
Bleaney, Betty Isabelle & Bleaney, Brebis
        Electricity and magnetism 1957

‘Bleeck, Oliver’ (Ross Thomas)
        The Procane chronicle 1971 (UK ed. 1972 with title The thief who painted sunlight)

Blesh, Rudolph Pickett
        Shining trumpets: a history of jazz 1946 (UK 1949)
        They all played ragtime: the true story of an American music 1950 (UK 1958)

Blessington, Marguerite Gardiner, Countess of
        The idler in France 1841
        The magic lantern 1822

Blickling Homilies, The 971 (E.E.T.S. 1880)

Blind, Mathilde
        Tarantella: a romance 1884

Blish, James
        A case of conscience 1958 (UK 1959)
        A clash of cymbals 1959
        Fallen star 1957

Blishen, Edward
        Roaring boys 1955

Blith or Blithe, Walter
        The English improver, or a new survey of husbandry 1649
        The English improver improved, or the survey of husbandry surveyed 1652 (1653)

Bloch, Bernard & Trager, George Leonard
        Outline of linguistic analysis 1942

‘Blois, W.’
        Modern policies, taken from Machiavel, Borgia, etc. 1657 (1690)

Blom, Eric Walter
        Music in England 1942

Blome, Richard
ed. The fanatick history: or an exact relation and account of the old Anabaptists and the new Quakers 1660
        The gentleman’s recreation 1686
        A geographical description of the four parts of the world 1670

Blomefield, Francis
        An essay towards a topographical history of the county of Norfolk a 1752 (1739–1810)

Blomfield, Alfred
        A memoir of C. J. Blomfield, bishop of London 1863

Blomfield, Edward V.
        Matthiæ’s (A. H.) Greek grammar tr. a 1816 (1818)

Blood: the journal of hematology 1946–

Bloodgood, Lida & Santini, Piero
eds. The horseman’s dictionary 1963

Bloodworth, Dennis
        Any number can play 1972
        The clients of Omega 1975
        Crosstalk 1978

Bloome’s (H.) Architecture tr. 1660

Bloomfield, J. C.
        The fisheries of Ireland 1883 (Fisheries exhibition literature)

Bloomfield, Leonard
        An introduction to the study of language 1914
        Language 1933

Bloomfield, Robert
        The farmer’s boy 1798
        Rural tales 1801 (1802)
        Wild flowers 1806 (1845)

Blore, Edward
        The monumental remains of noble and eminent persons 1826

Bloudy boke, The; or the death of Sir John Fites or Fitz 1605 (Halliwell)

Blount, Edward
        Conestaggio’s (J. F. de) Historie of the uniting of the kingdom of Portugall to the crowne of Castill tr. 1600
        The hospital of incurable fools tr. 1600
See also Brydges, Grey

Blount, Sir Henry
        A voyage into the Levant 1636 (1650)

Blount, Thomas
        Boscobel 1660
        Fragmenta antiquitatis, antient tenures of land, etc. 1679
        Glossographia, or a dictionary interpreting such hard are now used 1656, 1661, 1670, 1674 (1681)
        A law dictionary 1670 (1691)

Blount, Sir Thomas Pope
        Essays on several subjects 1697
        A natural history 1693

Blow, Claude Montague
        Rubber technology and manufacture 1971

Blowbol’s testament c 1500 (in Halliwell, Nugæ poeticæ 1844)

Blower, Mrs. Elizabeth
        George Bateman: a novel 1782

Bloxam, Charles L.
        Chemistry inorganic and organic 1867

Blues unlimited 1963–71

Blundell, William
        Crosby records. A Cavalier’s note book, being notes..of W. B. a 1698 (1880)

Blunden, Edmund Charles
        After the bombing, and other short poems 1949
        Choice or chance: new poems 1934
        Cricket country 1944
        De bello Germanico: a fragment of trench history 1930
        An elegy, and other poems 1937
        The face of England 1932
        The harbingers 1916
        The mind’s eye 1934
        Near and far: new poems 1929
        Poems 1930
        Poems, 1930–1940 1940
        Retreat 1928
        Romantic poetry and the fine arts 1942
        Shells by a stream 1944
        The shepherd, and other poems 1922
        A summer’s fancy 1930
        Undertones of war 1928

Blundevil, Thomas
        Exercises 1594 (1636)
        The fower chiefyst offices belonging to horsemanshippe etc. 1565–66 (1580)

Blunt, John H.
        The annotated Book of Common Prayer 1876–84
        Dictionary of sects, heresies etc. 1874
        The reformation of the church of England 1868–82

Blunt, John J.
        The right use of the early Fathers 1845–46 (1857, 1869)

Blunt, Wilfrid Jasper W.
        Of flowers and a village 1963

Blyth, Edward
        Cuvier’s Animal kingdom tr. 1849

Boag, John
        A popular and complete English dictionary 1848

Boas’ (J. E. V.) Text book of zoology tr. J. W. Kirkaldy and E. C. Pollard 1896

Boate, Gerard
        Ireland’s natural history 1645–50 (1860)

‘Bobbin, Tim’
        See Collier, John; Walker, Robert

Boccaccio’s (G.) Decameron tr. 1620

Boccalini’s (T.) New-found politicke tr. 1626
See also Monmouth, Earl of; and N. N.

Boccus. The romance of King Bocchus and Sidrac c 1440 (MS. Laud Misc. 559)
The hystory and questyons of kynge Bocchus and Sydracke tr. Hugo of Caumpeden (c 1510)

Boddam-Whetham, John W.
        Roraima and British Guiana 1879

Boddy, Evan M.
        The history of salt 1881

Bodkin, Maud
        Archetypal patterns in poetry: psychological studies of imagination 1934

Bodleian Library record 1938–

Bodley, John E. C.
        France 1898

Bodrugan alias Adams, Nicholas
        An epitome of the title that the kynges maiestie of Englande hath to the souereigntie of Scotlande 1548 (in Complaynt Scotl., E.E.T.S. 1872)

Body and soul a 1000 (Grein)

Body and soul (by G. Wilkins and others) 1822 (1824)

Body and the soul, Debate between the a 1300 (in Mapes’ Poems, Camden Soc. 1841)

Böddeker, K.
ed. Altenglische Dichtungen des MS. Harl. 2253 1878

Boerhaave’s (H.) Institutes tr. 1742–46

Boethius (Anicius M. T. S.), The Anglo-Saxon version of the metres of a 1000 (Fox 1864; Grein 1898; Sedgefield 1899)
See also Ælfred, Chaucer, Elizabeth, Preston, R.

Bogan, Zachary
        Meditations of the mirth of a christian life 1653

Boger, Louise Ade
        The dictionary of world pottery and porcelain 1971

Boghurst, William
        Loimographia 1666 (1894)

Bohn, Henry G.
        Handbook of games 1860
        Handbook of proverbs 1857
See also Humboldt, F. H. A. von

Bohun, R.
        A discourse concerning the origine and properties of wind 1671

Bohun, William
        Privilegia Londini, or the rights, liberties,..and customs of the city of London 1723 (ed. 3)

Boke of curtasye, The, a 1400–50 (in Babees Bk., E.E.T.S. 1868)

Boke of good manners, The tr. (from J. Le Grand) 1487 (W. de Worde 1507)

Boke of keruynge, The 1513 (W. de Worde) (in Babees Bk., E.E.T.S. 1868)

Boke of noblesse, The 1475 (Roxb. Club 1860)

Bokenham, Osbern
        Lyvys of seyntys 1447 (Roxb. Club 1835; 1883)

Boker, George H.
        Plays and poems 1856 (1857)

‘Boldrewood, Rolf’ (T. A. Browne)
        A colonial reformer 1890
        The miner’s right 1890
        Old Melbourne memories 1895
        Robbery under arms 1888
        A romance of Canvas Town 1898
        The squatter’s dream 1895
        A Sydney-side Saxon 1891

Bolingbroke, Henry St. John, Viscount
        Works a 1751 (1754–98)
        A dissertation upon parties 1735 (1738)
        Fragments or minutes of essays a 1751 (Wks. 1754 V)
        Letters on the spirit of patriotism 1736 (1749)
        Letters on the study of history 1726 (1752)
        Letters to Windham 1717 (1889)

Bolton, Edmund
        Nero Cæsar 1624
        The Roman histories of Lucius Julius Florus tr. 1618 (1636)

Bolton, Sir Richard
        The statutes of Ireland (1621)

Bolton, Robert
        The foure last things 1632
        Instructions for the right comforting of afflicted consciences 1631 (1635, 1640)

Bolton, Samuel
        The arraignment of error 1646

Boltz, Cecil Leonard
        Basic radio 1943

Bonar, Andrew R.
        Last days of the martyrs 1841 (1865)

Bonaventura’s (J.) Meditations on the supper of our Lord 13.. (E.E.T.S. 1875)

Bond, Francis
        Gothic architecture in England 1905

Bond, J. A. Walpole-
        Bird life in wild Wales 1903

Bond, James
        Birds of the West Indies 1936
—(another ed.) 1960

Bond, John
        Occasus occidentalis, or Job in the west 1645

Bonde, Cunelgus
        Scutum regale; the royal buckler, or vox legis, a lecture to the traytors who most wickedly murthered Charles the I 1660

Bone, John Herbert A.
        Petroleum and petroleum wells 1865

Bone Florence of Rome, Le c 1440 (in Ritson, Metrical romances III. 1802)

Bonet’s (Théophile) Mercurius compitalitius tr. 1684

Bonfiglioli, Kyril
        Don’t point that thing at me 1972
        Something nasty in the woodshed 1976

Bon Gaultier’s Book of ballads
See Martin, Sir T. & Aytoun, W. E.

Bonington, Christian
        Annapurna South Face 1971
        The next horizon: autobiography II 1973

Bonner, Bp. Edmund
        Homilies 1555
        A profitable and necessarye doctryne 1555

Bonner, James Frederick
        Plant biochemistry 1950

Bonnycastle, John
        An introduction to astronomy 1786 (1787)

Bonoeil, John
        A treatise of the art of making silke 1622

See also Boke

Book of certaine canons, concernynge some parte of the discipline of the churche of England, A 1571

Book of common prayer, The 1548–49 (Mar.), 1549, 1552, 1559, 1662
for the use of the church of Scotland 1637

Book of common prayer: The grand debate between the..bishops and the presbyterian divines appointed..for the review and alteration of The book of common prayer 1661

Book of curteisie, The c 1430 (in Babees Bk., E.E.T.S. 1868)
See also Boke

Book of customs and valuation of merchandises in Scotland, The 1612 (in Halyburton’s Ledger etc. 1867)

Book of discipline, The first (second), of the church of Scotland 1560–61 and 1578 (1621; in Knox’s Works 1846–64)

Booke of hawkyng, The c 1450 (in Reliquiæ Ant. I)

Book of the knight of La Tour-Landry, The a 1450 (E.E.T.S. 1868, 1906)

Book of quinte essence, The 1460–70 (E.E.T.S. 1866)

Book of the Rhymers’ Club, The 1892, 1894

Book of St. Albans (The bokys of haukyng, and huntyng (by Dame Juliana Barnes) and also of cootarmuris..and the boke of blasing of armys translatyt (from N. Upton) and compylyt to gedyr at Seynt albons) 1486
—(another ed., with) The treatyse of fysshynge wyth an angle 1496

Bookbinding, The art of 1818

Booker, Christopher
        The neophiliacs: a study of the revolution in English life in the Fifties and Sixties 1969

Bookman, The 1891–1934

Bookseller, The (title varies) 1858–

Boorde, Andrew
        The boke for to lerne a man to be wyse in buylding of his house, etc. c 1540
        The breviary of healthe 1547 (1552)
        A compendious regyment or a dyetary of helth 1542 (1562; E.E.T.S. 1870)
        Introduction to knowledge 1547 (E.E.T.S. 1870)

Booth, Andrew Donald & Booth, Kathleen H. V.

Booth, Barton
        Memoirs..To which are added several poetical pieces 1733

Booth, David
        An analytical dictionary of the English language 1822 (1835)

Booth, Michael R.
ed. English plays of the nineteenth century 4 vols. 1969–73

Booth, William
        In darkest England and the way out 1890

Boothroyd, Benjamin
        Notes to Biblia Hebraica 1810 (1816)

Boreman, Robert
        A mirrour of mercy and judgement 1655
        The triumph of faith over death 1653 (1654)

Borland, Robert
        Yarrow; its poets and poetry 1890

Borlase, William
        Antiquities of the county of Cornwall 1754 (1769)
        The natural history of Cornwall 1758

Born, Max & Wolf, Emil
        Principles of optics 1959

Boroughes, J.
        See Burroughes

Borradaile, Lancelot Alexander & Potts, Frank Armitage
        The Invertebrata 1932

Borror, Donald Joyce & DeLong, Dwight Moore
        An introduction to the study of insects 1954
—(rev. ed.) 1964

Borrow, George
        The Bible in Spain 1843
        Lavengro 1851
        Wild Wales 1862
        Zincali; or an account of the gipsies of Spain 1841

Bosman’s (W.) Description of the coast of Guinea tr. 1705

Bossewell, John
        Workes of armorie 1572

Bossuet’s (J. B.) Exposition of the doctrines of the catholic church tr. 1685

Bostock, John
        The history and present state of galvanism 1818.
See also Pliny

Boston, Thomas
        The crook in the lot a 1732
        Human nature in its fourfold state 1720 (1797)
        Memoirs 1730 (1776, 1899)

Boston, Massachusetts. Registry Dept.
        Records relating to the early history of Boston 39 vols. 1876–1909

Boston, Massachusetts. Society of Natural History
        Proceedings 1841–

Boston Daily Globe (Boston, Mass.) morning ed. 1872–
—evening ed. 1878–
—Sunday ed., as Boston Sunday Globe 1877–

Boston Evening Transcript (title varies) 1830–1941

Boston Herald 1846–

Boston Journal of natural history 1837–

Boston, Lincoln and Louth herald, The 1831–53

Boston medical and surgical journal 1828–1928

Boston News-Letter (title varies) 1704–76

Boston Sunday Globe See Boston Daily Globe

Boston Sunday Herald (title varies) 1861–

Boswell, Sir Alexander
        Poetical works a 1822 (1871)

Boswell, James
        An account of Corsica, the journal of a tour to that island 1768
        Journal of a tour to the Hebrides 1785 (1786)
        The life of Samuel Johnson LL.D. 1791 (1831, 1887, 1904)
        London journal 1762–63 ed. F. A. Pottle 1950

Bosworth, Joseph, and Toller, T. N.
        An Anglo-Saxon dictionary (1882–98)
—Supplement by T. N. Toller (1908–21)

Botanical gazette 1876–

Boteler, Nathaniel
        Six dialogues about sea services c 1635 (1685)

Botkin, Benjamin Albert
ed. Lay my burden down: a folk history of slavery 1945
ed. A treasury of American folklore 1944
ed. A treasury of Southern folklore 1949

Botoner (or Worcester), William
        Boke of Tulle (Cicero) of old age tr. 1481
        Itineraria a 1490 (ed. Nasmith 1778)

Bottome, Phyllis
        Under the skin 1950

Bottone, Selimo R.
        Electrical instrument making for amateurs 1888 (ed. 6 1894)

Boucher, Jonathan
        A view of the causes and consequences of the American revolution 1797

Boughen, Edward
        Master Geree’s case of conscience sifted 1648

Bouhours’ (D.) Life of St. Ignatius Loyola tr. 1686

Boulenger, Edward George
        Apes and monkeys 1936

Boulger, George Simonds
        The uses of plants: a manual of economic botany 1889
        Wood: a manual of the natural history and industrial applications of the timber of commerce 1902

Boultbee, Thomas P.
        An introduction to the theology of the church of England 1871 (1875)

Boulton, Samuel
        Medicina magica tamen physica. Magicall but naturall physick 1656

Bounds and bonds of publique obedience, The (by F. Rous) 1649

Bouquet, Henry
        An historical account of the expedition against the Ohio Indians in 1764, under the command of H. Bouquet 1765 (1868)

Bourdillon, Francis W.
        Aucassin and Nicolette tr. 1887

Bourne, Geoffrey Howard
ed. Cytology and cell physiology 1942
—(ed. 2) 1951; corrected impression 1952

Bourne, Henry
        Antiquitates vulgares; or the antiquities of the common people 1725

Bourne, Henry R. Fox
        English merchants 1866 (1886)
        The life of John Locke 1876

Bourne, William
        A regiment for the sea 1574 (1577)

Boutell, Charles
        Arms and armour 1869 (1874)
        English heraldry 1867 (1875)
        Heraldry, historical and popular 1864

Bouterwek, Carl W.
        Screadunga. Anglosaxonica maximam partem inedita 1858

Bouverie, Edward O. Pleydell-
        Rackets 1890

Bouvier, John
        A law dictionary, adapted to the constitution and laws of the United States of America 1843–56 (ed. 6)

Bova, Benjamin
        Multiple man 1976 (UK 1977)

Bowden, Miss Emily F.
        Hahn-Hahn’s Lives of the fathers of the desert tr. 1867

Bowden, Thomas
        Farmer’s director 1776

Bowditch, William R.
        The analysis..and use of coal gas 1867

Bowdler, Thomas
        An appeal..on the subject of Sunday trains 1839

Bowen, Sir Charles S. C.
        Virgil in English verse 1887

Bowen, Elizabeth Dorothea Cole
        Ann Lee’s, and other stories 1926
        The cat jumps, and other stories 1934
        Collected impressions 1950
        The death of the heart 1938
        The demon lover, and other stories 1945
        Encounters 1923
        The heat of the day 1949
        The hotel 1927
        The house in Paris 1935
        The last September 1929
        The little girls 1964
        Look at all those roses 1941
        Seven winters 1942
        A time in Rome 1960
        To the north 1932
        A world of love 1955

Bowen, Francis
        A treatise on logic 1864 (1870)

Bowen, Frank Charles
        Sea slang: a dictionary of the old-timers’ expressions and epithets 1929

Bowen, Godfrey
        Wool away! The technique and art of shearing 1955
—(ed. 2) 1956

‘Bower, Bertha Muzzy’ (Bertha Muzzy Sinclair)
        The Parowan bonanza 1923
        The phantom herd 1916

Bower, Frederic Orpen
        Botany of the living plant 1919
        Plant-life on land considered in some of its biological aspects 1911

—— & Scott, D. H.
        De Bary’s Comparative anatomy of the phanerogams and ferns tr. 1884

Bowers, Fredson Thayer
        Bibliography and textual criticism 1964
        Principles of bibliographical description 1949
        Textual and literary criticism 1959

Bowes, Robert
        Correspondence 1577–83 (Surtees Soc. 1842)

Bowes, Thomas
        De La Primaudaye’s French academie tr. by T. B. 1586–94 (1589, 1594)

Bowles, Caroline A.
        See Southey, Mrs.

Bowles, Edward
        The mysterie of iniquitie yet working in..England, Scotland and Ireland 1643
        Plaine English; or a discourse concerning the accommodation, the armie, the association (anon.) 1643

Bowles, John
        The real grounds of the present war with France 1793

Bowles, Samuel
        Our new West. Records of travel between the Mississippi River and the Pacific Ocean 1869

Bowles, William L.
        Poetical works a 1850
        Banwell Hill 1806
        The life of Thomas Ken, D.D. deprived bishop of Bath and Wells 1830

Bowley, Arthur Lyon & Stamp, Josiah Charles
        The national income, 1924: a comparative study of the income of the United Kingdom in 1911 and 1924 1927

Bowls (‘Know the game’ series) 1962

Bowman, Walter Parker & Ball, Robert Hamilton
        Theatre language: a dictionary of terms in English from medieval to modern times 1961

Bowman, William Cameron, Rand, M. J., & West, G. B.
        Textbook of pharmacology 1968

Bowne, Borden P.
        Introduction to psychological theory 1886
        Metaphysics, a study in first principles 1882

Bowra, Cecil Maurice
        The Romantic imagination 1950

Box, Charles
        The English game of cricket 1877

Boy’s own paper, The 1879–

Boyd, Andrew K. H.
        Lessons of middle age 1868
        The recreations of a country parson 1859–61

Boyd, Edward & Parkes, Roger
        The dark number 1973

Boyd, Zachary
        The last battell of the soule in death 1629
        Zion’s flowers c 1620 (Four poems from, 1855)

Boyer, Abel
        Dictionnaire François-Anglois 1699 (1719, 1727, 1768, 1783)

Boyle, Charles, 4th Earl of Orrery
        Dr. Bentley’s Dissertations on the epistles of Phalaris examin’d 1698

Boyle, Frederick
        On the borderland betwixt the realms of fact and fancy 1884

Boyle, John R.
        The early history of the town and port of Hedon 1895

Boyle, Sir Richard, 1st Earl of Cork
        Lismore papers (Diaries, etc.) 16.. (Grosart 1886)

Boyle, Robert
        Works a 1691 (1744, 1772)
        The Christian virtuoso 1690
        Some considerations touching the style of the holy scriptures 1661 (1675)
        Some considerations touching the usefulnesse of experimental philosophy 1663
        A continuation of new experiments physico-mechanical 1669 (1682)
        A free enquiry into the vulgarly receiv’d notion of nature 1685
        An essay about the origine and virtues of gems 1672
        An examen of Mr. Hobbe’s Dialogus 1661 (1682)
        The excellency of theology compared with naturall philosophy 1674
        The experimental history of colours 1663
        Experiments about the porosity of bodies 1684
        Experiments about the producibleness of chymical principles 1680
        The general history of the air a 1691 (1692)
        The martyrdom of Theodora 1687
        Short memoirs for the natural experimental history of mineral waters 1684–85
        New experiments physico-mechanicall 1660
        Occasional reflections upon several subjects 1665 (1848)
        The origine of formes and qualities 1666 (1667)
        The sceptical chymist 1661 (1680)
        A treatise of seraphic love 1648 (1700)

Boyle, Captain Robert, Adventures of (by W. R. Chetwood) 1726 (1735)

Boyle, Roger, 1st Earl of Orrery
        Parthenissa, that most fam’d romance 1654 (1676)
        A treatise of the art of war 1677

Boylston, Herbert Melville
        An introduction to the metallurgy of iron and steel 1928

Boys, John
        Works a 1625 (1622, 1629)

Boys, Mrs. S.
        Coalition 1785

Boys, William
        Collections for an history of Sandwich 1792

Boys’ magazine 1922–

Boyse, Samuel
        Deity (anon.) 1739

Brace, Charles Loring
        Gesta Christi; or a history of human progress under Christianity 1882
        Home life in Germany 1853
        The new West; or, California in 1867–1868 1869

Brace, Gerald Warner
        The spire 1952 (UK 1953)

Bracken, Henry
        Farriery improved 1737 (1738, 1756–57)
        The traveller’s pocket-farrier 1743

Brackenridge, Henry M.
        Journal of a voyage up the Missouri 1816
        Views of Louisiana 1812 (1814)

Bracton, H. de
        De legibus et consuetudinibus Angliæ a 1259 (Rolls series 1878–83)

Bradbury, John
        Travels in the interior of America 1817

Bradbury, Malcolm Stanley
        Eating people is wrong 1959
        The history man 1975
        Stepping westward 1965

Bradbury, Ray Douglas
        Fahrenheit 451 1953 (UK 1954)
        The illustrated man 1951 (UK 1952)

Bradby, Mary Katharine
        Psycho-analysis and its place in life 1919

Braddon, Edward
        Life in India 1872

Braddon, Mary E. (Mrs. Maxwell)
        Asphodel 1881
        Aurora Floyd 1863
        The cloven foot 1879
        Dead men’s shoes 1876
        Dead sea fruit 1868
        Eleanor’s victory 1863
        The fatal three 1888
        The golden calf 1883
        Henry Dunbar, the story of an outcast 1864
        Hostages to Fortune 1875
        John Marchmont’s legacy 1863
        Joshua Haggard’s daughter 1876
        Just as I am 1880
        Lady Audley’s secret 1862
        The lady’s mile 1866
        Like and unlike 1887
        The Lovels of Arden 1871
        Lucius Davoren 1873
        Mount Royal 1882
        One thing needful 1886
        Only a clod 1865
        An open verdict 1878
        Phantom Fortune 1883
        Sir Jasper’s tenant 1865
        The story of Barbara 1880
        Strangers and pilgrims 1873
        Vixen 1879
        Wyllard’s weird 1885

Braddon, Russell Reading
        Nancy Wake: the story of a very brave woman 1956
        The year of the angry rabbit 1964

Bradford, Gershom
        A glossary of sea terms 1927
—(new ed.) 1954

Bradford, John
        Writings a 1555 (Parker Soc. 1848–53)

Bradford, William
        History of Plymouth plantation c 1650 (1856)

Bradley, Francis Herbert
        The principles of logic 1883

Bradley, Henry
        The Goths from the earliest times to the end of the Gothic dominion in Spain (The story of the nations) 1888
ed. Stratmann’s (F. H.) Middle-English dictionary 1891

Bradley, Richard
        Chomel’s Dictionaire Œconomique, or the family dictionary tr. Revised by R. Bradley 1725
        Dictionarium botanicum, or a botanical dictionary 1728
        On gardening 1731
        A philosophical account of the works of nature 1721
        A treatise concerning the manner of fallowing of ground (anon.) 1724

Bradshaw, Henry
        The life of saint Werburge of Chester 1513 (E.E.T.S. 1887)

Bradshaw’s railway guide (title varies) 1841–1961

Bradshaw’s railway manual, shareholders’ guide, and official directory for 1869 (Vol. XXI) 1869

Bradstreet, Anne
        Poems 1642 (1875)

Bradstreet’s: a journal of trade, finance and public economy 1879–1933

‘Bradwood, Wat’ (W. B. Woodgate)
        The O. V. H. 1869

Brady, John
        Clavis calendaria or a compendious analysis of the calendar 1812

Brady, Robert
        An historical treatise of cities and burghs, or boroughs 1690 (1777)

Bragg, Melvyn
        The hired man 1969
        Without a city wall 1968

Bragge, Francis
        A practical discourse on the parables 1694

Brahmacharini Usha
        A Ramakrishna-Vedanta wordbook 1962

‘Brahms, Caryl’ (Doris Caroline Abrahams) & ‘Simon, S. J.’ (Simon Jasha Skidelsky)
        Titania has a mother 1944
        Trottie True 1946

Brain, Walter Russell
        Diseases of the nervous system 1933
        Speech disorders 1961

Brain: a journal of neurology 1878–

Braine, John
        Life at the top 1962
        Room at the top 1957
        The Vodi 1959

Braithwaite, David
        Fairground architecture 1968

Braithwaite, George F.
        The salmonidæ of Westmorland 1884

Bram, Gary & Downs, C.
        Manufacturing technology 1975

‘Bramah, Ernest’ (Ernest Bramah Smith)
        A little flutter 1930

Bramble, Albert York
        Air-plane flight 1952

Bramhall, Abp. John
        Works a 1663 (1677, 1842–45)
        The consecration and succession of Protestant bishops justified 1658
        A defence of true liberty 1658
        A just vindication of the church of England 1654
        A replication to the bishop of Chalcedon 1656

Brampton, Thomas
        A paraphrase on the seven penitential psalms 1414 (Percy Soc. 1842)

Bran. The voyage of old Irish saga. Ed. and tr. K. Meyer, with an essay by A. Nutt 1895–97

Brancker, Thomas
        Rhonii..Introduction to algebra tr. 1668

Brand, Adam
        Journal of the embassy from Muscovy to China over land 1698

Brand, John
        A brief (new) description of Orkney, etc. 1701 (1703)

Brand, John
        History and antiquities of the town and county of Newcastle-upon-Tyne 1789
        Observations on popular antiquities 1777 (also enlarged edd. 1813, 1849, 1870)

Brandan, St.: a medieval legend of the sea c 1300 (Percy Soc. 1844).
See also Brendan

Brande, William T.
        A dictionary of science, literature and art 1842 (Also Brande and Cox 1865–67)
        A manual of chemistry 1819, 1836–41 (ed. 5)

Brandl, Alois
        Quellen des weltlichen Dramas in England vor Shakespeare (Pride of life, Mankind, Nature; J. Heywood’s Love, Wether, Merry play; Respublica, King Darius; Misogonus; Horestes, Gismond of Salern; Common conditions) 1898

Brandon, David Godfrey
        Modern techniques in metallography 1966

Brandon, H.
ed. Poverty, mendicity and crime…To which is added a dictionary of the flash or cant language 1839

Brandon, John Gordon
        The pawnshop murder 1936

Brandt, David Julius O.
        The manufacture of iron and steel 1953
—(ed. 2) 1960

Branford, Jean
        A dictionary of South African English 1978
—(new ed.) 1980

Branston, Frank
        An up and coming man 1977

Brash, Richard R.
        Ecclesiastical architecture of Ireland 1875

Brassey, Annie, Lady
        In the Trades 1884
        A voyage in theSunbeam’ 1878
        The last voyage 1887 (1889)

Brathwait, Richard
        The Arcadian princess 1635
        Barnabæ itinerarium or Barnabees journal 1638 (1818)
        A comment upon the two tales of..Chaucer 1665 (also Chaucer Soc. 1901)
        The English gentleman 1630
        The English gentlewoman 1631
        Essaies upon the five senses 1620 (in Archaica 1815 II)
        The lives of all the Roman emperors 1636
        Natures embassie 1621 (1877)
        The poets willow 1614
        A strappado for the divell 1615 (1878)
        Two Lancashire lovers 1640
        Whimzies 1631

Braun, Hugh
        Parish churches: their architectural development in England 1970

Braun, Lilian Jackson
        The cat who ate Danish Modern 1967

Braunschweig, H.
See Brunswyke

Brawley, Ernest
        The rap 1974
—(paperback ed.) 1975

Bray, Mrs. Ann E.
        De Foix 1826 (1884)
        A description of the part of Devonshire bordering on the Tamar and the Tavy 1836 (1879)
        Fitz of Fitz-ford: a legend of Devon 1830 (1884)
        Warleigh, or the fatal oak 1834 (1884)

Bray, Warwick M. & Trump, David Hilary
        A dictionary of archaeology 1970

Brayshaw, J. Dodsworth
        Slum silhouettes: stories of London life 1898

Brazil, Angela
        The new girl at St. Chad’s: a story of school life 1912

Breck, Samuel
        Recollections, with passages from his note-books (ed. H. E. Scudder 1877)

Bree, John
        Saint Herbert’s isle 1832

Brees, Samuel C.
        A glossary of civil engineering 1841
        Terms and rules of practice in architecture etc. 1856

Bregion, Joseph & Miller, Anne
        The practical cook 1845

Breland, Osmond Philip
        Animal friends and foes 1957

Brémond’s (G. de) Apology, or the genuine memoires of Madam M. Manchini, Constabless of Colonna tr. 1679

Brenan, Edward Fitz-Gerald (Gerald Brenan)
        The face of Spain 1950

Brendan, St. c 1290 (in S.E. Leg., E.E.T.S. 1887).
See also Brandan

Brende, John
        Q. Curtius Rufus’ Historie tr. 1553 (1570)

Brennan, Paul, Hesselyn, Ray, & Bateson, Henry
        Spitfires over Malta 1943

‘Brent of Bin Bin’ (Stella Maria Sarah Miles Franklin)
        Up the country: a tale of the early Australian squattocracy 1928

Brent, Sir Nathaniel
        Sarpi’s (P.) Historie of the council of Trent tr. 1620 (1629)
—with life of the author (1676)

Brenton, Edward P.
        The naval history of Great Britain 1783–1822 1823

Brereton, Cloudesley Shovell Henry & Rothwell, Frederick
tr. H. L. Bergson’s Laughter 1911

Brereton, Sir William
        Travels in Holland, etc. 1634–35 (Chetham Soc. 1844)

Brerewood, Edward
        Enquiries touching the diversity of languages and religions 1612 (1614)

Breton, Nicholas
        Works a 1626 (Grosart 1879)
        Daffodils and primroses 1593– (Works, Grosart I)
        Fantasticks 1626
        I would and I would not 1614
        A mad world my masters 1603
        The mothers blessing 1602
        Pasquils fooles-cappe 1600
        The pilgrimage to Paradise 1592
        A poste with a packet of mad letters 1602–06
        Strange newes out of divers countries, by B. N. 1622
        The toyes of an idle head 1577–82
        Wonders worth the hearing 1602
For Sir P. Sidney’s Ourania See Baxter, N.

Breton, William
        Militia discipline 1717

Breval, John D. de
        Remarks on several parts of Europe 1726

Brevint, Daniel
        Saul and Samuel at Endor 1674

Brevior, Thomas
        See Shorter, T.

Brewer, Anthony For
        Lingua 1607
        See Tomkis, T.

Brewer, Ebenezer C.
        Dictionary of phrase and fable 1870
        The reader’s handbook of allusions, etc. 1880

Brewer, John Sherren
        English studies a 1879 (1881)

Brewster, Ben R.
tr. L. Althusser & E. Balibar’s Reading Capital 1970
—(paperback ed.) 1975

Brewster, Sir David
        Letters on natural magic 1831 (1833)
        The martyrs of science 1841 (1856)
        Memoirs of the life of Sir I. Newton 1855
        More worlds than one 1854
        A treatise on magnetism 1837
        A treatise on optics 1831

Brian, Thomas
        The pisse prophet 1637 (1679)

Brice’s Weekly journal (Exeter) 1725–28

Brickhill, Paul & Norton, Conrad
        Escape to danger 1946

‘Bridge, Ann’ (Mary Dolling, Lady O’Malley)
        Four-part setting 1939
        Frontier passage 1942
        Peking picnic 1932
        The Portuguese escape 1958

Bridge, Horatio
        Personal recollections of Nathaniel Hawthorne 1893

Bridges, Robert
        Poems v.d.
        Eros and Psyche 1885–94
        Shorter poems 1890
        The testament of beauty 1929

Bridges, Thomas
        A burlesque translation of Homer 1770 (1797)
        Homer travestie, by Cotton Junior 1762 (1764)

Bridget, St. The lyfe of seynt Birgette (attrib. to T. Gascoigne) ? a 1445 (in Capgrave, Kalendre of the newe legende of England 1516, fol. 120– ; Mirr. Our Lady, E.E.T.S. 1873)

Bridgett, Thomas E.
        The history of the holy eucharist 1881

Bridgman, Mary
        Robert Lynne: a novel 1870

Brief discourse. A brief and witty discourse or dialogue between a Yorkshireman and a Scottish-man 1650

Briefe examination for the tyme, of a certaine declaration lately put in print in the name and defence of certaine ministers in London, refusyng to weare the apparell prescribed..In the ende is reported, the iudgement of..Bucer and..Martir..translated 1564

Briefe information of the affaires of the Palatinate, A 1624

Brieff discours of the troubles begonne at Franckford in Germany A.D. 1554 (by W. Whittingham) 1574 (1846)

Brierley, Benjamin
        Irkdale; or the old house in the hollow 1865
        Tales and sketches of Lancashire life 1854

Briggs, Charles Frederick
        The adventures of Harry Franco 2 vols. 1839

Briggs, Fred N. & Knowles, Paulden Ford
        Introduction to plant breeding 1967

Briggs, Richard
        The new art of cookery 1792

Bright, James Franck
        A history of England 1875–88

Bright, John
        Speeches a 1889 (1878, etc.)

Bright, Timothy
        A treatise of melancholie 1586

Bright, William
        The age of the Fathers a 1901 (1903)

Brightman, Thomas
        B.’s predictions and prophecies 1641

Brill, Abraham Arden
tr. S. Freud’s The interpretation of dreams 1913
tr. S. Freud’s Selected papers on hysteria and other psychoneuroses 1909
tr. S. Freud’s Three contributions to sexual theory 1910
tr. S. Freud’s Totem and taboo: resemblances between the psychic lives of savages and neurotics 1918

Brimley, George
        Essays 1851–55 (1858)

Brindley, Charles
        See ‘Hieover, Harry’

Brinkley, Frank
        Oriental series 12 vols. 1901–2

Brinklow, Henry
        Complaynt of Roderyck Mors c 1545 (E.E.T.S. 1874)
        The lamentacyon of a christen agaynst the cytye of London 1542 (E.E.T.S. 1874)

Brinsley, John
        Ludus literarius or the grammar schoole 1612 (1627)
        The posing of the parts 1612 (1669)
        Virgil’s eclogues tr. 1620 (1633)

Bristed, Charles A.
        Five years in an English university 1852
        The upper ten thousand: sketches of American society 1852

Bristed, John
        Anthroplanomenus; being an account of a pedestrian tour through part of the Highlands of Scotland 1803

Bristol. The little red book of Bristol 13..–14.. (1900)

Bristow, Henry W.
        Figuier’s (L.) World before the deluge tr. 1865 (1869)
        A glossary of mineralogy 1861

Bristowe, John S.
        A treatise on the theory and practice of medicine 1876 (1878)

Britain’s industrial future (Liberal Industrial Inquiry) 1928

Britanniæ speculum, or a short view of..Great Britain 1683

Britannica book of the year 1938 (UK eds. 1938–41 with title Encyclopædia Britannica book of the year)

British Academy
        Proceedings 1905–31

British Apollo, The 1708–11

British archæological association, The Journal 1845–71

British association for the advancement of science
        Reports 1831–91

British birds 1907–

British Broadcasting Corporation
        B.B.C. handbook (title varies: also B.B.C. year-book and B.B.C. annual) 1928–
        The B.B.C. quarterly 1946–54
        B.B.C. war report ed. D. Hawkins et al. 1946
        Glossary of broadcasting terms See Farquharson, M. G., et al.

British chess magazine 1881–

British commonwealth forest terminology (Empire Forestry Association) 2 parts 1953–7

British critic, quarterly theological review, and ecclesiastical record 1827–43

British dental journal 1903–

British Dominions year book, The (British Dominions Insurance Co.) 1916–24

British Engineering Standards Association
        British standard glossary of terms used in electrical engineering 1926 See British Standards Institution. Glossaries. Electrical Engineering

British and foreign medico-chirurgical review, The 1848–77

British husbandry (by J. F. Burke) 1834–40 (Library of useful knowledge)

British Interplanetary Society
        Journal 1934–9, 1946–

British journal of dermatology 1888–

British journal of medical psychology 1923–

British journal of ophthalmology 1917–

British journal of photography 1893

British journal of psychology 1904–

British journal of radiology 1924–

British journal of sociology 1950–

British magazine 1760–67

British manufacturer Nov.–Dec. 1919

British manufacturing industries. ed. G. P. Bevan 1876–77

British medical bulletin 1943–

British medical dictionary, The ed. A. S. MacNalty 1961

British medical journal 1857–

British Museum Return 1914, etc. (in Parl. papers Eng., 1914, LXXI, etc.)

British pharmaceutical codex 1907 (and several later editions used)

British pharmacopœia 1864 (and many later editions used)

British Pharmacopœia Commission
        Approved names
See United Kingdom. General Medical Council

British printer, The 1888–

British School (of archaeology) at Athens
        Annual 1895–

British Standards Institution
        B.S.I. News 1956
        Nomenclature of commercial timbers, including sources of supply 1946
—(rev. ed.) 1955
        Aeronautical terms (BS 185) 1949, 1950, 1951, and other eds.
        Automatic data processing (BS 3527) 1962, and several later parts
        Caravan terms (BS au129) 1967, 1975
        Concrete and reinforced concrete (BS 2787) 1956
        Dentistry (BS 4492) 1969
        Documentation terms (BS 5408) 1976
        Electrical engineering (BS 205) 1926, 1936, 1943
        Electrotechnical, power, telecommunication, electronics, lighting and colour terms (BS 4727) 1971–
        General building terms (BS 3589) 1963
        Glass industry (BS 3447) 1962
        Highway engineering terms (BS 892) 1940, 1954, 1967
        Landscape work (BS 3975) 1966–9
        Letterpress rotary printing terms (BS 3814) 1964
        Mining terms (BS 3618) 1963–74
        Nuclear Science (BS 3455) 1962
        Offset lithographic printing (BS 4277) 1968
        Plastics industry (BS 1755) 1951, 1967–74
        Radiology (BS 2957) 1955
        Railway signalling (BS 719) 1936
        Refrigeration (BS 1584) 1949
        Sanitation terms (BS 4118) 1967
        Telegraphs and telephones (BS 204) 1924, 1930, 1943 (Telecommunication), 1960
        Timber preservation (BS 4261) 1968

British weekly, The: a journal of social and Christian progress 1886–

Briton, The 1723–24

Brittain, Vera Mary
        Testament of youth 1933

Brittains Ida
See Fletcher, G. (the younger)

Brittan, Frederick
        Malgaigne’s (J. F.) Manual of operative surgery 1846

Britten, Frederick James
        Old clocks and watches 1899
        The watch and clockmaker’s handbook 1877 (1881, 1884)

Britten, James
        Old country and farming words (E.D.S. 1880)

—— & Holland, R.
        A dictionary of English plant-names 1878–86 (E.D.S.)

Britton (on the laws of England). The French text c 1290 (Nichols 1865)

Britton, John
        The architectural antiquities of Great Britain 1807–26
        The beauties of Wiltshire 1801–25
        A dictionary of the architecture and archæology of the middle ages 1838

Britton, Karl
        John Stuart Mill 1953

Britton, Nathaniel Lord
        North American trees 1908

Brno studies in English 1959–
