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About The Wire

The Wire, featuring the latest news coverage from The Atlantic, is committed to bringing you what really matters right now. Our team of smart young voices scours Twitter, Facebook, blogs, RSS feeds, newspapers, TV, radio, and the entire web to help you sharpen and simplify your media world. They separate the essential from the overblown, the must-read from the ancillary, while adding spot-on commentary and analysis to help you pinpoint not only what matters but why.


By the Numbers

  • 5.5MM+

    unique visitors per month1

  • #3

    for provides frequent advice on politics/current events2

  • #1

    for published a blog on a blogging site2

Sources: 1Omniture; 2@plan 2013. Rel. 1. TheAtlanticWire.com is ranked against Businessinsider.com, BusinessWeek.com, Buzzfeed.com, Money.CNN.com, TheDailyBeast.com, Economist.com, Forbes.com, Gawker.com, TheHuffingtonPost.com, Slate.com, NYTimes.com, TheWeek.com, WSJ.com, and Wired.com.