 1864 [1862–64 in Cornhill magazine]         Tales of all countries 1861
—(2nd ser.) 1863
        The three clerks 3 vols. 1858
        The Warden 1855
        The way we live now 2 vols. 1875 [1874–75 in parts]         The West Indies and the Spanish Main 1859

Trollope, Edward
        Sleaford, and the wapentakes of Flaxwell and Ashwardhurn 1872

Trollope, Frances
        Domestic manners of the Americans 1831
        Life and adventures of Michael Armstrong, the factory boy 1840
        A visit to Italy 1842
        The widow married 1840

Trollope, Frances E.
        A charming fellow 1876

Trollope, Thomas A.
        Impressions of a wanderer in Italy, Switzerland, France, and Spain 1850
        La Beata 1861
        Marietta 1862
        The story of the life of Pius the ninth 1877
        A summer in Brittany 1840
        A summer in Western France 1841
        What I remember 1887–89

Tromholt’s (S.) Under the rays of the Aurora borealis tr. 1885

Trotter, James
        General view of the agriculture of West Lothian 1794

Trotter, Mrs. M.
        See Saxon

Trotter, Philip D.
        Our mission to the court of Marocco in 1880, under Sir J. D. Hay 1881

Trotter, Robert de Bruce
        Kirkcudbrightshire. Galloway gossip eighty years ago 1901

Trotter, Thomas
        An essay on drunkenness 1804

Troublesome raigne of John king of England 1591; the second part 1591 (1611)

Troubridge, Laura
        Life amongst the Troubridges ed. J. Hope-Nicholson 1966

Troup, Gordon John Fordyce
        Masers 1959
—(ed. 2, with title Masers and lasers) 1963

Troup, Robert Scott
        Silvicultural systems 1928
        The silviculture of Indian trees 3 vols. 1921

Trowbridge, John T.
        Coupon bonds 1866 (1874)
        A home idyl, and other poems 1881

True and perfect relation of the proceedings at the seuerall arraignments of (H. Garnet, etc.) 1606

True and sincere declaration of the purpose of the plantation begun in Virginia 1610 (1844)

True Briton, The (by Philip Wharton) 1723–24

True coppie of a discourse written by a gentleman employed in the late voyage of Spaine and Portingale 1589 (Grosart 1881)

True informer, The 1643

True non-conformist
See MacWard, R.

True notion of the worship of God, A; or a vindication of the service of the Church of England 1673

True patriot, The 1775

True spirit of popery, The 1688

True tragedie of Richard Duke of Yorke 1595

True tragedie of Richard the third 1594 (Shaks. Soc. 1844)

Truman, Margaret
        Harry S. Truman 1973

Trumbull, Gurdon
        Names and portraits of birds which interest gunners 1888

Trumbull, John
        Poetical works 1820
        McFingal: a modern epic poem (anon.) 1776

Trusler, John
        Modern times; or, the adventures of Gabriel Outcast (anon.) 1785
        Poetic endings; or, a dictionary of rhymes 1783
        The principles of politeness and of knowing the world (extracted from Earl Chesterfield’s Letters to his son), with additions by J. Trusler 1775 (1790)

Truth (Melbourne)
See Melbourne Truth

Truth (Sydney) 1890–1958

Truth: a weekly journal (London) 1877–1957

Tryall of cheualry
See Triall

Tryamoure, The romance of syr c 1430 (Percy Soc. 1846)

Tryon, Thomas
        The good house-wife made a doctor 1692
        Health’s grand preservative; or the women’s best doctor 1682; ed. 2, The way to health 1691
        Miscellanea 1696
        A treatise of dreams and visions 1695
        Wisdom’s dictates 1691

Tucker, Abraham
        Freewill, foreknowledge, and fate 1763
        The light of nature pursued: vols. I–IV 1768; vols. V–VII a 1774 (1778; 1834, 1852)

Tucker, Arthur Wilson
        Wild talent 1954 (UK 1955)

Tucker, Denys William
tr. G. Sterba’s Freshwater fishes of the world 1962

Tucker, Josiah
        An apology for the present Church of England as by law established 1772
        A letter to Edmund Burke 1775
        Letters to Dr. Kippis 1773

Tucker, Thomas George
        Introduction to the natural history of language 1908

Tucker, William J.
        Life and society in Eastern Europe 1886

Tucker, Wilson
        See Tucker, Arthur Wilson

Tuckerman, Edward
        An enumeration of North American lichenes 1845
        A synopsis of the North American lichens 1882–88

Tuckerman, Henry T.
        The collector: essays on books, newspapers, pictures 1868

Tuckett, Mariana
        Mariana’s diary: a record of a holiday at Falmouth ed. H. Fox (Royal Cornwall Polytechnic Society) c 1975

Tuckey, James
        Hatschek’s (B.) Amphioxus and its development tr. 1893

Tuckney, Anthony
        The balme of Gilead 1643
        A good day well improved 1656
        or, death disarmed, a sermon preached Dec. 22, 1653. To which are added two sermons more 1654

Tuckwell, William
        The ancient ways: Winchester fifty years ago 1893

Tucson Daily Citizen (Tucson, Arizona) 1879–

Tucson magazine (Tucson, Arizona) 1975–

Tudor proclamations. Facsimiles of proclamations of Henry VII, Henry VIII, Edward VI, and Philip and Mary 14..–15.. (1897)

Tuer, Andrew W.
        History of the horn-book 1896
        Old London street cries and the cries of to-day 1885
        Quads for authors, editors, and devils 1884

—— & Fagan, Charles E.
        The first year of a silken reign 1837–38 1887

Tuke, Daniel H.
        A dictionary of psychological medicine 1892

Tuke, John
        A general view of the agriculture of the North Riding of Yorkshire 1800

Tuke, Richard
        The divine comedian; or the right use of plays improved, in a sacred tragi-comedy 1672
        Memoires of the life and death of Sir Edmondbury Godfrey 1682

Tuke, Sir Samuel
        The adventures of five hours: a tragi-comedy 1663

Tulk, Alfred
        Oken’s (L.) Elements of physiophilosophy tr. 1847

Tull, Jethro
        The new horse-houghing husbandry (anon.) 1731, 1733 (1740, 1762, 1822)

Tullie, Isaac
        A narrative of the siege of Carlisle in 1644–45 c 1645 (1840)

Tulloch, John
        English Puritanism and its leaders 1861
        Rational theology and Christian philosophy in England 1872

Tully (—)
        Narrative of a ten years’ residence at Tripoli in Africa: from the original correspondence in the possession of the family of the late Richard Tully (written by Tully’s sister-in-law) 1783–95 (1817)

Tully, Thomas
        A letter to Mr. Rich. Baxter 1675

Tunbridge-miscellany, The; consisting of poems, etc. written at Tunbridge Wells 1712

Tunbrigialia: or Tunbridge miscellanie 1719

Tundale, The visions of; together with metrical moralizations and other fragments of early poetry 14.. (Turnbull 1843; Wagner 1893)

Tunis, Edwin
        Indians 1959

Tunstall, Bp. Cuthbert
        See Tonstall

Tupper, Martin F.
        Autobiography: my life as an author 1886
        The crock of gold 1844
        Heart 1844
        Proverbial philosophy 1838–42 (1852)
        The twins 1844

Turberville, George
        The booke of faulconrie or hauking 1575
        The eglogs of Mantuan (= G. B. Spagnuoli) tr. 1567
        Epitaphes, epigrams, songs and sonets 1567
        The heroycall epistles of Pub. Ouidius Naso tr. 1567
        The noble arte of venerie or hunting (anon.) 1575
        Poems a 1610 (Chalmers 1810)
        Tragical tales, (and other poems) 1587 (1837)

Turk, D. G.
        Treatise on teaching and practising the pianoforte 1804

Turkish spy
See Marana, J. P.

Turnbull, Gavin
        Justin’s History of the world tr. 1746
        Poetical essays 1788

Turnbull, Robert
        The pulpit orators of France and Switzerland 1848

Turner, Bill
        Circle of squares 1969
        Sex trap 1968

Turner, Brandon
        A new English grammar 1840

Turner, Charles Cyril
        Aerial navigation of today: a popular account of the evolution of aeronautics 1910
        Aircraft of to-day 1917

Turner, Charles Godfrey
        The happy wanderer ed. E. M. R. Rice 1922

Turner, Daniel
        De morbis cutaneis 1714 (1731)

Turner, Dawson
        Account of a tour in Normandy 1820

Turner, Edward
        Elements of chemistry 1827 (1847)

Turner, Ernest Sackville
        Taking the cure 1967

Turner, Ethel Sybil
        The little larrikin 1896

Turner, Francis John & Verhoogen, Jean
        Igneous and metamorphic petrology 1951
—(ed. 2) 1960

Turner, George J.
ed. Select pleas of the forest 1901 (Selden Soc.)

Turner, George W.
        The English language in Australia and New Zealand 1966
ed. Good Australian English and good New Zealand English 1972

Turner, J. T. F.
        Slate quarries 1865

Turner, Sir James
        Memoirs of his own life and times 1632–70 a 1686 (Bannatyne Cl. 1829)
        Pallas armata; or military essayes of the ancient Grecian, Roman and modern art of war 1670–71 (1683)

Turner, John
        A farther vindication of the soul’s separate existence 1703

Turner, John Evan
        A theory of direct realism, and the relation of realism to idealism 1925

Turner, Richard
        An easy introduction to the arts and sciences 1783 (1821)

Turner, Robert
        The Brittish physician; or the nature and vertues of English plants 1664
        Paracelsus of the chymical transmutation tr. 1657

Turner, Samuel
        An account of an embassy to the court of the Teshoo Lama, in Tibet 1800

Turner, Sharon
        The history of the Anglo-Saxons 1799–1805 (1828)
        The modern history of England 1826–29
        The sacred history of the world 1832–37

Turner, Thomas H.
        Some account of domestic architecture in England 1851
—Vols. 2 and 3 by J. H. Parker (1853–59)

Turner, Victor Witter
        Schism and continuity in an African society: a study in Ndembu village life 1957

Turner, William
        Avium præcipuarum, quarum apud Plinium et Aristotelem mentio est, brevis et succincia historia 1544
        A booke of the natures and properties of the bathes in Englande 1562 (Also issued as pt. of ‘The second part of Turners herball’ 1562)
        Libellus de re herbaria nouus 1538 (1877)
        The names of herbes in Greke, Latin, Englishe, Duche and Frenche 1548 (E.D.S. 1881)
        A new boke of the natures of all wines 1568
        A new booke of spirituall physik 1555
        A new herball 1551; the seconde parte 1562; the first and seconde partes lately ouersene, with the thirde parte, also a booke of the bath of Baeth 1568

Turner, William
        An introduction to human anatomy, including the anatomy of the tissues 2 vols. 1875–7

Turner, William H.
ed. Selections from the records of the city of Oxford 1509–83 (1880)

Turnour, George
        The Maháwanso, with the translation 1837

Turton, William
        A conchological dictionary of the British Islands 1819
        Linnæus’s General system of nature tr. 1802–06
        A manual of the land and fresh-water shells of the British Islands 1831
        A medical glossary 1797

Tuscaloosa News (Tuscaloosa, Alabama) 1910–

Tusser, Thomas
        Five hundreth pointes of good husbandrie 1573 (1577, 1580; E.D.S. 1878)
        A hundreth good pointes of husbandrie 1557 (E.D.S. 1878)

Tutchin, John
        A Pindarick ode in the praise of folly and knavery 1696
        A search after honesty 1697

Tutin, John R.
        An index to the animal and vegetable kingdoms of Wordsworth 1892

Tuttle, Edmund B.
        Border tales around the camp fire in the Rocky Mountains 1878

Tuve, Rosemund
        Seasons and months: studies in a tradition of Middle English poetry 1933

Tuvil, Daniel
        Essaies politicke and morall 1608
        Essayes, morall and theologicall 1609

Twa cuckolds, The, and the Tint Quey, or Thrawart Maggy. Two tales, in the Scottish dialect 1796

‘Twain, Mark’ (S. L. Clemens)
        The adventures of Huckleberry Finn 1884
        The adventures of Tom Sawyer 1876
        The American claimant 1892
        Autobiography ed. A. B. Paine 2 vols. 1924
        The celebrated jumping frog of Calaveras County, and other sketches ed. J. Paul 1867
        Christian Science 1907
        A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s court 1889
        Following the equator: a journey around the world 1897
        The innocents abroad 1869
        The innocents at home 1872
        Letters ed. A. B. Paine 2 vols. 1917 (UK, abridged, 1 vol. 1920)
        Letters from Hawaii ed. A. G. Day 1966 (UK 1967)
        Letters to his publishers, 1867–1894 ed. H. Hill 1967
        Life on the Mississippi 1883
        The man that corrupted Hadleyburg, and other stories and essays 1900
        Old times on the Mississippi 1876
        The prince and the pauper 1881 [dated 1882]         Roughing it 1872
        Screamers: a gathering of scraps of humour, delicious bits, and short stories 1871
        Sketches 1872
        Sketches new and old 1875
        Speeches with introd. by W. D. Howells 1910
        Speeches with introd. by A. B. Paine 1923
        The stolen white elephant 1882
        A tramp abroad 1880
        A Yankee at the court of King Arthur 1889
See also Harte, Francis Bret & Twain, Mark

—— & Warner, Charles Dudley
        The gilded age 1873 [dated 1874]

Twamley, Josiah
        Dairying exemplified, or the business of cheese-making 1784

Tweddell, John
        Remains a 1799 (1815–16)

Tweeddale, James George
        Materials technology 2 vols. 1973

Tweeddale, John
        Moff 1896

Tweedie, William K.
        The lakes and rivers of the Bible 1857 (1864)
ed. Select biographies v.d. (Wodrow Soc. 1845–47)

Twelfth century homilies in MS. Bodley 343 11.. (E.E.T.S. 1909)

Twells, John
        Grammatics reformata, or, a general examination of the art of grammar 1683

Tweney, Charles Frederick
        Dictionary of naval and military terms 1914

Twenhofel, William Henry
        Principles of sedimentation 1939

—— & Shrock, Robert Rakes
        Invertebrate paleontology 1935

Twentieth century, The 1951–

Twin soul, The (by Charles Mackay) 1887

Twining (family of). Selections from papers of the Twining family: a sequel toThe recreations and studies of a country clergyman’ (see Twining, T. below) 17..–18.. (1887)

Twining, Thomas
        Aristotle’s Treatise on poetry tr. 1789 (1812)
        Recreations and studies of a country clergyman of the eighteenth century; being selections from the correspondence of T. Twining 17.. (1882)
        Travels in India a hundred years ago, with a visit to the United States c 1796 (1893)
—Part IV reprinted with title Travels in America a hundred years ago (1894)

Twisleton, Ellen
        Letters, 1852–1862 ed. E. T. Vaughan 1928

Twiss, Richard
        Chess (anon.) 1787–89
        A tour in Ireland in 1775 (anon.) 1776
        Travels through Portugal and Spain in 1772 and 1773 1775

Two Cosmos, The; a tale of fifty years ago 1861

Two fifteenth-century cookery-books c 1430, –50 (E.E.T.S. 1888)

Two noble kinsmen, The 1612 (1634; New Shaks. Soc. 1876; Shakespeare Apocrypha 1908)

Twyne, Thomas
        Petrarca’s (F.) Phisicke against fortune tr. 1579
See also Phaer, T.

Twysden, Sir Roger
        The beginners of a monastick life a 1672 (1698)
ed. Historiæ Anglicanæ scriptores decem 1652

Tyas, Robert
        Favourite field flowers; or, wild flowers of England popularly described 1848; second series 1850; third series, entitled Popular flowers; their propagation, cultivation, and general treatment in all seasons 1854
—Large paper edition revised, entitled The wild flowers of England or favourite field flowers popularly described. First and second series 1859–60

Tyde taryeth no man 1576
        See Wapull, G.

Tyers, Thomas
        An historical rhapsody on Mr. Pope (anon.) 1781 (1782)

Tyler, Moses C.
        Glimpses of England: social, political, literary 18.. (1898)
        A history of American literature, 1607–1765 1879

Tylor, Edward B.
        Anahuac: or Mexico and the Mexicans 1861
        Anthropology 1881
        Primitive culture 1871
        Researches into the early history of mankind and the development of civilization 1865

Tymme, Thomas
        See Timme, T.

Tyndale, William
        See Tindale, W.

Tyndall, John
        Essays on the floating-matter of the air in relation to putrefaction and infection 1881
        The forms of water in clouds, rivers, ice and glaciers 1872
        Fragments of science for unscientific people 1871 (1879)
        The glaciers of the Alps 1860
        Heat considered as a mode of motion 1863
        Mountaineering in 1861: a vacation tour 1862
        Notes of a course of nine lectures on light 1870
        On radiation 1865
        Sound: a course of eight lectures 1867

Tyrie, James
        The refutation of ane ansuer made be schir Iohne Knox 1573

Tyrrell, George Walter
        The principles of petrology 1926

Tyrrell, James
        The general history of England, as well ecclesiastical as civil 1696–1704

Tyrrell, James Williams
        Across the Sub-Arctics of Canada 1897

Tyrwhit, William
        See Tirwhyt, W.

Tyrwhitt, Thomas
        The Canterbury tales of Chaucer. To which are added, an essay upon his language and versification; an introductory discourse; and notes (with a glossary) 1775–78
        A vindication of the appendix to the poems, called Rowley’s 1782
See also Chatterton, Thomas

Tyson, Edward
        Orang-outang, sive homo sylvestris; or the anatomy of a pygmie 1699
        Phocæna, or, the anatomy of a porpess: with a preliminary discourse concerning anatomy 1680

Tytler, Ann Fraser
        Mary and Florence; or, grave and gay 1835
        Mary and Florence at sixteen. A continuation of ‘Grave and gay’ 1838

Tytler, Patrick F.
        England under the reigns of Edward VI and Mary 1839
        History of Scotland 1828–43 (1864)

‘Tytler, Sarah’ (Henrietta Keddie)
        The Blackhall ghosts 1888
        The bride’s pass 1882
        Days of yore 1866
        Lady Jean’s son 1897
        The Macdonald lass 1895
        Phemie Millar 1854
        The witch wife 1897
