Russian government

American intelligence officials have said they believed that the hackers were associated with two Russian intelligence agencies.


July 2015

Federal Security Service

A hacking group possibly linked to the agency, the main successor to the K.G.B., entered Democratic National Committee servers undetected for nearly a year, security researchers said. The group was nicknamed Cozy Bear, the Dukes or A.P.T. 29 for “advanced persistent threat.”

March 2016

G.R.U.: Military Intelligence

Investigators believe that the G.R.U., or a hacking group known as Fancy Bear or A.P.T. 28, was the second group to break into the D.N.C., but it has played a bigger role in releasing the committee’s emails.


Guccifer 2.0

A self-proclaimed hacker that investigators say was a “persona” created by the G.R.U. It published documents itself and leaked a series of D.N.C. documents.

Investigators say it is a front for the Russian hackers who tried to disrupt the election. It appeared in June as the release of the stolen Democratic Party documents began.



The report released on Jan. 6 said that intelligence officials “assess with high confidence that the G.R.U. relayed material it acquired from the D.N.C. and senior Democratic officials to WikiLeaks.” The website released about 50,000 emails from the D.N.C.’s computer servers.


Dozens of newspapers, television stations, bloggers and radio stations around the United States — including The New York Times, The Washington Post and The Wall Street Journal — pursued reporting based on the hacked material, significantly increasing the effects of the cyberattack. In some cases, Guccifer 2.0 and DC Leaks took requests from reporters, releasing documents to them directly.



Obama announced sanctions on Russian officials

President Obama sanctioned Russian individuals and entities and ordered 35 intelligence operatives to leave the United States. The Obama administration released a report by the F.B.I. and Homeland Security that detailed steps that the Russians took to attack the Democratic Party’s computers. Mr. Obama warned Mr. Putin in early September to stay out of the American elections.

The leaks cast doubt on the electoral process

According to intelligence officials, the Russians were as surprised as everyone else by Donald J. Trump’s victory. But the leaks disrupted the campaign and undercut confidence in the integrity of the vote.

House races in a dozen states were affected

Tens of thousands of pages of hacked D.N.C. documents were selectively released by Guccifer 2.0 to political bloggers and newspaper reporters, causing a backlash against Democrats, like Annette Taddeo, pictured left, running for the House in highly competitive contests.

The hacked Podesta emails dominated news

Weeks before the election, about 60,000 hacked emails from the account of John D. Podesta, Hillary Clinton’s campaign manager, were released, in small amounts, spread over many days. They sparked extensive news coverage about the campaign's internal dynamics (as well as fake news stories).

The leaks fueled a rift in the Democratic Party

The emails forced the resignation of Debbie Wasserman Schultz as chairwoman of the D.N.C. and added to the divide between supporters of Senator Bernie Sanders and Mrs. Clinton’s campaign.
