June 2012 update

In the June 2012 update we revise some 2,500 SUB- and SUPER- words, including subculturesubvertsupercoolsuperhero, and supernaturalSuper- has been a particularly productive prefix in American political language in 2012: new additions include topical words like super PACsupermajority, and superdelegate.

The revision also sees new words from the world of economics (quantitative easing), technology (subdomain), and leisure (dance-off). You can read more about the revisions and new words in the June update in this article by the Chief Editor of the OED, John Simpson. See a full list of the new words, new subentries, and new senses of existing words added in this update.

We have also improved the OED’s search functionality. Over one million current and historical inflected forms have been added to the database, and author and work titles have been expanded throughout – improving the success of searches for words or quotations in the OED.

Read John Simpson’s commentary

See the full list of new words