New words list December 2016

List of new word entries

In addition to revised versions of Second Edition entries, these ranges contain the following new entries:

New words 
New sub-entries
New senses

New word entries

  • Bama, n. and adj.
  • bilat, adj. and n.
  • bralette, n.
  • Brexit, n.
  • brook, n.2
  • brook, v.2
  • browsability, n.
  • browsable, adj.
  • browzy, adj.
  • brr-brr, int.
  • bru, n.
  • brubru, n.
  • Brucella, n.
  • bruchid, n.
  • bruck, n.
  • Brucknerian, adj. and n.
  • Bruegelesque, adj.
  • Bruegelian, adj.
  • bruery, n.
  • bruisingly, adv.
  • bruisy, adj.
  • bruiting, n.
  • bruja, n.
  • brujería, n.
  • brujo, n.
  • brulé, n.
  • brum, int. and n.2
  • brumation, n.
  • bruncheon, n.
  • bruncher, n.
  • brunchtime, n.
  • brunchy, n. and adj.
  • Bruneian, n. and adj.
  • Brunello di Montalcino, n.
  • brunello, n.
  • Brunfelsia, n.
  • Brunnera, n.
  • brunoise, n.
  • brusar, n.
  • close out, n.
  • cross-step, n.
  • cross-step, v.
  • cross-stepping, n.
  • da kine, n.
  • defamatorily, adv.
  • defang, v.
  • defanged, adj.
  • defatigate, adj.
  • defaunate, v.
  • defaunated, adj.
  • defaunation, n.
  • Defcon, n.
  • defeasance, v.
  • defease, n.
  • defeather, v.
  • defeathered, adj.
  • defeathering, n.
  • defecatory, adj.
  • defectability, n.
  • defecting, adj.
  • defederalization, n.
  • defederalize, v.
  • defencing | defensing, adj.
  • defensin, n.
  • defensor civitatis, n.
  • downed, adj.1
  • ekphrastic, adj.
  • exampling, n.
  • exemplificatory, adj.
  • exemplifying, adj.
  • exemplifying, n.
  • exemplum virtutis, n.
  • findability, n.
  • finderscope, n.
  • finger cot, n.
  • finger jam, n.
  • finger point, n.
  • finger pointer, n.
  • finger-point, v.
  • finger-pointing, adj.
  • finger-stool, n.
  • fingertip, v.
  • frontside, n., adj., and adv.
  • fulcrum, v.
  • Fulfulde, n. and adj.
  • fulghter, n.
  • fulgurating, n.
  • full load, n. and adj.
  • full spread, n. and adj.2
  • fulled, adj.1
  • fulleride, n.
  • fullerite, n.
  • full-fat, adj.
  • full-metal-jacket, adj. and n.
  • full-metal-jacketed, adj.
  • full-scale, adj.
  • full-service, adj. and n.
  • fulvic, adj.
  • glam-ma, n.
  • go bag, n.
  • goaler, n.
  • goalside, n., adv., and adj.
  • gob, v.3
  • gobbin, n.1
  • gobby, adj.
  • gobful, n.
  • goblet, n.3
  • gobo, n.1
  • gobsmacking, adj.
  • gochujang, n.
  • Grexit, n.
  • grom, n.
  • gub, v.
  • haakdoring, n.
  • hack boat, n.2
  • hack job, n.
  • hack, n.7
  • hackability, n.
  • hackable, adj.
  • hackathon, n.
  • hackboat, n.1
  • hackbrett, n.
  • hackbut of crochet, n.
  • hackdom, n.
  • hackery, n.2
  • hackfest, n.
  • hackish, adj.1
  • hackish, adj.2
  • hackit, adj.
  • hackleback, n.
  • hackled, adj.1
  • hackney cab, n.
  • hacksaw, v.
  • hacksilver, n.
  • heaty, adj.
  • hookthorn, n.
  • Livian, adj.
  • livity, n.
  • livor mortis, n.
  • livre d’artiste, n.
  • lixival, adj.
  • macking, adj.
  • mini-mal, n.
  • O-line, n.
  • out-strategize, v.
  • paddleboarding, n.
  • rag-doll, v.
  • sack-back, n. and adj.
  • sefte, adj.
  • sensi, n.
  • sensibilization, n.
  • serve and volley, adj. and n.
  • shaka, int. and n.
  • sinfull, n.
  • soft corn, n.1
  • soft kill, n.
  • soft launch, v.
  • soft release, n.
  • softballer, n.
  • softphone, n.
  • softscape, n.
  • softscaping, n.
  • stratifying, adj.
  • Stratocaster, n.
  • stratum corneum, n.
  • stratum super stratum, adv. and n.
  • telecentre | telecenter, n.
  • telecoil, n.
  • teleconference, v.
  • telecopter, n.
  • telefax, v.
  • teleiotic, adj.
  • telemarking, n.
  • teleoperate, v.
  • telephone card, n.
  • teleporter, n.
  • Telescopium, n.
  • telestrator, n.
  • televiser, n.
  • televisibility, n.
  • tombstone, v.
  • tombstoning, adj.
  • tombstoning, n.
  • touch dance, n.
  • touch-proof, adj.
  • truck, n.3
  • verklempt, adj.
  • window band, n.2
  • wobbleboard, n.
  • YouTuber, n.

New sub-entries

  • at full belt
  • barrel roll
  • beach cruiser
  • board rider
  • board shaper
  • bridal shower
  • browse line
  • browser-based
  • browsing history
  • Brunonianism
  • Bruges Group
  • bruise-coloured
  • bruisewater
  • Brummagemized
  • Brunswick-black
  • command central
  • competitive examinationist
  • critical period
  • dawn patrol
  • defeasibly
  • defeatedly
  • defect-free
  • defence attorney
  • defence counsel
  • defence department
  • defence lawyer
  • defence secretary
  • defence-splitting
  • defence-splitting pass
  • defensive back
  • defensive coordinator
  • defensive driving
  • defensive end
  • defensive lineman
  • defensive tackle
  • dick pic
  • direct examination
  • drop goal
  • drop-kicker
  • duck dive
  • duck-dive
  • duck-diving
  • Birminghamizing
  • bruisedness
  • gobsmackingly
  • hackerdom
  • telemarker
  • televisional
  • window-like
  • full-heartedness
  • telegenically
  • telekinetically
  • teleonomically
  • touchy-feeliness
  • Eskimo roll
  • exam board
  • exam conditions
  • exam question
  • exam result
  • examination board
  • examination result
  • examining board
  • examining room
  • examining table
  • example sentence
  • finder’s fee
  • finding aid
  • finding dog
  • finger cherry
  • finger chip
  • finger lime
  • finger neb
  • finger prick
  • finger puppet
  • finger sandwich
  • finger tap
  • finger weaving
  • finger-beam
  • finger-click
  • finger-comb
  • finger-combed
  • finger-fuck
  • fingermeal
  • finger-pop
  • fingerprint recognition
  • fingerprint region
  • fingerspell
  • fingerspelling
  • fingertip save
  • finger-wag
  • found money
  • freak dance
  • freak dance
  • fulfillable
  • full belt
  • full bleed
  • full disclosure
  • full English
  • full English breakfast
  • full gainer
  • full lock
  • full name
  • full powers
  • full professorship
  • full suit
  • full-bearded
  • full-bred
  • full-colour
  • full-court
  • full-centred
  • full-throatedly
  • fullended
  • full-fat milk
  • full-frame
  • fulling mallet
  • full-line
  • full-motion
  • full-packed
  • full-service broker
  • full-service brokerage
  • full-spectrum
  • full-suspension
  • full-tank
  • full-text
  • full-thickness
  • full-throttle
  • full-tusked
  • full-voice
  • fully-automatic
  • fully-clothed
  • fully-equipped
  • fully-fitted
  • fully-formed
  • fully-grown
  • fully-trained
  • fulvic acid
  • glass harmonica
  • goal celebration
  • goal chance
  • goal circle
  • goal judge
  • goal setting
  • goal third
  • goal-driven
  • goal-hanger
  • goal-line technology
  • goalminder
  • goal-orientated
  • goal-poacher
  • goalscoring
  • goat herder
  • goat keeper
  • goat leaf
  • goat meat
  • goat whey
  • goat’s cheese
  • goat’s path
  • goat’s whey
  • goat’s willow
  • goat-getter
  • goatgrass
  • goaving
  • gob feeder
  • Gobelin carpet
  • goblet drum
  • goblin shark
  • hack pack
  • hackerproof
  • hackerspace
  • hacking hammer
  • hackit-faced
  • hackle-raising
  • hack-proof
  • hairy goat
  • impact zone
  • inside break
  • least finger
  • living bread
  • living donation
  • living donor
  • living flame
  • living hell
  • living history
  • living history museum
  • living history re-enactment
  • living proof
  • living quarters
  • living statue
  • living stone
  • living treasure
  • living trust
  • sense memory
  • sense of proportion
  • sense of purpose
  • sense of reality
  • sense of self
  • sense-making
  • sensible energy
  • sensible experience
  • sensible soul
  • sensitive joint vetch
  • sensitivity analysis
  • sensor array
  • sensory garden
  • sensory impairment
  • sensory receptor
  • sensory world
  • shortboard revolution
  • Siberian Express
  • single-fin
  • six-yard area
  • six-yard box
  • soft belly
  • soft box
  • soft cheese
  • soft coke
  • soft commission
  • soft condensed matter
  • soft dollars
  • soft error
  • soft hammer
  • soft hyphen
  • soft key
  • soft lead
  • soft matter
  • soft mutation
  • soft nose
  • soft pine
  • soft sign
  • soft taco
  • soft target
  • soft tennis
  • soft toss
  • soft wall
  • soft-shoeing
  • soft-hued
  • soft-play
  • soft-play area
  • soft-point
  • soft-ripened
  • soft-roader
  • soft-sided
  • soft-textured
  • softwood cutting
  • squaretail
  • stand-up paddle surfing
  • Strasbourg Parliament
  • strass glass
  • strata peat
  • strategy document
  • strategy game
  • Strathspey dance
  • Strathspey reel
  • stratified medicine
  • stratified random sampling
  • SUP
  • SUPing
  • telearchics
  • teleaxial
  • telebusiness
  • telecardiogram
  • telecare
  • teledemocracy
  • teledensity
  • tele-education
  • teleflasher
  • telegraph company
  • telegraph operator
  • telehealth
  • tele-hood
  • telejournalism
  • teleological argument
  • Teleosaurus
  • telephone answerer
  • telephone company
  • telephone counselling
  • telephone engineer
  • telephone equipment
  • telephone handset
  • telephone helpline
  • telephone hotline
  • telephone interview
  • telephone link
  • telephone manner
  • telephone network
  • telephone pole
  • telephone poll
  • telephone sales
  • telephone service
  • telephone switchboard
  • telephone system
  • telephone tapper
  • telephone voice
  • telepic
  • telepoint compass
  • telescope goldfish
  • telescope mirror
  • telescope mount
  • telescopic handler
  • telescopic lens
  • teleseismology
  • telestereograph
  • telesurgery
  • television acting
  • television actor
  • television actress
  • television advertisement
  • television advertising
  • television age
  • television broadcaster
  • television cameraman
  • television celebrity
  • television comedian
  • television comedy
  • television commentator
  • television company
  • television documentary
  • television executive
  • television guide
  • television industry
  • television journalism
  • television monitor
  • television movie
  • television presenter
  • television production
  • television programming
  • television ratings
  • television reception
  • television rights
  • television schedule
  • television script
  • television special
  • television writer
  • televisuality
  • telewriting
  • to be a living proof of
  • to be a living proof that
  • to be living proof of
  • to be living proof of (<r>also</r> that)
  • to be living proof that
  • to be the (<r>also</r> a) living proof of (<r>also</r> that)
  • to be the living proof of
  • to be the living proof that
  • to close out
  • to find out
  • to hack around
  • to hack up
  • to touch in
  • to touch off
  • to touch out
  • touch foul
  • touch method
  • touch organ
  • touch paralysis
  • touch system
  • touch therapy
  • touch typewriting
  • touchdown pass
  • touch-dry
  • touch-in-goal line
  • touch-tag
  • touchtone phone
  • touchtone telephone
  • tow-in
  • tow-in surfer
  • tow-in surfing
  • tri-fin
  • try at goal
  • try line
  • turtle roll
  • TV acting
  • TV actor
  • TV actress
  • TV ad
  • TV advert
  • TV advertisement
  • TV advertising
  • TV age
  • TV broadcast
  • TV broadcaster
  • TV broadcasting
  • TV cameraman
  • TV celebrity
  • TV chef
  • TV comedian
  • TV comedy
  • TV commentator
  • TV coverage
  • TV critic
  • TV documentary
  • TV drama
  • TV engineer
  • TV executive
  • TV frequency
  • TV guide
  • TV industry
  • TV interview
  • TV journalism
  • TV journalist
  • TV lounge
  • TV magazine
  • TV monitor
  • TV news
  • TV picture
  • TV presenter
  • TV producer
  • TV production
  • TV programming
  • TV pundit
  • TV ratings
  • TV reception
  • TV region
  • TV reporter
  • TV rights
  • TV schedule
  • TV script
  • TV serial
  • TV set
  • TV signal
  • TV special
  • TV spot
  • TV star
  • TV transmission
  • TV transmitter
  • TV van
  • TV writer
  • twin-fin
  • under exam conditions
  • window casing
  • window cleaning
  • window cling
  • window guard
  • window lock
  • window manager
  • woad ball
  • woady
  • wobble-energy
  • wobbler syndrome
  • woe-monger
  • wogball

New senses

  • balconette, n.
  • barrel, n.
  • barrel, v.
  • blow, n.1
  • bomb, n.
  • bootee, n.
  • bootee, n.
  • bowl, n.1
  • break, n.1
  • break, n.1
  • carve, v.
  • catch, v.
  • corduroy, n. and adj.
  • cruiser, n.
  • dart, n.
  • down, v.2
  • down, adv.
  • fin, n.1
  • floater, n.
  • freak, n.1
  • fumble, v.
  • glass, n.1
  • glass, v.
  • golliwog, n.
  • ground, v.
  • hairy, adj. and n.
  • hold-down, n.
  • inside, n., adj., adv., and prep.
  • inside, n., adj., adv., and prep.
  • kicker, n.
  • lesson, n.
  • line-up, n.
  • lip, n.
  • shape, v.
  • shaper, n.
  • snake, v.1
  • stand-up, adj. and n.
  • swallow-tail | swallowtail, n.
  • try, n.
  • try, n.
  • turtle, n.2
  • upstander, n.
  • walled, adj.1
  • zombie, n.