DCCC Internal Docs on Primaries in Florida

Here are the DCCC docs on Florida: reports, memos, briefings, dossiers, etc. You can have a look at who you are going to elect now. It may seem the congressional primaries are also becoming a farce.

Florida docs by districs

FL-07 Path to Victory FINAL 2016.03.02


FL-10 Path to Victory FINAL 2016.03.09


FL-13 Path to Victory FINAL 2016.02.26

FL-18 Path to Victory FINAL 2016.04.01

FL-26 Path to Victory FINAL 2016.04.01

Some overviews…

FL-07 Campaign Overview

fl_07_overviewFL-10 Campaign Overview

FL-13 Campaign Overview

FL-18 Campaign Overview

FL-26 Campaign Overview

… and dossiers

Gwen Graham Research Book – Final

Pappas Backgrounder Vet 2015

Susannah Randolph Backgrounder 7.24.14

Bill Phillips (FL-07) Backgrounder 7-24-14

Poe Research, April 2016 (From Demings)

Chanereport (From Perkins campaign)

Joe Garcia Research Book 2016 Update (From Taddeo Campaign)

96 thoughts on “DCCC Internal Docs on Primaries in Florida

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