Sara Zaske


Writer, parent, sufferer of expat-homesickness. Author of ACHTUNG BABY! due out by Regan Arts April 2017, Rep'd by Terra Chalberg

San Francisco Bay Area
Geregistreerd in mei 2011

@sarazaske is geblokkeerd

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  1. Excellent essay in Granta by Marian Ryan "Things I Never Told Her"

  2. This is on the memorial in DC to the Japanese internment camps.

  3. What is what it should mean to unify, to be American. It should mean we help each other out.

    • @ElizGeo

      Trasteverina, traveler, teacher, author of The Marco Chronicles & Natural Disasters: Stories

    • @JCoodySmits

      Writer interested in facts, moderation, human rights, health, psychology, travel. Author of Expedition Austin: A Kid's Guide to the Weirdest Town in Texas

  4. An important read: 7 Reasons So Many Guys Don’t Understand Sexual Consent

  5. Dear strangers, please stop telling me my active daughter might get hurt

  6. My ears are burning: Are you parenting differently when living abroad? via @bellamontecoellefornia_ks

  7. . Can we please do something like this to help get kids walking to school again?

  8. Oregon To Parents: Let Your Walk To School Alone

  9. We need to talk about the clowns: Dear America, Please Don’t Kill Halloween

  10. This looks like a great conference on adventurey playgrounds.

  11. Wonder Woman, Ursula K. Le Guin, and Princess Leia Have the Same Birthday Because Obviously They Do via

  12. US playgrounds R boring, so dad builds one in his yard: The Anti-Helicopter Parent’s Plea: Let Kids Play!

  13. because every kid deserves to find books to love that honor their own lived experience.

  14. Highlight: Conan reveals he’s taking the show to Berlin & he’s bringing Borg with him!

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