Reviews of the OED Online

What subscribers say about OED Online:

“An absolutely essential tool, heavily and widely used across the university.”

– Patricia Killiard, Head of Electronic Services and Systems, Cambridge University

“A very popular and well used resource.”

– Russell Burke, Electronic Resources Co-ordinator, King’s College London

“Within two minutes, the OED had introduced me to more than a dozen nuggets of information spanning literature, science, folklore, and geography…like a good teacher, the new OED sets limits…”

– New Yorker, Book Bench blog

“An essential resource.”

– Kate Price, E-Strategy & Resources Manager, University of Surrey

What reviewers say about OED Online:

“…the only reason for a library to not subscribe is not having Internet access”

– Booklist

“A cathedral of words and a great British creation.”

– Robert McCrum, Observer

“The single most indispensable tool of the Internet Age.”

– Michael Shermer, Author

“Quick to access and easy to use… A browser’s paradise.”

– Felipe Fernandez-Armesto, The Times

“An incomparable monument of scholarship, one of the wonders of our age.”

– Nature

“A much-needed new-media setting for appreciating the richness and history of the English language.”

– Wall Street Journal