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Ushio & Tora
Episode 30

by Lauren Orsini, Apr 23rd 2016

How would you rate episode 30 of
Ushio & Tora (TV 2) ?

Few shounen shows have as much heart as Ushio & Tora, where even the darkest turns of events have potential for hope and humor, and the viewer's reaction to every plot development is written just as honestly on Ushio's face. This is a show that knows how to craft an intricate story, never neglecting anything or anyone in its vast universe. This week was a stellar example of that in action, juggling a handful of formerly introduced characters and organizations in a way that feels organic instead of overwhelming.

Our episode begins with the Hakumen no Mono's latest evil plot—disguising herself as Jie Mei and encouraging Atsuzawa of the Hakumen Unit to destroy the undersea pillar that would ostensibly kill the Hakumen no Mono once and for all. Now you'd think Atsuzawa would know the Hakumen no Mono when it's standing in front of him, given his job and all, but the fatal flaw of most characters in Ushio & Tora is that they are too earnest, which is why the Hakumen no Mono is able to run rampant with tricks and schemes in the first place. The Hakumen no Mono, an irredeemably evil entity, would be an overly black-or-white villain for other shows, but it's perfect for this one. It's to the monster's credit that we never see the Hakumen no Mono display even a moment of weakness or possible redemption, because Ushio's greatest strength is his ability to appeal emotionally to his enemies and win them over (once again, exemplifying a character who is too earnest).

As the episode progresses, Ushio is emotionally relieved and then crushed over and again. His run-in with Akiba assures him that the man still remembers Ushio (yay!) but that now, totally sane of mind, he's decided to join the Hakumen no Mono's side (boo!). Akiba has said that he's a coward. He wants to pick the winning team. That's the theory I have right now, but there's no time to find out before the H.A.M.M.R. institute arrives. “I thought you were the bad guys,” Ushio says, after the surviving mad scientists bequeath him with armor to battle the Hakumen no Mono. They're not though, as they (too honestly) tell him that the Hakumen no Mono needs to be stopped at any cost. If Ushio wasn't able to help them, they'd be giving that armor to somebody else.

Now Ushio's ready to fight, but he wants to make an overly sentimental detour first, to gaze once again at the possessions that remind him of the friends he's made on this journey—yet another example of how he wears his heart on his sleeve. But of course there's no time to rest, as it turns out they've been followed by LASER YOKAI. I am always amazed by how this show blends science and the supernatural for prime action. Ushio tests out his armor to awesome results and, when these wild enemies crack the Azafuse tower, Tora gets some talking armor of his own. I'd be hesitant to wear armor made out of faces bizarrely similar to my own, but different strokes and all. It's a real level-up episode, showing the strengths of Ushio & Tora 2.0.

After all, it's season two. It's been almost a year for viewers, and “it's already been a year” for Ushio & Tora. The final scene of the episode is the most charming of all, as Ushio and Tora delightfully play-act their first meeting. That's way better than a flashback! By reenacting the beginning of the show as their current selves, we see just how much they've both grown. They've developed a rapport between then and now, an understanding for each other's strengths and weaknesses, and a duality that the Hakumen no Mono lacks. It's another heartwarming example of how this show never leaves a single moment behind.

Rating: A

Ushio & Tora is currently streaming on Crunchyroll.

Lauren writes about anime and journalism at Otaku Journalist.

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