Contact Us

We receive many requests for information that is available on our website, and our site contains far more information than we can send. If you can't find what you're looking for using the search form at the top of the page, browse the site index or read the FAQs, and let us know if you think information is difficult to find. Also, consider posting your question on our Facebook page as someone else might be wondering the same thing.

By Phone

General Visitor Information: (435) 719-2313
Business Line: (435) 719-2100
Backcountry Reservation Office: (435) 259-4351

Visitor Centers
Island in the Sky Visitor Center: (435) 259-4712
The Needles Visitor Center: (435) 259-4711
Hans Flat (Maze) Ranger Station: (435) 259-2652**
**Do not call Hans Flat between 5 pm & 8 am except for Maze emergencies.

By Fax

Business Office Fax: (435) 719-2300
Backcountry Reservation Office Fax: (435) 259-4285

By Mail

Canyonlands National Park
2282 SW Resource Blvd.
Moab, UT 84532

Social Media


By Email

General Information & Visitor Comments
Reservation Office (Backcountry & River Permit Information)
Educational Fee Waivers

Last updated: May 2, 2017

Contact the Park

Mailing Address:

2282 Resource Blvd.
Moab, UT 84532



Contact Us