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Natsume Yūjin-Chō Go
Episode 12

by Lauren Orsini,

A week after the conclusion of Natsume Yūjin-Chō Roku, a new OVA for Natsume Yūjin-Chō Go is a pleasant surprise. Even more pleasant is the content of the episode itself. Bookended between the barest amounts of plot, this episode seems to ask, “What if we just watched Nyanko-sensei and Natsume enjoy themselves for twenty minutes?” This is as close to a sandbox episode as this world allows, as we watch Natsume and Nyanko hang out with yokai and have a good time, with a little bit about the elusive Reiko thrown in for good measure.

For all the fainting he does, Natsume is quite spiritually strong. After he defends an elderly yokai couple from a passing behemoth, the pair take him back to their camp to rest. It turns out that they're famed for their One Night Cups, clay sake cups that only last for one night, but make anything you drink out of them (from water to alcohol) taste tons better. Recognizing Natsume because of his grandmother, they warm up to him immediately and invite him to help them sculpt the cups (while Nyanko tags along for a drinking party). It's amazing how little happens this episode except Natsume and a bunch of yokai enjoying each others' company, and yet there's nothing boring about it. I even wish it lasted longer. Just being among these kind, gentle characters in their gorgeous, melodic forest home is a breath of fresh air.

Thematically, the fleeting nature of the One Night Cups, and the additional spectre of the yokai couple nearing the end of their lifespans, is a textbook topic for Natsume Yūjin-Chō to explore. From the way the cups collapse with the setting sun to the way Reiko only exists now in these yokai's memories to the way this episode is over all too quickly, it's a reminder that everything is temporary and all we can do is savor the now. “If only time would stop for just a little…,” the female yokai muses, and it's a wish that everyone can relate to—there's always been a moment that we wished would never end. This emphasis on the unforgiving march of time makes this episode's happy moments bittersweet. Human lifespans are so short, and Hizuchi never got to have a drink with Reiko like he wished. It must have felt so long while he was asking her repeatedly if she was a “grown-up” yet, but just like that she's gone. By the end, the couple seems to have come to terms with the end and vows to enjoy their craft once more—but this time, by finally making cups for themselves.

There was also a sweet parallel in this episode between Hizuchi and Hatsuna and Natsume's foster parents, Shigeru and Touko. When it comes to kind, elderly couples who just want to make him happy, Natsume's a real human magnet. If you'll recall, Shigeru also has an interest in crafting pottery, as we learned from episode 34, “The Fox Child's Watch.” Whether it's the spiritual world or the secular one, Natsume's present is full of allies—unlike his past. Perhaps that's why it's relaxing to visit his world for a bit even if very little happens. Natsume's been through so much already that it's nice to see him just kick back for once.

Rating: A

Natsume Yūjin-Chō Go is currently streaming on Crunchyroll.

Lauren writes about geek careers at Otaku Journalist.

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