Things To Do

cyclists ride on a dirt road
Mountain bikers on the White Rim Road

NPS/Neal Herbert


Whether you're stopping by for an hour or planning a two-week vacation, Canyonlands offers many ways to spend your time in the park.

  • Auto Touring: Paved and four-wheel-drive roads help you explore this highly scenic park.
  • Backpacking: You can take overnight trips in all three districts.
  • Biking: Bikes must remain on designated roads.
  • Boating: Flatwater and white water trips experience the rivers' canyon-carving power.
  • Camping: There are campgrounds at The Needles and Island in the Sky.
  • Climbing: Technical climbing is allowed in some areas.
  • Guided Tours: These companies are authorized to lead trips into the park.
  • Hiking: From minutes to days, Canyonlands has trails of every length.
  • Horseback Riding: You may take pack and saddle stock on all backcountry roads.
  • Ranger-led Programs: Rangers offer activities daily spring through fall.
  • Stargazing: With few nearby cities, Canyonlands' night skies are especially dark.
  • For Kids: Browse a few ideas for engaging young visitors.

Last updated: November 18, 2016

Contact the Park

Mailing Address:

2282 Resource Blvd.
Moab, UT 84532



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