
Collared Lizard
Collared lizards are some of Hovenweep's flashiest residents.

NPS photo by Jacob W. Frank

The park is home to more than 150 species of mammals, birds, reptiles, and amphibians. Common mammals include mule deer, bobcat, mountain lion, and coyotes. Birds are most numerous in cottonwood and willow vegetation along streams and perennial water sources. Reptiles are found throughout. The most common lizards are the side-blotched and sagebrush lizards. The most common snakes are gopher snake, western rattlesnake, and striped whipsnake. Amphibians are not common, found only near streams, springs, and rock pools. There are no fish.

An official species list is available from the Northern Colorado Plateau Network. You may also download a brochure on Hovenweep wildlife.

Last updated: February 24, 2015

Contact the Park

Mailing Address:

McElmo Route
Cortez, CO 81321


(970) 562-4282 x10

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