New words list: December 2011

List of new word entries

In addition to revised versions of Second Edition entries, these ranges contain the following new entries:

New word entries
New sub-entries
New senses

New word entries

  • a due, adv.
  • Aanderaa, n.
  • aapa, n.
  • Aaronid, n. and adj.
  • Aaronite, n. and adj.
  • Aaron’s bells, n.
  • Aaron’s serpent, n.
  • ab urbe condita, adv.
  • ab, n.2
  • ab-, prefix2
  • abackwards, adv.
  • abacost, n.
  • abakwetha, adj. and n.
  • abapical, adj.
  • abasic, adj.2
  • abatagati, n.
  • abattle, v.2
  • abbot-general, n.
  • Abbott’s booby, n.
  • abducens, n.
  • abductive, adj.
  • Abdul, n.
  • Abdulla, n.
  • abeat, adv. (and adj.)
  • abecedarium, n.
  • abelia, n.
  • abeng, n.
  • Aberginian, n.
  • aberglaube, n.
  • Abernethian, adj.
  • Abert’s squirrel, n.
  • abetalipoproteinaemia | abetalipoproteinemia, n.
  • abfrontal, adj.
  • abhesive, adj. and n.
  • abhinaya, n.
  • abhisheka, n.
  • abhorful, adj.
  • abhuman, adj. and n.
  • abhyanga, n.
  • absotively, adv.
  • absquatulize, v.
  • abt., prep.
  • abud, adj.
  • abuela, n.
  • abuelita, n.
  • abuelo, n.
  • abundante cautela, adv.
  • aburn, adj.
  • abusing, adj.
  • abustle, adj.
  • abuttal, v.
  • abyssopelagic, adj.
  • Acacian, n. and adj.
  • academy school, n.
  • acallosal, adj. and n.
  • acalypha, n.
  • Acanthamoeba | Acanthameba, n.
  • acanthin, n.
  • acanthocytosis, n.
  • acara, n.
  • acardia, n.
  • acaridian, adj. and n.
  • Acarnanian, n. and adj.
  • acarology, n.
  • acatalasia, n.
  • acause, conj. (and adv.)
  • accablé, adj.
  • acceding, adj.
  • accelerans, n.
  • acceptee, n.
  • accessorized, adj.
  • acclaimed, adj.
  • acclimating, n.
  • acclimator, n.
  • accolade, v.
  • accollé, adj.
  • accommodatable, adj.
  • accommodational, adj.
  • accompagnato, adj. and n.
  • accompanied, adj.
  • accomplishing, adj.
  • accordatura, n.
  • accordion, v.
  • accordioned, adj.
  • accoster, n.
  • accouri, n.
  • accoutring | accoutering, n.
  • accra, n.
  • accreditated, adj.
  • accrementitious, adj.
  • acculturalization, n.
  • acculturated, adj.
  • acculturating, adj.
  • acculturational, adj.
  • acculture, v.
  • accultured, adj.
  • accurize, v.
  • accursing, adj.
  • accusatorily, adv.
  • accusive, adj.
  • acedious, adj.
  • Acene, n.1
  • acene, n.2
  • acephaly, n.
  • acequia madre, n.
  • aces, adj. (and int.)
  • acetuous, adj.
  • acorum, n.
  • acourse, adv.1
  • acousticolateral, adj.
  • acousticolateralis, adj.
  • acqua alta, n.
  • acquaintanced, adj.
  • acquiree, n.
  • acquiring, adj.
  • acquiror, n.
  • acquitting, adj.
  • Acrasian, adj.
  • acridology, n.
  • acridone, n.
  • acrodermatitis enteropathica, n.
  • acrodermatitis, n.
  • acronic, adj.2
  • acronymania, n.
  • acronymous, adj.
  • acrosomal, adj.
  • acryloyl, n.
  • activin, n.
  • acultural, adj.
  • acute-angled, adj.
  • acyanogenic, adj.
  • acyloin, n.
  • ad aperturam libri, adv.
  • ad arbitrium, adv.
  • ad bene placitum, adv.
  • ad clerum, adv.
  • ad crumenam, adv. (and adj.)
  • ad damnum, adv. and n.
  • ad deliquium, adv.
  • ad extra, adv. and adj.
  • ad extremum, adv.
  • ad factum praestandum, adv.
  • ad intra, adv. and adj.
  • ad limina apostolorum, adv.
  • ad limina, adv. and adj.
  • ad loc., adv.
  • ad locum, adv.
  • ad majorem Dei gloriam, adv.
  • ad placitum, adv.
  • Adam Tiler, n.
  • Adam, n.3
  • adamantoblast, n.
  • Adamatic, adj.
  • Adametic, adj.
  • adamine, n.
  • Adamish, adj.2
  • Adamism, n.
  • adam’s fig, n.
  • Adam’s wine, n.
  • adaptationism, n.
  • adaptationist, n. and adj.
  • adaptionist, n. and adj.
  • adaptivity, n.
  • adarces, n.
  • Adcock, n.
  • adductory, adj.
  • ade, n.
  • Adelaide, n. and adj.
  • Adelaidean, n. and adj.
  • adelgid, n. and adj.
  • Adenese, n. and adj.
  • Adeni, n. and adj.
  • adeno-associated, adj.
  • adenohypophysial, adj.
  • adenomyosis, n.
  • adenosis, n.
  • adenosyl, n.
  • adenylate, n.
  • adenylic, adj.
  • adenylyl, n.
  • adenylylated, adj.
  • adenylylating, adj.
  • ad-extrant, adj.
  • adfrontal, adj. and n.
  • adhan, n.
  • adhocratic, adj.
  • Adi Granth, n.
  • adianthus, n.
  • adigar, n.
  • adinkra, n.
  • adipokine, n.
  • adiponectin, n.
  • adipsia, n.
  • Adirondack, n. and adj.
  • Adirondacker, n.
  • adither, adj.
  • Adjar, n. and adj.
  • Adjarian, n. and adj.
  • adjectivization, n.
  • adjigo, n.
  • adjoining, n.
  • adjourning, adj.
  • Adjt., n.
  • adjudging, adj.
  • adjudicated, adj.
  • adjudicating, adj.
  • adjudicatory, adj. and n.
  • adjugate, adj. and n.
  • adjurator, n.
  • adjuring, n.
  • adjustability, n.
  • adjustably, adv.
  • adjusting, adj.
  • adjustmental, adj.
  • adjuvance, n.
  • adjuvanted, adj.
  • adlect, v.
  • adlection, n.
  • administrador, n.
  • administratory, adj.
  • administrivia, n.
  • admiral, v.
  • admiralcy, n.
  • admissable, adj.
  • admissory, n.
  • admittatur, n.
  • admurmuring, n.
  • adnascency, n.
  • adolescently, adv.
  • adonite, n.
  • adoptor, n.
  • adoratory, adj.
  • adornate, adj.
  • adposition, n.
  • adprep, n.
  • adradius, n.
  • adrenalectomize, v.
  • adrenalize, v.
  • adrenalized, adj.
  • adrenarche, n.
  • adrenoleukodystrophy, n.
  • Adrian, adj.
  • Adriatic, adj. and n.
  • Adriatical, adj.
  • adstratal, adj.
  • adstrate, n. and adj.
  • adult child, n.
  • adulticide, n.
  • adultlike, adj.
  • adultoid, n. and adj.
  • adune, v.
  • Advaita, n.
  • advantage point, n.
  • adverbal, adj. and n.
  • adversariness, n.
  • advertisable, adj.
  • advertisingese, n.
  • advisingly, adv.
  • advocated, adj.
  • advocater, n.
  • Adyghe, n. and adj.
  • adynaton, n.
  • adzed, adj.
  • adzing, n.
  • aechmea, n.
  • aedeagus, n.
  • Aedes, n.
  • Aeginetan, n. and adj.
  • Aegipan, n.
  • aeolid, n. and adj.
  • Aeolus, n.
  • Aesopical, adj.
  • Aesopically, adv.
  • aesthesic | esthesic, adj.
  • aestheticization, n.
  • aestheticizing, n.
  • aestivating | estivating, adj.
  • aestivating | estivating, n.
  • aetiologic | etiologic, adj.
  • Aetolian, n. and adj.
  • aetomorphic, adj.
  • amakwetha, n.
  • amatagati, n.
  • andrachne, n.
  • bibimbap, n.
  • biennium, n.
  • boon coon, n.
  • challan, v.
  • chemtrail, n.
  • chermoula, n.
  • Dalit, n.
  • death slide, n.
  • earworm, n.
  • enterobacterium, n.
  • ex abundante cautela, adv.
  • fibronectin, n.
  • Garifuna, n. and adj.
  • Garinagu, n.
  • general-adjutant, n.
  • gordita, n.
  • hendecad, n.
  • j’accuse, n.
  • munter, n.2
  • non-admissible, adj.
  • non-admissibleness, n.
  • over-accessorized, adj.
  • posilutely, adv.
  • stitch and bitch, n.
  • traceur, n.
  • turbinado, n.
  • va-jay-jay, n.

New sub-entries

  • abactinally
  • abapically
  • abatement notice
  • abatement officer
  • abbey piece
  • Abbot of Unrest
  • abbot sovereign
  • abbot-bishop
  • abbreviatedly
  • ABC class
  • abdication crisis
  • Aberdeen hook
  • aberrationally
  • absorptiometrically
  • absorption centre
  • absquatulating
  • absquatulator
  • abstinence programme
  • abstinence symptom
  • abstract algebra
  • abstracter of titles
  • abstractor of titles
  • abuse allegation
  • abuse case
  • abuse charge
  • abuse counselling
  • abuse counsellor
  • abuse of notation
  • abuse victim
  • abutting joint
  • abyssal plain
  • academic calendar
  • academical year
  • academicization
  • academization
  • academy director
  • Academy member
  • academy player
  • academy programme
  • acarine disease
  • acceleration clause
  • acceleration due to gravity
  • acceleration of gravity
  • accelerator board
  • accelerator card
  • accelerator mass spectrometry
  • accent mark
  • accent neume
  • accent sign
  • accentedness
  • acceptance in lieu
  • acceptance letter
  • acceptance speech
  • access code
  • access course
  • access provider
  • accessary after the fact
  • accessary before the fact
  • accession day
  • accessory after the fact
  • accessory before the fact
  • accessory plume
  • accessory shoe
  • accident black spot
  • accident compensation
  • accident damage
  • accident inquiry
  • accident investigation
  • accident investigator
  • accident prevention
  • accident record
  • accident report
  • accident risk
  • accident scene
  • accident site
  • accident statistic
  • accident victim
  • accommodation coach
  • accommodation land
  • accommodation theory
  • accomplished fact
  • accordion file
  • accordion fold
  • accordion folder
  • accordion player
  • accordion-like
  • accoucheurship
  • account administrator
  • account balance
  • account clerk
  • account holder
  • account keeper
  • account keeping
  • account ledger
  • account management
  • account manager
  • account name
  • account number
  • account officer
  • accounting audit
  • accounting auditor
  • accounting board
  • accounting clerk
  • accounting day
  • accounting department
  • accounting manager
  • accounting officer
  • accounting period
  • accounts administrator
  • accounts clerk
  • accounts manager
  • accounts officer
  • accoutrement shop
  • accreting
  • accretion rate
  • accretionary prism
  • accretionary wedge
  • accrual accounting
  • accruals accounting
  • accruals basis
  • accumulation point
  • accumulation unit
  • accurized
  • accurizing
  • accusative absolute
  • accusativity
  • ace boon coon
  • ace of hearts
  • ace of spades
  • ace-deuce
  • ace-face
  • acorn woodpecker
  • acoustic guitar
  • acoustic guitarist
  • acoustic shock
  • acoustical guitar
  • acoustical guitarist
  • acquired immunodeficiency syndrome
  • acquisition accounting
  • acquisitional
  • acre money
  • acremanland
  • acridine orange
  • acridological
  • acronymaniac
  • acrophonically
  • acupunctural
  • acute abdomen
  • acute myeloid leukaemia
  • acylated
  • acylating
  • adaptation product
  • adaptive expectations
  • adaptive immunity
  • adaptive zone
  • adenylate kinase
  • adenylyl cyclase
  • adhesion contract
  • adhesive bandage
  • adhesive organ
  • adhesive plaster
  • adiabatic lapse rate
  • adiaphorous spirit
  • adipoceriform tumour
  • adipose eyelid
  • adipose membrane
  • adiposis dolorosa
  • Adirondack boat
  • Adirondack chair
  • Adirondack guide boat
  • Adirondack shelter
  • Adirondack shelter-camp
  • adjacency matrix
  • adjacency pair
  • adjective compound
  • adjective-forming
  • adjectiveless
  • adjective-like
  • adjudication board
  • adjudication committee
  • adjudication hearing
  • adjudication officer
  • adjudication panel
  • adjustable spanner
  • adjustable wrench
  • adjustable-rate
  • adjusted gross income
  • adjusting entry
  • adjustment disorder
  • adjuvanticity
  • administration assistant
  • administration fee
  • administrative assistant
  • administrative law
  • administrative receiver
  • administrative receivership
  • admiral’s mast
  • Admiralty brass
  • admiralty law
  • Admiralty metal
  • admission day
  • adonization
  • adoption centre
  • adoption counsellor
  • adoption law
  • adoption lawyer
  • adoption paper
  • adoption record
  • adoption registry
  • adoptive Act
  • adpositional
  • adrenal cortex
  • adrenal medulla
  • adrenaline junkie
  • adrenaline rush
  • adrenalizing
  • adrenergic receptor
  • adrenomedullary
  • Adriatic Sea
  • adsorption chromatography
  • adsorptively
  • adult student
  • adulticidal
  • advance price
  • advanced gas-cooled reactor
  • Advanced Subsidiary
  • Advanced Subsidiary level
  • Advanced Supplementary
  • Advanced Supplementary Level
  • advantage court
  • advantage law
  • advantage line
  • advantage rule
  • Advent image
  • Advent wreath
  • adverb class
  • adverb clause
  • adverb particle
  • adverb phrase
  • adverb placement
  • adverbialization
  • adversativeness
  • advertisement campaign
  • advertisement copy
  • advertisement hoarding
  • advertisement jingle
  • advertisement slogan
  • advertising account
  • advertising banner
  • advertising billboard
  • advertising board
  • advertising budget
  • advertising campaign
  • advertising cart
  • advertising copy
  • advertising copywriter
  • advertising department
  • advertising director
  • advertising dollar
  • advertising editor
  • advertising executive
  • advertising expenditure
  • advertising hoarding
  • advertising industry
  • advertising jingle
  • advertising magazine
  • advertising man
  • advertising manager
  • advertising message
  • advertising people
  • advertising person
  • advertising pitch
  • advertising pitchman
  • advertising poster
  • advertising producer
  • advertising revenue
  • advertising sign
  • advertising signboard
  • advertising slogan
  • advertising space
  • Advertising Standards Authority
  • advertising strategy
  • advertising watchdog
  • advertising writer
  • advice bureau
  • advice column
  • advice columnist
  • advice line
  • advice slip
  • advisory opinion
  • advisory period
  • advisory teacher
  • adze-eye
  • adze-eye hammer
  • aedeagal
  • Aeginetan marbles
  • Aeginetan school
  • Aeginetan sculptures
  • Aeolus’s harp
  • aestheticized
  • aesthetic-looking
  • Aetolian Confederacy
  • Aetolian League
  • appropriate adult
  • battery acid
  • battery charger
  • battery pack
  • best fit
  • boron nitride
  • bulbospongiosus
  • bulbospongiosus muscle
  • BZP
  • cAMP
  • career adviser
  • careers adviser
  • carpal tunnel
  • carpal tunnel syndrome
  • central nervous system
  • chenille plant
  • communication accommodation theory
  • contract of adhesion
  • cyclic AMP
  • day of accounting
  • deuce court
  • doctor fish
  • early adapter
  • file snake
  • fixed-rate
  • futuro-adaptationist
  • gain line
  • gigapixel
  • God particle
  • late adapter
  • late adopter
  • letter of accreditation
  • locked-in syndrome
  • notice of abandonment
  • Schrödinger’s cat
  • sovereign wealth fund
  • speech accommodation theory
  • stone cress
  • testicular cancer
  • variable-rate
  • white acajou
  • worried well
  • zero emission
  • zero-emission vehicle
  • zip line
  • zip wire
  • zipped

New senses

  • axile, adj.
  • banner, n.1
  • bison, n.
  • bruising, n.
  • capsule, n. and adj.
  • charger, n.2
  • cruise, v.
  • donate, v.
  • fascia, n.
  • footfall | foot-fall, n.
  • guy, n.2
  • Jacob’s ladder, n.
  • let, v.1
  • speculate, v.
  • spike, v.1
  • unzip, v.
  • vacuum, n.
  • warrant, v.
  • zip, n.1
  • zip, v.