December 2004 update

9 December 2004 saw the publication of the range of entries ou-overzealousness in the New Edition. In addition to revised versions of Second Edition entries, this range contains the entries listed below. We have also added a further list of new words from across the alphabet.

List of new words

  • oubliable, a.
  • ouboet, n.
  • ouched, a.
  • oui, adv. and int.
  • Oulipo, n.
  • oumissus, n.
  • ouphant, a.
  • ousia, n.
  • oustee, n.
  • Outagami, n.
  • outard, n.
  • outbeaming, n. and a.
  • outboarding, n.
  • out-bray, v.2
  • outcall, n. and a.
  • outcome, v.
  • outcoming, a.
  • outdrive, n.
  • outercourse, n.
  • outfeed, a.
  • outfought, a.
  • outfous, a.
  • outgross, v.
  • out-holling, n.
  • outie, n.
  • outliner, n.
  • outmuscle, v.
  • out-nigger, v.
  • outnumbered, a.
  • out-of-area, a. and adv.
  • out-of-body, a.
  • out of door, adv. and a.
  • out-of-province, a.
  • outperformer, n.
  • outpitch, v.2
  • outplant, n.
  • outposted, a.
  • outpushing, n.
  • outredding, n.
  • outrig, n.
  • outriving, n.
  • outrune, n.
  • outrunning, n.1
  • outrushing, a.
  • outsert, n.
  • out-sharping, a.
  • outshop, v.
  • outshute, n.
  • outsiderness, n.
  • outslick, v.
  • outsourcer, n.
  • outspringing, a.
  • outstation, v.
  • outstray, v.
  • out the monk, a.
  • out-thrusting, a.
  • outvoting, n.
  • outwall, v.
  • outwandering, a.
  • outwicking, n.
  • outworking, a.
  • outworlder, n.
  • out year, n.
  • ouzeri, n.
  • ovalization, n.
  • ovalize, v.
  • ovalized, a.
  • ovalling, n.
  • Ovaltiney, n.
  • ovangkol, n.
  • ovatic, a.1
  • ovenable, a.
  • overallotment, n.
  • overamp, v.
  • overamped, a.1
  • overamped, a.2
  • over-and-over, a.
  • overballasting, n.
  • overbank, v.2
  • overbanking, n.1
  • overbent, a.
  • over-biased, a.
  • overbiasing, n.
  • overbill, v.
  • overbilling, n.
  • overblanket, n.
  • overbound, v.2
  • overbound, v.4
  • overbounded, a.
  • overbounding, n.
  • overbowering, a.
  • overbreathed, a.
  • overbred, a.
  • overbrim, n.
  • overbroad, a.
  • overbudget, v.
  • over-budget, adv. and a.
  • over-budgeted, a.
  • over-budgeting, n.
  • overbuilding, n.
  • over-building, a.
  • overbuilt, a.
  • over-bullish, a.
  • over-caffeinated, a.
  • over-centralize, v.
  • overcheck, v.
  • overclass, n.
  • overclock, v.
  • overclocker, n.
  • overclocking, n.
  • overclothed, a.
  • overcoat, v.
  • overcoating, n.1
  • overcoloured, a.
  • over-commonly, adv.
  • overcooling, n.
  • overcount, n.
  • overcounting, n.
  • overcropping, n.
  • overcut, a.
  • overdamping, n.
  • overdate, n. and a.
  • over-delicately, adv.
  • over-deliver, v.
  • over-density, n.
  • overdiagnose, v.
  • overdiagnosis, n.
  • overdispersal, n.
  • overdominant, a.
  • overdot, v.
  • overdotted, a. and adv.
  • overdotting, n.
  • overdramatic, a.
  • overdraught, n.
  • overdrunk, a.
  • overdubbed, a.2
  • over easy, a.2
  • overeater, n.
  • over-enthusiastically, adv.
  • over-exercise, v.
  • over-exercised, a.
  • overexpressed, a.
  • overextravagant, a.
  • overextravagantly, adv.
  • over-fired, a.
  • overfit, n.
  • overfitting, n.
  • overfolded, a.
  • overfolding, n.
  • overfraught, v.
  • overfund, v.
  • overfunded, a.
  • overfunding, n.
  • over-generous, a.
  • overgilting, n.
  • overgraze, v.
  • overharvest, n.
  • overharvest, v.
  • overharvesting, n.
  • over-hastely, adv.
  • overhastened, a.
  • Overhauser effect, n.
  • overhipper, n.
  • overhunting, n.
  • overhype, n.
  • overhype, v.
  • overhyped, a.
  • overidentification, n.
  • overidentify, v.
  • over-insured, a.
  • overjolt, n.
  • overkilling, n.
  • overlavishing, a.
  • over-lavishness, n.
  • overleaping, n.
  • overlend, v.2
  • overlending, n.
  • overleveraged, a.
  • overlifting, n.
  • overlight, v.
  • overline, n.
  • overlining, n.
  • overlip, v.1
  • overlit, a.
  • overlock, a.
  • overlocked, a.
  • overloudness, n.
  • over-loved, a.
  • overmarched, a.
  • overmarked, a.
  • overmarking, n.
  • overmasted, a.
  • overmature, a.
  • overmaturity, n.
  • overmay, v.
  • overmounting, n.
  • overmounting, a.
  • over-netted, a.
  • overnetting, n.
  • overnoon, n.
  • overnumbered, a.
  • over-oaked, a.
  • overpaid, a.
  • overpeise, v.
  • overplanted, a.
  • overplanting, n.
  • overplaying, a.
  • overplotted, a.
  • overplotting, n.
  • overpopulated, a.
  • over-potting, n.
  • overpowered, a.1
  • overpowered, a.2
  • over-powerful, a.
  • over-prepare, v.
  • overproduced, a.
  • overpronate, v.
  • overpronation, n.
  • overpronator, n.
  • overpump, v.
  • overracked, a.
  • overrecover, v.
  • over-renting, n.
  • over-report, v.
  • over-reporting, n.
  • over-riches, n.
  • overroot, v.
  • over-rotate, v.
  • oversample, v.
  • oversampled, a.
  • oversampling, n.
  • oversaturate, v.
  • overscaled, a.
  • overscan, n.
  • overscored, a.
  • overscoring, n.
  • oversentimental, a. and n.
  • oversettingly, adv.
  • overshaken, a.
  • oversharply, adv.
  • oversite, n.
  • overskate, v.
  • oversleep, n.
  • overspanning, a.
  • overspending, a.
  • overstaffing, n.
  • overstand, v.2
  • overstayal, n.
  • overstayed, a.2
  • overstressed, a.
  • overstriking, n.
  • overstuff, v.
  • oversubscribed, a.
  • over-superstitiously, adv.
  • oversupinate, v.
  • oversupination, n.
  • oversweeping, a.
  • over-sweetened, a.
  • overswing, v.
  • overtake, n.
  • overtaxing, a.
  • over the air, adv. and a.
  • over there, adv.
  • over-the-transom, a. and adv.
  • overthorter, prep.
  • overtoiling, a.
  • overtop, prep.
  • overtrained, a.
  • over-twining, a.
  • overtype, n.
  • overtype, v.
  • overused, a.
  • overvote, n.
  • overvoting, n.
  • overwatered, a.
  • overwatering, n.
  • overwing, a.
  • ovesting, n.

In addition to these new entries, a number of new subordinate entries were added to existing entries. These included:

  • (Under open, a.)
    • open adoption
    • open-angle
    • open architecture
    • open bar
    • open cluster
    • open college
    • open communion
    • open-concept
    • open gaited
    • open jaw
    • open-label
    • open-legged
    • open-meated
    • open pollinated
    • open pollination
    • open reading frame
    • open scale
    • open sea
    • open sight
    • open source
    • open stance
    • open year
  • (Under ounce, n.1)
    • ounce tron
  • (Under oung, v.)
    • ounging
  • (Under our, pron. and a.)
    • our one
  • (Under Our Lady, n.)
    • Our Lady bedstraw
    • Our Lady tide
    • Our Lady’s bell
    • Our Lady’s day
    • Our Lady’s eve
    • Our Lady’s even
    • Our Lady’s psalter
  • (Under out-, prefix)
    • outpouching
    • outslug
  • (Under outer, a. and n.2)
    • outer bar
    • outer-directed
    • outer planet
    • Outer Seven
  • (Under outer, v.)
    • outering
  • (Under outmoded, a.)
    • outmodedness
  • (Under outpost, n.)
    • outpost camp
  • (Under output, n.)
    • output gap
  • (Under outside, n., a., prep., and adv.)
    • outside child
    • outside director
    • outside linebacker
    • outside loop
  • (Under outsider, n.)
    • outsider art
  • (Under outstation, n.)
    • outstation cheque
  • (Under outward, a., n.1, and adv.)
    • outward investment
  • (Under out-win, v.)
    • out-winning
  • (Under oval, a.2 and n.1)
    • oval-engine
    • oval nail
    • oval window
    • oval wire nail
  • (Under ovarian, a.)
    • ovarian follicle
  • (Under ovario-, comb. form)
    • ovariohysterectomy
  • (Under oven, n.)
    • oven chip
    • oven tit
  • (Under overact, v.)
    • overacting
  • (Under over-and-over, a.)
    • over-and-over boat
  • (Under overbridge, v.)
    • overbridging
  • (Under overbuy, v.)
    • overbuying
  • (Under over-cram, v.)
    • over-cramming
  • (Under overdone, a., n., and adv.)
    • over-doneness
  • (Under overfloat, v.)
    • overfloating
  • (Under overflow, n.)
    • overflow area
  • (Under overgild, v.)
    • overgilded
  • (Under overhead, adv., n., and a.)
    • overhead projector
    • overhead transparency
  • (Under overlard, v.)
    • overlarding
  • (Under overlaunch, v.)
    • overlaunching
  • (Under overnight, adv., n., and a.)
    • overnight cabin
  • (Under over-order, v.)
    • over-ordering
  • (Under overrange, n. and a.)
    • overranging
  • (Under oversea, a.)
    • oversea dream
  • (Under overseas, a.)
    • overseas cap
    • overseas experience
  • (Under oversight, n.)
    • oversight committee
  • (Under overstraining, n.)
    • overstraining disease
  • (Under overstrew, v.)
    • overstrewed
  • (Under over-thoughtful, a.)
    • over-thoughtfulness
  • (Under overtone, n.)
    • overtone chant
    • overtone chanting
    • overtone singing
  • (Under overvote, v.)
    • overvoted

Out-of-sequence new entries

9 December 2004 also saw the publication of the the following new entries from across the alphabet:

  • acupoint, n.
  • ahi, n.
  • always-on, a.
  • amp, v.1
  • amp, v.2
  • amped, a.1
  • amped, a.2
  • au jus, a., adv., and n.
  • backsplash, n.
  • Bapedi, n. and a.
  • bar-b-q, n.
  • BBQ, n.
  • beat-down, n.
  • Benjamin, n.4
  • benji, n.
  • biomarker, n.
  • biopharmaceutic, a.
  • biopharmaceutical, a. and n.
  • biopharmaceutics, n.
  • bloviate, v.
  • bloviating, n.
  • bloviating, a.
  • bloviation, n.
  • bloviator, n.
  • bluesman, n.
  • boet, n.
  • boetie, n.
  • bounceback, n.
  • bucketload, n.
  • budo, n.
  • cafone, n.
  • cavolo nero, n.
  • cead mile failte, n. and int.
  • chemokine, n.
  • Chinglish, n. and a.
  • citywide, a. and adv.
  • co-host, n.
  • co-host, v.
  • co-sleep, v.
  • co-sleeping, n.
  • cosmeceutical, n. and a.
  • cosmovision, n.
  • crêperie, n.
  • criminogenic, a.
  • cryopreservation, n.
  • cryopreserve, v.
  • cryopreserved, a.
  • cugine, n.
  • cumec, n.
  • cyber-war, n.
  • Derridean, a. and n.
  • downtempo, a.
  • ecocentric, a. and n.
  • ecocentrism, n.
  • ecoregion, n.
  • E-day, n.
  • eldercare, n.
  • e-learning, n.
  • enlistee, n.
  • flippy, a.
  • flippy-floppy, a.
  • Flynn, n.
  • fusiony, a.
  • gaslight, v.
  • gaslighting, n.
  • goalward, a. and adv.
  • goalwards, adv.
  • guestbook, n.
  • guido, n.
  • hacky-sack, n.
  • hapkido, n.
  • high concept, n. and a.
  • high-octane, a. and n.
  • Hinglish, n.2 and a.2
  • Hinglish, a.1 and n.1
  • hi-octane, n. and a.
  • Hizzoner, n.
  • home-school, a.2
  • home-school, v.
  • home school, n.
  • home-school, a.1
  • home-schooled, a.
  • home-schooler, n.
  • home-schooling, n.
  • home-schooling, a.
  • hoochie, n.2
  • Hoodia, n.
  • hosebag, n.
  • howzat, int. and n.
  • Hummer, n.3
  • Humvee, n.
  • hypermutability, n.
  • hypermutable, a.
  • hypermutant, n. and a.
  • hypermutation, n.
  • inclusionary, a.
  • jihadist, n. and a.
  • jus, n.
  • killfile, v.
  • kill file, n.
  • kyudo, n.
  • line in, n.
  • line out, n.2
  • Lobedu, n. and a.
  • Pedi, n. and a.
  • po’ boy, n.
  • potsticker, n.
  • problem-solve, v.
  • pruno, n.
  • re-enacter, n.
  • re-enactor, n.
  • repost, n.
  • repost, v.3
  • reposting, n.2
  • retile, v.
  • retiling, n.
  • revalidation, n.
  • sandboard, n.
  • sandboard, v.
  • sandboarding, n.
  • satphone, n.
  • seitan, n.
  • self-medicate, v.
  • self-medicated, a.
  • self-medicating, a.
  • self-tan, n.
  • self-tanner, n.
  • self-tanning, a.
  • Sepedi, n.
  • sheesh, int.
  • smackdown, n.
  • snowblade, n.
  • snowblader, n.
  • snowblading, n.
  • super-jumbo, a. and n.
  • supersize, a. and n.
  • supersize, v.
  • super-sized, a.
  • -tainment, comb. form
  • thugged out, a.
  • trackie, n.
  • trackie daks, n.
  • trampy, a. (and adv.)
  • unmoderated, a.
  • unranked, a.
  • unsubscribe, v.
  • us self, pron.
  • vavoom, int., a. and n.
  • viewscreen, n.
  • vig, n.
  • wigger, n.
  • Zelig, n.

In addition to these new entries, the following out-of-sequence subordinate entries were added:

  • (Under acupuncture, n.)
    • acupuncture point
  • (Under anti-, prefix1)
    • anti-globalization
  • (Under baby, n.)
    • baby-father
    • baby-mother
  • (Under binding, vbl. n.)
    • binding site
  • (Under bio-)
    • bioindicator
  • (Under bit, n.2)
    • in bits
  • (Under black, a.)
    • black cabbage
    • black kale
  • (Under blame, n.)
    • blame game
  • (Under blood, n.)
    • blood-brain barrier
  • (Under blue, n.)
    • blue-on-blue
  • (Under bottom, n.)
    • bottom cleavage
  • (Under brown, a.)
    • brown cloud
  • (Under builder, n.)
    • builder’s bum
  • (Under bum, n.1)
    • bum cleavage
  • (Under button, v.)
    • button-down
  • (Under buttoned, ppl. a.)
    • buttoned-down
  • (Under C)
    • CCD
  • (Under cable, n.)
    • cable-knit
  • (Under call, n.)
    • good call
  • (Under Cambrian, a. (n.))
    • Cambrian explosion
  • (Under cell, n.1)
    • cellmate
  • (Under charge, n.1)
    • charge-coupled device
  • (Under charity, n.)
    • charity shop
  • (Under chemical, a.)
    • chemical dependency
  • (Under child, n.)
    • child-directed speech
  • (Under cock, n.1)
    • cock rock
    • cock rocker
  • (Under code, n.1)
    • code bloat
  • (Under combinatorial, a.)
    • combinatorial chemistry
  • (Under come, v.)
    • to come up
  • (Under community, n.)
    • community card
  • (Under congestion, n.)
    • congestion charge
  • (Under conservation, n.)
    • conservation biologist
    • conservation biology
  • (Under content, n.1)
    • content provider
  • (Under crack, n.)
    • crack whore
    • crack ho
  • (Under dead, a. (n.1, adv.))
    • dead president
  • (Under designer, n.)
    • designer baby
  • (Under desk, n.)
    • desk jockey
  • (Under dose, n.)
    • dose-response
    • dose-response curve
  • (Under double, v.)
    • to double down
  • (Under Euro, n.2)
    • euro cent
  • (Under F)
    • FDI
  • (Under fake, n.2)
    • fake tan
  • (Under false, a., adv., and n.)
    • false consciousness
  • (Under fan, n.2)
    • fan fiction
    • fanfic
  • (Under foot, n.)
    • footbag
  • (Under foreign, a. and n.)
    • foreign direct investment
    • foreign portfolio investment
  • (Under gag, v.1)
    • to be gagging for
    • to be gagging for it
  • (Under gear, n.)
    • up a gear
    • to move (also shift, step, etc.) up a gear
  • (Under greatest, a. (n.) and adv.)
    • Greatest Generation
  • (Under H)
    • hsp
    • hsp70
  • (Under hairy, a. and n.)
    • hairy eyeball
    • to give the hairy eyeball
  • (Under heat, n.)
    • heat-shock protein
  • (Under hive, n.)
    • hive mind
  • (Under inter-, prefix)
    • intertitle
  • (Under inward, a. and n.)
    • inward direct investment
    • inward investment
  • (Under Joe, n.2)
    • Joe Citizen
    • Joe Schmo
  • (Under joined, ppl. a.1)
    • joined at the hip
  • (Under judgement, n.)
    • judgement call
  • (Under key, n.3)
    • Key lime
    • Key lime pie
  • (Under poster, n.2)
    • poster boy
    • poster child
    • poster girl
  • (Under preferred, ppl. a.)
    • preferred provider
    • preferred provider organization
  • (Under R)
    • RFC
  • (Under rainbow, n.)
    • rainbow flag
  • (Under re-enact, v.)
    • re-enactment society
  • (Under S)
    • SACD
    • S-Video
    • S-VHS
  • (Under satellite, n.)
    • satellite telephone
    • satellite phone
  • (Under scare, n.2)
    • scare quotes
  • (Under seaweed, n.)
    • seaweed wrap
  • (Under shallow, a.1 and n.3)
    • shallow-fry
    • shallow-fried
  • (Under shock, n.3)
    • shock jock
    • shock rock
    • shock rocker
  • (Under smell, v.)
    • to smell the roses (also flowers)
    • to stop and smell the roses (also flowers)
  • (Under social, a. and n.)
    • social promotion
  • (Under spy, n.)
    • spyware
  • (Under squash, n.2)
    • squash knife
  • (Under stealth, n.)
    • stealth tax
  • (Under super-, prefix)
    • super audio CD
    • super audio compact disc
    • super VHS
  • (Under synth, n.)
    • synth-pop
  • (Under tipping, vbl. n.2)
    • tipping point
  • (Under touchy, a.)
    • touchy-feely
  • (Under urban, a. and n.)
    • urban contemporary
  • (Under zit, n.)
    • zitty

Finally, new meanings were added to the following entries:

  • actionable, a.
  • amplified, ppl. a.
  • amplify, v.
  • basic, a. (and n.1)
  • binding, vbl. n.
  • bottom, n.
  • cent, n.1
  • chemical, a.
  • corn-pone, n.
  • Europe, n.
  • fox, n.
  • fusion, n.
  • hose, n.
  • jacket, n.
  • reynard, n.
  • rocky, a.2
  • selector, n.
  • sick, a. and n.
  • slutty, a.
  • urban, a. and n.
  • wrangler, n.