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August 24, 2016
Jonathan Timm in The Plight of the Overworked Nonprofit Employee

Jonathan Timm in The Plight of the Overworked Nonprofit Employee

August 23, 2016
James Hamblin writes in “The Health Benefits of Decoupling Money and Masculinity”

James Hamblin writes in “The Health Benefits of Decoupling Money and Masculinity”

August 19, 2016
While cheating has been around longer than the Olympics, humans have found new and more creative ways to do it.
Read J. Weston Phippen’s story
A Brief History of Cheating at the Olympics(image credit: Pierers Universal-Lexikon)

While cheating has been around longer than the Olympics, humans have found new and more creative ways to do it. 

Read J. Weston Phippen’s story 

A Brief History of Cheating at the Olympics

(image credit: Pierers Universal-Lexikon) 

August 19, 2016
“Even if the courts had handled the case differently—placing less emphasis on what the woman was wearing, for instance, or that she was intoxicated, or acknowledging that even though she’d had consensual sex with Parker previously, rape was...

Even if the courts had handled the case differently—placing less emphasis on what the woman was wearing, for instance, or that she was intoxicated, or acknowledging that even though she’d had consensual sex with Parker previously, rape was possible—victim advocates think the school also could and should have done more to address the situation.

Emily DeRuy writes in 

How Colleges Would’ve Handled the Nate Parker Case Today

(Photo credit: Matt Sayles / Invision / AP)

August 17, 2016
Kaveh Waddell in
Police Can Use a Legal Grey Area to Rob Anyone of Their Belongings

Kaveh Waddell in

Police Can Use a Legal Grey Area to Rob Anyone of Their Belongings

August 17, 2016
David Graham will continue to update his story as Republicans emerge from the fold to denounce Trump in
Which Republicans Oppose Donald Trump? A Cheat Sheet(Image credit: Chris Keane / Randall Hill / Reuters / Scott Olson / Getty / Zak Bickel / The...

David Graham will continue to update his story as Republicans emerge from the fold to denounce Trump in

Which Republicans Oppose Donald Trump? A Cheat Sheet

(Image credit: Chris Keane / Randall Hill / Reuters / Scott Olson / Getty / Zak Bickel / The Atlantic)

August 12, 2016
You either love “Suicide Squad” or really hate it. While that’s true for most movies, this most recent DC film stratified viewers and critics unlike most comic book movies have in the past.
Read Andrew McGill’s data-based take in
The Reason Suicide...

You either love “Suicide Squad” or really hate it. While that’s true for most movies, this most recent DC film stratified viewers and critics unlike most comic book movies have in the past.

Read Andrew McGill’s data-based take in 

The Reason Suicide Squad Is Crushing? People Love It

(graphic by Andrew McGill / The Atlantic)

August 12, 2016
From the September 2016 issue, read Matthew Hutson’s story on
The Charisma Effect(illustration credit: James Walton / The Atlantic)

From the September 2016 issue, read Matthew Hutson’s story on

The Charisma Effect

(illustration credit: James Walton / The Atlantic)

August 10, 2016
“If a @RealDonaldTrump tweet is marked as being sent from an iPhone, it’s from a staffer. But if it’s sent from an Android phone—Trump’sSamsung Galaxy?—it might be from the candidate himself. Folks have noted that the Android tweets are a bit, uh,...

If a @RealDonaldTrump tweet is marked as being sent from an iPhone, it’s from a staffer. But if it’s sent from an Android phone—Trump’sSamsung Galaxy?—it might be from the candidate himself. Folks have noted that the Android tweets are a bit, uh, Trumpier.

Andrew McGill sources data from @TheRealDonaldTrump’s Twitter account to investigate who is primarily responsible for the prolific profile in

Is Trump’s Campaign Locking Him Out of Twitter?

(illustration: Andrew McGill / The Atlantic)

August 9, 2016
“It is not unusual for science writers who regularly write about microbiology to pick a favorite bacterium, much as people would choose a favorite film or band. Wolbachia is mine. It is breathtaking in its behavior and majestic in its spread.

It is not unusual for science writers who regularly write about microbiology to pick a favorite bacterium, much as people would choose a favorite film or band. Wolbachia is mine. It is breathtaking in its behavior and majestic in its spread.

Ed Yong writes in

How to Beat Dengue and Zika: Add a Microbe to Mosquitoes

(image credit: Mario Tama / Kevin Frayer / Getty / James Gathany / AP / Zak Bickel / The Atlantic)

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