Derek ThompsonOverený účet


Senior editor . The economics of work and play. Author of the new book Hit Makers (Feb 2017). derek[at]theatlantic[dot]com

Na Twitteri od máj 2009

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  1. Pripnutý Tweet
    11. 10. 2016

    My first book! It's about the last 100 years of media and the economics and psychology of pop culture.

  2. pred 7 hodinami

    Users get message about Susan Fowler when trying to

  3. pred 10 hodinami

    I talked with about his hopes and my biggest fears for the future of politics and the US economy

  4. pred 10 hodinami

    For those of you who (a) live in Portland and (b) are free in an hour, come hang out with me at Powell's Books!

  5. pred 13 hodinami

    tbh I only wrote the book to create an online community of coldplay apologists

  6. pred 14 hodinami

    here's and me saying some really unpopular stuff about NAFTA

  7. pred 14 hodinami
  8. 22. 2.

    Hit Makers by Derek Thompson review – how things become popular

  9. 21. 2.
  10. 21. 2.

    Some of the smartest people I know are reading this book by "Hit Makers: How Things Become Popular" review

  11. 20. 2.

    I recommend this 📔 (Uk cover) by ✔️

    , , and 7 others
  12. 20. 2.
  13. 20. 2.

    I interviewed Yuval Harari, one of the smartest people in the world, about his new remarkable book Homo Deus

  14. 20. 2.
  15. 19. 2.
  16. 19. 2.

    Interesting look at anchoring effects for political ideology

  17. 19. 2.

    Hit Makers: How Things Become Popular review – the secret of selling squillions

  18. 18. 2.

    Trying to read Lincoln in the Bardo with access to Twitter feels like trying to listen to Mozart at a 911 dispatch center

  19. 18. 2.

    Don't all presidents dislike bad press? Well yes but this is different. ...fib in pressers? WYBTID ...have rosy budget projections? WYBTID

  20. 18. 2.

    A difficulty of plainly seeing Trump's flaws is that his tendencies are the ad absurdum of so many classic complaints about govt...

  21. 18. 2.

    This is a telling microcosm. Trump’s facts aren't from an observable reality. They're “backfill" used to support hasty ideas and instincts.

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