The World’s Only Comic-Drawing Game!

“Mangaka is a keeper.…While I’m not a skilled artist, my kids and I love drawing and storytelling. Sharing the comics and laughing with each other’s jokes and drawing (or lack of drawing) skill was a great family experience.”—Ryan Hiller, Geekdad

“A hell of a lot of fun…Makes drawing and sharing comics with your friends a real joy and a hilarious competition.”—Jonathan Bolding, The Escapist

“It was one of the best games I ever played…It’s super cool!”—Jadah, 8th grader

Check out this Mangaka playthrough by Loading Ready Live!

Mangaka: The Fast & Furious Game of Drawing Comics is the world’s only comic-drawing game! Originally funded by our amazing Kickstarter backers, Mangaka is available now from Mock Man Press and our awesome partners, Japanime Games and Global Games Distribution.

Mangaka is a hilarious, creative card game where you & your friends play comic artists competing for fame over 4 rounds of frantic drawing! Start by drawing three Theme Cards (from a deck of 136) to determine the subject of your comic. Then, you and the other players must draw comics about your Themes before time runs out. Fleeting Trend Cards add another dimension of strategy: your fickle readers this round may demand Science Fiction, Fantasy, Shojo Manga, Sports, Destruction or any one of 52 Trends. Each round brings more Panels to draw and Trends to chase than the round before. When the final round ends, the winner is the one with the most Fame Tokens…but every player ends the game with a comic of their own creation.

Designed by Jason Thompson (Manga: The Complete Guide, with art by Ike (Golden Sky Stories) and Eric “Woof” Muentes (Blue Revolver), Mangaka will challenge your speed and creativity, and leave you with a full-length comic of your own creation! Mangaka is recommended for 1 to 8 players, ages 12 and up.

For more information, follow the Mock Man Press Twitter and Facebook, and the Japanime Games Facebook and Twitter! You can also check out the updates on the Mangaka Kickstarter page for the latest updates, new card artwork, and information on conventions & store demos.

Order Mangaka from Mock Man Press here or from Japanime Games here!

P.S. Already used up all the drawing paper in the basic game? Click here to download and print extra Mangaka drawing paper for free!