Scientific Research

Archeologist examines a potsherd with black & white designs
Potsherds and other artifacts help archeologists reveal stories of the past.

NPS photo by Jacob W. Frank

A great deal of scientific research occurs in the national parks of southeast Utah. The summaries below cover the last decade of field work done at Hovenweep and Natural Bridges National Monuments.

2012 Research Summary
[202k PDF File]

2011 Research Summary
[96k PDF File]

2010 Research Summary
[85k PDF File]

2009 Research Summary
[95k PDF File]

2008 Research Summary
[48k PDF File]

2007 Research Summary
[69k PDF File]

2006 Research Summary
[197k PDF File]

2005 Research Summary
[186k PDF File]

2004 Research Summary
[94k PDF File]

(No summaries submitted for 2003)

2002 Research Summary
[118k PDF File]

2001 Research Summary
[146k PDF File]

More Information For more information or to apply for a research permit, visit the NPS online Research Permit and Reporting System.

Last updated: February 24, 2015

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