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Ireland provides €500,000 in additional funding to Palestine refugees in Gaza


Budget/funding, Emergencies, Poverty, Hunger, News/feature, Palestine, 2017

Ministers Coveney and Cannon announce funding to Yemen humanitarian crisi


Budget/funding, Emergencies, Hunger, Health, News/feature, Yemen, 2017

World Aids Day


Health, HIV & AIDS, News/feature, Africa, 2017
Minister of State for the Diaspora and Internaitonal Development, Ciarán Cannon, spekaing at the opening session of the Global Forum on Human Resources for Health. Photo: WHO/2017

Stories from the Global Forum on Human Resources for Health


Health, News/feature, Libya, Africa, 2017

Ministers Coveney and Cannon announce funding increase for Development NGOs


Budget/funding, News/feature, Global, Ireland, 2017

Ireland and Kenya: an evolving relationship


Agriculture, Education, Trade, News/feature, Kenya, 2017

Minister Coveney highlights trade opportunities for Irish companies in Kenya


Agriculture, Trade, News/feature, Kenya, Horn of Africa, 2017

Minister Coveney begins 3 day visit to the Horn of Africa


Trade, Emergencies, News/feature, Horn of Africa, Ethiopia, Kenya, 2017
Ireland ships 75 tonnes of humanitarian aid to Somalia

Ireland ships 75 tonnes of humanitarian aid to Somalia


Hunger, Poverty, Health, News/feature, Somalia, 2017

Minister Coveney announces €11 million in humanitarian funding to the Horn of Africa region


Emergencies, Environmental/Climate Change, Hunger, News/feature, Horn of Africa, Ethiopia, Somalia, South Sudan, 2017

Minister Coveney meets with African Union & IGAD


Emergencies, Budget/funding, News/feature, Africa, Horn of Africa, 2017
Minister Coveney and DFAT officials meeting with IGAD Special Envoy Ismail Wais and Ambassador Tewolde, IGAD Director of Peace and Security Division. Credit: DFAT

Minister Coveney visits the Horn of Africa


Health, Hunger, Environmental/Climate Change, News/feature, Horn of Africa, 2017

Minister Cannon attends South Africa-Ireland Partnership Forum in Pretoria


Trade, News/feature, South Africa, 2017
Minister of State Cannon and South African Deputy Minister of International Relations and Cooperation, Mr Luwellyn Landers, sign delcaration of cooperation

Minister Cannon’s visit to South Africa


Aid Effectiveness, News/feature, South Africa, 2017

Science for Development Award at BTYSTE


Development Education, News/feature, Africa, 2017
Minister Cannon visits Tanzania

Minister Cannon visits Tanzania


Education, Aid Effectiveness, Health, Hunger, News/feature, Tanzania, 2017

Visit of Minister Ciarán Cannon to Tanzania


Health, Poverty, Aid Effectiveness, Budget/funding, Education, News/feature, Tanzania, 2017

Ireland announces commitments at Our Ocean Conference in Malta


Environmental/Climate Change, Budget/funding, News/feature, Global, Ireland, 2017

Ministers Coveney and Cannon launch the 2016 Irish Aid Annual Report


Hunger, Poverty, Development Education, Budget/funding, Aid Effectiveness, Emergencies, News/feature, Africa, Vietnam, Ireland, 2017

Ireland’s response to the mudslide and flooding in Freetown, Sierra Leone


Emergencies, News/feature, Sierra Leone, 2017
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