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My Imaginary Brooklyn

Sep 21

“ ~Dionysos riding on a panther.
Floor mosaic.
Ca. 120—80 BCE.
Delos, House of the Masks


~Dionysos riding on a panther.
Floor mosaic.
Ca. 120—80 BCE.
Delos, House of the Masks

(Source: ancientrome.ru, via fishstickmonkey)

Sep 20

“J. M. W. Turner, Ship in a Storm, 1845 (via weissewiese)


J. M. W. Turner, Ship in a Storm, 1845 (via weissewiese)

(Source: nobrashfestivity)

Sep 19

“  “Dracula: The Schooner Demeter Arriving Into Whitby” by Ed Kluz from the “Illustrating Dracula” project


“Dracula: The Schooner Demeter Arriving Into Whitby” by Ed Kluz from the “Illustrating Dracula” project                

(via swiftthefox)

Sep 11

(Source: boomtownsinners)

Sep 06

“Wittgenstein Jr, Lars Iyer


Wittgenstein Jr, Lars Iyer

Sep 05

“  “Most of us have jobs that are too small for our spirits.”
― Studs Terkel


“Most of us have jobs that are too small for our spirits.”
― Studs Terkel

(via fishstickmonkey)

Aug 25

“The past beats inside me like a second heart.” — John Banville, The Sea
(via mythologyofblue)

Aug 22

“Map of Dante’s Hell.
Dante’s Hell is structurally based on the ideas of Aristotle, but with “certain Christian symbolisms, exceptions, and misconstructions of Aristotle’s text.” Dante’s three major categories of sin, as symbolized by...


Map of Dante’s Hell.

Dante’s Hell is structurally based on the ideas of Aristotle, but with “certain Christian symbolisms, exceptions, and misconstructions of Aristotle’s text.” Dante’s three major categories of sin, as symbolized by the three beasts that Dante encounters in Canto I, are Incontinence, Violence and Bestiality, and Fraud and Malice. Sinners punished for incontinence – the lustful, the gluttonous, the hoarders and wasters, and the wrathful and sullen – all demonstrated weakness in controlling their appetites, desires, and natural urges; according to Aristotle’s Ethics, incontinence is less condemnable than malice or bestiality, and therefore these sinners are located in four circles of Upper Hell (Circles 2-5). These sinners endure lesser torments than do those consigned to Lower Hell, located within the walls of the City of Dis, for committing acts of violence and fraud – the latter of which involves, as Dorothy L. Sayers writes, “abuse of the specifically human faculty of reason”. The deeper levels are organized into one circle for violence (Circle 7) and two circles for fraud (Circles 8 and 9). As a Christian, Dante adds Circle 1 (Limbo) to Upper Hell and Circle 6 (Heresy) to Lower Hell, making 9 Circles in total; incorporating the Vestibule of the Futile, this leads to Hell containing 10 main divisions. This “9+1=10” structure is also found within the Purgatorio and Paradiso. Lower Hell is further subdivided: Circle 7 (Violence) is divided into three rings, Circle 8 (Simple Fraud) is divided into ten bolgia, and Circle 9 (Complex Fraud) is divided into four regions. Thus, Hell contains, in total, 24 divisions.

Aug 19


“ Reddy Kilowatt murders your son.


Reddy Kilowatt murders your son.

(via fishstickmonkey)