The 'Tsar Bomba' on 30 October 1961 - the most powerful man-made explosione ever

30 October 1961 - The Tsar Bomba

The flash of light was visible up to 1,000 kilometres away.

On 30 October 1961, the largest nuclear weapon ever constructed was set off over Novaya Zemlya Island in the Russian Arctic Sea. The Soviet ‘Tsar Bomba’ had a yield of 50 Megatons
The energy equivalent released by 1,000 kilotons (1,000,000 tons) of trinitrotoluene (TNT) explosive. Megaton is...">megatons
, or the power of around 3,800 Hiroshima bombs detonated simultaneously. While its official designation was RDS-220 hydrogen bomb, the Tsar Bomba was given its nickname by the West in an analogy with two other huge Russian objects, the Tsar Bell and the Tsar Cannon, the largest of their kind in the world.

The Soviet Union and the United States embarked on a veritable testing frenzy in 1961/62.

The test came amid rising political tensions between the United States and the Soviet Union. On 1 September 1961, the testing Moratorium
In the context of the CTBT, a moratorium is the suspension of nuclear testing, based upon a voluntary, unilateral and...">moratorium
that had been in place for almost three years was broken. Within 16 months, both countries conducted more nuclear tests than in the 16 preceding years, causing a spike in global radiation levels and the further escalation of political tension before the Cuban Missile Crisis

Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev had ordered the development of a 100 megaton weapon in July 1961, leaving the engineers only 14 weeks before the first test. Unlike normal Thermonuclear
In a thermonuclear warhead, the fusion of light nuclei, such as deuterium and tritium, contributes the main explosive...">thermonuclear
weapons, the Tsar Bomba comprised a third stage, whereas thermonuclear warheads usually comprise only two. By adding more stages, the explosive power of a thermonuclear bomb can theoretically be increased indefinitely. Soviet engineers had reduced the actual yield of 100 megatons by around half to limit Fallout
The process of the descent to the earth's surface of particles contaminated with radioactive material from a radioactive...">fallout

The bomb was air-dropped in order to demonstrate its deliverability.

The bomb was air-dropped in order to demonstrate its deliverability. A huge fall-retardation parachute was attached to the bomb to increase the plane’s chances of escape. The Tu-95 bomber was also coated with a special white reflective paint to protect it from the thermal radiation released by the explosion. Nonetheless, the probability of survival for pilot Andrei Durnovtsev and his crew had been estimated at only 50%. The explosion’s shock wave caused the plane to instantly lose one kilometre of altitude but it landed safely, nonetheless.

Although the Tsar Bomba was detonated 4 kilometres above ground, a Seismic
Related to movements of the ground that can be generated by earthquakes, explosions and a wide range of other events...">seismic
shock wave equivalent to an earthquake of over 5.0 on the Richter scale
A scale to quantify the amount of seismic energy released by an earthquake. The scale is named after seismologist...">Richter Scale
was measured around the world. The mushroom cloud reached a height of 60 kilometres. Third degree burns were possible at a distance of hundreds of kilometres. The ring of absolute destruction had a 35km radius - shown right using a map of Paris to illustrate the impact. Using the online Nukemap application by U.S. nuclear weapons historian Alex Wellerstein, the impact of a Tsar Bomba-scale nuclear explosion can be illustrated for any location in the world.

“The ground surface of the island has been levelled, swept and licked so that it looks like a skating rink. The same goes for rocks.A member of the team surveying the site after the explosion
Weighing 27 tonnes and measuring 8 metres, the Tsar Bomba was of limited military use.

Its immense yield, large weight and bulky dimensions made the Tsar Bomba impractical for use as a military weapon. In particular, it could not be delivered via ballistic missile. The Tsar Bomba was therefore never deployed and remained a one-time display of superiority.

After a total of 715 nuclear tests, the Russian Federation signed the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT) on 24 September 1996, the very day it opened for signature, and ratified it on 30 June 2000.

Scene from 'Trinity and Beyond: The Atomic Bomb Movie' (1995) by Peter Kuran