December 2001 update

13 December 2001 saw the publication of the range of entries met-micturition in the New Edition. In addition to revised versions of Second Edition entries, this range contains the entries listed below. We have also added a further list of new words from across the alphabet.

List of new words

  • Met, n.4
  • met, a.2
  • meta-acid, n.
  • meta-analysis, n.
  • meta-analyst, n.
  • meta-analytic, a.
  • metabelian, a.
  • Metabolist, n. and a.
  • metabolon, n.2
  • metabolous, a.2
  • metaborate, n.
  • metabotropic, a.
  • metacercarial, a.
  • metacharacter, n.
  • metachromic, a.1
  • metachromic, a.2
  • metachronous, a.
  • metachrony, n.
  • metacognition, n.
  • metacognitive, a.
  • meta-compound, n.
  • metacritique, n.
  • metacultural, a.
  • metaculture, n.
  • metadiscourse, n.
  • metafictionist, n.
  • metafunction, n.
  • metagee, n.
  • metagenic, a.
  • metagrammatically, adv.
  • meta-information, n.
  • metakinetism, n.
  • metalevel, n.
  • Metalflake, n.
  • metalimnic, a.
  • meta-literary, a.
  • metaliterature, n.
  • metallicolous, a.2
  • metallism, n.
  • metallochromic, a.
  • metamer, n.2
  • metamodel, n.
  • metamorphical, a.
  • metamorphogenic, a.
  • metamyelocyte, n.
  • metanarration, n.
  • metanarrative, n.
  • metanephrogenic, a.
  • metapelet, n.
  • metaphorician, n.
  • metaphoricity, n.
  • metaphorization, n.
  • metaphragma, n.
  • metaphysicist, n.
  • metaphytic, a.2
  • metaphyton, n.
  • metaplasmic, a.
  • metapodal, a.
  • metapolitic, a. and n.
  • metapragmatic, a.
  • metapragmatics, n.
  • metasemiotic, n. and a.
  • metasilicate, n.
  • metasomal, a.
  • metastasizing, a.
  • metastatement, n.
  • metasyncritical, a.
  • metasyndesis, n.
  • meta-talk, v.
  • meta-text, n.
  • metatextual, a.
  • metathalamus, n.
  • metatheatre, n.
  • metatheatrical, a.
  • meta-universe, n.
  • metavariscite, n.
  • meta-word, n.
  • metehole, n.
  • metempiric, a.
  • metempsychosic, a.
  • metempsychotic, a.
  • metempsychotically, adv.
  • météor, n.2 and a.2
  • meteored, a.
  • meteoro-, comb. form
  • metepimeron, n.
  • metepisternum, n.
  • meter, v.1
  • -meter, comb. form1
  • metestone, n.
  • meth, n.1
  • methanide, n.
  • methanolysis, n.
  • methantheline, n.
  • metheg, n.
  • methi, n.
  • methie, v.
  • methine, n.
  • methionyl, n.1
  • methionyl, n.2
  • methotrimeprazine, n.
  • Methoxone, n.
  • methoxsalen, n.
  • methoxylated, a.
  • methsuximide, n.
  • methylacetylene, n.
  • methylase, n.
  • methylmalonate, n.
  • methylmalonic, a.
  • methylmalonyl, a.
  • methylotroph, n.
  • methylotrophic, a.
  • methylotrophy, n.
  • methyltransferase, n.
  • meting, n.2
  • metness, n.
  • metonymous, a.
  • metopion, n.
  • metopon, n.
  • metreage, n.
  • metredom, n.
  • metresse, n.
  • -metrical, comb. form
  • metricized, a.2
  • metrics, n.
  • metrifonate, n.
  • -metrium, comb. form
  • metrize, v.2
  • metro-, comb. form1
  • metro-, comb. form2
  • metro-, comb. form3
  • metro-, comb. form4
  • Metrolink, n.
  • metromania, n.2
  • metromaniacal, a.
  • metron, n.
  • metropathia, n.
  • metropolitanized, a.
  • Metrorail, n.
  • metrum, n.
  • metster, n.
  • met-stick, n.
  • Metternichian, a.
  • metula, n.
  • mevinphos, n.
  • Mevlevi, n.
  • mevrouw, n.
  • me-wards, adv.
  • Mexamerica, n.
  • Meyer, n.
  • mezzaluna, n.
  • mezzo carattere, n.
  • Mfecane, n.
  • Mfengu, n. (and a.)
  • mfg., n.
  • mfr., n.
  • Mg, n.
  • mgqashiyo, n.
  • mgr., n.2
  • MHC, n.
  • miascite, n.
  • miaskitic, a.
  • Mic, n.1
  • micacize, v.
  • micatization, n.
  • Michael-met, n.
  • mick, n.2
  • Mick Dooley, n.
  • mickey, v.
  • Mickey Doo, n.
  • Mickey Doolan, n.
  • Mickey Mouse, v.
  • micklegemot, n.
  • micklehood, n.
  • mickle-mouth, a.
  • mickles, adv.
  • Mico, n.2
  • micranthrope, n.
  • micrencephalia, n.
  • microanalytic, a.
  • microanatomic, a.
  • microanatomical, a.
  • microangiopathy, n.
  • microarchitecture, n.
  • microbeer, n.
  • microbrecciated, a.
  • microbrew, n.
  • microbrewed, a.
  • microbrewer, n.
  • microbrewery, n.
  • microbrewing, n.
  • microburst, n.
  • micro-business, n.
  • microcanonical, a.
  • microcassette, n.
  • microchannel, n.
  • microchemist, n.
  • microchip, v.
  • microchipped, a.
  • microcontroller, n.
  • Microcystis, n.
  • microdata, n.
  • microdontia, n.
  • microdontic, a.
  • microdontism, n.
  • microenterprise, n.
  • micro-entrepreneur, n.
  • microfibre, n.
  • microfiche, v.
  • microfine, a.
  • microfloral, a.
  • microfocus, a. and n.
  • micrographia, n.
  • micrographic, a.2
  • microgravity, n.
  • microhistory, n.
  • micro-image, n.
  • microinjector, n.
  • microkernel, n.
  • microlender, n.
  • microlending, n.
  • microlens, n.
  • microlens, v.
  • microlensing, n.
  • microlensing, a.
  • microlighter, n.
  • microlitre, n.
  • micrologue, n.
  • micromachine, n.
  • micromachined, a.
  • micromachinery, n.
  • micro-macro, a. (and n.)
  • micromanager, n.
  • micromechanical, a.
  • micromechanics, n.
  • micromelia, n.
  • micromerite, n.
  • micromeritic, a.2
  • micromineral, n.
  • micro-mini, n.2
  • micromodel, n.
  • micromodelling, n.
  • micromole, n.
  • micromorphic, a.
  • micromorphological, a.
  • micromorphology, n.
  • micromotor, n.
  • micronizer, n.
  • microphoning, n.
  • micropolitical, a.
  • micropolitics, n.
  • micropolyphony, n.
  • microproof, a.
  • micropulverization, n.
  • micropulverize, v.
  • microsatellite, n.
  • microsaur, n.
  • microsaurian, a. and n.
  • Microscopium, n.
  • microsecond, n.
  • microseismically, adv.
  • microseismicity, n.
  • microseismogram, n.
  • microseismometer, n.
  • microseismoscope, n.
  • microsociety, n.
  • microsociolinguistic, a.
  • microsociolinguistics, n.
  • microsomia, n.
  • microsporidium, n.
  • Microsporum, n.
  • microstudy, n.
  • microsurgeon, n.
  • microtechnology, n.
  • microthermal, a.
  • microthermic, a.
  • micro-thin, a.
  • microtiter, a.
  • microtunnelling, n.
  • microtunnelling, a.
  • microwaving, n.
  • microwear, n.
  • microwell, n.
  • micturating, n.

In addition to these new entries, a number of new subordinate entries were added to existing entries. These included:

  • (Under meta- prefix)
    • metacompiler
    • metadata
    • metafile
    • metaloph
    • metabisulphite
  • (Under metabolic a.)
    • metabolic acidosis
    • metabolic alkalosis
    • metabolic pool
    • metabolic rate
  • (Under metachronous a.)
    • metachronously
  • (Under metafictional a.)
    • metafictionality
  • (Under metafunction n.)
    • metafunctional
  • (Under metal n. and a.)
    • metal-basher
    • metal-bashing
    • metal bender
    • metal-bending
    • metal cluster
    • metal-evaporated tape
    • metalforming
    • metalhead
    • metalmark
    • metal matrix
    • metal matrix composite
    • metal wood
    • metal-like
  • (Under metalinguistic a.)
    • metalinguistic awareness
  • (Under metallic a. and n.)
    • metallic bond
    • metallic bonding
    • metallic-line
    • metallic lustre
  • (Under metallo- comb. form)
    • metallocene
    • metalloporphyrin
    • metalloprotease
    • metalloproteinase
  • (Under metallurgical a.)
    • metallurgical coal
    • metallurgical coke
  • (Under metamorphic a. and n.)
    • metamorphic aureole
  • (Under metaphorize v.)
    • metaphorizing
  • (Under metaplastic a.)
    • metaplastic polyp
  • (Under meteor n.1 and a.1)
    • meteor spectrograph
    • meteor spectrography
    • meteor storm
  • (Under meteoroid n.)
    • meteoroid bumper
    • meteoroid stream
  • (Under meth n.2)
    • meth freak
    • meth head
  • (Under methane n.)
    • methane hydrate
    • methane sulphonic acid
  • (Under methicillin n.)
    • methicillin-resistant
  • (Under methionine n.)
    • methionine-enkephalin
  • (Under methyl n.)
    • methylchloroform
    • methylcholanthrene
    • methyl cyanide
    • 5-methylcytosine
    • methyl ether
    • methyl isocyanate
    • methyl isocyanide
    • methyl malonate
    • methylmercury
    • methylpentynol
    • methylphenidate
    • methylthiophene
  • (Under methylene n.)
    • methylene dichloride
  • (Under methylotrophic a.)
    • methylotrophically
  • (Under metre n.1)
    • metre-verse
  • (Under metric a.2 and n.2)
    • metric hundredweight
    • metric mile
  • (Under metrize v.2)
    • metrized
  • (Under metronome n.)
    • metronome mark
  • (Under metropolitan n. and a.)
    • metropolitan county
  • (Under Mexican n. and a.)
    • Mexican bean
    • Mexican bean beetle
    • Mexican brown
    • Mexican chocolate
    • Mexican dollar
    • Mexican Spanish
  • (Under MHC n.)
    • MHC molecule
    • MHC-restricted
    • MHC restriction
  • (Under Michaelmas n.)
    • Michaelmas court
    • Michaelmas head-court
    • Michaelmas summer
  • (Under micro- comb. form)
    • microcatchment
    • microdomain
    • microlecithal
    • micropower
    • microspike
    • microvan
    • microvasculature
    • microzooplankton
    • microcredit
    • microelectromechanical
    • microembolization
    • microemulsion
    • microfabrication
    • microgeographic
    • microgeographical
    • microheterogeneity
    • micropayment
    • microviscosity
    • microcentrifuge
    • microdiffraction
    • microfiltration
    • microforge
    • microfuge
    • microhematocrit
    • micropuncture
    • microsequence
    • microsequencing
  • (Under microanatomical a.)
    • microanatomically
  • (Under microangiopathy n.)
    • microangiopathic
  • (Under microcanonical a.)
    • microcanonical ensemble
  • (Under microchip v.)
    • microchipping
  • (Under microfiche n.)
    • microfiche reader
  • (Under microfilm v.)
    • microfilmed
  • (Under microinject v.)
  • (Under microlens v.)
    • microlensed
  • (Under microlight n. and a.)
    • microlighting
  • (Under microprogrammable a.)
  • (Under microtiter a.)
    • microtiter plate
    • microtiter well
  • (Under microwave n. and a.)
    • microwave background
    • microwave background radiation
    • microwave-safe

Out-of-sequence new entries

13 December 2001 also saw the publication of the following new entries from across the alphabet:

  • autostereoscopic, a.
  • Ayurveda, n.
  • Ayurvedist, n.
  • communitarianism, n.
  • comper, n.
  • comping, n.2
  • corporate, n.
  • decaf, n. and a.
  • detangle, v.
  • detangler, n.
  • Dolcelatte, n.
  • dope, a.
  • dosha, n.
  • dress-down, a.
  • drop-dead, a. and adv.
  • dry eye, n.
  • dump bin, n.
  • ecofeminism, n.
  • ecofeminist, a. and n.
  • ecotour, n.
  • ecotourism, n.
  • ecotourist, n.
  • elastane, n.
  • emergicentre, n.
  • Ethernet, n.
  • false memory, n.
  • feeding frenzy, n.
  • frizzy, n.
  • FTP, n.
  • FTP, v.
  • fuck-me, a.
  • fuji, n.
  • full bore, n., adv., and a.
  • full on, adv. and a.
  • gimp, n.5
  • girl power, n.
  • gorp, n.
  • grrr, v.
  • grrr, int. and n.
  • grrrl, n.
  • haircare, n.
  • Halcion, n.
  • herbal medicine, n.
  • high-street, a.
  • high-top, a. and n.
  • ho, n.6
  • home cinema, n.
  • home shopper, n.
  • home shopping, n.
  • hood, n.3
  • hot-link, n.
  • hot-link, v.
  • internal audit, n.
  • internal auditing, n.
  • internal auditor, n.
  • juju, n.3
  • kapha, n.
  • karoshi, n.
  • kecks, n. pl.
  • keiretsu, n.
  • LETS, n.
  • New Romantic, n. and a.
  • pitta, n.2
  • platzel, n.
  • point-and-shoot, a. and n.
  • porky, n.2
  • porta-, comb. form
  • portainer, n.
  • Portaloo, n.
  • Porta Potti, n.
  • Portastudio, n.
  • postviral, a.
  • power dress, v.
  • power-dressed, a.
  • power dresser, n.
  • power dressing, n. and a.
  • powerlifter, n.
  • powerlifting, n.
  • pre-AIDS, n. and a.
  • rajas, n.
  • rajasic, a.
  • retro, n.2 and a.
  • riot girl, n.
  • sattva, n.
  • sattvic, a.
  • tamas, n.
  • tamasic, a.
  • telnet, n.
  • telnet, v.
  • telnetable, a.
  • text message, n.
  • urgicentre, n.
  • Usenet, n.
  • vata, n.
  • vital force, n.
  • xenotransplant, n.
  • xenotransplant, v.
  • xenotransplantation, n.

In addition to these new entries, the following out-of-sequence subordinate entries were added:

  • (Under appropriate ppl. a. and n.)
    • appropriate technology
    • appropriate technologist
  • (Under box n.2)
    • outside the box
    • to think outside the box
    • out-of-the-box
    • inside the box
  • (Under brain n.)
    • brain food
  • (Under C)
    • CFS
  • (Under chronic a.)
    • chronic fatigue
    • chronic fatigue syndrome
  • (Under cop v.3)
    • to cop on (to or with)
    • to cop off (with)
  • (Under cult n. and a.2)
    • cult figure
    • cult status
  • (Under dominance n.)
    • dominance-submission
    • dominance and submission
  • (Under duck n.3)
    • duck tape
  • (Under duct n.)
    • duct tape
  • (Under eco- comb. form)
    • eco-warrior
  • (Under file n.2)
    • file transfer protocol
  • (Under gaffer n.)
    • gaffer tape
  • (Under hair n.)
    • hair wrap
    • hair wrapping
  • (Under Hungarian a. and n.)
    • Hungarian notation
  • (Under interim adv., n., and a.)
    • interim management
    • interim manager
  • (Under intermediate a. and n.)
    • intermediate technology
  • (Under life n.)
    • a new life
    • to make a life
    • to get a life
    • life care
  • (Under lipstick n.)
    • lipstick lesbian
    • lipstick lesbianism
  • (Under Philly n.)
    • Philly fade
  • (Under point v.1)
    • point-and-click
  • (Under polarity n.)
    • polarity therapy
  • (Under porky a.)
    • porky pie
  • (Under position v.)
    • positioning
  • (Under pounding vbl. n.1)
    • to take a pounding
  • (Under power n.1)
    • power breakfast
    • power lunch
    • power luncher
    • power lunching
    • power nap
    • power tie
  • (Under price n.)
    • price buster
    • price point
  • (Under prick n.)
    • a spare prick (at a wedding)
  • (Under programme n.)
    • program trading
  • (Under rag v.2)
    • to rag the puck
  • (Under recovered ppl. a.)
    • recovered memory
    • recovered memory syndrome
  • (Under recovery n.)
    • recovery position
  • (Under retro n.2 and a.)
    • retro-chic
    • retro-cool
    • retro-culture
    • retro-design
    • retro-disco
    • retro-fashion
    • retro-jazz
    • retro-mania
    • retro-punk
    • retro-rock
  • (Under S)
    • SMS
  • (Under short a., n., and adv.)
    • short message service
  • (Under T)
    • TCP
    • TCP/IP
  • (Under trail n.1)
    • trail mix
  • (Under transmission n.)
    • Transmission Control Protocol
  • (Under triple a. (adv.))
    • triple-drug therapy
    • triple therapy
  • (Under yuppie n.)
    • yuppie disease
    • yuppie flu

Finally, new meanings were added to the following entries:

  • communitarian n.
  • communitarian a.
  • cracker n.
  • derivative a. and n.
  • dominatrix n.
  • fade n.1
  • gaffer n.
  • harass v.
  • hilarious a.
  • Hungarian a. and n.
  • ironically adv.
  • lurk v.
  • lurker n.1
  • platoon n.
  • pork pie n.
  • portable a. and n.
  • position n.
  • position v.
  • possession n.
  • pray v.
  • rider n.
  • slack a. and adv.
  • tariff n.