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Public Indifference Is Trump's Greatest Asset on the Path to A...
The Origins of Obama's "Fired Up, Ready to Go" Chant
Chimamanda Adichie on What Americans Get Wrong About Africa

At The Atlantic, we believe it’s never been more important to take on established answers with tough questions. Here, Michael K. Williams, of The Wire and The Night Of, wrestles with one of his own: Is he being typecast?

#QuestionAnswers here: http://theatln.tc/2lQdAWe


The best and wisest parents may have a good grasp of what their children want. But they may not be the best judges of what other people’s children need. (from 2013)

If affluent kids stopped doing homework, they'd be fine. But for students who are struggling to catch up, it remains indispensable.

To move towards gender equality, feminism must shifts its focus to changing caregiving policies.

To move towards gender equality, feminism must shifts its focus to changing caregiving policies.

“What the Russians have done is to develop the only technology in the world to produce acceptable, low-cost housing on a large scale.” (via CityLab)

The grim prefab Khrushchyovkas helped solve the USSR’s housing crisis after World War II. Now, Moscow plans to demolish 8,000 of them, displacing more than 1.5 million people. Should any be preserved for posterity?

Women were making strides in the workplace in 1917, assuming government roles (the first woman ever elected to the U.S. Congress), marching for the right to vote, even risking jail to teach others about safe birth control methods. This photo essay is paired with another: Women At Work in 2017, for a more global look at what the workplace is like for a woman today.

For International Women’s Day 2017, a glimpse of what the workplace was like for women a century ago, in 1917.

Malaysia Airlines flight 370 disappeared three years ago today.

"First Ladyland" is a film that explores the hopes of Sevnica’s residents as they watch their most famous export from afar. Set to bright polka tunes, it is not a heavy-handed politics video—it’s a charming character study of a place that not many people in the country Trump presides over are familiar with.

A 20-minute film takes us to Sevnica, Slovenia, now preparing for a tourism boom thanks to the 2016 election.

“I think I had better balance, better sense of proportions of what matters.”

In an animated interview, the Supreme Court justice describes her early career.

“I don't think stereotypes are problematic because they're false. That's too simple,” she says. “Stereotypes are problematic because they're incomplete.”

In an animated interview, the author explains the problem with stereotypes.

"When people are turned into brands, they become responsible to their brand—and to their bosses—all the time, everywhere." (via Quartz)

Personal branding probably won't help you get a job. But it is making us all more accepting of an increasingly dehumanizing job market.

"If I had one regret it was I didn't marry this one woman and have kids with her," says Bill Nye, of the popular former PBS show Bill Nye The Science Guy. "But that's whiskey under the bridge. In general, people regret what they don't do. They don't regret too much what they do do."


Photographers around the world sought out women from many different backgrounds and cultures, and created portraits of them on the job.

For International Women’s Day 2017, Reuters photographers around the world sought out women from many different backgrounds and cultures, and created portraits of them on the job.

“Toys play a pivotal role, especially early on in what girls think they can be." (via PBS NewsHour)

Five women pioneers of NASA are becoming Lego characters. Computer scientist Margaret Hamilton, mathematician Katherine Johnson, astronomer Nancy Grace Rom

“The language cannot be separated from the cultural values of that language." (via Quartz)

Our perceptions of the culture associated with a given language can impact our behavior.

Though the long-stalled development of the Trump International Hotel and Tower has generated a steady drip of news and rumors for years, an overview in The New Yorker puts into perspective just how convoluted the situation is, and just how much the project has led Trump and his company into a partnership with numerous corrupt officials in the Middle East.

The president’s business partners in the capital city of Baku have ties to corruption not only there but in Iran as well.

The rally in midtown was peaceful, with the organizers leading the crowd to protest in front of Trump International Hotel & Tower.

A dispatch from the “Day Without a Woman” rally in New York

It’s been estimated that it takes 25 minutes, on average, for a worker to return to a task after being interrupted—this appears to hold true even for quick diversions, such as sending a single email.

Inbox maintenance was taking up a lot of Dan Ariely’s time, so he decided to study it as he would anything else.