Y., R.
        See Younge, Richard

Yachting (US) 1907–

Yachting monthly 1906–

Yadin, Yigael
        Hazor 1972

Yalden, Thomas
        Poems a 1736 (1790, 1810)

Yale. Studies from the Yale psychological laboratory ed. E. W. Scripture 1893–

Yale alumni magazine 1937–

Yale literary magazine 1836–

Yankee: a monthly magazine for Yankees everywhere 1935–42; 1945–

Yapp, William Brunsdon
        An introduction to animal physiology 1939

Yarington, Robert
        Two lamentable tragedies 1601 (in Bullen, Old plays, IV, 1885)

Yarranton, Andrew
        England’s improvement by sea and land 1677

Yarrell, William
        A history of British birds 1843
        A history of British fishes 1835–39
        —ed. 3, ed. by Sir J. Richardson (1859)

Yate, William
        An account of New Zealand 1835

Yates, Edmund H.
        The black sheep 1867
        Broken to harness; a story of English domestic life 1864
        The forlorn hope 1867
        Land at last 1866
        The rock ahead 1868
        Edmund Yates: his recollections and experiences 1884

Yates, John
        Ibis ad Cæsarem 1626

Yearbook of astronomy 1961–

Year-book of facts in science and (the useful) art(s) 1839–80

Yearbook of medicine, surgery, and their allied sciences 1859–62 1860–63 (New Sydenham Soc.)

Year-book of wireless telegraphy and telephony, The 1913–25

Year books of the reign of Edward I. Years 20–22, 30–35 1292–94, 1302–07 (ed. and tr. A. J. Horwood, Rolls series 1863–79)
        —of Edward II 1307–15 (ed. F. W. Maitland, etc., Selden Soc. 1903–27)
        —of Edward III. Years 11–20 1337–46 (ed. and tr. A. J. Horwood and L. O. Pike, Rolls series 1883–1911)
        —of Edward II to Henry VIII v.d. (15.., 16.., 1678–80)

Year’s work in English studies, The 1921–

Yeates, Victor M.
        Winged victory 1934

Yeats, John
        The growth and vicissitudes of commerce 1872
        The natural history of commerce 1870
        The technical history of commerce 1871

Yeats, William B.
        The Celtic twilight; men and women, dhouls and faeries 1893
        The Countess Kathleen, and various legends and lyrics 1892
        Fairy and folk tales of the Irish peasantry 1888
        In the seven woods: being poems chiefly of the Irish heroic age 1903
        The king of the great clock tower: commentaries and poems 1934
        Last poems and two plays 1939
        Letters ed. A. Wade 1954
        October blast 1927
        Per amica silentia lunae 1918
        Poems 1895
        Poems (variorum ed. by P. Allt & R. K. Alspach) 1957
        Responsibilities: poems and a play 1914
        Reveries over childhood and youth 1915 (UK 1916)
        The trembling of the veil 1922
        The wanderings of Oisin, and other poems 1889
        The wind among the reeds 1899
        Words for music perhaps, and other poems 1932

Yellow book, The, an illustrated quarterly 1894–97

Yeomans, John
        The Abecedarian, or, philosophic comment upon the English alphabet 1759

Yeowell, James
        Chronicles of the ancient British Church 1839 (1847)

Yesterday’s shopping: the Army & Navy Stores catalogue 1907: a facsimile of the Army & Navy Co-operative Society’s 1907 issue ofRules of the Society and price list of articles sold at the Stores’ introduced by A. Adburgham 1969

Yong, Bartholomew
        See Young, B.

Yonge, Charles D.
        Athenæus’ Deipnosophists tr. 1854

Yonge, Charlotte Mary
        Abbeychurch; or, Self-control and self-conceit 1844
        Burnt out: a story for mothers’ meetings 1879
        Cameos from English history 1868–99
        Chantry House 2 vols. 1886
        The chaplet of pearls; or, The white and black Ribaumont 1868
        The Christmas mummers 1858
        The clever woman of the family 1865
        Countess Kate 1862
        The daisy chain; or, aspirations 1856
        The dove in the eagle’s nest 1866
        Dynevor Terrace; or, the clue of life 1857
        Heartsease; or, The brother’s wife 2 vols. 1854
        The heir of Redclyffe 1853
        History of Christian names 1863
        Hopes and fears; or, scenes from the life of a spinster 1860
        John Keble’s parishes: a history of Hursley and Otterbourne 1898
        Lads and lasses of Langley 1881
        Lady Hester; or, Ursula’s narrative 1874
        Landmarks of history; ancient history 1852
        —middle ages 1853
        —modern history 1857
        Life of John Coleridge Patteson, missionary bishop of the Melanesian Islands 1874
        Magnum bonum; or, Mother Careys brood 3 vols. 1879
        My young Alcides: a faded photograph 2 vols. 1875
        Nuttie’s father 1885
        An old woman’s outlook in a Hampshire village 1892
        Our new nistress; or, Changes at Brookfield Earl 1888
        The pillars of the house; or, Under wode, under rode 4 vols. 1873
        Pioneers and founders; or, Recent workers in the mission field 1871
        The pupils of St. John the Divine 1868 (dated 1867)
        The release; or, Caroline’s French kindred 1896
        The Stokesley secret 1861
        A storehouse of stories 1870–72
        That stick 2 vols. 1892
        The three brides 2 vols. 1876
        The trial; more links of the daisy chain 1864
        The two guardians; or, Home in this world 1852
        The two sides of the shield 2 vols. 1885
        Womankind 1876
        See also Monthly packet

Yonge, James
        The gouernaunce of prynces 1422 (in Secreta secretorum, E.E.T.S. 1898)

Yonge, Nicholas
        Musica transalpina. Madrigales translated of foure, fiue and sixe partes 1588 (in         Arber, Eng. Garner III)

Yonge, Walter
        Diary 1604–28 (Camden Soc. 1848)

‘York, Andrew’ (Christopher Nicole)
        The eliminator 1966
        The expurgator 1972

York memorandum book 1376–1493 (Surtees Soc. 1912–15)

York Minster, Fabric rolls of v.d. (Surtees Soc. 1859)

York mysteries. (York plays. The plays performed by the crafts or mysteries of York on the day of Corpus Christi) c 1440 (1885)

York wills
        See Testamenta Eboracensia

Yorke, James
        The union of honour 1640

‘Yorke, Margaret’ (Margaret Beda Nicholson)
        Grave matters 1973
        Mortal remains 1974
        The silent witness 1972

Yorkshire archæological and topographical journal, The 1870–

Yorkshire chantry surveys (The certificates of the commissioners appointed to survey the chantries, guilds, hospitals, etc., in the county of York) 1546 (Surtees Soc. 1894–95)

Yorkshire dialogue in Yorkshire dialect; between an awd wife, a lass, and a butcher 1673 (in Nine specim. Eng. dialects, E.D.S. 1896)
        See also Meriton, G.

Yorkshire glossary 1876
        See Robinson, C. C.

Yorkshire Post 1866–

Yorkshire tragedy, A 1608 (in Shakespeare Apocrypha 1908)

Yoshiwara episode
        See Murdoch, A.

Youatt, William
        Cattle 1834
        The dog 1845 (1858)
        The horse (anon.) 1831 (1843)
        Sheep (anon.) 1837

Youmans, Edward L.
        The hand-book of household science 1857

Young, Alexander Bell Filson
        The complete motorist: being an account of the evolution and construction of the modern motor car 1904

Young, Arthur
        An historical dissertation on idolatrous corruptions in religion 1734

Young, Arthur
        General view of the agriculture of the county of Essex 1807
        —of Hertfordshire 1804
        —of Lincoln 1799
        —of Norfolk 1804
        —of Oxfordshire 1809
        —of Suffolk 1794
        —of Sussex 1793 (1808)
        The farmer’s letters to the people of England, containing the sentiments of a practical husbandman (anon.) 1767
        A tour in Ireland 1776–79 1780 (1887)
        Travels 1787–89; undertaken with a view of ascertaining the cultivation, etc. of the kingdom of France 1792
        Autobiography, with selections from his correspondence a 1820 (ed. M. Betham-Edwards 1898)
        See also Annals of agriculture

Young, Arthur
        Nautical dictionary 1846 (1863)

Young or Yong, Bartholomew
        Boccaccio’s (G.) Amorous Fiammetta tr. 1587
        Montemayor’s (J. de) Diana tr. 1598
        See also Pettie, G.

Young, Charles A.
        The sun 1882
        A text-book of general astronomy for colleges and scientific schools 1888 (UK 1889)

Young, David & Brown, John
        Memorials of Alexander Moncrieff and James Fisher 1849

Young, Edward
        Sermons on several occasions 1702–03

Young, Edward
        Works 1757
        Poems a 1765 (1810)
        The brothers; a tragedy 1753
        Busiris, king of Egypt; a tragedy 1719
        The Centaur not fabulous 1755
        The complaint; or, night-thoughts on life, death and immortality (anon.) 1742–45
        Conjectures on original composition 1759
        The force of religion; or, vanquish’d love 1714
        Love of fame 1728 See The universal passion
        A paraphrase on part of the book of Job 1719
        A poem on the last day 1713
        Resignation 1762
        The revenge; a tragedy 1721
        The universal passion 1725–28
        —republished with title Love of fame, the universal passion 1728
        A vindication of providence; or a true estimate of human life 1728
        Life and letters by Henry C. Shelley (1914)

Young, Emily Hilda
        William 1925

Young, Francis Brett
        Portrait of Clare 1927

Young, Francis Chilton-
        See Chilton-Young, F.

Young, Geoffrey Winthrop
        ed. Mountain craft 1920

Young, George
        A geological survey of the Yorkshire coast 1822

Young, Jennie J.
        The ceramic art 1878 (1879)

Young, John
        The province of reason 1860

Young, John R.
        Mathematical dissertations 1841
        The theory and practice of navigation and nautical astronomy 1856

Young, John Zachary
        An introduction to the study of man 1971
        The life of vertebrates 1950
        A model of the brain 1964

Young, Thomas
        Englands bane, or, the description of drunkennesse 1617

Young, Thomas
        A course of lectures on natural philosophy and the mechanical arts 1807
        —new ed. by Prof. Kelland (1845)

Young, Wayland Hilton
        Eros denied 1965

Young Englishwoman, The 1865–77

Young gentleman’s magazine, The 1869–73

Young man’s calling, The, or the whole duty of youth (by Samuel Crossman) 1678

Younge, Richard
        The blemish of government, the shame of religion, the disgrace of mankind; or, a charge         drawn up against drunkards 1655 (1863)
        The drunkard’s character, or, a true drunkard with such sinnes as raigne in him 1638
        The victory of patience, and benefit of affliction 1636 (partly in Arber, Eng. Garner IV)

Younger, John
        Autobiography a 1860 (1881)

Younghusband, Ethel
        Glimpses of East Africa and Zanzibar 1910

Younghusband, Sir Francis E.
        The heart of a continent 1896

Yoxall, Harold Waldo
        A fashion of life 1966

‘Yuill, P. B.’ (Gordon Maclean Williams)
        The bornless keeper 1974

Yule, George Udny
        An introduction to the theory of statistics 1911
        —(ed. 11, by Yule & M. G. Kendall) 1937

Yule, Sir Henry
        The book of ser Marco Polo tr. 1871
        A narrative of the mission sent to the Court of Ava in 1855 1858

—— & Burnell, Arthur C.
        Hobson-Jobson: being a glossary of Anglo-Indian colloquial words and phrases 1886

Yule-tide stories 1853
        See Thorpe, B.

Ywaine and Gawin c 1400 (in Ritson, Metrical romances I, 1802)
