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President Trump said he’d like to pass a health-care reform bill by the end of next week.
Politics Daily
A roundup of news and ideas   /  Thursday Apr 20, 2017
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During a joint press conference with Italian Prime Minister Paolo Gentiloni, President Trump said he’d like to pass “both” health-care reform and a spending bill by the end of next week. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said he will meet with Trump at the White House on May 16-17. Representative Jason Chaffetz, who announced Wednesday that he won't seek reelection in 2018, said in a radio interview that he might not finish out his term in Congress. Bill O’Reilly, who was ousted from Fox News amid sexual harassment allegations, will reportedly receive a payout of up to $25 million. ISIS has claimed responsibility for an attack that killed a police officer and wounded two others on the Champs Elysées in Paris.

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New York City council member Ritchie Torres is detained by New York Police Department officers after blocking traffic during a protest against the proposed federal budget cuts to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. Lucas Jackson / Reuters

What We’re Reading

Swaying the Election: A Reuters investigation reveals that a Russian think tank “controlled” by Russian President Vladimir Putin devised a plan to persuade U.S. voters to support Donald Trump in the 2016 presidential election. (Ned Parker, Jonathan Landay, John Walcott)

‘There’s More to Come’: 21st Century Fox announced on Wednesday that Bill O’Reilly was leaving the network amid several sexual-harassment allegations. Vanity Fair reports that Fox insiders expect even more women to come forward. (Sarah Ellison)

Racking Up a Tab: Politico reports that Donald Trump’s presidential campaign has so far paid nearly $4 million in legal fees, and is “still spending heavily to defend against ongoing civil lawsuits alleging assault, incitement, threats and other illegal behavior by the president, his supporters and staff.” (Kenneth P. Vogel)

Why ‘Buy American’ Is Wrong: This week, Trump signed an executive order directing federal agencies to “Buy American, Hire American,” but, argues Ben Shapiro, the policy is both “economically illiterate” and a form of government redistribution. (National Review)

Turning on Your Country: Despite public perceptions of foreign spies, U.S. military and intelligence officials are more worried about government insiders going rogue. In today’s digital environment, the fallout of this disloyalty can be more damaging than a foreign hack. (Tim Johnson, McClatchy)


‘If You’re Black’: The Tampa Bay Times analyzed every Florida police shooting from 2009 to 2014. This interactive report highlights the disproportionate number of law enforcement shootings against black people. (Neil Bedi and Connie Humburg)

Question of the Week

Since the 1930s, a president’s first 100 days in office have been used to measure the new administration’s progress and potential success. By his 100th day, former President Franklin D. Roosevelt had signed 76 bills into law and pushed for new federal jobs programs. President Trump will reach his 100-day mark on April 29. What is your assessment of Trump’s early days in office?

Send your answers to hello@theatlantic.com and our favorites will be featured in Friday’s Politics & Policy Daily.

-Written by Elaine Godfrey (@elainejgodfrey) and Candice Norwood (@cjnorwoodwrites)

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