June 2002 update

13 June 2002 saw the publication of the range of entries mis-mitzvah in the New Edition. In addition to revised versions of Second Edition entries, this range contains the entries listed below. We have also added a further list of new words from across the alphabet.

List of new words

  • mis, n.2
  • misadight, a.
  • misadjust, v.
  • misadvising, n.2
  • misaffecting, a.
  • misaimed, a.
  • misaiming, a.
  • misalign, v.
  • misallocate, v.
  • misarrange, v.
  • misbegetten, a.
  • misbind, v.
  • misbrand, v.
  • misbranded, a.
  • misbranding, n.
  • misc., n.
  • misc., a.
  • miscalibrate, v.
  • miscalibration, n.
  • miscanthus, n.
  • miscast, a.
  • mischarged, a.
  • mischarging, n.2
  • mischarging, a.
  • Mischling, n.
  • misclassify, v.
  • misclosure, n.
  • miscommunicate, v.
  • miscommunication, n.
  • miscomprehending, a.
  • misconnection, n.
  • misconstrual, n.
  • misconstructer, n.
  • misconstructing, n.
  • misconverting, n.
  • miscoveting, n.
  • miscrediting, n.
  • miscue, n.2
  • miscue, v.2
  • misdating, n.
  • misdeclaration, n.
  • misdemeaning, a.
  • misdeserving, a.
  • misdevelopment, a.
  • misdevote, v.
  • misdial, n.
  • misdialled, a.
  • misdialling, n.
  • misdialling, a.
  • misdirecting, n.
  • misdirecting, a.
  • misdispended, a.
  • misdispending, n.
  • misdistinguishing, n.
  • misdivided, a.
  • misedify, v.
  • miseducative, a.
  • mise en abyme, n.
  • mise en place, n.
  • misère ouverte, n.
  • miseure, n.
  • misexpounder, n.
  • misexpressed, a.
  • misfeed, n.
  • misfold, v.
  • misfolded, a.
  • misfolding, n.
  • misfunction, n.
  • misgauge, v.
  • misguess, n.
  • mishaving, n.
  • mishersing, n.
  • Mishmi, n.
  • mishpocha, n.
  • misidentified, a.
  • misincorporate, v.
  • misincorporated, a.
  • misincorporation, n.
  • misintent, n.
  • misjoined, a.
  • miskey, v.
  • miskoek, n.
  • misl, n.
  • mislearned, a.2
  • mislick, n.
  • mislocalization, n.
  • mislocalize, v.
  • misloving, n.2
  • mismarket, v.
  • mismarketing, n.
  • mismothering, n.
  • misnamer, n.
  • misnomed, a.
  • misnomered, a.
  • misnote, v.2
  • misnurture, n. and a.
  • misobservancy, n.
  • misobservation, n.
  • misogamous, a.
  • misogynean, a.
  • misonidazole, n.
  • misopaedia, n.
  • misoprostol, n.
  • misorientated, a.
  • misoriented, a.
  • misoshiru, n.
  • mispair, n.2
  • mispair, v.
  • mispaired, a.
  • mispairing, n.
  • misper, n.
  • mispersoning, n.
  • misplacer, n.
  • misplay, v.
  • misportray, v.
  • misprice, v.
  • mispricing, n.
  • mispronounced, a.
  • misprove, v.
  • mispunctuated, a.
  • misread, a.
  • misrecall, v.
  • misrecognize, v.
  • misremembered, a.
  • misroute, v.
  • misrouted, a.
  • missalette, n.
  • miss-and-out, n.
  • missaying, a.
  • mis-selection, n.
  • mis-sell, v.
  • mis-selling, n.
  • mis-set, a.
  • misshaping, n.
  • missifical, a.
  • missikins, n.
  • missileer, n.
  • missionar, n.
  • missionarying, n.
  • missionaryizing, n.
  • mission civilisatrice, n.
  • missioneering, a.
  • missionization, n.
  • missionized, a.
  • Mississippi plan, n.
  • missitting, a.
  • Miss Lucy, n.
  • Miss Mollyish, a.
  • mis-sold, a.
  • missorting, n.
  • missounding, n.
  • Missourium, n.
  • misspeaker, n.
  • misspelled, a.
  • misspoken, a.
  • misspringing, n.
  • misstrike, n.
  • misstruck, a.
  • missuing, n.
  • mist, n.4
  • Mistassini, n.
  • mistelle, n.
  • mistemperure, n.
  • mistified, a.
  • mistrack, v.
  • mistracking, n.
  • mistraist, n.
  • mistreater, n.
  • mistype, v.
  • misworking, n.
  • mitasses, n.
  • Mitbestimmung, n.
  • Mitchell, n.2
  • miteology, n.
  • mithai, n.
  • mithramycin, n.
  • miticidal, a.
  • mito-, comb. form
  • mitochondrially, adv.
  • mitogenesis, n.
  • mitogenicity, n.
  • mitose, v.
  • mitout, prep.
  • Mitsuda, n.
  • mitt, v.
  • mitteleuropäisch, a.
  • Mitterrandism, n.
  • Mitterrandist, n.
  • mittful, n.

In addition to these new entries, a number of new subordinate entries were added to existing entries. These included:

  • (Under misally, v.)
    • misallied
  • (Under misbehave, v.)
    • misbehaver
  • (Under misbestow, v.)
    • misbestowed
  • (Under mischristen, v.)
    • mischristened
  • (Under miscibility, n.)
    • miscibility gap
  • (Under misconduct, n.)
    • misconduct penalty
  • (Under misdeem, v.)
    • misdeemed
  • (Under misdiagnose, v.)
    • misdiagnosed
  • (Under misery, n.)
    • misery guts
    • misery index
    • misery whip
  • (Under misfit, v.)
    • misfitted
  • (Under mishear, v.)
    • misheard
  • (Under mishit, v.)
    • mishit
  • (Under misinform, v.)
    • misinforming
  • (Under misinterpret, v.)
    • misinterpreted
  • (Under misjoin, v.)
    • misjoining
  • (Under miskick, v.)
    • miskicking
  • (Under misnurture, n. and a.)
    • misnurtureness
  • (Under miso, n.)
    • miso soup
  • (Under miso-, comb. form)
    • misozoic
  • (Under mispay, v.)
    • mispaying
  • (Under misprint, v.)
    • misprinted
  • (Under misquote, v.)
    • misquoted
  • (Under misrate, v.)
    • misrated
  • (Under misremember, v.)
    • misremembering
  • (Under miss, n.2)
    • Miss Emma
    • Miss Fidditch
    • Miss Laycock
    • Miss Thing
  • (Under missed, a.)
    • missed approach
  • (Under mis-set, v.)
    • missetting
  • (Under missile, n. and a.)
    • missile age
    • missile defence
    • missile shield
    • Missile Technology Control Regime
  • (Under missing, a. and n.2)
    • missing heir
    • missingness
  • (Under mission, n.)
    • mission bell
    • mission boy
    • mission creep
    • mission-critical
    • mission family
    • Mission grape
    • mission impossible
    • mission Indian
    • mission statement
  • (Under missionary, n. and a.)
    • Missionary Baptist
    • missionary barrel
    • missionary zeal
  • (Under Mississippi, n.)
    • Mississippi Bubble
    • Mississippi kite
    • Mississippi mud pie
    • Mississippi rifle
    • Mississippi Scheme
    • Mississippi Territory
  • (Under Missouri, n. and a.)
    • Missouri canary
    • Missouri currant
    • Missouri gooseberry
    • Missouri gourd
    • Missouri primrose
    • Missouri sucker
    • Missouri toothpick
  • (Under mistake, n.)
    • mistake-prone
  • (Under mistraist, v.)
    • mistraisting
  • (Under mistress, n. and a.)
    • Mistress of the World
  • (Under mistype, v.)
    • mistyped
  • (Under mither, v.)
    • mithered
    • mithering
  • (Under mithridate, n.)
    • mithridate cress
    • mithridate pennywort
  • (Under mitochondrial, a.)
    • mitochondrial DNA
    • mitochondrial Eve
  • (Under mitotic, a.)
    • mitotic figure
    • mitotic index
    • mitotic spindle
  • (Under mitral, a. and n.)
    • mitral cell
  • (Under mitre, n.1)
    • mitre horn
  • (Under mitre, n.2)
    • mitre-gate
    • mitre gear
    • mitre saw
  • (Under mitred, a.1)
    • mitred headdress
  • (Under mitten, n.)
    • mitten string

Out-of-sequence new entries

13 June 2002 also saw the publication of the the following new entries from across the alphabet:

  • ABD, n.
  • aliyah, n.
  • amateur dramatic, a.
  • amateur dramatics, n.
  • am-dram, a. (n.)
  • America, n.
  • America First, n.
  • America Firster, n.
  • Americana, n.
  • America’s Cup, n.
  • AOR, n.
  • Asperger, n.
  • A-team, n.
  • barbie, n.
  • B-boy, n.
  • big chill, n.
  • bitching, a. (and int.) and adv.
  • BITNET, n.
  • blag, n.2
  • blag, v.2
  • blagger, n.2
  • blokeish, a.
  • blokeishness, n.
  • blokey, a.
  • blokie, n.
  • bonkbuster, n.
  • bonkbusting, a.
  • e-mailer, n.
  • e-mailing, n.
  • extropian, n. and a.
  • Extropianism, n.
  • extropy, n.
  • fajita, n.
  • fleadh, n.
  • fleadh cheoil, n.
  • Four-H, n.
  • Four-H’er, n.
  • gateway, v.
  • gatewayed, a.
  • gatewaying, n.
  • killing field, n.
  • killing ground, n.
  • new jack, n. and a.
  • new jill, a. and n.
  • non-scene, a.
  • probiotic, a.1 and n.
  • Schengen, n.
  • Schengenland, n.
  • shout-out, n.
  • Tardis, n.
  • trance dance, n.
  • trance dancer, n.
  • trance dancing, n.
  • trancey, a.
  • underwired, a.
  • V-chip, n.

In addition to these new entries, the following out-of-sequence subordinate entries were added:

  • (Under A)
    • from A to B
  • (Under adventure, n.)
    • adventure story
    • adventure game
    • adventure gaming
    • adventure holiday
    • adventure tour
    • adventure travel
    • adventure trip
    • adventure training
    • adventure camp
    • adventure centre
  • (Under air, n.1)
    • air mile
    • air quality
    • air quote
  • (Under amen, adv., int., n.)
    • amen to that
  • (Under antigen, n.)
    • antigen-presenting cell
  • (Under arm, n.1)
    • the strong arm of the law
    • the long arm of the law
    • (one) would give one’s right arm (for or to do something)
    • good arm
    • to go (also come) with the arm
    • to put the arm on (a person)
    • an arm and a leg
    • to cost an arm and a leg
  • (Under audio-)
    • audiobook
  • (Under audit, n.)
    • Audit Commission
    • audit committee
  • (Under ballistic, a.)
    • to go ballistic
  • (Under balsamic, a. and n.)
    • balsamic vinaigrette
    • balsamic vinegar
  • (Under bang, v.1)
    • to bang up
    • to bang away
    • to bang on
    • to bang out
  • (Under banging, vbl. n.1)
    • banging on
  • (Under beat, n.1)
    • to miss (also skip) a beat
    • not to miss a beat
    • one’s heart misses (also skips) a beat
  • (Under bee, n.1)
    • bee-stung
  • (Under big, a.)
    • big on
    • to be (also go) big on
    • big admirer
    • big believer
    • big fan
    • big drinker
    • big eater
    • big spender
    • big cat
    • big E
    • to give (a person) the big E
    • Big Easy
    • big fish
    • big fish in a small pond
    • big government
    • big hair
    • big picture
    • big sleep
  • (Under bikini, n.)
    • bikini briefs
    • bikini line
  • (Under blouse, n.)
    • big girl’s blouse
  • (Under Bolivian, a. and n.)
    • Bolivian haemorrhagic fever
  • (Under bus, n.2)
    • bus lane
  • (Under buy, v.)
    • to buy into
  • (Under chance, n., a., and adv.)
    • is there any chance of –?
    • any chance of –?
    • chance would be a fine thing
    • to be in with a chance
  • (Under check, v.1)
    • check it out
    • to check for
  • (Under class, n.)
    • class action
    • class suit
  • (Under cut, v.)
    • to cut it
    • to cut to the chase
  • (Under death, n.)
    • death futures
    • death metal
  • (Under disabled, ppl. a.)
    • disabled badge
    • disabled sticker
    • disabled access
  • (Under drive-)
    • drive time
  • (Under elbow, n.)
    • to give (a person) the elbow
  • (Under energy, n.)
    • energy audit
  • (Under face, n.)
    • one’s face fits
    • off (or out of) one’s face
    • face time
  • (Under fair-trade, n.)
    • fair-traded
  • (Under four, a. and n.)
    • 4×4
    • 4WD
  • (Under frequent, a.)
    • frequent flyer
  • (Under Goa, n.1)
    • Goa trance
  • (Under hæmorrhagic, a.)
    • haemorrhagic fever
  • (Under helper, n.)
    • helper cell
    • helper T cell
  • (Under lady, n.)
    • ladies who lunch
  • (Under lethal, a. and n.)
    • lethal injection
  • (Under P)
    • PMS
    • PMT
  • (Under panties, n. pl.)
    • panty line
    • visible panty line
    • panty liner
  • (Under premenstrual, a.)
    • premenstrual syndrome
  • (Under Q)
    • QA
    • QC
  • (Under quality, n.)
    • quality assurance
  • (Under R)
    • RDA
    • RDI
    • RSI
  • (Under ready, a., adv., and n.)
    • ready meal
  • (Under recipe, n.)
    • recipe dish
  • (Under recommended, a.)
    • recommended daily allowance
    • recommended dietary allowance
  • (Under repetitive, a.)
    • repetitive strain injury
  • (Under scene, n.)
    • scene queen
  • (Under shout, n.2)
    • to give (a person) a shout
    • big shout
    • in with a shout
  • (Under social, a. and n.)
    • social care
    • social cleansing
    • social exclusion
    • social market
    • social market economy
    • social marketing
    • social phobia
  • (Under sustainable, a.)
    • sustainable city
    • sustainable development
    • sustainable tourism
  • (Under tough, a. (adv., n.))
    • tough love
  • (Under trans-, prefix)
    • trans-fat
    • trans-fatty acid
  • (Under V)
    • VCAM
    • VPL
  • (Under viatical, a. and n.)
    • viatical settlement

Finally, new meanings were added to the following entries:

  • adventure, n.
  • audit, n.
  • beat, n.1
  • bikini, n.
  • check, v.1
  • commit, v.
  • directive, a. (n.)
  • doss, n.2
  • doss, v.2
  • fold, n.3
  • fold, v.1
  • folded, ppl. a.
  • folding, vbl. n.1
  • freak, n.1
  • gateway, n.1
  • kernel, n.1
  • prebiotic, a.
  • present, v.
  • scene, n.
  • sustainable, a.
  • trance, n.1
  • viatical, a. and n.