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Sweetness & Lightning
Episode 6

by Amy McNulty, Aug 9th 2016

How would you rate episode 6 of
Sweetness & Lightning ?

This week, Sweetness & Lightning changes things up by allowing its supporting players to join in the culinary fun. Even though she's had a couple of cameos, episode 6 essentially serves as Shinobu's official introduction. Based on what we've seen, Kotori's dutiful bestie is arguably the least interesting member of the main cast, but she plays the generic best friend role well enough. While I'm skeptical as to whether or not she'll be able to make any notable contributions outside of this episode, I certainly won't discount the possibility.

After discovering the little arrangement Kotori has with the Inuzukas, Shinobu can't help but become jealous, reasoning that her friend could have come to her if she needed advice on cooking. To drive this point home, she invites herself to the gang's next shindig. Since Shinobu assured her this would be a party, Tsumugi issues an invite to Yagi, whose presence doesn't bother Kotori as much as last week's episode would lead you to expect. Even though the gathering goes off with nary a hitch, Shinobu comes to realize that Kotori's time with Kohei and Tsumugi is something she holds dear—and that she has no right to intrude on it.

Although episode 6 largely follows the show's established formula, the (no doubt temporary) addition of Shinobu and Yagi help make the proceedings feel fresh. Both characters shake up the main trio's usual routine by putting their own unique spins on the featured dish and (GASP!) going off-recipe at several points. Whereas Kohei and Kotori are still refining their skills in the kitchen, Yagi and Shinobu have this cooking thing down-pat. It certainly helps that Yagi apparently works at a restaurant, and Shinobu regularly prepares meals for her younger brothers. If these two were to become permanent additions to the kitchen crew, the meals would certainly be prepared faster and more efficiently—but the show wouldn't be anywhere near as much fun. Also, despite leaving the audience with a hankering for gyoza, episode 6 sure didn't make preparing them look easy. Even though a good time was had by all, making those things from scratch seems like it would take hours. (So it's a good thing that Yagi and Shinobu were on hand.)

On the subject of supporting characters, I wish we could finally have an extended interaction with Kotori's mother Megumi. (Although she has more screen time this week than in any previous episode.) An episode where she and the Inuzukas meet face-to-face is sure to prove entertaining, but Sweetness & Lightning probably doesn't want to cash in those particular chips too soon. With any luck though, she'll make an appearance at Tsumugi's upcoming second party.

This week's episode marks another home run for Sweetness & Lightning. Including new characters in the food prep portion of the show helps liven things up, but I can see this wearing thin if attempted too often. Although Shinobu puts the kibosh on regular drop-ins, the show leaves the door open for occasional team-ups. I'm not sure if next week will be a return to form or another attempt to expand the show's world, but either way, I'm hungrily anticipating the next episode.

Rating: A

Sweetness & Lightning is currently streaming on Crunchyroll.

Amy is a YA fantasy author who has loved anime for over two decades.

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