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Prison School (GN 4)

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Title: Prison School
Volume: GN 4
Pages: 400
Distributor: Yen Press

Release date: 2016-07-19
Suggested retail price: $20
Age rating: 18 Years

ISBN-10: 0316346152 0316346152
ISBN-13: 9780316346153 9780316346153

(Volume 2)

Will the hole in the wall that Kiyoshi and Gackt have been digging to aid in their prison break lead to a hole in Kiyoshi's heart instead?! The daring duo was prepared to risk it all to make Kiyoshi's sumo dream date with Chiyo happen, only to discover that the exit they'd been working so hard on was filled in by the Chairman?! But that won't be enough to keep a hormonal teenage boy at bay! Kiyoshi, desperate to make this date a reality, escapes in disguise...as a girl!! But when Chiyo finds out, the date quickly devolves into a downward spiral! And to make matters worse, the vice president is about to discover Kiyoshi's little scheme too!

(added on 2015-11-11, modified on 2015-11-11)

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