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Bauer Media Pty Ltd Privacy Policy


Bauer and Privacy

In this policy “we”, “us’ and “our” means Bauer Media (NZ) LP, its subsidiaries and affiliated companies. Please read this policy carefully as it describes the way in which we collect and handle your personal information. We may update or revise this policy from time to time. If we elect to update or revise this policy, we will post the date on which that revision takes effect at the end of this policy. Please be aware that you have no obligation to provide any personal information requested by us. However, if you choose to withhold your personal information, we may not be able to provide you with the services or products that depend on the collection and use of that information. 


We recognise the importance of, and are committed to, managing any personal information that we collect in compliance with the Privacy Act 1993 and other New Zealand privacy rules and regulations (together, “Privacy Laws”). As a member of the New Zealand Press Council (“NZPC”), we also ensure any personal information we collect in the course of our journalistic activities is managed in accordance with the NZPC Statement of Principles. 


Where possible, we collect your personal information directly from you. This collection includes through your: 

• registration when you purchase a magazine or digital subscription; 
• entry into promotions or competitions; 
• answers to surveys; 
• signing up to newsletters and other notifications from our magazines and other brands; 
• registration to attend events; 
• provision of express permission when accessing applications sitting on Bauer brand social media accounts; 
• application for an internship or employment with us; 
• communications with us such as telephone calls and emails regarding services and products; 
• registration for our loyalty clubs; and 
• download and use of our digital publications and mobile applications (“apps”). 

In some circumstances, however, we may also collect your personal information from third parties or public agencies where it is unreasonable or impracticable for us to collect the personal information directly from you. For example, if you subscribe to one of our magazines through a third party that is authorised to take subscriptions for us, we will collect your personal information from that third party. If we have difficulty in delivering a magazine to you, we may make enquiries in an effort to locate your address or correct any error in our recorded address details for you. Where we collect personal information from third parties, we will ensure that the collection is conducted in a fair and lawful manner and the information is reasonably necessary for our functions or activities. 


The personal information we collect varies depending upon the purpose of the collection and the product or service we are providing you. Generally, we collect the following types of personal information: 

• name and address; 
• telephone/e-mail contact details; and 
• bank account/credit card numbers and associated details as reasonably required in relation to processing payments at your request. 

However, for certain purposes, such as where you apply for employment with us, we will collect additional personal information such as your employment history, educational history and employment references. We generally do not collect sensitive information that is associated with an identifiable individual. 

We may collect information that would be sensitive personal information about an identifiable individual with the individual’s consent where the collection is related to provision of a service or other benefit to the individual. For example, we collect information from expectant mothers in relation to them and their families with their consent, in order to provide them with baby products and associated maternity benefits. We may collect information from you about particular health concerns, gender orientation or other sensitive information with your consent, in order to provide you with offers or promotions related to your concerns or status. 

If you provide us with sensitive information on an unsolicited basis, we assess whether such information is reasonably necessary for one or more of our functions or activities. The unsolicited sensitive information you disclose to us may be used and disclosed for the purpose for which you provided such information or, where you would reasonably expect us to, we may use the information for a directly related secondary purpose. We may also disclose or use the information for other purposes with your consent or if required to by law. 


We will collect your personal information if it is reasonably necessary for the performance of our business activities and functions, which includes providing a range of products and services to you, some of which are listed below. 

Registration for magazine subscriptions 

We collect personal information from individuals who subscribe to our magazines in order to process their payments, manage their subscriptions and to confirm whether they would like to receive promotional materials in the future. We will also seek your consent to allow specifically selected partners to send to you offers of discounts or other benefits. We may periodically send you promotional material and special offers we consider may be of interest to you

Sales Promotions, Competitions, Surveys and registration to attend our events 

We collect personal information when you respond to one of our promotions, competitions or surveys or when you register to attend an event in order to inform you if you have won a prize, to place you on a guest-list to the event and to help us better understand what products and services you would like to receive information about in the future. 

Our mobile apps 

We, or a service provider, may collect information through our apps to assist us in understanding how you use our apps, how the apps are performing across different handsets and to assist us in the selection of advertisements for groups of individuals. 

Registration for our loyalty clubs. 

We collect personal information when you sign up to join one of our loyalty clubs. By providing this personal information we are able to keep you updated on special offers and events that you may be interested in and to reward your commitment to the brands. 


We provide your personal information to third parties in order to carry out our business activities and functions. This may include: 

• newsagents and postal services for the purpose of fulfilling and managing subscriptions to our publications; 
• organisations who are sponsoring or otherwise involved with or participating in a promotion, offer, competition or survey; 
• other companies or individuals we engage to perform functions on our behalf, such as mailing a subscription, processing credit card information, mailing information or prizes, data analysis, telemarketing, research and advertising; and 
• with your specific and prior consent, to other companies or individuals for the purposes you have consented to. 

We disclose your personal information offshore to our owners, joint venture partners, service providers and agents. It is not practicable to specify all countries to which we may disclose your personal information as, among other things, we are part of a global organisation. The countries and regions your personal information will be disclosed to include New Zealand, Australia the USA, Philippines and Europe. 

“By signing up to our mailing list, you consent to us disclosing your personal information to be used by our third party partners to send you exclusive offers via email.”

We ensure that any organisation which we disclose your personal information to is subject to appropriate contractual obligations to safeguard and protect your personal information and comply with all Privacy Laws. 

In certain circumstances, we may disclose your personal information where required or authorised to do so by law, including in emergency situations and to assist law enforcement agencies. We will always ensure that those to whom we disclose your personal information have the legal right to receive it. 


We understand that the security of your personal information is important. As such, we take reasonable steps to protect your personal information from misuse, interference, loss, unauthorised access, modification or disclosure. We store information both at an onsite secure server and at trusted third party storage providers. We undertake regular training of our staff to ensure that they are aware of our privacy commitments and our obligations in the collection, use and disclosure of personal information. 


In certain circumstances where you have a sign in to your customer details and/or you can access your own personal information via your membership you will be required to follow prompts to access, correct or update your personal information. If this option is available to you directly, we will clearly mark it for ease of access. 

You can access or correct your personal information by contacting us using the ‘Contact Details’ set out below. Please provide us with as much detail as you can about the particular information you wish to access or correct, in order to help us retrieve it. We may charge you an access fee to cover our costs of providing that information to you. We will inform you of applicable fees before they are incurred. 

In certain circumstances, we may refuse your request to access, or correct, your personal information. If that is the case, we will provide you with reasons for that decision unless it is unreasonable for us to do so. We take reasonable steps to make sure that the personal information we use is accurate, complete and up-to-date including updating personal information when we are advised by you that your personal information has changed. 

If you wish to delete the personal information we hold about you, please let us know by contacting us using the ‘Contact Details’ set out below and we will take reasonable steps to delete the information, unless we are required to retain it for legal reasons. 


Information may be collected when you access our websites or apps, such as the time and specific page or app you visited. This information is collected through “cookies”. A “cookie” is a small piece of information, or file, that a website or app sends to your computer's hard drive while you are viewing that website or app for record keeping purposes. Most web browsers are automatically set to accept cookies. If you do not wish to receive any cookies you may set your browser to refuse cookies. However, this will mean you will not be able to take full advantage of our websites or apps. 

We, and our service providers, use the information collected from cookies for a number of reasons: 

• for statistical purposes in order to track how many users we have and how often they visit our website or apps; 
• to provide you with a more personalised, convenient and interactive experience on our websites or apps; 
• to track who has viewed an advertisement or clicked-through an advertisement; and 
• to provide you with a more targeted advertising experience both on and off our websites or apps, allowing us to impose restrictions where appropriate and monitor how effective an advertising campaign has been. 

We engage various analytic programs, including Flurry Analytics, Google Analytics and Adobe Analytics to analyse the performance of our websites and apps and to provide us with reports that contain aggregated, de-identified benchmark information that assists us to understand when, and how many times, you have used our websites or apps. The anonymous information assists us in the selection of advertisements for groups of individuals. 

We may also use Google Analytics features (including Google Remarketing, Google Display Network Impressions Reporting, the Double Click Campaign Manager and Google Analytics Demographics and Interest Reporting) on our websites and apps. Google Analytics uses both first party and third party cookies to record standard internet traffic information such as when, and how many times, you have visited our websites or apps. We, and some third parties (including Google), also use the information to optimise advertising selection for groups of individuals based on demographic information. The cookies allow us and other third parties (including Google) to evaluate your interactions with advertising services on our websites and apps and serve targeted advertising on those websites and apps and across the Internet. We have enabled Google Analytics for Display Advertising, which allows Google and other third parties to advertise to you on our websites and apps and across the Internet. 

By using Google Ads Settings (located at https://www.google.com/settings/ads), you can opt out of these features at any time and customise your Google Display Network Ads. Alternatively, you can opt out of a third party’s vendor’s use of cookies by visiting the Network Advertising Initiative opt-out page (located at https://www.networkadvertising.org/choices/). You can opt-out of Flurry Analytics tracking and personalized advertisement recommendations from Flurry by clicking on http://www.flurry.com/user-opt-out.html. 

You can opt-out of Adobe Analytics tracking and on-site personalization services by following the instructions on http://www.adobe.com/au/privacy/opt-out.html#4


When you click on advertisements or links on any of our websites or through our apps, you may be redirected to a third party website. The linked websites are not under our control and we are not responsible for the conduct of companies linked to our websites or apps. By placing a link to a particular product, we are in no way endorsing that product. We recommend that, before disclosing your personal information to a website to which you were redirected from an advertisement, you read that website’s privacy policy and terms of use/service. 


You may request at any time that you remain anonymous, or choose a pseudonym, when dealing with us. To the extent that it is lawful and practicable for us to enable you to do so, we will grant such a request. 


If you wish to make a complaint about the way in which we handle your personal information, please contact our Privacy Officer using the contact details set out below. We undertake to acknowledge and investigate any complaint promptly and will respond to written complaints within a reasonable time from the date of receipt. If you are dissatisfied with our response, you may refer the matter to the New Zealand Privacy Commissioner (see www.privacy.org.nz). If you are dissatisfied with our response in relation to the way in which we handle your personal information in the course of our journalistic activities, you may refer the matter to the New Zealand Press Council (see www.presscouncil.org.nz). 


If you have any questions or comments on our privacy policy, if you wish to update the personal information we hold on you or make a complaint, please write to: The Privacy Officer Bauer Media (NZ) LP, City Works Depot, Shed 12 / 90 Wellesley Street West, Auckland 1010.  Alternatively, you can send an email to our Privacy Officer at LLakin@bauermedia.co.nzTGoatley@bauermedia.co.nz or WFletcher@bauermedia.co.nz.

Privacy policy last updated on 16 July 2015.

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A Media Kit contains specific brand and audience information for all available Bauer brand platforms across magazine, web and social.

The Media Kit Builder has been designed for media agencies and marketers to assist in the media planning process. It has been designed as strategic tool to assist in the process and is not intended as an end-to-end planning solution. For further information, contact our dedicated Bauer Media Sales Team.

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