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Case Studies

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Case Study


Working Better

  • Brand Study
  • Native Content

The Work Behind the Work

The “Working Better” program was an immersive custom content experience running in the U.S. and the UK that took the form of a digital platform offering relevant and diverse insights on how to enhance company productivity and efficiency. Knowing that the sharing of knowledge, ideas, and experience between peers is vital to evolution, the program was built upon in-depth qualitative research that addressed real-life pain points and challenges of C-Suite audiences (identified in a survey with The Atlantic’s network of business leaders). Then, prominent thought leaders such as Stew Friedman and Liz Wiseman were presented with the research and offered tangible tips and advice on how to tackle common business challenges. A customized, informational “mosaic” was then created for consumers to navigate based on their needs and interests. The Re:think team also produced five feature articles exploring the thought leaders’ ideas in-depth. Consumers were also able to order or download a PDF of the “Working Better” book that beautifully packaged all of the wisdom from the program (positioning Xerox as the leader in enhancing business success).

  • Native Content

    The articles offered an in-depth look at the issues emphasized in the survey results. While the dashboard mosaic offered utility and advice, the articles offered a look at possible factors causing the issues and case study examples.

  • Brand Study

    We conducted a control and exposed survey measuring the full brand campaign to great success. Xerox is traditionally seen as a copier company, but we saw through the campaign real changes in brand attributes as a result.


HubSpot 7 Best Native Campaigns of 2015

Outbrain “Working Better Ranked #2 in Best Native Ads of 2015”

Brand Tale “Best of the Week”

Recognized by “The Overlap League”

Nudge “Campaign of the Week”


Case Study


Augmenting the Way We Think

  • Native Content

The Work Behind the Work

As part of our continued partnership with IBM, Re:think created multiple longform articles focusing on the impact of cognitive computing in different industries. Though the programs themselves ended, the content was still relevant. To continue promoting the articles, we created an interactive, high-impact experience to resurface the evergreen content, which pulled in quotes and statistics from the articles to highlight things that the reader may have missed the first time they read it.

  • Native Content

    The interactive served as a hub for all of our cognitive computing content. A user could experience it in a new way on the page while also navigating from the interactive to the content itself and continuing to read more on this topic.


117% above Re:think benchmark for page views

123% above Re:think benchmark for social actions


Case Study

JPMorgan Chase & Co.

City Makers 3.0

  • Brand Study
  • Edit Sponsorship
  • Event
  • Native Content
  • Print
  • Video

The Work Behind the Work

City Makers is a powerful multi-media program that highlights stories of growth and social good around the world, all while shining a spotlight on the far-reaching, long-term impact of JPMorgan Chase’s work and thought leadership. Our teams traveled all over the U.S. to profile local organizations, tell stories of progress, and highlight ways cities and businesses can learn from one another to move the larger economy forward.

  • Native Content

    The City Makers custom content comprised a nine part series focusing on the role of small businesses in our economy through different perspectives. These perspectives included those of Latino-owned businesses, the banks who provide micro loans to aspiring start-ups, the incubators who help new ventures with space and funding, and more.

  • Video

    The custom video as part of the program focused on veteran small business owners. One million veterans will come home in the next five years and a quarter want to start their own businesses, meaning they have the potential to be a driving force of the national economy. In the video, we profiled the organizers and members of Bunker Labs, a Chicago accelerator started by veterans, which offers resources and training to these entrepreneurs.

  • Native Content

    We syndicated two content pieces from Quartz around the anniversary of the Detroit investment.

  • Edit Sponsorship

    The City Makers franchise also includes a robust sponsorship of editorial projects including one of our most celebrated series "American Futures," in which James and Deb Fallows traveled across the country by plane to report on "The people, organizations, and ideas reshaping the country." Along with this series, JPMorgan Chase was also the sponsor of New Hometowns on TheAtlantic.com, and Getting to Work on CityLab.com.

  • Print

    We wanted to ensure that our stories had the opportunity to reach the largest audience possible, which meant inclusion in our print magazine. We created two custom print spreads, which condensed and translated the key ideas and takeaways from two of the digital content pieces into this format.

  • Event

    JPMorgan Chase partnered with The Atlantic not only on CityLab, one of our tent pole events, but also on a custom event to expand on these topics of economic progress and innovation. CityLab gathers the world’s most creative mayors and city practitioners with artists, academics, funders, and other public and private sector leaders focused on improving cities and spreading urban strategies that work.

  • Brand Study

    To measure our content's impact, we partnered with the Reputation Institute to conduct a forced exposure study for City Makers. We found significant increases in JPMorgan Chase's reputation as a result of the partnership and have used this data to inform our ongoing content creation process.


The content program saw tremendous reach: 2x the Re:think content benchmarks

American Futures continued to get press pickup and social traction from influencers including Steve Case (former CEO of AOL), Eric Schmidt (Executive Chairman of Apple), and Katie Couric (Global News Anchor)

CityLab received over 180 million earned social impressions from over 7,800 social posts sent by more than 2,900 unique contributors.


Case Study


Made in the Cloud

  • Edit Sponsorship
  • Native Content
  • Print

The Work Behind the Work

Microsoft sought to strengthen their position as a leader in cloud-based solutions among business and IT decision-makers. Our expertise in cloud capabilities and IT made us the perfect partner to explore, through text and visuals, how the cloud has revolutionized business operations across various industries, and how it will continue to change the nature of everything from architecture, to shopping, to health care.

  • Native Content

    Atlantic Re:think created a 5-part infographic series summarizing case studies in which Microsoft Cloud products were used to streamline operations and evolve business in the automotive, health care, finance, and retail industries, as well as in the construction and maintenance of skyscrapers.

  • Edit Sponsorship

    Microsoft sponsored the editorial report "Beyond the Cloud," a 12-part series exploring emerging technologies and the coming information age in space.

  • Print

    To extend the reach of the digital infographic series, Atlantic Re:think created print-friendly versions of each infographic, highlighting key findings and encouraging readers to view the full execution on TheAtlantic.com.


135% above Re:think benchmark for page views

72% above Re:think benchmark for social actions


Case Study


Winds Across America

  • Native Content
  • Video

The Work Behind the Work

We created a two-part article and six-part video series highlighting the humanity in a manufacturing plant. Siemens is a leader in the wind energy movement, but the brand is not recognized as such. We spent a week in two communities, two manufacturing plants, and one wind farm to capture the people behind the process, and how wind energy has benefited rural America by creating jobs and bringing optimism to a region that's often passed over.

  • Native Content

    With on-the-ground reporting, we examined what it means to a community to have manufacturing plants return to the midwest and the impact this has on the national economy, environment, and mindset.

  • Video

    The videos captured what emotional, human words like "strength," "movement," and "touch" mean in the context of a manufacturing plant, bringing dynamism and optimism to the forefront of the feature.


4x more views compared to Atlantic Re:think benchmark

79% longer engagement on the content compared to Atlantic Re:think benchmark

201% more engagement on social compared to Atlantic Re:think benchmark


Case Study


Journey of Care

  • Native Content
  • Print

The Work Behind the Work

Atlantic Re:think understands the frustrations and pain points inherent in the traditional health-care process. To educate readers on how Optum is revolutionizing this complicated and ever-changing industry, we produced content by, and featuring, health-care professionals from a variety of medical disciplines. Each had a different perspective on the flaws and aspirations of the health-care system, and they came together to present a unified, optimistic vision of a seamless care path.

  • Native Content

    An originally reported article featuring interviews with health-care experts investigated the changing health-care landscape and the innovation of coordinated care, while a colorful, step-by-step infographic illustrated one theoretical woman's journey through the type of integrated, preventative care system Optum would provide.

  • Print

    Our custom infographic, Journey of Care, was condensed and reproduced for publication in The Atlantic's October 2016 issue.

  • Native Content

    In order to reach readers where they’re increasingly consuming content, we adapted Optum’s custom program for promotion on Facebook Instant Articles and Apple News.

  • Native Content

    Two syndicated articles by Optum executives—experienced physicians themselves—detailed the company's work to streamline health care and improve their patients' outcomes by adapting advanced care processes for at-home visits and using traveling clinics to bring care to under-served populations.


4.5X above Re:think benchmark for social actions

2X above Re:think benchmark for page views

Joined The Atlantic as one of the first two publishers on Facebook Instant Articles


Case Study


Painting What's Possible

  • Native Content
  • Print
  • Video

The Work Behind the Work

As a continuation of our "Could: Painting What's Possible" partnership with Qualcomm, we created two new experiences this year around 5G and the connected car. We understood that the technology that makes these innovations possible is hard to define and visualize, so we enlisted the help of multi-media artists and sculptors to interpret how that technology affects our society and how we interact with it.

  • Native Content

    The first feature, which launched simultaneously with our July/August print issue, focused on 5G and what this technology will enable—such as seamless virtual reality, the Internet of Things, and more—as told through video, text, infographics, tech insights, and a custom art piece. The connected car piece, which launched at the same time as our September issue, envisioned a world in which our cars can communicate automatically and digitally with everything from pedestrians, to highways, to nearby businesses.

  • Video

    We not only approached these topics from a research angle in the article, but brought in an artist to interpret and visualize the impact of this technology. In the accompanying custom video, the artist explained the meaning behind their piece and their hopes for the connected future to help humanize tech-focused topics.

  • Print

    We translated both digital features to custom print gatefolds that pulled in excerpts from the article, the artist interview, the Qualcomm perspective, and the custom art.


Brandtale Best Native Content of the Week

Finalist for the Digiday 2015 Best Branded Content Partnership

Recognized as one of Folio's Best Custom Programs

36% higher than Re:think benchmark for time spent on the page

2.7x higher than Re:think benchmark for page views


Case Study


Emerging Technologies

  • Native Content

The Work Behind the Work

To amplify Zurich's role as a leader in risk management, we produced four custom articles about the risks that legacy and emerging businesses face that lived on TheAtlantic.com. Featuring original illustrations, each article was promoted via native placements, high-impact units, and social amplification.

  • Native Content

    Each article provides a unique perspective on emerging technologies and how they relate to cybersecurity. Topics include 3D printing, the Internet of Things, and biometrics.


Shared by Business Decision Makers such as Stan Stahl (Founder of Citadel Information)

41% above benchmarks for Page Views

48% above benchmarks for Social Actions


Case Study



  • Native Content
  • Video

The Work Behind the Work

Atlantic Re:think was a natural partner for Kohler when they looked to explore the process and humanity behind product design, in both the digital and analog space. Custom content with companion videos seamlessly aligned Kohler's NeverTOONext campaign with tech, innovation, and empathy. Rather than focus on technicalities, we chose to highlight the careful, humane philosophy that drives effective design.

  • Native Content

    Two articles featured Manhattan product design firms, each focusing on a leader within the company who shared the philosophies they take to design. We found that empathy for the user and a true motivation to improve the world were what made these firms true innovators and disruptors in their sectors.

  • Video

    Embedded within each article were companion videos—three per firm—conveying each element of the design process. Visually stunning with layered sound mixing, narration also helped the videos stand alone on social media.


2016 Folio Award Winner

Praise from design firms and industry professionals

Deemed "best sponsored content" by media, design, and UX experts


Case Study


The British Impact

  • Native Content
  • Video

The Work Behind the Work

To support the launch of the F-PACE, Jaguar's first SUV ever in the U.S. market, the brand looked for a content partner that could speak authoritatively about the exchange of cultural influence between Britain and the USA. Jaguar’s objective was to drive awareness towards the F-PACE launch and create an impactful branded content campaign featuring video. The solution was The British Impact: A massive cross-continent production that explored the emerging British influences on American culture in music, food, and design.

  • Native Content

    Three chapters, focusing on music, food, and design, each contained several written articles, photo galleries, and videos. This gave each chapter variety and dynamism, while they were still unified by an umbrella topic. Whether the reader wanted to read, click through a gallery, or watch a short bonus clip, something in the experience was sure to draw their attention.

  • Video

    At the beginning of each chapter, the hero video transported the reader to the U.K. and back. You could see radio host and DJ Gilles Peterson explore the resurgence of jazz in London with some of the most innovative musicians in the UK. Or you could spend some time with foundational British chef Mark Hix and discover how cooking over wood is elevating fine dining. You could also watch the founding members of Colophon Foundry discover the unexpected ways typography is affecting everything we see, from calligraphy to architecture. In each video, both British and American talent spoke to the two-way exchange of influence and ideas across the Atlantic.


"The program offers the most ambitious video from Re:think to date – and uses Verse to tell the story of the modern British invasion in three parts." -Verse, PR Newswire

"Atlantic Re:think pushed beyond the boundaries of what many consider a native campaign by tapping into top talent, big ideas, a variety of visual concepts..." -Native Advertising Institute


Case Study

Morgan Stanley

What Is An Economy?

  • Edit Sponsorship

The Work Behind the Work

To reinforce Morgan Stanley's position as a thought leader in the financial space, we syndicated three Morgan Stanley articles and put them on TheAtlantic.com. To further frame them as being on the forefront of the topic, we promoted the syndicated articles within a Morgan Stanley-sponsored edit series, "What Is An Economy?"

  • The Atlantic syndicated three Morgan Stanley articles: "Generations Change How Spending is Trending," "Investing in Cities for Inclusive Growth," and "Capital Creates More Mobility."

  • Edit Sponsorship

    Morgan Stanley sponsored the "What is An Economy?" editorial report, a four-part series exploring the fundamental concepts of modern life and how they affect spending.


65% above Benchmark for Unique Visitors

66% above Benchmark for Social Actions

156% above Benchmark for Time Spent on Site


Case Study


The Search for Sanctuary

  • Brand Study
  • Native Content
  • Print
  • Video

The Work Behind the Work

The Search for Sanctuary was a deep dive into the universal search for peace of mind. It also established Nest as a brand that can help us find it. To tell this story, we brought together original reporting and video content in a first-to-market, “emotionally responsive,” interactive experience. The program encouraged readers to completely rethink how they define safety and serenity, and positioned Nest as a brand that understands the emotional importance of that search for sanctuary — and whose technology can help us find it.

  • Native Content

    The article focused on the barriers to sanctuary we experience in our day-to-day life—from crowds, to endless notifications, to home appliances—and ways to recapture the feeling of true peace of mind. With in-depth interviews and a page design that allowed users to create a picture of their own sanctuary, the piece took a snackable and customized approach towards storytelling.

  • Video

    Told through short animated stories, the videos were integrated seamlessly into the overall feature, offering a human take on our irrational fears and personal descriptions of sanctuary.

  • Print

    The Search for Sanctuary feature was extended into the November print issue in a high-impact gatefold. Security typically has a negative (or boring) connotation, so our take was to rebrand security as sanctuary incorporating a diecut that highlighted the necessity of seeing the full picture.

  • Brand Study

    We partnered with Millward Brown to measure the brand attributes associated with Nest after users were exposed to the campaign and saw significant lift in the target audience for the campaign.


Users spent 7% longer on the content compared to Atlantic Re:think benchmarks.

8x more users engaged with the content on social actions compared to Atlantic Re:think benchmarks.

42x more views compared to Atlantic Re:think benchmarks.


Case Study


Emblem - The Many Measures of Success

  • Native Content

The Work Behind the Work

TIAA is a financial services company that works to ensure a happy, financially stable future for its clients. In 2016, TIAA launched a rebranding campaign to show how TIAA is unique in the financial services industry, in that it understands that no two clients are the same. Working as partners, The Atlantic and TIAA uncovered data-driven and anecdotal insights about how people from all walks of life define success in their own ways.

  • Native Content

    TIAA’s custom program consisted of two phases: The first, "The Thing That Says it All," was a digital destination that included audio, visual, and text elements to show readers what objects symbolized success to different people. The second phase, "The Many Measures of Success," was kicked off with a survey of The Atlantic readers to understand how they define success and happiness. We then analyzed the results and created an interactive infographic that included data visualizations, personal anecdotes, and highlighted statistics for users to explore. Users could navigate throughout the experience and see how their perspective compared to the survey respondent sample.

  • Native Content

    We designed a custom TIAA module that lived at the end of the infographic experience. This was a great compromise for TIAA so we could balance authenticity with brand mentions.


2x above Re:think page views benchmark

2x above Re:think social actions benchmark

87% above Re:think average time spent benchmark


Case Study


All Ears: A Musical Homecoming

  • Native Content

The Work Behind the Work

Sonos was looking for a partner that could tell a story about music that was both technical and humane, and Atlantic Re:think had both the scientific and cultural expertise to do the job. Using interactive visual and audio elements, "All Ears: A Musical Homecoming” explored whether or not music has reached a saturation point and lost the intimate meaning it once held for us.

  • Native Content

    The experience, with an engaging written narrative as a backbone, was broken out into three sections: historical and cultural context, music’s psychological and physiological effects, and the evolution of music production and technology. Each section was accompanied by a customized infographic and included a specific narrative thread with the purpose of leading audiences to the realization that we make our clearest, deepest connections with music when we have an understanding of where it came from, how it came to be, and how it makes us feel.


191% above Re:think benchmark for page views

168% above Re:think benchmark for unique views

600% above Re:think benchmark for social actions

56% above Re:think benchmark for avg. time spent


Case Study


Lighting Up Detroit

  • Brand Study
  • Event
  • Native Content

The Work Behind the Work

Citi was looking to highlight their partnership with the Public Lighting Authority to brighten the streets of Detroit. The project finished on time and under budget, and the city was celebrating this important infrastructural and cultural improvement with an event. Citi partnered with The Atlantic to stress the impact of this project--not only in terms of what it meant for Detroit's appearance, but what it meant for the safety of the community. The piece was structured to highlight three different perspectives on what makes a community and pillars of revitalization.

  • Native Content

    The article highlighted three different perspectives--from two residents of the city and a Citi spokesperson--on the impact turning the lights back on in Detroit had for the community. Long-time residents, local business owners, and corporate sponsors of the project alike saw the re-lighting as symbolic of the potential for improvement and growth in Detroit.

  • Event

    While the content was created in advance of the Citi event, we sent a reporter and photographer to cover the event itself, adding photos and quotes from the event into the piece.

  • Brand Study

    We offered an on-page insights widget to understand if the piece demonstrated Citi's commitment to progress.


+2x more pageviews than Re:Think and Simplereach Content Benchmarks

Readers spent +86% longer than Re:Think Custom Content Benchmark

+7x more social actions than Re:Think and SimpleReach Content benchmarks


Case Study


Faces of Battle

  • Native Content

The Work Behind the Work

PBS tapped The Atlantic to raise awareness for and generate interest in the sophomore season of its historical drama, Mercy Street. By leveraging overlooked and forgotten aspects of the Civil War—the show's setting—the campaign, with a custom article as its centerpiece, resonated with fans of history and entertainment alike and the inquisitive Atlantic audience.

  • Native Content

    The bloodiest war in U.S. history is a popular area of study for historians and hobbyists alike, but some stories do remain untold. Re:think shone a light on one event in particular: a hard-fought battle for which 14 African-American soldiers received the Medal of Honor. The in-depth article detailed the Battle of New Market Heights, the controversy surrounding it, and how such a dramatic turn of events could have faded to the background over the past century and a half.


#1 Active Dwell Time Y/Y

7x higher than the Re:think social action benchmark

Best performing sponsored tweet in Re:think history

Top 10% Scroll Depth Y/Y


Case Study


Getting to &

  • Native Content

The Work Behind the Work

We partnered with Millward Brown to create a comprehensive executive study on how businesses can adjust to multiple changes in the marketplace and embody them at once—on how leaders are “getting to &.” This positioned AT&T as a thought leader in cybersecurity, agility, and customer satisfaction: The traits we found necessary for business success. In addition to creating a downloadable PDF whitepaper of the results, we produced three, richly-reported articles on each business consideration.

  • Native Content

    The articles--on cybersecurity, agility, and customer satisfaction--explored how modern businesses could embody those traits and more without making sacrifices in other departments. This approach allowed us an opportunity to offer qualitative analysis about the business considerations we discovered and the different solutions being used by real companies to address them.


2x more page views than Re:Think and Simplereach Content Benchmarks

Readers spent +12% longer on the content than Re:Think Custom Content benchmark

2x more social actions than Re:Think and SimpleReach Content benchmarks


Case Study


Century in the Sky

  • Native Content

The Work Behind the Work

In 2016, Boeing turned 100 years old. To help the aviation giant celebrate this milestone, Re:think designed a high-impact campaign highlighting Boeing's contributions to flight throughout history. An ambitious interactive photo gallery chronicled the past century of aviation, while three elegant, custom infographics explored Boeing's effects on the diverse worlds of space exploration, international travel, and disaster relief.

  • Native Content

    First, we built a dynamic, scrolling photo gallery: 'Century in the Sky' dove into the way the aerospace industry has affected the way we travel, move our goods, and protect our nations during times of war. Pivotal moments for both Boeing and aviation in general were featured in the gallery, which also featured text write-ups of the events in question. Then, in a series of sleek and striking infographics, Re:think celebrated Boeing's contributions in three distinct areas. First, we explored the role Boeing would play in space exploration thanks to the groundbreaking Space Launch System; then, we quantified the disaster relief efforts aided by Boeing's cargo workhorse, the C-17 Globemaster; and finally, we illustrated how innovation has advanced passenger air travel over the years, a look at the longest commercial flight routes in history.


71% above social action benchmark

Featured on Digiday

Praise from aviation and technology influencers


Case Study


Thanks for the Memories

  • Native Content

The Work Behind the Work

H&M wanted to drive awareness of and participation in their garment recycling program, Close The Loop, which coincided with World Recycle Week. To bring attention to a lesser-known method of clothing disposal, we combined influencer presence, beautiful visuals, and explored the sentimental value of clothes to frame garment recycling as a more humane and more responsible way to dispose of old clothing.

  • Native Content

    Musician Jon Batiste, artist Jodi Steele, and jewelry designer Candice Pool shared the stories of each of their favorite garments, and why they would rather recycle them than throw them out.


2x more page views than Re:think benchmarks

Profiled three influencers with significant social followings


Case Study



  • Native Content
  • Video

The Work Behind the Work

Lincoln came to The Atlantic when they looked to raise awareness about the launch of the luxury Continental. We wanted to frame the model as adventurous, detail-oriented, off-the-beaten-path, but still premium, and landed on the concept of "Outposts," emerging neighborhoods right outside of city centers that are surfacing on people's cultural radars. Our team visited two such neighborhoods to create two experiences that showed the reader the unique, fascinating cultures of lesser-known neighborhoods that should be destinations in their own right.

  • Native Content

    Two experiences--one focusing on Sunset Park in New York and one on Pilsen, Chicago--highlighted the people, places, and history that defined the neighborhood in question. With beautiful custom photography, a food-leaning focus, and researched reporting about local history, we combined a travel sensibility with informative descriptions.

  • Video

    This program included four custom videos that were embedded in the features. In Sunset Park we spoke with Irwin, a man who has lived in the neighborhood his whole life and now runs a local cafe with his family, and Bri, a woman who was working in real estate but began wood-working full time in an artist studio complex in Sunset Park. In Pilsen we spoke with Mary, a resident who opened a beautiful community bookstore to give back to the neighborhood, and Ruben, a Chicago native who paints stunning public murals in Chicago neighborhoods (especially Pilsen) to make locals rethink their community.


2.1x more page views than Atlantic Re:think benchmark

5.4x more social actions than Atlantic Re:think benchmark


Case Study


Cinematic Ad Experience

The Work Behind the Work

To help United Polaris establish itself as the world's leading business class experience, we executed a stunning cinematic ad experience. Using four unique ad units, we brought the Polaris world directly to our audience through compelling visuals and user engagement.

  • The four units spanned both desktop and mobile with unique executions. The Cineflex Unit met desktop visitors as soon as they reached the homepage, the Panoramic Unit let users scroll through a 360° view of business class seating, and the Sleep Unit connected United Polaris to relevant Atlantic editorial pieces about sleep.


Click-Through Rate above Benchmarks

2x above benchmark for Sleep Unit Interaction

Significant User Engagement


Case Study


Science of the Thrill

  • Native Content
  • Video

The Work Behind the Work

In this program, Porsche and Atlantic Re:think explored the science behind thrill seeking in two phases. In the first, we combined expert research with character profiles to help explain the psychological and physiological effects of thrill-seeking behavior. In the second phase, we uncover the surprising relationship between thrill and focus in an engaging video. The Science of the Thrill comes together as a dynamic and informative program, weaving together articles, video, photography, illustrations, and a quiz.

  • Native Content

    The article combines expert insights from top researchers in thrill-seeking behavior with the stories of four dynamic, different individuals that help bring the research to life.

  • Video

    The video, which was filmed at the Porsche Circuit Playground event, gives historical context to how thrill breeds focus, which is part of why people seek thrills on a regular basis.


277% above benchmark for Page Views

212% above benchmark for Social Actions

Featured on Wisconsin NPR

Included in Brand Tale's "Best Of The Week"


Case Study


Breaking Glass & Taking Charge on K Street

  • Native Content
  • Video

The Work Behind the Work

To generate interest leading up to the premiere of Miss Sloane, a film about a powerful female lobbyist, we created an in-depth feature to highlight how women navigate the world of lobbying. The feature included an originally reported article, three video interviews, and an interactive photo slideshow.

  • Native Content

    Written by Jay Newton-Small, journalist and author of "Broad Influence: How Women Are Changing the Way America Works," this article seeks to understand the historical context and current status of women in female lobbying.

  • Video

    The program included three short video interviews, featuring three powerful women on K Street: Shanti Stanton, Susan B. Hirschmann, and Mary Beth Stanton.


201% above Re:think benchmark for page views

89% above Re:think benchmark for social actions

Social engagement included lobbyist Heather Podesta, Women in Government Relations, and former news anchor Courtney Laydon


Case Study


Women + Leadership

  • Edit Sponsorship

The Work Behind the Work

To raise the profile of the new Netflix original series, The Crown, we created an editorial video series focused on women and leadership in the modern era. Highlighting women across various sectors - including government, entertainment, and technology - the videos explored how female leaders approach the conflicting pressures they encounter.

  • Edit Sponsorship

    The 5-part video series featured Samantha Power on diplomacy, Whitney Wolfe on her feminist dating app Bumble, Wendy Finerman on being a female Hollywood producer, Aja Brown on women leadership in Compton, and Amy Klobuchar on being a woman in the Senate.


3.75 million video views

8,364 social actions

Discussed heavily on social by prominent figures such as Kirsten Gillibrand, Ian Sherwood, and Rukmini Callimachi