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ANN 2016 Reader Survey

Every year or so we run a survey to try to get to know our readers better. This helps us improve the site, and it also helps us sell advertising (and more ad sales means more money to spend on improving the site). At the end of the survey you will be shown a link to the forum for adding any additional comments you would like to make.

For "none of the above / not applicable" you can leave any question blank. As always, please understand that we could think of every possible answer for every question, so please pick the answers that are closest to your own.

What year were you born in ? (Just the year, 4 digits, ex: 2013)

Do you identify as

How many years have you been an anime fan ?

How many anime DVDs/BDs do you buy a year on average ? (or multiply your monthly purchase by 12)

Who is your favorite anime company? (North America, UK and Australia Only)

Which of the following ways do you watch anime? (check all that apply)

Of the above, which is your preferred way to watch anime?

How often do you watch anime on an online streaming service?

Which of the following Streaming Services do you use to watch anime?

What is your favorite site/service for watching legal anime streams?

What is your favorite online place to buy anime ?

What is your favorite manga company? (North America only)

How do you read manga ?

How many manga do you buy a year on average? (or multiply your monthly purchase by 12)

Which of the following devices do you own?

Do you expect or plan to buy any of the following in the coming year ?

Do you own a car, or does your family own a car that is primarily for your own personal use?

How do you get to work / school?

What brands of car are you likely to seriously consider for your next car (pick up to 3)

Do you play any online multiplayer games?

Do, or would you pay a subscription to play online games?

On average, roughly how many hours a week do you spend playing video games (online or otherwise)?

What kind of electronic games do you enjoy playing?

What platform do you spend the most time playing games on?

What platforms do you use to play games at least once a month? (leave blank for none)

How many electronic games do you buy a year on average ? (or multiply your monthly purchase by 12)

Of the above, how many games do you buy a year for use on a personal computer?

How many games do you buy a year for use on a handheld gaming device? (non-smart phone)

How many games do you buy a year for use on a console gaming device?

On average, how many strategy guides do you buy every year ?

Would you like to see ANN review more anime or manga related video games?

What are your 3 favorite mainstream video game publishers?

Would you like to see ANN post more news about anime and manga related video games?

What is your favorite anime website (please enter only the domain name, not http:// or www - ex: animenewsnetwork.com)

What is your second favorite anime website

Which of the following websites related to Japanese culture do you visit regularly? (At least once a week)

Which of the following do you like (or want) to collect?

Where do you prefer to buy figures and other anime merchandise online ?

Store A and Store B are both selling the Japanese domestic market figure that you want. Store A is an official partner of the manufacturer and is authorized to export the figure, while store B is performing "parrallel exporting" (ie: Grey Market exporting, they aren't allowed to export it). The figure is the exact same; same box, same everything, it's not a bootleg. How much does it matter to you that Store A is allowed to export it, and store B isn't supposed to be exporting it ?

Would you like to see ANN post more news about merchandise and figures?

Which of the following activities interest you? (In any way, as an active participant, a creator, or simply looking at/reading other people's creations)

Are you a fan of JPop (including JRock, Visual Kei, etc...)

Are you a fan of Japanese live-action movies / TV Shows?

Are you a fan of idol groups like Morning Musume, AKB48, etc... ?

Which of the following Trading and Collectible Card Games do you play ?

Outside of anime and manga and other Japanese culture related interests, what are your other favorite hobbies / activities / interests ? (pick up to 5)

Which of the following do you attend ?

Have you tried the different layout options for the front page? If so, which is your favorite ?

Would you prefer that "talkback" (discussion about articles posted on ANN) remain in the forum, or be presented under the article in question ?

Which articles do you read regularly ?

Last year we started reviewing anime as they simulcast, episode per episode. Do you like this new format?

How often do you participate in talkback ?

What is your favorite feature on ANN ?

What is your favorite ANN Column?

Which of the following occasional / retired columns would you most like to see brought back as a regular column ?

Would you be interested in video editorial / video blogs ?

Which one topic would you like to see more coverage of in our news ?

Would you be interested in more podcasts (other than ANNCast) ?

What kind of articles would you like to see in the Interest feed ?

The interest feed covers a number of Japanese-only events and promotions such as the recent Attack on Titan cosplay gathering and the Evangelion Girls Night Out. Do you like these features? Would you like to see more ?

Do you use an ad-blocker when visiting ANN ?

Would you like to get a daily e-mail with the day's news, reviews, features, etc... (You'd still have to visit the site to read the articles).

If ANN came up with the right subscription plan for you, with special perks, what would be the most you'd be willing to spend per month ?

In General, do you think Anime News Network is doing a good job?

Including anime and manga, which of the following Japan related topics are you very interested in? (Max 7 choices)

Which of the following would you say you are mildly interested in ? (don't select something you already selected above)

Have you ever visited Japan ? If so, how many times ?

Do plan to visit Japan (again) someday ?

If/when you go to Japan, which cities would you expect to visit on your next trip (pick up to 3)

The Japanese language...

Would you move to Japan?