Introducing Digits for tvOS

by Chris Oryschak, Product Manager

Just last month at Flight, we released verified email to make verifying users even simpler. Since then, we’ve been heads down solving another challenge for developers: verifying users for apps on TV. Unlike mobile or web, the user experience of traditional login and verification methods are cumbersome.That’s why today, we’re thrilled to introduce Digits for tvOS to help you solve this challenge, starting with Apple TV.

The Future of Identity Comes to tvOS

Many of you have told us that logging into apps on Apple TV is hard for end users for a number of reasons:

  • First, web views and login methods that rely on oAuth (i.e., social login) aren't supported.
  • Second, traditional login methods (i.e., username/email and password) are tedious on the TV given the nonstandard input style. Just imagine if your user has to sign up for a service, confirm his/her account and then sign in with his/her full email and password via the TV remote without a keyboard!

There needed to be a better way for users to log into apps on TVs without a standard input method. Now, with Digits, your users can now seamlessly and safely log into your Apple TV apps. All it takes is a few lines of code.


Using Digits’ device authorization, your app on the Apple TV will show a short alphanumeric code. Your user then simply enters the code on via their laptop or smartphone to authorize the device to their account. Once that’s done, the TV device receives a Digits session for the user’s account which you can use to instantly identify your user and personalize their experience.

To get Digits for tvOS, download the latest Fabric Mac app. Check out our docs for tvOS on how to get started. We’re very excited to support the next generation of experience you’re crafting for the living room!