Trump stands on the precipice of the presidency

WHAT’S HAPPENING NOW: DONALD TRUMP stands on the precipice of the presidency, with a stunning, poll-defying run through key battleground states and the industrial Midwest.

HILLARY CLINTON is clinging to thin hopes that she can somehow arrest a map that now — just a few hours after most pundits predicted her victory — tilts dramatically against her.

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It’s Election Night, late night. We don’t yet know who the next president will be, but we do know this: It’s your final 2016 Blast. It’s been our sincere, sincere pleasure. Henry C. Jackson (@henrycjjackson) is here to guide you through the day’s campaign news, so please send your tips, rumors and final, poll-watching adventures to:

PROGRAMMING NOTE: In the days ahead, you’ll find us chronicling a presidential transition, a new administration and whatever happens from here at POLITICO. Stay in touch.

It’s been a blast, but all good things must come to an end. After the election, our coverage will continue in 2017 Transition.

2) TRUMP’S MOMENT: DONALD TRUMP racked up a rich pile of electoral votes, giving him a sense of momentum as the night wore on, POLITICO’s Shane Goldmacher reports. “Donald Trump stormed to a stronger-than-expected performance on Tuesday evening, winning Ohio, North Carolina and Florida — three of the biggest prizes on the map. He also clung to a narrow lead in Michigan. The battleground wins for Trump seemed to drain confidence from the once-optimistic Clinton campaign. The mood at her headquarters inside the Javits Center in Manhattan turned decidedly on-edge.”

3) A TRUMP DUMP: The stock market reacted to DONALD TRUMP’s success with a massive futures sell-off, POLITICO’s Ben White reports. “Stock futures crashed on Tuesday night and the Mexican peso plunged by the most in two decades as Donald Trump’s odds of becoming president soared, sending shock waves around the world. Futures on the Dow Jones Industrial Average plunged by as much as 800 points as investors watched Trump take leads in Florida and North Carolina and appeared to be faring far better than expected in some of Hillary Clinton’s firewall states in the Midwest including Michigan. Clinton also clung to much narrower leads in states that were expected to be relatively safe for her, including Virginia.”

4) TRUMPED IN FLORIDA: So, how did DONALD TRUMP do it in traditionally critical Florida? By piling up rural and conservative voters in near-record numbers, POLITICO’s Marc Caputo and Kyle Cheney reports. “Despite HILLARY CLINTON’s large margins in populous Democratic strongholds like Miami/Dade County and Broward County, Trump ran up the score in other corners of the state, from the conservative northwestern Panhandle to the interior of Florida, and southwestern Florida, a bastion of working-class retirees who pushed him over the top. Trump ran up huge margins with white Florida voters, who comprise 64 percent of the state’s voting rolls, and have always been more reliable voters in terms of turnout.”

5) WRONG WRONG WRONG: POLITICO’s Kenneth P. Vogel and Alex Isenstadt try to piece together a big question: How did everyone get it so terrifically wrong? “The Republican nominee’s surprisingly strong performance, which left the race on a razor’s edge ... seemed to at least partly validate his claims that many polls 'just put out phony numbers.' And it left pollsters and operatives struggling to explain how everyone had been so far off. ‘The pollsters have lost a lot of credibility and won't be believed on anything soon,’ said Jonathan Barnett, a Republican National Committeeman from Arkansas who supported Trump. ‘The way they poll doesn't work anymore.’"

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There you go — now you’re caught up on the 2016 race. TBNR. We’ll see you soon.