New words list December 2015

List of new word entries

In addition to revised versions of Second Edition entries, these ranges contain the following new entries:

New words 
New sub-entries
New senses
New phrases

New word entries

  • Antonite, n. and adj.
  • bank switching, n.
  • bankability, n.
  • bankroller, n.
  • bankster, n.1
  • bankster, n.2
  • bank-switch, v.
  • bank-switched, adj.
  • batfish, n.
  • Belgae, n.
  • Belgian, n. and adj.
  • Belgium, n.
  • Belgo-, comb._form
  • Belgy, n.
  • catty, n.2
  • choc chip, n.
  • chocolated, adj.
  • cis, adj.
  • cisgendered, adj. and n.
  • cissexism, n.
  • cissexist, adj.
  • cissexual, adj. and n.
  • commish, n.2
  • commissionable, adj.
  • commissioner general, n.
  • commissioning, adj.
  • commissurotomy, n.
  • commit, n.
  • contronym, n.
  • controversiality, n.
  • controvertibility, n.
  • descendability, n.
  • descendeur, n.
  • descriptive statistics, n.
  • draco volans, n.
  • ex improviso, adv.
  • existing, n.
  • fire beater, n.2
  • fire bomber, n.
  • fire flaw, n.1
  • fire fountain, n.
  • fire point, n.
  • fire pole, n.
  • fire precaution, n.
  • fire prevention, n.
  • fireballer, n.
  • fireballing, adj.
  • firebase, n.
  • fire-bombed, adj.
  • firefight, v.
  • firehose, n.
  • fireman’s pole, n.
  • firepit, n.
  • firesetter, n.
  • fire-setting, adj.
  • firewall, v.
  • firewalled, adj.
  • firewalling, n.
  • governatrix, n.
  • governmentalization, n.
  • gram, n.5
  • grammy, n.1
  • gramps, n.
  • grampy, n.
  • grams, n.
  • grand tourer, n.
  • grand touring, n. and adj.
  • grandbairn, n.
  • grandboy, n.
  • grande école, n.
  • grandgirl, n.
  • grandissimus, n.
  • grandmom, n.
  • grandmum, n.
  • grandstanding, adj.
  • grandstanding, n.
  • haram, n.2 and adj.
  • improvidency, n.
  • improvisateur, n.
  • improvision, n.2
  • improvisor, n.
  • locating, n.
  • locavore, n.
  • lockering, n.
  • lockstitch, v.
  • lock-stitched, adj.
  • lock-upable, adj.
  • Mx, n.
  • phablet, n.
  • prosimetric, adj.
  • prosimetrum, n.
  • strengthing, adj.
  • subcommittee, n.1
  • trade description, n.
  • trade-name, v.
  • tradeocracy, n.
  • trade-up, n.
  • tradie, n.
  • traditoriously, adv.
  • traductio, n.
  • truffère, n.
  • truffler, n.
  • truly, adj.
  • trussler, n.
  • truther, n.
  • under-strength, adv. and adj.
  • uniloculate, adj.
  • waybread, n.2
  • wayferend, n.
  • wayfinding, n.
  • waymarker, n.

New sub-entries

  • attachment constriction
  • attachment theory
  • attack ad
  • attack alarm
  • attack code
  • authorized firearms officer
  • bank details
  • bank discount
  • bank dollar
  • bank draft
  • bank holiday weekend
  • bank machine
  • bank reconciliation
  • bank reconciliation statement
  • bank run
  • bank shot
  • bank teller
  • bank transfer
  • bank vault
  • bank vole
  • banker’s order
  • bankers’ hours
  • banking account
  • banking crisis
  • banking industry
  • banking sector
  • banking stock
  • bankruptcy order
  • bankstick
  • Belgian block
  • Belgian Blue
  • Belgian bun
  • Belgian chocolate
  • Belgian endive
  • Belgian hare
  • Belgian hare rabbit
  • Belgian sheepdog
  • Belgian Shepherd
  • Belgian-style
  • Belgium draught horse
  • brown soup
  • choc chip cookie
  • chocolate agar
  • chocolate blood agar
  • chocolate bunny
  • chocolate button
  • chocolate cyst
  • chocolate drop
  • chocolate egg
  • chocolate factory
  • chocolate finger
  • chocolate ice cream
  • chocolate kiss
  • chocolate lily
  • chocolate liqueur
  • chocolate liquor
  • chocolate lover
  • chocolate milk
  • chocolate mousse
  • chocolate powder
  • chocolate rabbit
  • chocolate salami
  • chocolate sauce
  • chocolate-coated
  • chocolate-covered
  • chocolate-flavoured
  • chocolate-making
  • committedly
  • commissaries’ court
  • commissary department
  • commissary’s department
  • commission broker
  • commission chairman
  • commission house
  • commission store
  • commission-based
  • commissioner for oaths
  • commissioners’ court
  • commissioning editor
  • commitment ceremony
  • commitment fee
  • commitment letter
  • commitment order
  • commitment ring
  • committal hearing
  • committal proceeding
  • committee boat
  • committee business
  • committee chair
  • committee chairman
  • committee chairmanship
  • committee chairperson
  • committee chairwoman
  • committee hearing
  • committee member
  • committee report
  • committee secretary
  • committee stage
  • committee system
  • controllably
  • control account
  • control box
  • control bus
  • control button
  • control centre
  • control chart
  • control console
  • control flow
  • control loop
  • control officer
  • control pad
  • control sequence
  • control zone
  • controlled airspace
  • controlled circulation
  • controlled circulation magazine
  • controlled environment
  • controlled vocabulary
  • controlled-release
  • controlling interest
  • descaled
  • descrambled
  • descant recorder
  • descendant node
  • Descent from the Cross
  • descriptive statistic
  • district commissioner
  • bankerish
  • exitless
  • grandchildless
  • grandfathered
  • grandfathering
  • grandparenthood
  • improvisated
  • strengthfully
  • waylayment
  • existence proof
  • existence wage
  • exit charge
  • exit door
  • exit exam
  • exit examination
  • exit fee
  • exit interview
  • exit line
  • exit polling
  • exit pupil
  • exit road
  • fiery thorn
  • fire balloon
  • fire barrier
  • fire blanket
  • fire burning
  • fire cherry
  • fire commissioner
  • fire coral
  • fire crew
  • fire damage
  • fire dance
  • fire detection
  • fire ecologist
  • fire ecology
  • fire exit
  • fire front
  • fire ground
  • fire hydrant
  • fire lane
  • fire lily
  • fire mark
  • fire measure
  • fire officer
  • fire painting
  • fire poker
  • fire polish
  • fire protection
  • fire regulation
  • fire road
  • fire safety
  • fire salamander
  • fire sale
  • fire service
  • fire shooting
  • fire sign
  • fire spout
  • fire sprinkler
  • fire sprinkler system
  • fire support
  • fire team
  • fire tornado
  • fire trail
  • fire watch
  • fire whirl
  • firearm officer
  • firearms licence
  • firearms offence
  • firearms officer
  • firebed
  • fire-breather
  • fire-damaged
  • fired-up
  • fire-engine red
  • fire-hollowed
  • fire-lighting
  • fireman’s carry
  • fireman’s helmet
  • fireman’s lift
  • fire-painted
  • fireplate
  • fireplug
  • fire-polish
  • fire-polished
  • fire-range
  • fire-rated
  • fire-roasted
  • firestarter
  • firework display
  • fireworks display
  • Fireworks Night
  • firing barrel
  • firing mechanism
  • firing party
  • firing position
  • government agency
  • government bond
  • government cheese
  • government department
  • government handout
  • government minister
  • government official
  • government policy
  • government spending
  • government stock
  • government–binding
  • government-funded
  • government-issue
  • government-owned
  • government-sanctioned
  • government-subsidized
  • government-wide
  • governor plum
  • governor-in-chief
  • grand apartheid
  • grand tourist
  • grand finale
  • grand larceny
  • Grand Medicine Society
  • grand round
  • grand tactics
  • grand unification
  • Grand Union flag
  • granddaughter cell
  • granddaughter-in-law
  • grandfather paradox
  • grandfather-in-law
  • grandmother-in-law
  • grand-sounding
  • grandstand player
  • grandstand quarterback
  • granny bonnet
  • granny chic
  • granny gear
  • granny square
  • granny tax
  • granny’s bonnet
  • gubernaculum testis
  • harem pants
  • harem trousers
  • improvised explosive device
  • improvisoing
  • industrial age
  • industrial alcohol
  • industrial average
  • industrial chic
  • industrial crop
  • industrial democracy
  • industrial diamond
  • industrial engineer
  • industrial engineering
  • industrial fishing
  • industrial home
  • industrial language
  • industrial league
  • industrial mall
  • industrial melanism
  • industrial mineral
  • industrial starch
  • industrial unrest
  • industrial waste
  • industrial-grade
  • industrial-scale
  • industrial-size
  • industrial-sized
  • industrial-style
  • industrial-type
  • industry leader
  • industry standard
  • industry-leading
  • launch way
  • letter of commission
  • line of descent
  • local bubble
  • local content
  • local council
  • local councillor
  • local exchange carrier
  • local hero
  • local historian
  • local history
  • local maximum
  • local minimum
  • local rag
  • local rule
  • local variable
  • locater beacon
  • location scout
  • location-based
  • loch bed
  • loch head
  • lock screen
  • lock-bar
  • locked-down
  • locked-out
  • lockset
  • locust bush
  • locust-killer
  • locust-killer wasp
  • speed pill
  • strength training
  • strong AI
  • strong lines
  • strong-looking
  • strongly fortified
  • strongly opinionated
  • struggle royalty
  • to fire away
  • to fire off
  • to fire up
  • to lock away
  • to lock in
  • to lock up
  • trade barrier
  • trade bloc
  • trade credit
  • trade debt
  • trade deficit
  • Trade Descriptions Act
  • trade dispute
  • trade dress
  • trade embargo
  • trade jargon
  • trade minister
  • trade negotiation
  • trade officer
  • trade paperback
  • trade plate
  • trade practice submittal
  • trade restriction
  • trade sale
  • trade way
  • trademark dilution
  • trademark infringement
  • trade-related
  • trades hall
  • trades hospital
  • trades house
  • trades waste
  • trading bloc
  • trading card
  • trading company
  • trading partner
  • trading pit
  • trading room
  • traditional medicine
  • traditional owner
  • traditional-minded
  • traditional-style
  • tradition-direction
  • traductionist
  • true airspeed
  • true believer
  • true crime
  • true discount
  • true negative
  • true north
  • true positive
  • true-believing
  • true-breeding
  • true-shaped
  • truffle fly
  • truffle ground
  • truffle oil
  • truffle-gatherer
  • truffle-scented
  • truffling-house
  • trust land
  • trust-fund baby
  • trust-rigger
  • Truth Commission
  • truth machine
  • way-cast
  • wayreif
  • waywisdom
  • way-witty

New senses

  • blank, n.
  • compressed, adj.
  • fuel, n.
  • slam, n.1
  • smooth, adj.
  • struggle, n.
  • weigh, v.1
  • yes, adv. and n.2

New phrases

  • the bank of mom and dad
  • chocks away
  • under control
  • to take control
  • in control
  • to breathe fire
  • to fight fire with fire
  • to light a fire under
  • to be firing on all cylinders
  • lock and load
  • the course of true love never did run smooth
  • many a true word spoken in jest
  • (not) to trust a person as far as one can throw him or her
  • the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth