
W., B. 1657
        See Wells, Benjamin

W., E. 1621
        See Cooke, Alexander

W., E.
        The life of Donna Rosina tr. ? 1700

W., G. 1606
        See Woodcocke, G.

W., Is.
        The copy of a letter, lately written in meeter, by a yonge gentilwoman to her unconstant lover 1566 (in Arber, Eng. Garner VIII)

W., J. 1639
        See Guibert, P.

W., J.
See Wade, J.; Worlidge, J.

W., K.
        Confused characters of conceited coxcombs by Verax Philobasileus 1661 (Halliw. 1860)

W., M.
        The marriage broaker; or the pander (a comedy) 1662 (Gratiæ theatrales 1662)

W., R. 1584
        See Wilson, Robert

W., S. (i. e. R. Southwell)
        Marie Magdalens funerall teares 1591 (1594, 1602, 1823)

W., S. 1642
See Parliament’s vindication

W., S. 1657
        See Sergeant, J.

W., W. 1595
        See Warner, W.

W., W. 1695
        See Colbatch, John

Wace, Henry
        See Smith, Sir William

Wace, Robert
        Le roman de Brut 11.. (1836–38)
        Le roman de Rou et des ducs de Normandie 11.. (1827)

Waddell, P. Hately
        The Psalms; frae Hebrew intil Scottis 1871

Waddington, Conrad Hal
        Principles of embryology 1956

Waddy, Edith
        A year with the wild flowers 1873

Wade, John
        Vinegar and mustard: or, worm-wood-lectures for every day in the week 1673

Wade, William R.
        A journey in the northern island of New Zealand 1842

Wadman, Howard Douglas
        Life sentence: a New Zealand play in three acts 1949

Wadsworth, James
        The English Spanish pilgrime 1629 (1630)
        Sandoval’s (P. de) Civil wars of Spain in the beginning of the reign of Charles the fifth tr. 1652

WÆrferth, Bishop
        Gregory’s Dialogue tr. c 890 (Grein 1900)

Wafer, Lionel
        A new voyage and description of the Isthmus of America 1699 (1729)

Wager, Lewis
        A new enterlude entreating of the life and repentaunce of Marie Magdalene 1566

Wager, William
        A very mery and pythie commedie, called The longer thou liuest, the more foole thou art c 1568
See also Triall of cheualry

Waghorn, H. T.
        Cricket scores, notes, etc. from 1730–73; to which are added two poems published in 1773 1899

Wagner’s (E. L.) Manual of general pathology tr. 1876

Wagner, Wilhelm
        Teuffel’s (W. S.) History of Roman literature tr. 1873

Wagstaffe, Thomas
        A vindication of King Charles the Martyr 1693

Wagstaffe, William
        Miscellaneous works a 1725 (1726)
        A letter showing the danger and uncertainty of inoculating the small pox 1722
        A letter to the venerable Nestor Ironside, by Andrew Tripe (i.e. W. Wagstaffe) 1714

Wagstaffe, William W.
        R. G. Mayne’s Medical vocabulary 1889

Wahlstrom, Ernest Eugene
        Introduction to theoretical igneous petrology 1950

Wain, John Barrington
        The contenders 1958
        Hurry on down 1953
ed. Interpretations: essays on twelve English poems 1955
        Strike the father dead 1962
        A travelling woman 1959

Wainewright, Thomas G.
        Essays and criticisms a 1852 (1880)

Wainwright, John William
        The big tickle 1969
        Death in a sleeping city 1965
        The devil you don’t 1973
        Dig the grave and let him lie 1971
        Do nothin’ till you hear from me 1977
        Edge of extinction 1968
        The evidence I shall give 1974
        The hard hit 1974
        High-class kill 1973
        The last buccaneer 1971
        A nest of rats 1977
        Night is a time to die 1972
        A pride of pigs 1973
        Requiem for a loser 1972
        Square dance 1975
        The take-over men 1969
        Talent for murder 1967
        A touch of malice 1973
        Who goes next? 1976

Wake, Charlotte, Lady
        Reminiscences ed. Lucy Wake 1909

Wake, Abp. William
        His charge to the clergy of the diocese of Lincoln May 20, 1706 1707
        An exposition of the doctrine of the Church of England (anon.) 1686
        Preparation for death 1687

Wakefield, Edward J.
        Adventure in New Zealand 1845

Wakefield, Gilbert
        An enquiry into the expediency and propriety of public or social worship 1791 (1792)
        An examination of the Age of reason, or an investigation of true and fabulous theology, by T. Paine 1794
        A letter to Sir J. Scott on the subject of a late trial at Guildhall 1798
        Remarks on the general orders of the Duke of York to his army on June 7, 1794 1794
        A reply to T. Paine’s second part of the Age of reason 1795
        Memoirs of his life, written by himself a 1801 (1804)
See also Fox, C. J.

Wakeman, Reginald Leslie
        The chemistry of commercial plastics 1947

Walbran, John R.
        Memorials of the Abbey of St. Mary of Fountains. Collected and ed. by J. R. Walbran (Surtees Soc. 1863–78)

Walch, Garnet
        Head over heels: a Christmas-book 1875

Walcott, Mackenzie E. C.
        Sacred archæology; a popular dictionary of ecclesiastical art and institutions 1868

Waldere a 1000 (Grein)

Waldron, George
        A description of the Isle of Man 1726–30 (1744, 1865)

Waldron, Ronald Alan
        Sense and sense development 1967

Walford, Cornelius
        Fairs, past and present 1883

Walford, Edward
        See Thornbury, G. W.

Walford, Lucy B.
        Dick Netherby 1881
        The matchmaker 1894
        The mischief of Monica 1891

Walkden, Peter
        Extracts from his diary 1725–30 (1866)

Walker, Andrew Jamieson & Mott, Owen E.
tr. A. F. Holleman’s A text-book of organic chemistry 2 parts 1903
—(ed. 2) 1907

Walker, Anthony
        Leez lachrymans, sive comitis Warwici justa; a sermon on 2 Sam. III. 38, preached at the funeral of Charles Earl of Warwick, baron Rich of Leez 1673

Walker, Charles V. 1846
        See Joyce, J.

Walker, Clement
        Relations and observations historicall and politick, upon the parliament begun 1640; divided into two books. I. The mystery of the two junto’s; II. The history of independency 1648
Anarchia Anglicana, or the history of independency, the second part 1649
The High Court of Justice, or Cromwell’s new slaughter house in England, being the third part of the History of independency 1651
A fourth part by T. M. 1660

Walker, D.
        General view of the agriculture of the county of Hertford 1795

Walker, Donald
        Manly exercises, containing rowing, sailing, riding and driving 1839 (1847)

Walker, Ellis
        Epicteti Enchiridion tr. 1692 (1737)

Walker, Ernest Pillsbury, et al.
        Mammals of the world 3 vols. 1964–7

Walker, Ferdinand 1600
See Torquemada, A. de

Walker, Francis A.
        A brief text-book of political economy 1885
        Land and its rent 1883
        Money 1878
        Political economy 1883

Walker, George
        A true account of the siege of London-Derry 1689

Walker, George
        The adventures of Timothy Thoughtless 1813
        The battle of Waterloo: a poem 1815

Walker, Gilbert
        A manifest detection of the most vyle and detestable use of dice-play (anon.) c 1550 (Percy Soc. 1850)

Walker, James
        Jaunt to Auld Reekie 1882

Walker, James
        Introduction to physical chemistry 1899

Walker, John
        An attempt towards recovering an account of the numbers and sufferings of the clergy of the Church of England 1714

Walker, John
        A critical pronouncing dictionary and expositor of the English language 1791
        A dictionary of the English language, answering at once the purposes of rhyming, spelling, and pronouncing 1775
        Elements of elocution 1781
        A rhetorical grammar, or course of lessons in elocution 1785

Walker, John
        Essays on natural history and rural economy a 1803 (1812)

Walker, John
        Poems in English, Scotch, and Gaelic, on various subjects 1817

Walker, Martin
        The National Front 1977

Walker, Obadiah
        The Greek and Roman history illustrated by coins and medals, representing their religious rites 1692
        Of education, especially of young gentlemen 1673 (1677)
        Some instructions concerning the art of oratory (anon.) 1659 (1682)

Walker, Patrick
        Remarkable passages in the life of Mr. Alexander Peden 1727 (Biogr. Presbyt. 1827)
of Mr. John Semple, Mr. John Welwood, Mr. Richard Cameron 1727 (1827)
of the Rev. Mr. Donald Cargill and Mr. Walter Smith 1732 (1827)

Walker, R.
        The two threes; 33,333 miles by land and sea 1883

Walker, Robert
        Plebeian politics, or the principles and practices of certain mole-eyed maniacs, vulgarly called Warrites. By Tim Bobbin the Second (i.e. Robert Walker) 1801

Walker, Samuel
        The Christian: being a course of practical sermons 1755

Walker, W.
        The journall, or dayly register, contayning a true manifestation and historicall declaration of the voyage under J. C. Neck and W. van Warwick tr. 1601

Walker, William
        Idiomatologia Anglo-Latina; or a dictionarie of English and Latin idiomes 1670
        Phraseologia Anglo-Latina, or phrases of the English and Latin tongue; together with Paroemiologia Anglo-Latina 1672

Walker, William
        The bards of Bon-Accord 1375–1860 1887

Walker, William
        Three churchmen: sketches and reminiscences of the right rev. M. Russell, the right rev. C. H. Terrot, and G. Grub 1893

Walker, William Sidney
        A critical examination of the text of Shakespeare a 1846 (1860)
        Gustavus Vasa, and other poems 1813
        Poems from the Danish tr. 1815
        Poetical remains a 1846 (1852)

Walker, William Sylvester
        In the blood 1901

Walker, Williston
        John Calvin 1906

Walkington, Thomas
        The optick glasse of humors 1607 (1664)

Wall, Adam
        An account of the different ceremonies observed in the Senate house, Cambridge 1798

Wall, Bernard, et al.
tr. P. Teilhard de Chardin’s The phenomenon of man 1959

Wall, Edward J.
        A dictionary of photography 1889 (1890, 1897)

Wall, Thomas
        A comment on the times; or a character of the enemies of the church 1658
        Gods revenge against the enemies of the church 1658

Wall Street Journal 1889–

Wallace, Alfred R.
        Australasia 1879
        Contributions to the theory of natural selection 1871
        Darwinism 1889
        Island life 1880
        The Malay Archipelago 1869
        Man’s place in the universe 1903
        My life: a record of events and opinions 1905

Wallace, Charles W.
        The Children of the Chapel at Blackfriars 1597–1603 1908

Wallace, Sir Donald M.
        Russia 1877

Wallace, Lady Grace Maxwell
        Mendelssohn’s (F.) Letters from Italy and Switzerland tr. 1861 (1862)
        Mundt’s (C.) Frederick the Great and his merchant tr. 1858

Wallace, James
        A description of the Isles of Orkney a 1688 (1693)
—ed. 2, entitled An account of the Islands of Orkney (1700; 1883)

Wallace, Lewis
        Ben-Hur, a tale of the Christ 1880
        The fair God 1873

Wallace, Richard Horatio Edgar
        The double 1928
        The feathered serpent 1927
        The flying Fifty-Five 1922
        The Flying Squad 1928
The gunner
        The lady of Ascot 1930
        The mind of Mr. J. G. Reeder 1925
        The missing million 1923
        More educated Evans 1926
        Room 13 1924
        When the gangs came to London 1932

Wallace, Robert
        A country schoolmaster, James Shaw 1899
        Life and last leaves, ed. J. C. Smith & W. Wallace (1903)
        The rural economy and agriculture of Australia and New Zealand 1891

Wallace, Walter Adam
        Only a sister? A tale of to-day 1890

Wallace, William
        Continuation of the history of England by Sir James Mackintosh 1836–40

Wallace, William
        The logic of Hegel tr. 1874

Wallem, Fredrik M.
        Notes on the fish supply of Norway 1883 (Fisheries exhibition literature)

Waller, Edmund
        Works, in verse and prose a 1687 (1729)
        Poems 1645, 1664, a 1687 (1810)

Waller, Richard
        Essayes of natural experiments 1684

Waller, Sir William
        Divine meditations upon several occasions a 1668 (1680)
        Waller’s (Sir W.) Tragical history of Jetzer tr. 1679

Wallerius, Johan G.
        Mineralogia 1747

Wallis, Arthur James & Blair, Charles F.
        Thunder above 1956 (UK 1959)

Wallis, John
        A defence of the Christian sabbath 1692–94
        Due correction for Mr. Hobbes 1656
        The necessity of regeneration: in two sermons 1682
        A treatise of algebra, both historical and practical 1684–85

Wallis, Robert E.
        Delitzsch’s (F.) System of Biblical psychology tr. 1867

Wallis, Samuel
        An account of a voyage round the world in the years 1766, 1767 and 1768 1773 (in Hawkesworth’s Voyages, I)

Wallis, Thomas
        The farrier’s and horseman’s complete dictionary 1764 (1775)

Walmisley, Arthur T.
        The bridges over the Thames at London 1880

Waln, Nora
        The house of exile 1933

Walpole, Horace
        Anecdotes of painting in England, with some account of the principal artists; collected by G. Vertue 1762–71 (1786)
        The castle of Otranto; a Gothic story (anon.) 1765
        A catalogue of the royal and noble authors of England; with lists of their works 1758 (1759)
Observations on the account given of his catalogue 1759
        Correspondence ed. W. S. Lewis et al. (Yale ed.) 40 vols. 1937–80
        Historic doubts on the life and reign of King Richard the third 1768
        Letters a 1797 (1840, 1857–59, 1891, 1903–04)
        Letters ed. Mrs P. Toynbee 16 vols. 1903–5
—Suppl. ed. P. Toynbee 3 vols. 1918–25
        Letters to Sir Horace Mann a 1797 (1833, 1843–44)
        Memoires of the last ten years of the reign of George the second a 1797 (1822)
        Memoirs of the reign of king George the third a 1797 (1845)
        The mysterious mother, a tragedy 1768
        Private correspondence a 1797 (1820, 1837)
        Walpoliana 1788 (ed. 2)

Walpole, Hugh Seymour
        The cathedral 1922
        The dark forest 1916
        Fortitude 1913
        The fortress 1932
        Hans Frost 1929
        Judith Paris 1931
        Rogue Herries 1930
        The secret city 1919
        Vanessa 1933
        The young enchanted 1921

Walpole, Sir Spencer
        A history of England from the conclusion of the great war in 1815 1878–86
        The life of Lord John Russell 1889

Walsall, Samuel
        The life and death of Jesus Christ 1607 (1622)

Walsh, Benjamin D.
        The comedies of Aristophanes tr. 1837 (1848)

Walsh, John H.
        See ‘Stonehenge’

Walsh, John James
        Understanding paraplegia 1964

Walsh, John William Tudor
        Photometry 1926

Walsh, R. F.
        On improved facilities for the capture, economic transmission and distribution of sea fishes and how these matters affect Irish fisheries 1883 (Fisheries exhibition literature)

Walsh, William
        Poetical works a 1708 (1750)
        Letters and poems, amorous and gallant (anon.) 1692

Walsingham, Thomas De Grey, 6th Baron & Payne-Gallwey, Sir Ralph
        Shooting 1886 (Badminton library)

Walter, Henry
        A history of England (anon.) 1828–39

Walter of Henley’s Husbandry (transl.), together with an anonymous husbandry 14.. (1890)

Walton, Bp. Brian
        The considerator considered 1659 (1821)

Walton, Henry Haynes
        A treatise on operative ophthalmic surgery 1853
—ed. 3, entitled A practical treatise on the diseases of the eye 1875

Walton, Izaak
        The compleat angler (Part I) 1653; ed. 2, much enlarged 1655; ed. 3, much enlarged 1661; ed. 4, much enlarged 1668
        The universal angler 1676 (Pt. I. Walton’s Compleat angler, ed. 5; Pt. II. The compleat angler, being instructions how to angle for a trout or grayling in a clear stream, by C. Cotton; Pt. III. The experienced angler, by Col. R. Venables)
—With notes historical, critical and explanatory by Sir J. Hawkins (1760)
        The lives of Dr. John Donne (1640), Sir Henry Wotton (1651), Mr. Richard Hooker, Mr. George Herbert 1670
        The life of Dr. Sanderson 1678
        Love and truth: in two letters concerning the distempers of the present times 1680

Walton, Robert
        Random recollections of the Midland circuit 1869

Wambaugh, Joseph
        The black marble 1978
        The blue knight 1972 (UK 1973)

Wanderer a 1000 (Grein)

Wandering Jew telling fortunes to Englishmen, The 1640 (1649; Halliw., Books of characters 1857)

Wandesford, Sir Christopher
        A book of instructions a 1640 (1777)

Wandsworth Borough News 1884–

Wang Gungwu, ed.
        Malaysia: a survey 1964

Wanganui Chronicle (Wanganui, NZ) 1856–

Wanley, Nathaniel
        The wonders of the little world; or a general history of man 1678

Wanstead masque
See Sidney, Sir P.

Wapull, George
        The tyde taryeth no man 1576 (in J. P. Collier, Illustr. early Eng. pop. lit. II)

War illustrated, The 1914–19

War illustrated, The 1939–47

War weekly 1939–41

Warburton (—)
        A treatise on the history, laws, and customs of the island of Guernsey 1822

Warburton, Eliot B. G.
        The crescent and the cross 1845
        Darien; or, the merchant prince 1852

Warburton, George
        Hochelaga; or England in the New World 1846

Warburton, Rowland E. Egerton
        Hunting songs and miscellaneous verses 1859 (1860)

Warburton, Bp. William
        Works a 1779 (1788, 1811–41)
        The alliance between Church and State 1736
        A critical and philosophical enquiry into the causes of prodigies and miracles as related by historians 1727
        The divine legation of Moses demonstrated 1738–41
        The doctrine of grace 1763
        Julian; or, a discourse concerning the earthquake and fiery eruption which defeated that emperor’s attempt to rebuild the temple at Jerusalem 1750
        Letters from a late eminent prelate to one of his friends (Bp. Hurd) 17.. (1809)
        The works of Alexander Pope. With the commentaries and notes of Mr. Warburton 1751
        Ricardus Aristarchus Of the hero of the poem (anon.) 1742 (in Pope, Dunciad 1743)
        A selection from his unpublished papers 17.. (1841)
        The works of Shakespear. With a comment and notes by Mr. Pope and Mr. Warburton 1747
        Tracts, by Warburton, and a Warburtonian 17.. (1789)

Ward, Sir Adolphus W.
        Dickens 1882
        A history of English dramatic literature to the death of Queen Anne 1875

‘Ward, Artemus’ (C. F. Browne)
        Artemus Ward: his book 1865

Ward, Bernard
        History of St. Edmund’s College, Old Hall 1893

Ward, Edmund
        The hanged man 1976

Ward, Edward
        A collection of historical and state poems 1717
        The diverting works of the famous Miguel de Cervantes tr. 1709
        Hudibras redivivus; or a burlesque poem on the times (anon.) 1705–07
        The life and notable adventures of that renown’d knight, Don Quixote de la Mancha tr. 1711
        The London spy 1699–1702
        The rambling fuddle-caps (anon.) 1709
        Vulgus Britannicus; or, the British Hudibras (anon.) 1710
        The wooden world dissected, in the characters of a ship of war 1706 (1708)

Ward, Emma Georgina Elizabeth
        Outside Paris during the two sieges 1871

Ward, Frederick O.
        Outlines of human osteology 1838 (1876)

Ward, Mrs. Humphry
        Amiel’s journal: the journal intime of Henri-Frédéric Amiel tr. 1885
        Diana Mallory 1908
        Helbeck of Bannisdale 1898
        The history of David Grieve 1892
        Marcella 1894
        The marriage of William Ashe 1905
        Robert Elsmere 1888
        Sir George Tressady 1896
        The story of Bessie Costrell 1895

Ward, James
        The realm of ends; or, Pluralism and theism 1911

Ward, John
        The young mathematician’s guide; being a plain and easie introduction to the mathematicks 1709 (1713)

Ward, John
        The lives of the professors of Gresham College 1740

Ward, Lester F.
        Dynamic sociology, or applied social science 1883
        Pure sociology, a treatise on the origin and spontaneous development of society 1903

Ward, Nathaniel
        A sermon preached before the hon. House of Commons 1647
        The simple cobler of Aggawam in America 1647 (1843)
        To the high and honourable Parliament of England, the petitions of some gentlemen of the Easterne Association 1648

Ward, Nathaniel B.
        On the growth of plants in closely glazed cases 1842 (1852)

‘Ward, Ned, junior’The comforts of matrimony 1780

Ward, Richard
        Two theological treatises: the first shewing the nature of wit, wisdom, and folly. The second describing the nature, use, and abuse of the tongue 1673

Ward, Richard
        The life of Dr. Henry More 1710

Ward, Robert P.
        De Clifford; or the constant man 1841
        De Vere; or the man of independence 1827
        Tremaine; or the man of refinement (anon.) 1825

Ward, Russel Braddock
ed. The Penguin book of Australian ballads
See under title

Ward, Bp. Samuel
        A collection of sermons and treatises 1627–28 (Appended to vol. III of T. Adams’ Works, 1862)
        All in all 1621 (1622)
        Balme from Gilead to recover conscience 1616
        A coal from the altar 1615 (1616)
        The happinesse of practice 1621
        Jethros justice of peace 1618
        The life of faith in death 1622
        A peace-offering to God 1624
        Woe to drunkards 1622

Ward, Bp. Seth
        Seven sermons 1674

Ward, Thomas
        England’s reformation a 1708 (1710, 1716)

Ward, Thomas Humphry
ed. The English poets; selections with critical introductions by various writers 1880

Ward or Warde, William
        The secretes of Alexis of Piemont containing remedies against diseases tr. 1558; the seconde part 1560; the thyrde parte 1562 (1568, 1580)

Ward, William
        A view of the history, literature, and religion of the Hindoos 1811 (1817–20)

Ward, William G.
        Essays on the philosophy of theism a 1882 (1884)
        The ideal of a Christian Church 1844
        On nature and grace 1860

Ward-Jackson, Cyril Henry
        It’s a piece of cake; or, R.A.F. slang made easy 1943
—(rev. ed.) 1945

Warde, William
        See Ward, W.

Warden, David B.
        A chorographical and statistical description of the district of Columbia 1816

‘Warden, Florence’ (Mrs. James)
        A witch of the hills 1888

Warder, John A.
        Hedges and evergreens 1858

Warder, Joseph
        The true Amazons, or, the monarchy of bees 1693 (1713)

Wardlaw, Ralph
        Lectures on the Epistle to the Romans a 1853 (1869)

Wardrobe accounts of Edward IV
See Edward IV

Ware, J. Redding
        Passing English of the Victorian era 1909

Ware, Robert
        Foxes and firebrands 1682
        The hunting of the Romish fox 1683

Waring, Edward J.
        The tropical resident at home 1866

Wariston, Lord
        See Johnston, Sir A.

Warkworth, John
        A chronicle of the first thirteen years of the reign of King Edward the fourth 1473–82 (Camden Soc. 1839)

Warmestry, Thomas
        Suspiria ecclesiæ et reipublicæ Anglicanæ; the sighs of the churche and commonwealth of England 1640

Warming, Johannes Eugenius Bülow
        Oecology of plants 1909

Warner, Charles Dudley
        Backlog studies 1872
        In the Levant 1877
        Mummies and Moslems 1876
        My winter on the Nile 1876
        A roundabout journey 1883
        Saunterings 1873
        Their pilgrimage 1888
        Washington Irving 1882

Warner, Francis
        Physical expression 1885

Warner, Francis R. Le P.
        Early poems 1964
        Killing time 1976
        Lying figures 1972
        Maquettes 1972
        Meeting ends 1974

Warner, George T.
        See Howson, Edmund W.

Warner, James Franklin
        A universal dictionary of musical terms 1842

Warner, Pelham Francis
        How we recovered the Ashes 1904
        My cricketing life 1921

Warner, Richard
        Plantæ Woodfordienses 1771

Warner, Richard
        Antiquitates culinariæ: or, curious tracts relating to the culinary affairs of the Old English 1791
        Walk through some of the western counties of England 1800

Warner, Susan
        The hills of the Shatemuc 1856
        The old helmet 1864
        Queechy 1852
        Say and seal (anon.) 1860
        The wide wide world 1852

Warner, Sylvia Townsend
        Lolly Willowes; or, The loving huntsman 1926

Warner, William
        Albions England, or historicall map of the same island (Books i–iv) 1586
        The first and second parts of Albions England, reuised and corrected (Books i–vi) 1589
        Albions England. The third time corrected (Books i–viii) 1592
Now reuised and enlarged (Books i–xii) 1596
Reuised and inlarged (Books i–xiii) 1602
A continuance of Albions England (Books xiv–xvi) 1606 (1612)
        Menæcmi; a pleasant comædie taken out of Plautus tr. 1595

Warnes, John
        Flax versus cotton; or, the two-edged sword against pauperism and slavery 1850

Warning for faire women, A 1599 (in Simpson, School of Shakspere II, 1878)

Warning for house-keepers, A 1676

Warning from J. Beem 1649
        See Ellistone, J.

Warren, E. Prioleau & Cleverly, C. F. M.
        The wanderings of the Beetle 1885

Warren, Edward de
        Caignart de Saulcy’s (L. F. J.) Narrative of a journey round the Dead Sea tr. 1853

Warren, George
        An impartial description of Surinam upon the continent of Guiana 1667

Warren, Henry W.
        Recreations in astronomy 1879

Warren, Howard Crosby
ed. Dictionary of psychology 1934

Warren, John B. L.
        A guide to the study of book-plates (ex-libris) 1880

Warren, Robert Penn
        Incarnations: poems 1966–68 1968 (UK 1970)
        Night rider 1939

Warren, Samuel
        The lily and the bee: an apologue of the Crystal Palace 1851
        Now and then 1848
        Passages from the diary of a late physician 1832–38
        Ten thousand a year (anon.) 1841

Warren, Thomas
        Unbeleevers no subjects of justification 1654

Warres of Cyrus against Antiochus, The 1594

Warriston, Lord
        See Johnston, Sir A.

Wars of Alexander
See Alexander

Wars of the English in France, Letters and papers illustrative of the 14.. (Rolls series 1861–64)

Warter, John W.
        The last of the old squires 1854
        The sea-board and the down, by an old vicar 1860

Warton, Joseph
        An essay on the writings and genius of Pope (anon.) 1756–82
        Odes on various subjects 1746
        Poems a 1800 (1810)
See also Pitt, C.

Warton, Thomas
        An enquiry into the authenticity of the poems attributed to T. Rowley 1782
        The history of English poetry 1774–81 (1840)
        The life and literary remains of R. Bathurst 1761
        The life of Sir T. Pope 1772
        Newmarket, a satire (anon.) 1751
        Ode, as performed at the Theatre, 2 July 1751 1751
        Poetical works 1777, a 1790 (1802, 1810)
        Specimen of a history of Oxfordshire. Kiddington 1783
        The triumph of Isis, a poem 1749
See also Oxford sausage; Student

Warung, Price
        Tales of the old régime and The bullet of the fated ten 1897

Warwick, Arthur
        Spare minutes; or, resolved meditations 1634 (1637)

‘Warwick, Eden’ (George Jabet)
        Nasology: or hints towards a classification of noses 1848

Warwick, Mary Rich, Countess of
        Autobiography a 1678 (ed. T. C. Croker, Percy Soc. 1848)

Warwick, Wayne
        Surfriding in New Zealand 1968

Warwickshire glossary 1896
        See Northall, G. F.

Washburn, Emory
        A treatise on the American law of real property 1860–62

Washburn, Margaret F.
        The animal mind 1908

Washington, Bushrod
        Reports of cases argued and determined in the Court of Appeals of Virginia 1790–96 1798–99

Washington, George
        Writings a 1799 (1833–37, 1889–93)
        Daily journal in 1751–52, kept while on a tour from Virginia to the Island of Barbadoes 1751–52 (1892)
        Diaries, 1748–1799 ed. J. C. Fitzpatrick 4 vols. 1925

Washington, Joseph
        A defence of the people of England by John Milton tr. 1692

Washington, Thomas
        Nicolay’s (N. de) Nauigations into Turkie tr. 1585

Washington Academy of Sciences
        Journal 1911–

Washington Post 1877–

Wason, Robert Alexander
        Happy Hawkins 1909

Watch-house, The a 1814 (in New British theatre)

Watchman, The; by S. T. Coleridge 1796

Waterhouse, Benjamin
        Cautions to young persons concerning health 1805

Waterhouse, Edward
        A discourse and defence of arms and armory 1660
        Fortescutus illustratus; or a commentary on that nervous treatise De laudibus legum Angliæ, by Sir John Fortescue 1663
        An humble apologie for learning and learned men 1653
        A short narrative of the late dreadful fire in London 1667

Waterhouse, George R.
        A natural history of the mammalia 1846–48
        The natural history of marsupialia or pouched animals 1841

Waterhouse, Keith Spencer
        Billy Liar 1959

Waterhouse, L. M.
        Conduit wiring and erection with special reference to the simplex system of steel conduits 1901

Waterland, Daniel
        Works a 1740 (1823–28)
        Christianity vindicated against infidelity 1732
        A critical history of the Athanasian Creed 1724
        Eight sermons in defense of the divinity of Our Lord Jesus Christ 1720
        Review of the doctrine of the Eucharist 1737
        Scripture vindicated 1730
        A vindication of Christ’s divinity 1719

Waterman, Talbot Howe
        The physiology of Crustacea 2 vols. 1960–1

Watermen and lightermen, An abstract of the rules, orders, and constitutions of the company of 1708

Waters, Stanley
        Indentures indorsed 1967

Waterston, William
        Cyclopædia of commerce 1843 (1863)

Waterton, Charles
        Wanderings in South America 1825 (1879, 1882)

Waterworth, James
        The canons and decrees of the Council of Trent tr. 1848
        Véron’s (F.) Rule of the Catholic faith tr. 1833

Waterworth, William
        England and Rome 1854

Watkins, Alfred
        Photography: the Watkins manual of exposure and development 1902
—(ed. 2) 1903

Watkins, Charles
        Principles of conveyancing 1800 (1819)

Watreman, William
        Boemus’ (J.) Fardle of facions conteining the aunciente maners of Affrike and Asia tr. 1555

Wats, Gilbert
        See Watts, G.

Watson, Alfred Edward Thomas
        The turf 1898
ed. The young sportsman 1900

Watson, Christopher
        The hystories of Polybius tr. 1568

Watson, Colin
        Bump in the night 1960
        Coffin scarcely used 1958
        Hopjoy was here 1962

Watson, George Marr
        The Roxburghshire word-book 1923

Watson, Henry Clay
        Camp fires of the revolution; or, The war of independence 1850

Watson, Henry W. & Burbury, S. H.
        The mathematical theory of electricity and magnetism 1885–89

Watson, Hewett C.
        Cybele Britannica; or, British plants and their geographical relations 4 vols. 1847–59
        Topographical botany 1873

Watson, James
ed. A choice collection of comic and serious Scots poems 1706–11
        The history of the art of printing 1713

Watson, James
        Jedburgh Abbey 1894 (ed. 2)
        Living bards of the Border 1859

Watson, James Dewey
        The double helix: a personal account of the discovery of DNA 1968

Watson, Jean L.
        Life of Andrew Thomson, minister of St. George’s parish, Edinburgh 1882

Watson, John
        The history and antiquities of the parish of Halifax, in Yorkshire 1775

Watson, John
        The confessions of a poacher 1890 (1893)

Watson, John
        See ‘Maclaren, Ian’

Watson, John Fanning
        Annals of Philadelphia 1830

Watson, John W. & Evans, Maurice J.
        J. J. van Oosterzee’s Christian dogmatics tr. 1874

Watson, Joseph Y.
        A compendium of British mining 1843

Watson, Richard
        Historicall collections of ecclesiastick affairs in Scotland 1657
        A sermon touching schisme 1642

Watson, Bp. Richard
        Anecdotes of his life, written by himself at different intervals, and revised in 1814, published by his son Rich. Watson (1817)
        An apology for the Bible 1796
        Chemical essays 1782–87
        A collection of theological tracts 1785 (1791)
        Sermons on public occasions, and tracts on religious subjects 1788

Watson, Robert
        The history of the reign of Philip the second, king of Spain 1777
        The history of the reign of Philip the third, king of Spain a 1781 (1783); Books v and vi by William Thomson 1783 (1839)

Watson, Robert S.
        A visit to Wazan, the sacred city of Morocco 1880

Watson, Bp. Thomas
        Holsome and catholyke doctryne concerninge the seuen sacramentes 1558

Watson, Thomas
        Poems a 1592 (Arber 1870)
        The or passionate centurie of loue 1582
        An eglogue vpon the death of Sir F. Walsingham 1590

Watson, Thomas
        A body of practical divinity 1692
        The one thing necessary 1656

Watson, Sir Thomas
        Lectures on the principles and practice of physic 1843 (1857, 1871)

Watson, William
        A decacordon of ten quodlibeticall questions concerning religion and state (anon.) 1602
        Important considerations, by the secular priests (anon.) 1601 (1675, 1688, 1831)
        A sparing discoverie of our English Jesuits (anon.) 1601

Watson, William
        An amical call to repentance and the practical belief of the gospel 1691

Watson, William
        A text-book of physics 1899

Watson-Watt, Robert Alexander
        Three steps to victory: a personal account 1957

Watsonia: journal of the Botanical Society of the British Isles 1949–

Watt, Alexander
        The art of leather manufacture 1885
        The art of paper-making 1890
        The art of soap-making 1884 (1885)
        Electro-deposition, a practical treatise on the electrolysis of gold, silver, copper, etc. 1886
        Mechanical industries explained 1881
        Scientific industries explained 1881

Watt, John Mitchell & Breyer-Brandwijk, Maria Gerdina
        The medicinal and poisonous plants of southern Africa 1932
—(ed. 2, with title —— of southern and eastern Africa) 1962

Watt, William
        A history of Aberdeen and Banff 1900

Watts, Elizabeth
        Martin’s (W. C. L.) Poultry yard. Revised by Miss E. Watts 1855

Watts, Gilbert
        Bacon’s Advancement and proficience of learning tr. 1640

Watts, Henry
        A dictionary of chemistry 1859–68; Supplement 1872; 2nd Supplement 1875; 3rd Supplement 1881
—New ed. 1872–82
—Revised by H. F. Morley & M. M. P. Muir 1888–94
        Gmelin’s (L.) Hand-book of chemistry tr. 1848–64
See also Fownes, George

Watts, Isaac
        Works a 1748 (1753)
        Divine and moral songs for children 1720
        Horæ lyricæ; poems chiefly of the lyric kind 1706
        Hymns and spiritual songs 1707
        The improvement of the mind: or, a supplement to the Art of logick 1741; part ii a 1748
        Logick: or the right use of reason in the enquiry after truth 1725
        Philosophical essays on various subjects 1733
        The Psalms of David imitated in the language of the New Testament 1719
        Reliquiæ juveniles: miscellaneous thoughts in prose and verse 1734 (1789)

Watts, Isaac
        Cotton 1876 (G. P. Bevan’s British manuf. industries, V)

Watts, Jeffry
        A Scribe, Pharisee, Hypocrite, and his letter answered, separates churched, dippers sprinkled: or, a vindication of the Church and Universities of England 1657

Watts-Dunton, Theodore
        Aylwin 1898

Waugh, Alexander Raban
        The last chukka 1928
        The loom of youth 1917

Waugh, Auberon Alexander
        The foxglove saga 1960

Waugh, Benjamin
        The gaol cradle, who rocks it? (anon.) 1873

Waugh, Edwin
        The chimney corner 1874
        Home life of the Lancashire factory folk during the cotton famine 1867
        The owd blanket 1867
        Sketches of Lancashire life and localities 1855
        Sneck Bant; or, th’ owd tow-bar 1868

Waugh, Evelyn Arthur St. John
        Black mischief 1932
        Brideshead revisited 1945
        Decline and fall 1928
        Diaries ed. M. Davie 1976
        A handful of dust 1934
        Labels: a Mediterranean journal 1930
        Letters ed. M. Amory 1980
        The loved one 1948
        Men at arms 1952
        Ninety-two days 1934
        Officers and gentlemen 1955
        Put out more flags 1942
        Remote people 1931
        Scoop 1938
        Unconditional surrender 1961
Vile bodies

Waugh, Hillary Baldwin
        The con game 1968
        Finish me off 1970 (UK 1971)
        Last seen wearing —— 1952 (UK 1953)
Parrish for the defense
1974 (UK 1975)
        Pure poison 1966 (UK 1967)

Wawn, William T.
        The South Sea islanders and the Queensland labour trade 1893

Way, Peter
        Super-Celeste 1977

Way to play, The: the illustrated encyclopedia of the games of the world 1975

Wayer, William
        See Wager, W.

Wayland, Francis
        A memoir of the life and labors of the rev. A. Judson 1853

Wayre, Philip
        Wind in the reeds 1965

Weakest goeth to the wall 1600 (1618)

Weale, John
        Rudimentary dictionary of terms used in architecture, building and construction, early and ecclesiastical art 1849–50
—ed. 4, by R. Hunt 1873

Weale, Robert Alexander
        The eye and its function 1960

Weatherly, Keith
        The roo shooter 1968

Weaver, Frederic W.
ed. Somerset medieval wills 1383–1558 (Somerset record soc. 1901–05)
ed. Wells wills, arranged in parishes v.d. (1890)

Weaver, John Ernest & Clements, Frederic Edward
        Plant ecology 1929
—(ed. 2) 1938

Weaver, Robert
ed. Canadian short stories (2nd ser.) 1968

Weavers’ pageant, The 14..
See Presentation in the temple

Webb, Benjamin
        Sketches of Continental ecclesiology 1848

Webb, Daniel
        An inquiry into the beauties of painting 1760

Webb, James
        Hymen’s præludia: or, loves master-piece. Being the eighth part of that so much admir’d romance intituled Cleopatra tr. 1658

Webb, John
        A vindication of Stone-Heng restored 1665 (1725)

Webb, Martha Beatrice
        My apprenticeship 1926

Webb, Robert F.
        Motorists’ dictionary 1963

Webb, Sidney & Beatrice
        English local government 1906–08
        Industrial democracy 1897

Webb, Thomas E.
        Goethe’s Faust 1880

Webbe, Edward
        The rare and most wonderfull things which E. Webbe hath seene in his traviles 1590 (Arber 1868)

Webbe, Bp. George
        The practice of quietnes 1615 (1653)

Webbe, William
        A discourse of English poetrie 1586 (Arber 1870)

Weber, Henry W.
ed. Metrical romances of the thirteenth, fourteenth, and fifteenth centuries: published from ancient manuscripts. With an introduction, notes, and a glossary 1810

Webster, Arthur Gordon
        The theory of electricity and magnetism 1897

Webster, Daniel
        Works 1851
        Private correspondence a 1852 (1857)
        Speeches and forensic arguments 1835

Webster, Douglas & Webster, Molly
        Comparative vertebrate morphology 1974

Webster, James
        General view of the agriculture of Galloway, comprehending the Stewartry of Kirkcudbright and Shire of Wigton 1794

Webster, Jean (Alice Jean Chandler Webster)
        Dear enemy 1915 (UK 1916)

Webster, John
        Works a 1625 (1830, 1857)
        Appius and Virginia a 1625 (1654)
        The deuils law-case 1623
        The tragedy of the Dutchesse of Malfy 1623
        The white divel 1612
See also Tourneur, C.

—— & Rowley, William
        A cure for a cuckold 16.. (1661)

Webster, John
        The displaying of supposed witchcraft 1677
        Metallographia: or, an history of metals 1671

Webster, John
        Elements of mechanical and chemical philosophy 1804
        Elements of natural philosophy 1804
Philosophical instructor: or, Webster’s Elements of natural philosophy, subdivided by A. Eaton 1824
See also Imison, John

Webster, John
        Introduction to fungi 1970

Webster, Noah
        A compendious dictionary of the English language 1806
        An American dictionary of the English language 1828; 1832
        An American dictionary of the English language. Revised and enlarged by Chauncey A. Goodrich 1847
—new and revised ed. 1864; Suppl. 1880
        Webster’s International dictionary 1890, 1900; Suppl. 1902
        Webster’s New international dictionary 1911, 1918
        New international dictionary of the English language ed. W. T. Harris & F. S. Allen 1909
—(ed. 2, ed. W. A. Neilson, T. A. Knott, & P. W. Carhart) 2 vols. 1934
—(ed. 3, ed. P. B. Gove) 2 vols. 1961 (see also 6,000 words)

Webster, Robert
        Gems: their sources, description and identification 2 vols. 1962

Webster, Thomas & Parkes, Mrs.
        An encyclopædia of domestic economy 1844

Webster, William
        An essay on book-keeping 1721 (1734)

Webster’s sports dictionary 1976
