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    15. 2.

    Michael K. Williams wrestles with a tough question: Is he being typecast? See more:

  2. pred 3 minútami

    Modern philanthropy creates challenges to democracy, a new book argues. reports:

  3. pred 27 minútami

    Why Germany is taking away kindergarteners' toys, writes

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    pred 43 minútami

    Dallas had a program to collect DNA from sex workers, in case they later turned up dead

  5. pred 44 minútami

    Tax reform will be a nightmare, writes

  6. pred 1 hodinou

    The quest to kill the superbug that can survive in outer space, reports Shannon Stirone

  7. pred 1 hodinou

    Make the anti-war movement great again, writes

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    Lots of media outlets botched that controversial new cancer paper — has the real story here:

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    Nuns bankrolled India's first transgender school—but months later, it has no students:

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    3 bodies found in search for missing UN experts in Congo

  16. pred 2 hodinami

    Scottish Parliament supports another referendum on independence

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    Winners of the 2017 Sony World Photography Awards. 28 winners and runners-up from the Open and National categories

  18. pred 2 hodinami

    Media outlets magnified the problems with a controversial new cancer paper, writes

  19. pred 2 hodinami

    'Agritourists' are flocking to Iceland's farms, in part thanks to climate change, writes

  20. pred 2 hodinami

    Could the courts uphold Trump's travel ban? asks:

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    The gigantic Trump climate executive order: – what it does – what it means – what comes next

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