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Bungo Stray Dogs
Episode 6

by Rebecca Silverman, May 11th 2016

How would you rate episode 6 of
Bungo Stray Dogs ?

Ah, the setup episode. Every series has one at some point, and this week is Bungo Stray Dogs' turn as it establishes Kunikida's personality and sets the stage for a case with direct ties to his past, which brings forth strong emotions in him. Some years ago, a terrorist known as the Azure King set off a bomb in a government building, killing himself and five non-powered police detectives. We don't know Kunikida's role in this case specifically, but he somehow feels beholden to the son of one of the deceased detectives. That son has become a shady hacker who works for the Armed Detective Agency as an informant, and while we only meet him briefly and learn about this old case briefly in this episode, both are clearly major driving forces for Mister Tall, Blond, and Bespectacled. It's actually a very interesting backstory for the highly regimented Kunikida, and hopefully next week's episode will delve into it more, because the pacing is so jumpy in this episode that it feels like we barely have a chance to register its importance.

This is partially because of Bungo Stray Dogs' pathological need to throw random humor at the audience. This week, it's Kunikida walking into the office to find that, in yet another attempt at suicide, Dazai has eaten a psychedelic mushroom and is currently vacationing in La La Land, much to Atsushi's dismay. The whole scene is actually really funny (oh no, am I getting used to suicide jokes?), especially thanks to Mamoru Miyano's performance as Dazai, but it doesn't quite fit with the rest of the episode, particularly considering the disturbing gas chamber scene later on. While it is brief, it calls to mind the “showers” of WWII, and even without that cultural baggage, the idea that Kunikida is desperately trying to get these men out while they are suffocating before his eyes is unsettling all on its own.

More of an issue, however, is the episode's overall pacing. There are numerous fade-outs in somewhat random places, and Kunikida and Dazai's deduction of the kidnapper's identity seems abrupt and even more bizarre than some of Rampo's deductions last week. Atsushi, as our point of view character, really just feels like he's along for the ride so that we can see what's going on, not serving much purpose apart from one moment of discovery in the abandoned hospital. (How many of those are there in Japan, anyway? Every series seems to have its own.) The episode truly seems to exist only because there was too much plot for next week, and they needed to throw together a lead-up story.

Had the pacing been handled better, this would have actually worked as a stronger episode. There are some interesting moments with the music, especially when Kunikida and Dazai are confronting the taxi driver, and the idea of an overarching villain other than Akutagawa is intriguing. There's also some exciting fight choreography, along with more examples of Kunikida's “Doppo Poet” gift, which seems like the most useful ability in the whole show. Knowing the emotional weight on Kunikida has the potential to help develop his character more, and this episode does begin that process, which could very well help to explain why he and Dazai are partners in the first place. (Atsushi notes that they make for a very odd couple.) Now knowing Kunikida's capacity for guilt, it seems possible that this is somehow behind their relationship, and I'm hoping that it will be developed further next week. Actually, that pretty much sums up my feelings on this particular episode: I hope they develop this next week, because while there is some interesting setup this time, that's all it really feels like, and Kunikida deserves better.

Rating: C+

Bungo Stray Dogs is currently streaming on Crunchyroll.

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