Community policing in Namibia

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Community policing in Namibia is a newly adapted concept adapted by the city police in Windhoek and the Namibian national police, exemplified by the acronym COPPS (community-oriented policing and problem-solving).

Community policing promotes community partnership and enhances trust in the police, as the force works to solve problems at the grassroots level. Under the community-policing concept, the police adapt a change in policy from being reactive to being proactive. Instead of waiting for complainants to report, police are within the community; when a problem is reported, the police officer is already near the public in all zones.


Windhoek is divided into 19 zones. In each zone there is a 24-hour car station for patrol, visibility and prompt reaction to complaints.

There are also neighborhood watches. With the residents the police form neighborhood watches, which promote problem solving with existing resources. Where necessary, the police intervene.
