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A Reflection on Trump's Uncharted Presidency

Jan 20, 2017 | 35 videos
Video by The Atlantic

James Fallows has been a journalist with The Atlantic for 38 years, and has covered presidential administrations since Jimmy Carter. “The administration of Donald Trump is less charted, more unprecedented, more uncertain than any I’ve experienced before, as a citizen or as a writer,” he says in this short animation. “The United States has suffered far worse tragedies but in terms of a failure of the system, this is quite a serious one.” In the film, Fallows considers what’s in store for American citizens in this new era of politics. How will future Americans, and the world, look back on what happened in 2017?

Authors: James Fallows, Caitlin Cadieux, Leah Varjacques, Daniel Lombroso


About This Series

Short, animated videos from The Atlantic