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American Ninja Warrior (2009) : #NBCFail

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Sat Oct 22 2016 23:27

Re: #NBCFail

I don't know about being live. We actually don't know how long it takes to do all of the competitions. Remember they also have to reset the course. Last year I remember seeing dawn starting to break on the horizon, so it must take all night to film everything, and just like Survivor, they edit together a show.

The suspense for me was blown when they kept announcing before the show that this was the season finale. Well, duh, then of course no one would go on.
Tue Sep 13 2016 05:23

Re: #NBCFail

Enjoy? Not really.

When they introduced stage 2 and all its craziness I was like wtf?! Then one by one they started failing. I started to think if anybody made it to stage 3 it would consist of the contestant having to wrestle 5 adamantium cybernetic robot android bears who were on fire.

The higher ups were mighty upset somebody won last year after years of making sh!tloads of money without having to shell out a dime, so they had to make everything much harder.

Not a very enjoyable season, aside from the watching the royal ex-couple fail and Jessie Graff kicking Kacy's ass.

What am I gonna do... with a gun rack?
Tue Sep 13 2016 06:06

Re: #NBCFail

These networks are so greedy. They make billions of dollars and then don't want to give anything back thanks to the talent that allows them to make that money. I still can't get over shows like America's Got Talent who pay out their million over a 4 decade annuity. So the winner really isn't getting a million. And they're not even getting half a million after taxes. 500k over 40 years is not that great.

M is fearless, she's the original honey badger, she doesn't give a sh!t! - Nekojita
Tue Sep 13 2016 07:31

Re: #NBCFail

There is something disheartening about following these athletes for the whole summer to have no winner, especially because the producers changed the course to make it near impossible.

As opposed to other years, I feel less like: 'I'll be rooting for you next year' and more like: 'Sorry guys and gals, they will do all that they can to make sure that no one makes it to the end ever again, so they can keep that money'.

There should be a prize, albeit a smaller amount to the people who made it the farthest the fastest. So the athletes and the viewers don't feel like all the preparation and time spent for this year were wasted.

If Jeopardy, which is a syndicated show, can give out $250,000 in the Tournament of Champions, American Ninja Warrior which is on NBC, can give something to the top finishers.
Tue Sep 13 2016 07:55

Re: #NBCFail

I guess for me it's not too bad because I'm used to the Sasuke format where there's no money on the line, only glory. But since the show loves to push the idea of someone winning the money, it's more disheartening for the general viewer.

M is fearless, she's the original honey badger, she doesn't give a sh!t! - Nekojita
Tue Sep 13 2016 08:17

Re: #NBCFail

Really I think they should drop the cash prize. Sasuke never had one. I don't even think it is a big draw for the participants.
Tue Sep 13 2016 23:00

Re: #NBCFail

There should be a prize, albeit a smaller amount to the people who made it the farthest the fastest. So the athletes and the viewers don't feel like all the preparation and time spent for this year were wasted.

I think that is reasonable. Along those lines, why not award those that qualify/finish like $1K for doing so? Since you referenced Jeopardy! (1984), it's sister show Wheel of Fortune (1983) has a minimum prize of $1K. If you win nothing you get the minimum just for showing up.

I know it costs money to attend & compete if you are from out of town, so this would cover some of that expense. I don't know how some of these folks compete- it's not cheap to travel.

Ignoring politics doesn't mean politics will ignore you.
-Pericles paraphrased in <100 characters
Thu Sep 15 2016 16:13

Re: #NBCFail

I like this idea. A small cash prize to everyone that hits a buzzer, that increases at every stage in the competition.
Tue Sep 13 2016 09:50

Re: #NBCFail

They did need to edit to fit the show into 2 hrs you know.

If you don't read the newspaper you are uninformed. If you are misinformed---Mark Twain
Tue Sep 13 2016 21:38

Re: #NBCFail

I thought it was annoying when Akbar "called it early" and gave the run of the night to that Dreschel dude. By doing that, there's no need to watch anymore, because you know:

1. Nobody finishes stage 3.
2. There will be very few finishers in stage 2.
3. The girl will fail.

That allowed me to watch it in fast forward until the end so perhaps it wasn't that annoying after all. I did stop to see the girl, which brings me to something else that annoyed me: they showed that Catanzaro person more than the girl actually competing, and they even had "National Finalist" under her name. She wasn't a "National Finalist," she was a poodle being allowed onto the track to run with the big dogs...and she failed...again.