Today in 5 Lines

President Trump signed a revised executive order on immigration, almost one month after a federal appeals court declined to reinstate his ban on travelers from seven Muslim-majority countries. White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer said there is “substantial reporting” to justify Trump’s allegations on Saturday that former President Obama tapped his phones ahead of the election, but didn’t offer any sources to back the claim. The U.S. Supreme Court announced it will send a major transgender-rights case back to the appeals court to reconsider the Trump administration’s recent policy change. In another case, the Court ruled that lower courts will be permitted to examine otherwise-protected jury deliberations when there is evidence of racial bias. Trump has reportedly hired Andrew Giuliani, the son of former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani, to work in the Office of Public Liaison and Intergovernmental Affairs.

Today on The Atlantic

  • Do-or-Die: The GOP campaign to drum up voters for the Republican alternative to Obamacare is underway, even though the legislation won’t be formally revealed until later this week. Russell Berman takes a look at some of the challenges facing Republicans in their quest to repeal and replace the health-care law.

  • Difficult Conversations: Emily DeRuy spoke with a group of Central Michigan University students who meet each week to talk through their political differences. “I just cannot express how stressful it is to care about politics,” said Maggie Lenard, who added that she lost friends after voting for Donald Trump.

  • A Right for All: Last week, a physical clash took place at Middlebury College when liberal protesters attempted to stop Dr. Charles Murray from speaking on campus. But, Peter Beinart argues, liberal students must defend free speech from conservatives “even if they find their views abhorrent.”

The Atlantic is hosting a conference call for subscribers between David Frum, author of our March cover story, "How to Build an Autocracy," and Yoni Appelbaum, senior politics editor. On Friday, the two will go behind the story; analyze recent developments with the Trump presidency; and respond to readers' questions. Subscribe today to receive your invitation.


Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, Attorney General Jeff Sessions, and Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly, hold a news conference to make statements on issues related to visas and travel. Susan Walsh / AP

What We’re Reading

Redo: On Monday, President Trump signed a new executive order on immigration banning travel from six Muslim-majority countries. Here's why Iraq was excluded from the list in the revised version. (Kevin Liptak, CNN)

Off the Leash: In just a few weeks, the Trump administration and the GOP-controlled Congress has delayed, suspended, or rolled back scores of federal regulations in what appears to be “one of the most significant shifts in regulatory policy in recent decades.” (Eric Lipton and Binyamin Appelbaum, The New York Times)

‘Dance or Duel’: Is U.S.-Russia reconciliation during the Trump presidency really possible? Peter Ford argues that Russia’s increasingly assertive role in international affairs “bespeak a country no longer willing to cede the role of global sheriff to the US” and could threaten a future partnership. (The Christian Science Monitor)

‘Trump’s Worst Deal’: In 2012, the Trump Organization partnered with an Azerbaijani family related to Ziya Mammadov to build a five-star hotel. One problem: For years, the Mammadovs have been financially connected to an Iranian family with ties to the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps, a group the U.S. government has regularly accused of sponsoring terrorism. (Adam Davidson, The New Yorker)

The Kellyanne Conway Reboot: The Trump adviser has garnered national attention for her ability to spin and deflect during controversies. “But as Conway becomes more and more of a liability—and, the worst in Trump’s eyes, an embarrassment—she’s receded from public view.” Will she be able to salvage her image? (Anne Helen Petersen, BuzzFeed)


Here’s What’s New: The Trump administration released a new executive order on immigration on Monday. These charts show who will be affected by the travel ban—and who will not. (Anjali Singhvi and Alicia Parlapiano, The New York Times)

Question of the Week

This week, a Northern Virginia school district is shutting down for the day after a number of staff members asked for the day off to participate in “A Day Without a Woman,” a day of protest to highlight the contributions of women to society. A few weeks ago, a number of restaurants and fast-food chains closed down for “A Day Without Immigrants” to spotlight immigrant contributions to the United States. Fill in the blank with a group of people you think deserves to be commemorated, and tell us why: A Day Without ___ .

Send your answers to, and our favorites will be featured in Friday’s Politics & Policy Daily.

-Written by Elaine Godfrey (@elainejgodfrey) and Candice Norwood (@cjnorwoodwrites)