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Government policy

July 13, 2017

Race and Class, July 2017

The July 2017 issue of Race & Class is now available and you can download the lead article for free (for a limited time only).

April 18, 2017

Race & Class, April 2017

The April 2017 Race & Class tackles two key current themes: the impact of Fox News  in (mis)representing news and creating racist discourses, and the  way in which Canadian  ‘neoliberal multiculturalism’ is marginalising  Arabs, Muslims and those in solidarity with Palestine.

January 12, 2017

Race & Class, January 2017

The January 2017 issue of Race & Class features articles on how ultra-nationalism plays out in the EU, murals in Colombia, collusion in Northern Ireland and popular racism in Japan.

December 2, 2016

Racial violence and the Brexit state

Racial violence and the Brexit state examines the link between the language and behaviour of perpetrators of racial violence, the rhetoric and policy pronouncements of politicians over recent years and the stigmatising frameworks of the media.