Parliament of Namibia

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Parliament of Namibia
Coat of arms of Namibia.svg
Seats 104 members (78 and 26)
single-member constituency
Meeting place
Parlament Windhuk.JPG
Tintenpalast, Windhoek
Coat of arms of Namibia.svg
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Parliament is the law-making body of Namibia's legislature. It consists of two chambers:

  1. The National Assembly (Lower chamber) initiates and approves laws. It consists of 78 members, 72 of which are elected by parliamentary election. The other six are appointed by the president.[1]
  2. The National Council (Upper chamber) advises the National Assembly on any required changes to subordinate laws that result from law-making in the National Assembly. It can be tasked by the National Assembly to perform other tasks. The National Council consists of 26 representatives of the Regional Councils; every Regional Council in the 13 regions of Namibia elects two representatives.[1]

All cabinet members are members of the lower house. This situation has been criticised by Namibia's civil society and the opposition as creating a significant overlap between executive and legislature, undermining the separation of powers. The seniority of cabinet members generally relegate ordinary MPs to the back benches.[2]


  1. ^ a b "GRN Structure. The Legislature". Government of Namibia. Retrieved 29 September 2011. 
  2. ^ Sasman, Catherine (22 March 2013). "Mbumba’s presence in Cabinet under spotlight". The Namibian. 

See also[edit]

External links[edit]